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The Unbreakable Trio [Long Mead] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you hate working for us?”

  “I love working here.”

  He smiled.

  “What happens when you get women?”

  His smile dropped. Before he thought about his actions, he grabbed her waist and spun her around to face him. He was angry with her constantly thinking they were going to leave. As far as he and Liam were concerned, the only woman good enough for them was her.

  “What is with you and thinking me and Liam are going to get married? Open your eyes, Claire. We’re not going anywhere, and if we have our way, neither are you,” he said with a growl to his voice.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he didn’t want to hear any of it. He slammed his lips down on hers, and for the first time since she’d been seventeen, Shane came to life.

  Her lips melted beneath his own. Hands circled his neck, and he grabbed her tighter. He turned and pressed her against the side of the ranch house. His fingers sank into her hair. Shane didn’t want to let go. She became a drug to his system. The type of drug he didn’t want to stop.

  His cock ached. He wanted to push her up against the wall, tear his jeans off, and fuck her hard and fast on the porch.

  Moving his hands out of her hair and down to cup her ass, he lifted her and waited as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  His cock pressed against her covered wet pussy. Shane imagined she’d be dripping wet. A woman with so much passion inside her would be.

  “Shane,” she moaned in between his fiery kisses. Lust filled his veins.

  His entire senses were surrounded by the feel and scent of Claire.

  “I want you,” he said. Dropping her down to her feet, Shane stared into her eyes as she loosened her robe with one hand and dropped one side of her robe with the other, exposing one of her tits to his gaze.

  She licked her lips, making him groan. He wanted his cock in her mouth. Would she swallow his cum?

  He did not look away from her as he pressed a finger to her clit. She hadn’t worn any panties. Unable to stop himself, he looked down at her pussy. A light dusting of hair covered her cunt. Her hair was covered with cream.

  “You’re so fucking wet.”

  “Please, Shane,” she begged.

  He couldn’t stop if he wanted to. Her screams of pleasure would be the only thing to satisfy him now.

  Kissing her one last time, Shane bent his head and took a firm nipple inside his mouth at the same time he pressed against her swollen clit.

  She buckled, her fingers gripping his hair. His fingers were slippery wet, and he wanted to lick them clean. The pleasure was for her. Not for him. He resisted the temptation and continued to touch her.

  “Shane,” she panted.

  He wanted her to shatter in his arms, so he could capture every moment of her release to live the experience over and over again.

  What are you doing? You’re not giving her a choice. Controlling, manipulating. You make me sick. You’re just like your father.

  Words he’d tried to keep buried and overcome plagued him.

  Claire was in his arms, but was she there willingly? He’d coerced her into giving him this.

  Disgusted with himself, he pulled away. His hands left the heat of her wet cunt. She stood, flushed, with herself exposed to the world. He’d done this.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Without another word, he left.

  * * * *

  Mortified and hurt, Claire pulled her robe back into place. Was she to be forever cursed to be left to ache?

  Shane fired her blood as did Liam, yet when they were working her, they left before she could know the pleasure of her own release. A quick glance back at the stars didn’t help her any.

  She knew the drill, like the last time. Shane had started something, and she’d come on too strong. This was another mistake to add to her list when it came to that man. Taking in a deep gulp of air, she walked back to her bedroom.

  Tomorrow she’d wake up and pretend it was all a dream like she did the last time. The tears she couldn’t control, nor the ache in her heart. When would a man be willing to be with her completely? And how many more times would Shane leave her to suffer unsatisfied?

  The night had no answers. In truth, Claire was afraid to know the truth.

  Chapter Seven

  Shane closed his bedroom door and paced. He stopped and stared at his reflection in his mirror, hating himself. Why couldn’t he keep his hands to his fucking self? He wanted to smash the mirror.

  His hands should have stayed off her. Never should he touch something so precious. Claire deserved Liam. She hadn’t done anything but be kind to him. She’d kept his secrets and his shame.

  For the first time since that night, his mind opened up and replayed the events that had changed their relationship.

  His father had come home from the bar, drunk as ever. He’d started on his wife. His fists worked the once-beautiful woman until she crouched in a corner, trying to protect her body from his punches and kicks.

  Shane had stood and watched. The day was his birthday. He’d turned eighteen, and the only people who celebrated it with him had been his best friends. Claire and Liam were still seventeen and considered underage, but for a short time, they’d made him forget the shit hole he lived in.

  The rage and unfairness swamped him until he marched over and grabbed his dad by the shirt. His dad lashed out and landed one against his cheek. Shane didn’t need any more encouragement. He beat his ass down until he lay on the floor, passed out. His mother got to her feet with a black eye, split lip, and sporting a limp. He hadn’t been able to handle what had happened. For too long he’d hid behind doors and his fear.

  Looking at his mother and his unconscious father, he’d had enough. Shane ran out the back door and ignored the shouts of his name.

  No way could he stay behind after what he’d done.

  He ran and ran, not caring about the cold of the night. Like many times before, he ran until he stood outside Claire’s house.

  The windows were all dark. Most of her family were usually in bed, and so far none had checked on her while he’d been there.

