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Sleeping Chez Sade

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by Cleo Peitsche


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  Sleeping chez Sade

  Other Stories


  All Romance eBooks Edition

  Copyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer:

  SLEEPING CHEZ SADE © 2013 by Cleo Peitsche. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without permission in writing from the author. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events, locations and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This book is for entertainment purposes only.

  This book contains mature content and is solely for adults.

  Cover Photo ©2013 by Pouch Pictures

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for purchasing this ebook. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it, and I look forward to sharing more of my stories with you.

  For the latest updates, find me on Twitter: @amazingcleo



  The gangly tour guide brought the tram to a stop and grabbed the microphone. “That concludes our tour of Adult Fantasy Playland,” he said as he turned around. He pressed a button on his lapel, making little lights illuminate all over his vest, and he did a little jerky dance that had his brown hair flopping everywhere.

  “We’re happy to have you as part of our clan. Watch your step when getting out of the tram,” he rapped, then posed, arms crossed, a big smile on his face.

  Georgia stood and clapped. Shame he went to all that effort since she was the only person on the tour, but no point in being rude to her new coworkers, even if they were silly.

  She stepped onto the sidewalk and massaged her legs, trying to get the blood flowing again. Fantasy Playland was much larger than she’d imagined. The tour had taken an hour, and the park wasn’t even open, so there hadn’t been crowds to deal with.


  She recognized the deep, rumbly voice immediately, but it took a moment to spot Billy. He was leaning against the wall in a shaded nook by the Sleeping Lady entrance. Hadn’t anyone told him that he was too big and scary, too male, to lurk in dark areas?

  “I need you inside.”

  She swallowed as he stepped into the daylight. His short sleeves stretched around his biceps, and his tight jeans practically begged her to stare at his enormous bulge. When she last saw him, he was angry and naked, his 6’2” bronzed body covered in sweat while he lectured her that “Sleeping Ladies never, ever, ever do what you just did.” He didn’t seem mad anymore, but why’d he have to go and get dressed?

  Oh, heavens, he was watching her check him out. His raised eyebrow slowly descended into a scowl. He motioned impatiently for her to follow, then turned on his heel and walked through the gates.

  She collected herself for a moment—or tried to, anyway—then hurried through the archway and made a left into the employee area.

  Billy was nowhere to be seen, but Prussia, the perky assistant who had taken Georgia under her wing, sat at the front desk, sipping apple juice through a straw. Her fiery red hair was done up in a messy bun with pencils sticking out at random angles. Prussia jabbed her index finger at the ceiling, and Georgia understood that Billy was upstairs … where the training bedrooms were.

  Georgia raced up the steps, grinning.

  “Enjoy the tour?” Billy asked when she caught up to him. He sounded preoccupied.

  “Yeah.” She shook out her shoulder-length chestnut waves. “This place is amazing. It’s like … sex paradise.”

  Billy made a sound halfway between a laugh and a snort.

  Instead of entering one of the bedrooms, he continued to a medium-sized break room, complete with refrigerator and microwave. Sunlight spilled in the windows. The room was so normal, it was hard to believe she was in an amusement park that catered to sexual fantasies.

  A plate of cookies sat in the middle of the table, and Georgia’s stomach noisily reminded her that she’d missed lunch. But she waited near the door, sure that Billy was only making a quick stop.

  Billy poured himself a coffee. “Thirsty?”

  “Ooh, yeah—”

  “On second thought we don’t need caffeine winding you any tighter.” He splashed milk into his cup.

  Georgia flinched. So he was still upset about the morning’s session. She had really concentrated, but no matter how hard she tried to pretend to sleep, when Billy touched her, her body answered. At the end of the session, she completely broke character, shielding her pussy with her hands and squealing.

  The same thing had happened the day before, and he’d spanked her soundly, warning her never to do it again …

  In her defense, she’d just had the most incredible orgasm, so she was too sensitive to have her clit massaged—pussy etiquette 101! But when she pointed that out to Billy, he snarled that she wasn’t supposed to be having orgasms in the first place. Then he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples for a moment before ordering her to get dressed and join the next tour while he did some paperwork.

  Billy pulled out a chair, scraping it loudly against the floor. “Sit.”

  Georgia did, folding her hands in her lap. She glanced nervously up at Billy. Damn, but he was intimidating. “I can do better.”

  “I hope so.” He propped one of his elbows on the refrigerator and ran his hand over the back of his head, making his hair temporarily stand up in a million directions. The movement tightened his shirt against his torso, and every hard ridge and valley of his stomach was as apparent as if he were shirtless. Not that she was staring or anything.

  She contemplated the cookies and tried not to think about Billy. Billy shirtless … Billy, naked, feeding her cookies, making her noisily suck his fingers clean …

  “Management saw your application photos. They decided you will start tomorrow.”

  “What? Why?”

  “They don’t want to go another weekend short a Sleeping Lady. It’s bad for business.” Billy sat backward on a chair and grabbed a cookie, then pushed the plate across the table. “Go on.”

