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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 45

by Candace Blevins

  And the bed was the twelve foot by ten foot super-king-sized version of Isaac’s bed, though this one was white instead of black, and had an extra support column at the bottom of the bed, so they could string Cam and Cassie up in a big X at the same time.

  Cassie thought Cam had done a good job of settling into his new responsibilities, and had to admit she was kind of spoiled by never having to worry about washing her clothes, cleaning a toilet, or vacuuming Jake’s ever-present dog hair.

  Her house sold for the asking price, which had been a good bit more than she’d hoped to actually get.

  Cam still couldn’t handle the dark without touch, and she missed him when he wasn’t in bed.

  Well, she didn’t mind the undivided attention from both Doms the night before, but she missed cuddling and talking the next morning.

  She also felt for him when they took him down in the morning and again in the evening for his light/dark conditioning. She tried to spoil and pamper him afterwards, but Frisco and Isaac told her they saw to Cam’s needs afterwards and she shouldn’t treat him any different.

  Now, as she stepped into the shared bedroom after bathing and shaving in her own bathroom instead of the shared one, she stopped in the doorway. Unsure.

  Isaac walked to her and pulled her into his warm, safe, embrace.

  “It’s going to be good, Sweet Thing.”

  “I know, but I needed some time to myself first. Sorry.”

  “No apologies,” he said as he walked her to the bed. “We understand.”

  Frisco tsk’d as he slid her robe from her shoulders, but she didn’t apologize for wearing it. She’d needed to come to them covered. Needed to be okay with it when they took it off.

  “I love you all,” she said, more emotional than she wanted to be.

  “We love you,” Cam said, lying on his back in the center of the bed, his legs bound together with plastic wrap, his cock standing proud.

  “Can I kiss him?” she asked the two Doms.

  They looked at each other before Frisco smiled and said, “Sure, but you have to crawl over him, on all fours, your body above his.”

  She didn’t mind the command at all, so she crawled onto the bed and made her way up his body as if she were a cat stalking prey. His smile was pure joy, and in a rare dominant moment she kissed him as Isaac and Frisco usually kissed her — taking charge of his mouth, pressing his lips open, invading with her tongue.

  One of the men touched her bottom, stroked down, moved towards her girl parts. She arched her back and moaned, and was rewarded with two fingers trailing down her labia.

  “Turn around, sit on Cam’s face and lean forward to take him into your mouth.” Isaac told her.

  Cam was a quick learner, and had come a long ways in learning how to pleasure her with his mouth. She hadn’t minded the hours of Frisco showing his tricks, and then Isaac demonstrating his. Sometimes it was good to be the guinea pig.

  She didn’t turn to see who placed the kiss on her lower back, or who pressed a lubed finger into her bottom.

  She was crazy with need when they turned her around, moved Cam’s head near the edge of the bed, and ordered her to sit on Cam’s cock. It slid in with ease, and she groaned as Cam reached up to pull her down to him.

  “You’re only embracing her, holding her while she wants to be held,” Frisco said, his voice firm. “If she wants up, you let go.”

  “I know, Master. She’s fine. She’s good.” Cam looked into her eyes and smiled, and she brought her lips to his again, assuming they no longer needed permission.

  She tasted herself on his lips and opened him, delving her tongue to taste more.

  A hand touched her cheek and she broke off the kiss to raise her face.

  “I have another use for your mouth, Sweetness.” Frisco stood by the bed, his cock in her face.

  They’d laid her out, with her legs straight on the outside of Cam’s, and now she felt Isaac’s cock at her ass, pressing.

  “Let me in your mouth, and Isaac in your bottom. All three of us at once.”

  Eventually she knew she’d need to take them when she was on all fours. Marcus was right, she needed to create a good experience in place of the bad, but she’d thought she might be okay with it slightly different the first time — three people instead of two, and lying on her stomach instead of over a spanking bench.

  It worked, and she realized this was all pleasure. Isaac’s cock was larger than Frisco’s but they’d prepared her for it. Taking Isaac and Cam at the same time was a tight fit, but she wanted him, needed him.

