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Texas Girl Grit

Page 4

by Shelley Stringer

  I sighed, nuzzling into his chest. “Can’t we stay here on our beach? Our own little world…with nothing to do but have sex, day and night,” I said, kissing my way down his bare abs.

  “We’ve got two more days, Baby. I’m going to make you sick of me,” he said, picking me up and carrying me into the bedroom.

  “Not possible,” I murmured. “But you can have fun trying.”

  Chapter Four


  ur perfect beach honeymoon was a sweet memory and we were home. We dropped into our two-career work routine, and I had to blink to clear my head to realize we were back to everyday life.

  “Baby, come relax with me,” Liam called out. “You’re working too hard.”

  I folded the dish towel neatly and placed it by the kitchen sink. Sighing, I looked out over the pool, the crystal-clear water beckoning. It was early fall, but still warm enough to swim in South Texas without the heater on. I still couldn’t believe all this was mine. I honestly felt I was playing house with Liam, and everything belonged to him. His warm breath on my neck alerted me he’d snuck up on me. Sliding his hands around my waist, he turned me around and then pulled me in to his chest. He rubbed his hands up and down my back, relaxing me.

  “Mmm. Do that again.”

  He chuckled. “Come on, Hellcat…relax with me. You’ve been on your feet all day.”

  After stopping by the playpen to check on Masen, who still seemed to be running a low temp since we’d been home, I let him pull me over to the sofa in the great room and then down into his lap.

  “Dinner was great. Don’t tell my mom, but your stuffed shrimp beats hers, hands-down,” he murmured against my ear, causing chills.

  “Well, I know you’re exaggerating, because no one is a better cook than your mom, but thanks. I enjoy cooking. And what’s not to like, with your gourmet kitchen?”

  He sighed, running his hand through his hair, ruffling it up like feathers. I giggled as I tried to smooth it back down.

  “Ours!” he exclaimed.

  “What?” I pulled back to study him.

  “Our gourmet kitchen. Would you quit referring to our house as “mine?” It’s ours…we bought it together. Remember, what’s mine is now yours?”

  I scooted off his lap and snuggled into his side. “I know. It’s hard to get used to.” I flipped my pumps off under the coffee table, and moaned as I rubbed the ball of my foot with my fingers.

  Liam scooted back a bit, turned, and patted his thigh. “Lie back and give me those beautiful feet,” he commanded.

  I turned and propped back into the cushions and placed my feet in his lap. He immediately began massaging, rubbing my insteps with his thumbs, and then pulling them around the top and ankle as he massaged the outside with his fingers. I melted into the sofa.

  “Oh, man, that feels exquisite,” I whispered, stretching my arms over my head.

  His growl brought my eyes open. He was staring at my chest.

  I might have pulled my shoes off, but the one thing I did after work each day was ‘unleash the ladies,’ as Tana put it. I could navigate interstate traffic, unhook my bra, pull one arm through the sleeve of my blouse, slip the bra off, and pull it through the sleeve to fling that sucker in the back seat. The ladies now stood at attention, straining against my white silk blouse without anything to tame them. And they had grown a bit since the pregnancy. Evidently, Liam liked my pregnant boobs.

  “You are absolutely killing me, babe,” he groaned, dropping my feet and crawling up my body.


  “Don’t play innocent with me, Hellcat. You know what those things do to me,” he said, holding himself above me with one arm while he unbuttoned my blouse with the other. After he’d worked the top three buttons, he spread the silk wide, exposing my breasts. His mouth found a taut, tender peak, and I gasped at the light suction he applied.

  “Liam, Masen is still up,” I protested.

  “He can’t see us,” he retorted, raising his head to glance over my shoulder. Masen lay in his pack-n-play in the corner of the room behind us, sucking on his bottle and watching and cooing at his own reflection in the baby mirror on the playpen.

  I melted into his touch. He owned me, body and soul, and he knew it. And since the pregnancy hormones had kicked in, my breasts were tender, and I was hypersensitive. Closing my eyes, I arched my back, enjoying the attention he lavished on me. Another minute of this and I would forget all about putting Masen to bed. When Masen quieted, I knew he was falling asleep.