  Georgia gratefully chose the largest one and took a huge bite. Ooh, it was buttery and so delicious. Oatmeal raisin, and definitely baked from scratch. She studied Billy as she devoured a second cookie. With all the natural light, his striking eyes were absolutely hypnotic. One eye was obsidian black, the other a warm mocha brown. It only added to his mysterious allure.

  In her experience, men were mostly interchangeable, but Billy was different. He didn’t shave his body hair, and his swarthy skin was either genetic or came from lots of time outside in the fresh air. His thick, collarbone-length black hair had probably never seen gel. He was unadulterated male through and through.

  Plus he had dimples. Too bad he rarely smiled.

  A twisty feeling churned in her belly. “Do you think I can be ready to start tomorrow?”

  The lack of an immediate response was hardly confidence-inspiring.

  Finally he exhaled, his deep chest moving in that way that got her blood pumping fast. She forced her gaze to the floor. Thoughts about Billy’s impressive physique were exactly the reason she couldn’t stop squirming whenever he touched her. A Sleeping Lady was supposed to remain still while the guest explored and caressed her. A little moan or sigh was acceptable, even desirable. But that was to be the extent of the Sleeping Lady’s reaction.

  After all, the fantasy was about being a woman’s dream lover, and screaming, drippy wet, orgasming women were obviously not asleep and having gentle, sexy dreams. If a guest wanted a big show, he or she wouldn’t be in the Sleeping Lady area.

sia stuck her head in the door. “Norah opened Sade Inn for you. She’s not happy—”

  “Thank you, Prussia. That’s all for now.”

  Prussia looked miffed, but she left without finishing her sentence.

  Billy slowly stood, and Georgia felt, again, dwarfed. He leaned over her and took a napkin. “Do you think you can be ready for tomorrow, Georgia?”

  “Um …” The truthful answer was no. But if she admitted it, he’d fire her. She grabbed another cookie and stuffed it in her mouth.

  Billy set his empty cup in the sink and stared out the window. “My professional opinion is that you can, but it’s going to take some unconventional measures. Tell me, did the tour take you by the Marquis de Sade Village?”

  Georgia frowned. “It’s hardly a village, just a few ominous buildings. Why?”

  “I have an idea, and if this doesn’t work, I don’t deserve to keep my job.”

  But despite how certain he sounded, Georgia wasn’t reassured.

  At Marquis de Sade Village, Billy headed straight for the reproduction of an inn. When they entered, a pretty young woman dressed as a serving wench got up from a low, wooden stool and produced a set of keys from a pocket in her drab apron. She hesitated a moment before tossing them to him.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.” She crossed her arms and evaluated Georgia. The expression on her face made it clear that she was unimpressed.

  Billy didn’t stop long enough to acknowledge what the woman said. The second he had the keys, he was heading for a heavy wooden door. They went up a flight of coarse, stone steps that curved in a narrow spiral.

  The building really had the feel of something from medieval times, and Georgia shuddered as she struggled to keep up. She definitely preferred the homey, comfortable charm of the Sleeping Lady area. Sade Village Inn, with its impersonal stone and chilly, narrow hallways, was seriously creepy. She half-expected a hooded executioner to shuffle by, clutching a severed head.

  Though it was kind of hot being there with a sexy piece of hunk like Billy. He wasn’t her boyfriend, but she knew if danger threatened, he’d protect her. He was that sort of man.

  It kinda made her wish something would happen. Her wet panties got even wetter.

  Billy ducked as he went through a low doorway. His quads flexed perceptibly through his jeans, and Georgia bit her knuckles. All that muscle … now here was a man who could fuck her through the Kama Sutra without bitching about being tired.

  “Watch your step.”

  But Georgia was already tripping over the uneven stone. Served her right, gaping at his ass instead of watching where she was going. A woman’s scream pierced the silence. Georgia yelped and grabbed the back of Billy’s shirt.

  He laughed, turning toward her. “It’s only a recording. Part of the ambiance, to get visitors in the mood.”

  In the mood for what? A heart attack? “What exactly happens in this place?”

  “Sexual deviance of the basest kind,” Billy said ominously as he examined the keys. “At least, that’s what the brochure says.”

  Georgia waited for him to continue, but he was unlocking a sturdy wooden door decorated with dark ironwork. He swung it open and entered. Several faux torches lit as the motion detector sensed him, and Georgia rolled her eyes at herself; for a moment, she’d forgotten that Sade Village Inn wasn’t authentic.

  The room was much larger than she would have guessed, the ceiling noticeably higher than that of the cramped hallway.

  “To accommodate the swing of certain whips,” Billy said, following her gaze. “Atmosphere is important, of course, but this area does serve a purpose.”

  “Which is?” She then noted the metal cuffs that hung from one wall by large, rusty-looking chains. A set of similar chains sat in a heap on the floor, but she couldn’t tell if they were attached to anything.

  Mounted on the wall was a rack, similar to those found in billiards parlors, but instead of pool cue sticks it held a dozen or so whips of varying lengths. A rough-hewn wooden bed was against one of the walls. It was covered in coarse, burlap-colored sheets. Talk about authentic. Georgia wrinkled her nose; she preferred soft linens.

  “Guests come here to receive and bestow punishment and pain. Undress, please.”