  She couldn’t beg for Isaac to go faster with Frisco’s cock in her mouth, and couldn’t get leverage to push up onto him.

  He only went in a few inches, pulled out, back in an inch or two, back out.

  It wasn’t until she was a trembling mass of aroused need that he finally drove into her, taking her all at once, and she screamed in ecstasy at the burn and fullness. When his hips finally touched her bottom, he held inside a handful of seconds before he pulled out and rammed himself back in. She wiggled and tried to encourage him, but Cam pulled her to him and said, “Just let him take you, Cass. He’ll make it good. Submit to it. He’s driving the bus. You and I are just along for the ride.”

  Frisco and Isaac seemed to speed up and slow down together, both of them thrusting and withdrawing in sync. She wished she could watch them looking at each other over her back, as she’d watched so many times when they’d taken Cam together.

  She needed to come so bad, but held it together until Cam gasped, “God Cass, I’m not allowed to come until they say but watching his cock go down your throat is almost too much. You feel so good, and the visual is just…”

  Cassie came unglued, but Cam and Isaac held her as her body thrashed and twisted, struggling to find a complete release, but her orgasm just kept ramping up, and up, and up, with no final relief in sight.

  She felt Frisco go first, and tasted him as he came in her mouth instead of down her throat, she heard them give Cam permission, and finally returned to earth as Isaac came deep in her ass.

  Isaac plugged her bottom when he pulled out — she’d told them she wanted them to treat her more like Cam, and they seemed to be giving her what she wanted.

  They all fell into a relaxed pile, though Isaac went to the bathroom to clean himself, and brought towels to make sure everyone was taken care of. He let Jake in and joined them, where they all just lay for a while before they started talking.

  Usually, the group fell asleep after an intense scene, but this was different. Cassie sat up and looked around at them all, and focused on Isaac and Frisco as she asked, “Do you think the two of you can go again if I have a special request?”

  “With Cam as fluffer?” Frisco asked. “Of course. What do you want, Sweetness?”

  “I want you to take me downstairs, lean me over the fucking bar, and one of you take my ass while the other fucks my face, and then after a while, one of you sit on a chair, and sit my pussy down on your cock while the other fucks my ass.” She was quiet a few seconds and said, “And my arms need to be bound behind my back.”

  Frisco opened his mouth and Cam said, “Please, Master. Don’t ask if she’s sure, just do it for her? Please?”

  Frisco looked at him as if to reprimand him, but Isaac said, “He’s right.” He looked to Cassie and said, “Any other instructions?”

  She shook her head, “No, just…now? Before I change my mind?”

  Isaac went to pick her up and she said, “Wait, there’s something else. Once you get started, will you hold me in place and let me fight? Not just with bondage, but your hands, holding me?”

  * * * *

  Cassie expected to have to endure it, but she should have known better. Frisco stopped to let Jake back out, and Isaac carried her to the playroom and took his time strapping the wrist cuffs onto her — so methodical, so careful.

  Frisco put Cam in the small cage and bound his chastity device to the bars so he’d have to st
ay on hands and knees at the back of the cage, and then joined Isaac and Cassie in time to bring her hands behind her back and connect the cuffs.

  Isaac lifted her, carried her to the bar, and leaned her over it.

  They’d stretched a half-dozen bungee cords across the horizontal supports, so when she leaned forwards something besides cold steel supported her upper body.

  “We’ll end up as you asked us, but can we get you there our own way?” Isaac asked, stooped so they were eye to eye.

  She considered the question and nodded, and he smiled and kissed her nose.

  Frisco went into her pussy from behind and she gasped and then squirmed. Isaac walked behind her, and she was pretty sure it was his gloved fingers she felt lubing and stretching her ass while Frisco slowly went in and out of her pussy, driving her insane.

  With her hands behind her back she couldn’t change positions or support herself, and was totally at their mercy, but she didn’t want control. She needed this from them. The good overwriting the bad, like saving a file with the same name and different contents.