  “Liam, I need to change Masen and get him in his crib,” I said.

  Reluctant, he pushed up on his hands and moved to brush a kiss softly on my lips. “I’ll get him, Kel. Do you want me to put his footed jammies on him?” he asked.

  I moved my hand to stroke his cheek, and then brushed his hair off his forehead. “That would be great. I love that you want to put him to bed for me.”

  “It’s our male bonding time. I don’t get to spend enough time with him, and bedtime is special. I want to be the one to chase the monsters out of the closet, and the one who reads to him when he’s older…the one to put ideas in his head about what to dream of.”

  I gazed at him in amazement, too overcome with emotion for words. Liam was the perfect father in my eyes. Of course, I had nothing to compare him to. I’d never known my father, and my mother never dated anyone long enough for them to be an influence in my life. My grandfather was ancient and frail, and passed away when I was young. The only close family I’d ever had was Aunt Deb, and her husband was a long-haul trucker and was rarely home. I’d never had a father’s love, and my heart did flips at the thought of Masen growing up with Liam for a father. Liam’s eyebrows rose as he studied me, my eyes filling with tears.

  “What did I do?” he asked warily.

  I laughed, wiping under my eyes. “You’re perfect, you know that, right? I love you,” I gushed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Um, because I picked the footed jammies?” he asked goofily.

  “Because you are such a great daddy, and you love us,” I whispered.

  “Whew. There for a minute, I thought I’d pissed those pregnant hormones off again,” he said dramatically as he pulled me up from the sofa. “Why don’t you go get ready for bed while I get Masen down, and I’ll meet you back in our bedroom.” He rose his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Sounds good,” I responded as he gave my butt a playful slap.

  After a quick shower, I searched through my lingerie drawer in our massive walk-in closet. I was still overwhelmed with the house, and I was daunted by my wardrobe. It had been a sore point in our relationship at first when he would buy expensive clothes and jewelry for me, and I’d had issues with it, drawing comparisons between myself and my mother’s past. Her rich boyfriends bought her love and affection with clothes and jewelry and then later, drugs. But I’d come to realize Liam loved to give me gifts and he loved for me to dress for him. Liam’s mother was almost as bad, loving to shop for me and my sister-in-law. I smiled as I pulled out a beautiful set of pale pink lace boy-shorts and baby-doll gown Liam bought for me. I liked it when he complimented me on something I wore, and when I slipped it on and then looked in the mirror, I knew it would draw compliments. The bodice was form-fitting and pushed my breasts up enough to make the swell perfect. The sheer fabric draped to the tops of my thighs, allowing a view of the pretty panties underneath.

  I moved to turn the covers down on our bed, and Liam’s growl from the doorway made me turn.

  “Damn, Baby, you aren’t going to get any rest tonight with that on,” he said, moving swiftly to me and pulling me roughly into his chest.

  I giggled, throwing my head back as he kissed his way down my neck. “Did you get Masen all tucked in?”

  “Yeah, I don’t understand what all the fuss is about at my brother’s house. Ethan says Sammy cries and it’s an hour battle every night. MY son, on the other hand, drifts off minutes after you get him in his crib.”
r />   He said it with such pride, his chest puffed out as he ran his hand over his abs, and it made me giggle


  “You’re funny. You know there is an age difference, right? Sammy is still in her terrible two stage right now. I’ve heard it’s natural for kids to fight their bedtime, and Samantha is asserting her independence.”

  “Terrible two’s, huh? We have that to look forward to?” He frowned as he pulled his shirt off. I watched him, fascinated, as I rubbed lotion on my arms. After he’d peeled off his clothes down to his boxer-briefs, he slipped beneath the covers beside me.

  “Probably. And the new baby could complicate that,” I murmured.

  As I scooted under the covers, Liam pulled me over on his chest, and curled an arm around my head to play with my hair. I loved it when he tangled his fingers in my hair and combed through it. It soothed me so, and made me feel loved.