  Punishment she probably deserved, sure … but pain?

  Billy cleared his throat, and Georgia yanked her t-shirt over her head and slid out of her jeans and panties. She hadn’t bothered with a bra; it didn’t make sense considering that she had gone from her house to her car, then straight to Fantasy Playland. Though her large breasts probably would have appreciated a little support.

  Billy was also removing his clothes. Because he faced the other direction, she took the opportunity to appreciate his back muscles flexing as he pushed his jeans down his thighs. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and see what he felt like on her bare flesh. They’d had sex several times, but they were hardly lovers in any truly intimate sense, and she’d never been free to touch him. For his part, each of Billy’s caresses served one purpose: to prepare her for her role as a Sleeping Lady, and when he focused on her, he was simply doing his job.

  Or trying to, because she wasn’t exactly an apt pupil.

  She studied the stone block facade of the walls so that Billy wouldn’t catch her staring at him. “You know the Marquis de Sade was born during the Enlightenment. This whole King Arthur theme is off by a few centuries.”

  “That so?” He tossed his clothes aside and walked to her in a few sure strides. He took another step forward, bringing his body up against hers, forcing her to move back.

  “Um.” Why was it suddenly so hard to think? “I watch a lot of history documentaries. And read a lot. When I have money for books.”

  Billy stepped forward again, nearly knocking her off balance. He was so solid and warm. “Do you?”

  Confused, Georgia stared at the floor. She didn’t know what he wanted. Usually his instructions were verbal. And specific.

  “Yeah. I love history.” She talked so quickly that the words jumbled together. “If I ever go back to school, that’s what I’ll study. History or philosophy.”

  He walked forward steadily. She moved back and kept retreating until she could go no farther. Billy roughly shoved her onto the bed with a growl.

  The melodic jangling of chains caught her attention. She looked up. “No,” she gasped.

  “Yes.” Billy straddled her waist, his large balls brushing her stomach. He seized her wrist and pulled her arm toward one of the cuffs that dangled from the bedposts. Georgia tried to wiggle free, but he was too heavy. His cock slowly engorged as she struggled against him. She couldn’t help but notice that, nor could she avoid realizing that her nipples had hardened into peaks that begged to be sucked.

  She tried to pull her legs up. No luck. She was trapped underneath him.

  “Stop that nonsense. I’m restraining only your arms for the time being. Or do you feel you’re ready to work as a Sleeping Lady tomorrow evening?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  After securing her wrists, he shortened the chain length so that her arms were fully extended. If she stretched her fingers, her nails could barely graze the bedposts. That was the extent of her ability to move.

  “Now you’ll have to be still no matter what I do, won’t you?” A strange light gleamed in his eyes.

  She glanced down and discovered him fully erect, the swollen head shiny wet with proof that, despite this being his job, he was at least enthusiastic about their session.

  “Let’s practice. Relax.”

  She let her eyes flutter closed and licked her lips slowly before parting them slightly, exactly like Billy had taught her.

  He moved down until he was kneeling between her legs. His large, warm hands wrapped around her knees, and he spread her thighs apart. She didn’t resist him. From this moment, she was supposed to pretend to be asleep.

  He opened her legs a little more, one at a time, adjusting them as if h
e didn’t want to disturb her. Georgia focused on breathing soft and slow.

  She expected him to begin with her mouth, so she was surprised when his tongue tapped her clit. Oral wasn’t usually her thing, but this was Billy, he of the gladiator body and 8” cock. Merely shaking his hand made her pussy hum. Unsurprisingly, the trembling started almost immediately. She tried to control herself, she really did, but fuck … the way he flicked his tongue over her … he was just too good.

  “Forget sleeping for a moment. Look into my eyes. Good. Now don’t move no matter what I do.” He sat up and thrust his index and middle fingers into her tight slit, and Georgia’s hips bucked. Billy growled his disapproval as he stood. “Here’s what’s going to happen. For each time that you move, I’m going to whip you.”

  “Whip me? But yesterday you said that you’d only ever use your hand!”

  Billy’s cock jerked at the frightened note in her voice. She saw it, and he knew that she’d seen it. His eyes narrowed. “Yesterday I thought I had more time to get you in shape.”

  He gripped one of her ankles and fastened it to the bed. Georgia jerked her other leg away, but Billy smiled darkly and caught her foot. As he straightened her leg, he said, “When I first started at Adult Fantasy Playland, I oversaw the Whip Me Ladies. I taught them how to receive a beating, how to give the dominant whatever he or she wanted.” His cock swelled another size as he spoke, as if even mentioning those days turned him on. “I know how to wield a whip, and I know where your limits are.”

  He tightened the restraints so that her legs were pulled out. Now she was spread-eagle, open for him and unable to resist if he made her come and kept torturing her clit.

  “Keep your eyes open. The point of this exercise is to get you to be still. You do know what ‘still’ means, don’t you?” He laughed, showing straight white teeth and those sexy dimples. “Watch me. It will ground you, stop you from obsessing over your own pleasure.”

  Was he kidding? Billy was the living embodiment of every dirty fantasy she’d ever had, and looking at him only stoked the inferno.


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