  Shane walked around the back and began climbing the tree like so many times before. Only this time felt different. Usually, he’d be crying, and sporting more bruises, and knowing he had to go home.

  At eighteen, no one was expecting him. He was free to make his own choices.

  Her window was closed, and he tapped lightly. No lights came on, but he saw through the window as she rolled over in bed.

  He tapped again, and her eyes opened.

  Without any hesitation, she got out of bed and opened the window. She wore a small nightshirt and some shorts.

  “Shane, are you all right?” she asked and touched his face. He guessed the bruise had started to show where his dad had clocked him.

  “It’s been a rough night,” he muttered. Claire hugged him and took his hand to lead him to the bed.

  “Sit. I’ll get a towel.” She had a bathroom adjoining her bedroom. Each of the Martin kids had their own room and bathroom.

  Her family was wealthy in the small town of Long Mead.

  She helped to remove his shirt and then wrapped him in a towel as she started pressing a damp towel to his face. “There’s a lot of blood here, Shane. I think we need to call a doctor.”

  “It’s not all my blood.”

  Her ministrations had paused as his words sunk in.

  “You’re not in trouble. Are you?”

  “Shit, Claire. No. I’m not in any kind of trouble.” All the times before she’d never asked questions. He couldn’t believe she’d think so low of him.

  “I’m sorry, Shane. You never talk about what happened, and you usually cry or something, and this time’s different. I don’t understand. I just hope you haven’t done anything really stupid.” She pressed the cool towel to his jaw. He winced from the pain.

  “No. I’ve haven’t done anything besides stand up for mysel

  “Good,” she said.

  The only sounds in the room were their breathing and the movement of the towel.

  “I think that’s clean enough.” She left and came back with the spare pillow she kept close by.

  From the light shining from the bathroom, he could see the swinging of her full breasts. For months he’d seen his best friend developing in a way he should have been oblivious to. He couldn’t hide the attraction he felt for her. Claire stirred his blood unlike anything else.

  He’d jacked off thinking about getting naked with her. They’d been friends since they were five and going to school.

  She was the one constant—besides Liam—in his life.

  “I hit my dad,” he said. The only person he could talk to was Claire. After all the times she’d let him into her room, she deserved to know. “He’d come home drunk again, but that’s nothing unusual. He spends most of his days in a whisky bottle or two. Like all the other times, he went for Mom. Slapping her and calling her names. I turned eighteen today, and he didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I spent the day with you and Liam, and it was perfect.” He stopped and glanced away. Shane gazed around her room. On her dresser, stuck to the mirror, were pictures of the trio they’d become. No one else was allowed in their group. Turner, Cook, and Martin.

  “She was cowering in the corner, protecting herself from his fists and kicks. I snapped, Claire. Most of the time I go to my room or wait my turn to be his punching bag. Today, I didn’t want to be.”

  Claire sat next to him and took his hand as he continued to talk.

  “I hit him. I stopped him hitting my mom, and when he turned, he clocked me one, and then I didn’t stop until he was on the floor. Unconscious. I know he was breathing. Instead of staying, I got out of there.” Shane glanced up and was shocked by the tears rolling down her face. “I hit him.”

  “Shane, you saved your mom and yourself. Your dad wasn’t good.” She wrapped her arms around him and brought him close.

  He gave in and held her close, inhaling her comforting scent and wishing he could stay with her forever. Shane knew he loved her. He had been in love with her since they were kids, and the feelings had developed as they grew up.

  A life without Claire wasn’t a life he wanted to contemplate.

  He pushed her hair out of the way from her neck and stared at the delicate column of flesh.

  His mind was going crazy with everything that had happened. He laid a gentle kiss, then another.

  Shane heard her suck in her breath, but she didn’t stop him. Her pulse jumped at the base of her throat, and he kissed the rapid beat.

  He kissed up her neck and pulled away long enough to stare into her eyes, which were opened wide.

  “Shane?” she whispered. He didn’t want to hear her refusal or anything to make him stop what he was doing.

  Her fingers dug into the muscles of her arms. He slammed his lips down and kissed her completely. Shane explored her lips, which were the fullest lips he’d ever tasted. Granted, he hadn’t seen many. The only lips he wanted were hers.

  She moaned, and he pushed one hand into her hair and held her head in place while the other wandered her body. He started from her shoulder and worked over her collarbone, down until he cupped one of her large tits.

  Shane was on fire. In his mind he knew he should stop. Claire deserved better than a bruised man with a ruined soul, but he couldn’t. He wanted her so badly.

  “Shane,” she whispered again as she pulled away. His hand stayed around her breast, the fullness making his cock throb with arousal. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “I do.”

  Without further permission, he pushed her onto the bed and lay on top of her. Finally, he had her underneath him.

  “I want you so much,” he said, and lifted the hem of her shirt to expose one of those breasts to his lips.

  Shane didn’t know what was happening. The rage from moments ago and lust coursing through him was making him act differently.

  Claire responded to his kisses and moaned as he touched her body.

  Somewhere in between he’d gotten the signals crossed. Shane wasn’t asking for permission. He was taking what he wanted without any thought to Claire. In those moments where reality and fantasy merged, Shane lost himself.