  “And about the new baby,” he added, sliding his free hand down and across my tummy, “how’s my number two son doing?”

  “How do you know it’s a boy? It could be a girl, you know.”

  I could feel the smirk as he placed a kiss in my hair. “I just know. That’s a little male Covington in there.”

  “Hmm. Well, we’ll see in a couple more months,” I answered, amused at his confidence. “My next appointment is next Wednesday afternoon. Do you want to come with me?” I asked, a bit hesitant to put him on the spot. He’d been busy since we’d come back from our honeymoon, diving right in to politics. He’d been working day and night on the border bill they were trying to get on the governor’s desk, and fundraisers were already being planned for his run in the next election.

  “Of course I’m coming with you! I’ll put it in my phone, but call the office in the morning and put it on Meg’s calendar so she won’t let me forget or schedule any conflicts.”


  “And I have something to put on your calendar,” he said, nonchalantly.

  “Oh?” I moved closer to his side and placed my lips on his muscled chest. He tightened his arm around me.

  “Yeah. Our first big fundraiser is a dinner party at the Estes Ranch. One-thousand dollars a plate. Mark next Friday off. We’ll need to be there around seven o’clock for cocktails and a reception line. Your first official gig as Mrs. Senator Covington.” He squeezed me tighter, placing a kiss in my hair.

  I immediately tensed, drawing my breath in. This was it…the thing I’d been dreading most. My stomach churned, thinking about all the Austin political elite who would surely be in attendance. Then my insides took a nosedive.

  “Did you say Estes?” I asked apprehensively.

  “Yeah. You remember Texanne Estes. You met her at the Gala back in the spring.

  I closed my eyes. Boy, did I ever remember her. She’d arrived with Liam at the Gala, and I’d assumed they came together. She’d treated me with less than disdain when we’d spoken, letting me know she thought I was beneath her. And she definitely had her eyes on Liam that night.

  “Her family and mine go way back. Ethan and her brother are good friends, and her dad is in some real estate dealings with my grandfather.” He snorted. “He’ll be there, running the show. This is his deal.”

  This got better and better. Graham “Tex” Whelan and Texanne Estes, together at the first fundraiser to torture me.

  He raised on one elbow and nudged me. “Hey…what’s wrong? I’ve got a feeling I lost you there.”

  I shook my head and put on a brave smile. “Nothing. I’m a bit nervous, that’s all. I need princess lessons or something.”

  “Um, come again?” He asked, one eyebrow cocked.

  “You know. When Princess Diana married Prince Charles, they had all sorts of royal training for her.”

  Liam paused for a moment, and then threw his head back and laughed a big, bubbling, cathartic laugh. He shook his head and then reached down and tilted my chin up to look at me. “First of all, I’m not a prince. I’m Liam. There is no script for this. You are my wife, my running mate…you will be there to support me and charm the pants off some wealthy Texas stuffed-shirts. Mom and Chelsea will be there to help you. And Texanne said something about calling you this week and I’m sure she will fill you in on anything you need to know.”

  “Great. That takes a load off my mind,” I said sarcastically.

  He sighed, taking my face in both his hands. “Really, Kel. You’re my wife now, and she will treat you with respect.”

  I felt guilty. Liam didn’t need to be worrying about how I felt about the spotlight. He needed a wife to make things easier for him. I turned to him, firmly committed to what I needed to do for him.

  “Okay, I’ve got this. First fundraiser, huh? What does one wear to charm the pants off wealthy Texans?”

  Liam smirked down at me and jiggled his eyebrows at me comically. “Whatever you wear, make it pink,” he growled, his eyes traveling down my body as he pulled the sheet back. “You definitely kill in pink.”

  As his hands explored the soft pink fabric, I forgot all about the fundraiser.

  * * *

  “Advertising, this is Kelly Covington.”

  “Kelly, so good to talk to you. Texanne Estes. Liam suggested I call and get you up to speed on the fundraiser coming up.”

  Holy hell. The fundraiser call.

  “Oh.” My apprehension came back full-force at the thought of dealing with the woman I once saw as a rival for Liam’s affections. “That’s great, Texanne.”