  Isaac came around front, stepped to her mouth, and let her take him in and get comfortable with him in her mouth before he started moving.

  Frisco came out of her pussy and pressed into her ass. He didn’t push in with all of his strength, but went fast enough and hard enough it worked. She’d taken Isaac earlier and was sore, but was also stretched and ready.

  Isaac’s hands held her upper torso in place, and Frisco’s held her hips. At some point they moved their handholds, so Isaac held the back of her head as he fucked it, and Frisco held the metal between her wrist cuffs for leverage as he pounded her sore bottom.

  And this was Frisco and Isaac, and it was exactly as it should be. How many times had she begged Frisco to be rough with her when she’d first started seeing him? And how often had she watched them use Cam and wish it were her?

  She was finally in the middle with neither of them holding back, or at least, not holding back much, and she reveled in it.

  She knew she could stop it if she wanted. She’d stopped them a few times during those first weeks, just to prove to herself she could. Right now, three beats of her head on Isaacs front, or opening and closing her hands three times in a row so Frisco could see, or just three sharp screams, and they’d both pull out and then approach her slowly to see what she needed.

  But Cassie didn’t need the proof anymore.

  She felt the seeds of an orgasm growing and then blossoming from the dual sensations of Isaac pounding her face and Frisco pounding her ass, and when the pleasure began to unravel inside of her, ready to release and explode, Frisco reached below her and pressed around her clit to send her even higher.

  The world went black, and the next thing she knew she was on the mat looking up, with two concerned faces peering down at her.

  “You okay, Sweetness?”

  “Wonderful.” She drew the word out, and thought she sounded drunk. “But ya’ll are still hard.”

  “We are, but you’re done for the night,” Isaac said. He looked at Frisco. “I want you in Cam’s mouth while I take your ass. Can you re-tie the boy so his mouth is forced open between the bars?”

  Frisco nodded and walked to Cam while Isaac took care of Cassie, cleaning her up and wrapping a blanket around her before asking if she was okay to watch them finish off on Cam.

  “Wouldn’t miss it for anything,” she answered with a lazy smile.

  Frisco put a Jennings gag in Cam’s mouth and tied his head off so he couldn’t pull back from the bars. He also lubed and stretched himself while waiting for Isaac to get Cassie situated.

  She looked to be sure they’d released his balls from the back of the cage, and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw they had. They’d never harm him, but sometimes they hurt him pretty bad. He seemed to enjoy it but she still had trouble watching the worst of it, and had asked to never again be present when they stuck needles into him.

  Frisco crammed his cock into Cam’s mouth, leaned over the top of the cage. Isaac went into Frisco a few inches, waited probably a tenth as long as he had for her, and then pressed in again. Frisco groaned and closed his eyes, but didn’t say anything.

  Cassie could see Cam’s cock hopelessly trying to get hard in the jailbird, and had to agree it was hot watching Frisco’s cock go down his throat.

  Isaac didn’t take long to get off, and he told Frisco to come just before he let loose. It wasn’t an order, more of a warning that Isaac was about to finish.

  The two fell to the side, and then hugged and held each other a few moments before making their way back to Cass while leaving Cam in the cage, his mouth still held wide open between the bars.

  They finally roused, and Isaac carried Cassie to bed as Frisco walked to Cam’s cage.

  “I can walk, Sir,” Cassie told Isaac as he carried her up the steps.

  “Yes, but I need to carry you right now. Are you okay?”

  “I’m great. Marcus was right. The scene in my memory? It’s isn’t as powerful. The ghost of it is still there, but…it doesn’t have the power it held before.”

  For the first time, Isaac connected her and Cam’s left ankles together before securing Cam’s ankle to the bed. Cam spooned into her from behind. Frisco spooned behind Cam, and Isaac held her and Cam from their front. She snuggled her forehead into Isaac’s chest and drifted off — tired, sore, and happy.

  Chapter Sixty

  Six weeks later, the house was finished, new landscaping installed, and the group had settled into an almost-routine.