  Shane stared at his bed and replayed the scene in his mind. While in the moment, he hadn’t remembered much. It was like a freeze frame. Claire was nearly naked in her bedroom. She responded to his kisses, and then he went to hell.

  At some point during his attack—which is how he viewed the night, as an attack on the woman he loved—he’d taken his clothes off. Even now, he didn’t know what had happened, and only when he was about to sink inside her body, a voice rang through his mind.

  Get off her, you fucker. Look at her. She doesn’t want this. She isn’t ready. Get off. Or are you going to be like your father?

  The words had broken through his mind, and he’d stared down at Claire. She lay on her back, her arms trapped beneath his hard grip.

  Had she wanted him? Shane didn’t think so.

  Disgusted with himself, he’d dressed and gotten out of there. Never again had he gone to her bedroom window. Tonight had been a mistake, and he wouldn’t let it happen again. Wanting her had never changed. He kept his distance and slept with other girls, forever wishing he hadn’t blown his only chance with the girl he loved.

  Telling Liam would have been a big mistake. He was like a brother, but private stuff like that, he didn’t tell anyone.

  Claire must really hate him. From the way he attacked her back then, and now he had molested her on the porch. Shaking his head, he ran himself a bath.

  The best choice for him was to pretend it didn’t happen.

  Shane didn’t know how he was going to get over the love and desire he felt for her. Every second he spent with her was a second more he wanted her completely.

  More than sex—even though the sex would be fantastic—he wanted a family. To be with Liam and Claire, the only two people in the world he could trust.

  He ignored the tears as he climbed into the hot water. As the years had passed, he’d learned to cry in silence.

  Silence was the only way he could deal with the pain.

  Chapter Eight

  For the next few days, nothing happened. Claire and Shane avoided each other. Neither spoke unless they had to, and for the most part, no one noticed a difference.

  Liam was still attentive, but every time he left the room, Shane suddenly had some work he needed to finish off.

  The annual summer dance was happening on Friday. Claire had never been to one. For years she hadn’t had any dates or been old enough to attend, and now everything had changed. She was old enough to go and had two men to go with. She’d been delighted when Liam and Shane had asked if she’d go as their date.

  “You want me to be your date?” she asked.

  Liam looked behind him and nudged Shane in the arm. “Are we asking the wrong Claire Martin? Do we need to go and find another one?”

  Laughing, she punched him in the arm. “Stop your jokes. They’re not funny.”

  “Yes, they are. Anyway. Are you going to go with us?”

  She glanced at Shane and saw him smiling. He didn’t look closed off, and deciding to take a chance in life, she agreed.

  In no time at all, Friday had come, and Claire was nervous. The ranch hands had left early, and she’d been able to take a long leisurely bath and prepare herself.

  Claire pulled a pale-yellow dress over her head. With the heat of summer, she settled on one with thin straps and a modest top which showed a small amount of cleavage. The hem settled at her knees. Modest and sensual. She finished with sandals with a small heel and left her brown hair to tumble down her shoulder. In the fresh air, she found her normally dull locks looked full and glossy, which was something no hair care products could achieve.

  “Are you ready? We want to get into town tonight!” Liam calle
d from her door.

  Glancing at her reflection one last time, she sent up a prayer and went to open the door. “How do I look?” she asked.

  Liam stared at her for a few seconds. With every passing second, her hopes died. She’d tried to look her best. “Should I change?”

  “Don’t you dare. You look good enough to eat.”

  Loving the compliment, Claire gave a twirl and accepted his arm. He wore jeans and a checkered shirt. The dance they were going to was taking place at the local bar. Cowboys, ranchers, and most of the townsfolk would be in attendance. She was excited. Tonight would be her first dance with a date. She hadn’t attended prom but rather stayed with her friends at Liam’s house.

  Shane wore the same as Liam, only he had a black cowboy hat on his head.

  “Don’t you think she looks stunning?” Liam asked as they walked down the steps.

  “Beautiful,” she heard Shane whisper. As the days had worn on, Shane had begun to spend more time with her. The tension was still there between them. At least he didn’t disappear every time she walked into a room.

  “Who’s driving tonight?” she asked. Shane took her arm and led her out to the truck.

  “I’m the driver for this evening, ma’am.” He helped her up into her seat and went around to the driver’s side.

  “Hey, what about me?” Liam complained as he hurled his body up next to hers. She chuckled when Shane shot him a glare.

  The truck started up, and they were on the road. The windows were rolled down and the breeze drifted through the car, sending her hair all over the place. When it hit Liam in the face, he grabbed her hair in a fist, placed his arm over her shoulder, and held it. “That should keep it in one place.”

  Claire laughed as tingles erupted along her skin. His fist pulled small strands of her hair, sending an electric bolt of heat straight to her clit. How could the small bite of pain create such blissful pleasure?

  Shane tapped her leg. He didn’t move his hand. She glanced down where his hand rested on her thigh. His darker, sun-tanned skin was in complete contrast to her pale thighs. She wanted him to move further up and curl around to the inside.


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