  She coldly moved forward. “My father and some associates are handling all the details. It’s a formal, catered affair. You’ll just need to mingle and be charming and supportive. It’ll be easy,” she purred, her Texas-drawl overly emphasized, although she did come across as supportive of Liam, so I decided to ask her for her opinion.

  “So, what do I need to wear?” I asked, biting on a nail.

  “Oh, you know. The usual,” she replied, sounding bored with the conversation.

  “I’m sorry, but none of this is usual for me. I know Liam will be in a suit. Should I dress business-casual or dressy?” Crap, I sounded juvenile, like I was comparing notes for the sixth-grade dance.

  Her tone changed, sounding interested. Maybe I’d made a connection with her, asking for her opinion. I hoped Liam would be proud of my reaching out to her. She was an old, family friend after all. And I needed all the help I could get with all things political.

  “Liam and Sean swear you are our best asset, and we need to use you all we can. With your curves and beauty, you should go all out. You need to shine that night. Work it as if it’s the red carpet or the Grammys. With the two of you winning in the looks department, and Liam’s charm, you’ll be young Texas royalty.”

  I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me through the phone. “Okay, I have it. I know just the thing. Thanks, Texanne. Call me if there is anything else I need to do.”

  “You’re entirely welcome, sweetie. Take care, and I’ll see you Friday at seven.”

  I clicked the phone off, and then spun around to gaze out the window at the Austin traffic.

  “Knock, knock…hey girl, you still dreaming back on the beach on South Padre?” Tana drawled, taking me by surprise.

  I whirled back around, finding her eyebrow raised at me.

  “No, just taking a breather. I don’t think I’ll be caught up for weeks. What’s up with you?”

  “Drake is on my ass about those reports for the winter Austin Night Life budget. Do you have my figures yet?” She removed her readers and chewed on the earpiece.

  “Not yet. Give me an hour, and I’ll have them ready.” I sighed, and then began searching through the pile on my desk. I looked up when Tana moved forward and sank down in one of the chairs opposite my desk. I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “So, tell me what you know about Sean.” She played with the chair arm a moment, and then looked back up at me.

  “Have you seen him since the wedding?” I asked. She glanced up a
t me, and then looked away uncomfortably. “Tana, this isn’t like you. If you’re into someone, you go for it, balls to the wall. I’ve never seen you worry over a guy,” I commented, incredulous.

  She shrugged. “He’s different. And I’m nervous around him, Kel! I don’t do nervous. I feel like I’m fifteen again, and he’s the senior quarterback. What is wrong with me?”

  I snorted. Tana was infatuated with a guy. I never thought I’d see the day.

  “Wow, you really crushing. Tell me, what do you want to know? You probably already know more than I do.”

  “Well, we, um…spent the night together the night of your wedding,” she murmured, embarrassed. “And we sat together on the plane ride home. He’s asked me to dinner tonight,” she added.

  “You spent the night together?” I shrieked. She jumped, and then glared at me.

  “Just kidding.”

  “And it wasn’t like that,” she retorted. “I had too much to drink, and he put me to bed and stayed with me. It was sweet. We had breakfast together and went swimming, to the beach…and then we rode back together. He’s asked for my help with some business stuff…some things he wants me to go over, problems with his accountant.”

  “Well, I think he’s into you. What can I tell you? I know he and Liam are close friends, and he’s a major stud, playing pro ball and all…”

  “That’s what worries me. Is he a player? I mean, I’ve stalked him on line. He’s photographed with different women all the time, but never seems to have a steady girlfriend. Can you ask Liam?”

  “Yeah, I’ll ask him.” I winked at her. “Do you want me to ask him if he’s said if he thinks you’re cute? Maybe he could pass you a note during biology class,” I teased.

  “Very funny, bitch. I’ll get you back,” she snarked, jumping up to leave my office.

  “Seriously, I’ll find out what I can from my man,” I said with a wink. “Hey, by the way, any chance your dad might snag a table at this fundraiser for Liam?”


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