  Their families would arrive tomorrow for a big housewarming party, and Cassie found herself looking forward to it.

  She and Cam had met Isaac’s mom and dad a month ago, and she’d fallen in love with them immediately.

  Cassie had taken everyone to her work one Saturday to meet her brother. He couldn’t know any details, of course, and only knew these were her friends, but it’d meant a lot to her when her men asked to meet him. She didn’t dare try to bring him to the party, as it would be too much for him. It was enough for her to see him five days a week, at work.

  Frisco had taken her, Cam, and Isaac to Frisco’s mom’s restaurant a few times and they’d met his mother, grandmother, and sisters. His mother made it clear she didn’t approve but would still welcome them all as family. So far, she’d been welcoming and kind, and Cassie was inclined to take her at her word. Frisco’s sisters had taken varying amounts of time to be friendly, but all seemed okay with the arrangement, now. And his grandmother was a hoot. She didn’t seem to understand the bisexual portion, and no one was inclined to explain it to her, so she appeared to imagine Cassie was taking on three guys by herself and thought her a strong woman, if a little crazy.

  Cassie had invited her mother and current stepfather to the house to meet everyone last weekend, and her mom had been more concerned with who owned the house and whether Cassie would be protected “when” they all split up. It had been an awkward evening, and one she didn’t want to go through again. Her mother wasn’t invited tomorrow, as Cassie had asked her dad and his partner to come.

  Her father had met everyone and was fine with them, though he of course had reservations until he got to know her guys.

  So, tomorrow, they’d have her dad and his partner, Cam’s family, Frisco’s family, and Isaac’s parents. Twenty-seven people, plus the four of them, equaled thirty one people in their house at once.

  Frisco had brought enough tables and chairs to set up in the great room so the adults could sit and eat together. The kitchen table would be the children’s table, for the kids in Cam and Frisco’s family. Cassie was secretly happy Cam’s little sister would rank adult-table status, and planned to try to sit by her if at all possible.

  As she tumbled into bed Cassie’s mind raced a million miles a minute, but Isaac brought her back to the present when he touched her shorts and asked, “Clothes in bed, Sweet Thing?”

  “Yeah, it’s that time of the mon
th and I feel icky. I’m not wearing a shirt, just the shorts.”

  The two Doms looked at each other, and Frisco said, “You get her in the shower while I start with Cam?”

  “Works for me.”

  Isaac picked her up and started walking to the shower.

  “But, it’s, I’m… I get a break when I’m on my period!”

  “Really? Cause I don’t remember seeing that in your contract.”

  “Because it isn’t!” Frisco yelled from the bedroom.

  “Well, no, but it’s understood! No one has to do anything on their period!” Or, she’d never had to before. Of course, she’d always managed to stay home and away from them, but now that they were living together she was stuck here.

  Isaac chuckled. “Nice try, Sweet Thing.”

  Strong fingers tapped the touch screen outside the shower, and he walked in with her without removing her shorts.

  “I’ll step outside a minute if you want to clean up some without me. Let me know when you’re ready for me to come back.” He touched her chin, lowered his voice. “If you step outside the shower without permission I’ll lay into your ass with my belt.”

  He’d belted her once and she didn’t want to experience it again as a punishment.

  She peeled her shorts and panties off, and wadded everything up so he wouldn’t see the pad. She had a tampon in, too, but had worn both to be sure she didn’t get anything on the sheets.

  “You can come back,” she told him when she’d soaped herself and used the showerhead to rinse. Not that she needed to, but just in case.

  He brought a tampon, but she said, “I have one in already. It hasn’t been in long.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “So the shower wasn’t necessary?”

  “I didn’t say I was icky, just that I felt icky.”

  He grinned. “Well, okay then. Let’s get you dried off. You still have two functioning holes.”

  She expected to be self-conscious, but once again her guys handled everything so she didn’t feel bad. Both Doms used her ass, and she gave all three of them blow-jobs, though there was soap and water involved after the ass part. No one wanted to get her sick.


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