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The Unbreakable Trio [Long Mead] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I think this is what we need,” Claire agreed.

  “Go and get changed for us, baby. Don’t be shy, either. It’s only me and Shane.” Liam helped her to the door and slapped her on the ass, giving her encouragement.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Shane said as Liam took a seat on the sofa.

  “Believe it. We’ve wasted so much time already. I don’t want to waste another second.”

  Liam glanced at his friend before staring in front of him. Loving Claire had never been difficult. He hoped the love they had for each other would prove stronger than ever before. His heart tightened, and he wanted nothing more than to love her forever with his whole body, heart, and soul.

  * * * *

  Shane willed his body to calm down. He loved her with his entire being. Being with Claire was the only thing keeping him sane. Admittedly, some of the damage of his past had hurt. To show her he wasn’t whole made him feel weak and less of a man. She hadn’t held it against him.

  Hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do. Loving her meant everything to him. Taking a deep breath, he broke down the walls he’d built up inside himself. After hiding for so long he showed her how he felt. She deserved to see the love he had. For one night, he wouldn’t cut her out. This would be about them in every way. They wouldn’t think about the townsfolk, or their past, or what their future could be.

  Tonight, they would finally get to be together.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After a quick shower, in which Claire made sure she shaved her legs and armpits, she sprayed on some perfume, dried and brushed her hair, put on a robe, and walked downstairs to her men waiting for her.

  Before her courage failed her, Claire untied the silk robe and let the garment fall to the floor at her feet. No other man besides Shane had seen her naked and never in a clear light. She was nervous and excited. Two men, her best friends, wanted her. Who in their right mind would be concerned about that?

  Not her.

  Shane gasped, and Liam moaned. She smiled.

  “You’re beautiful,” Shane said.

  “I’m naked. I think it’s only fair you are as well.”

  Both men stood, and with rapid movements, stood naked before her. Claire couldn’t keep her lips closed. They weren’t men. They were Greek gods.

  Shane was the bigger in every sense of the word. She didn’t mind which one was bigger or taller or faster. She loved them both equally. Liam was still much bigger than her.

  Liam spoke first. “Do you like, baby?” He fisted his cock. The act turned her on, and she crossed her legs, enjoying the friction it caused.

  “You’re both big.”

  “I know Shane is bigger, but I know what to do with mine.”

  She laughed, and the tension was broken. So many mixed messages had happened throughout the years. After so long, she was finally going to be with the two men she loved more than anything.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she admitted.

  “Are you a virgin?” Shane asked. She didn’t think about lying and nodded her head. Being with other men hadn’t mattered to her. If Shane and Liam didn’t want her, she wasn’t going to go for second best.

  “We’ll take care of you,” Liam promised.

  Both men led her over to the sofa, and they sat on either side of her. Naked, each man took a thigh and opened her legs wide. Taking a leg, they draped one over each lap, exposing her.

  Liam licked and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Shane pressed a finger against her burning heat. The double sensation electrified her, fueling her need for more.

  Too long she’d used her own hand to reach climax. She wanted to feel more. She wanted a cock inside her and to know how much her men desired her.

  “Please, this first time, don’t make me wait. Please, take me,” she begged.

  “How shall we do this?” Liam asked.

  Claire licked her lips and glanced at the floor. Could she be honest with them? Even to her it sounded like a stupid question. They were naked and ready for sex.

  “Tell us,” Shane said.

  “To start, could I have one and then the next, but both of you being close?”

  “Anything you want,” Liam said. “I think Shane should go first and then me.” His words made her pussy pulse with fresh arousal.

  Shane moved before her. “I’ll make sure you enjoy it,” he promised.

  Liam went back to sucking her breasts. Claire couldn’t think as she watched her men love her body.

  Shane knelt before her pussy and then she felt his tongue sucking on her clit. She moaned and bucked against the pleasurable sensation he was evoking. The teasing and tormenting was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Claire loved them and was pleased she’d waited to be with them.

  “More,” she pleaded.

  “We’ll give you more,” Shane said. Liam moved out of the way as he came up her body. His hands grabbed hers as something probed the entrance of her pussy. “Thank you for giving us this beautiful gift.”

  Claire screamed, her nails digging into the flesh on Liam’s hand. The pain of his entry shocked her with the force. Shane filled every part of her cunt.

  “So fucking tight,” he moaned.

  The pain soon disappeared as he fingered her clit, shooting pleasure through her whole body. The combination of pain and pleasure excited her.

  “That’s it, baby. Take his dick in your cunt. You like it when I talk dirty.” Shane may have fucked through her virgin pussy, but the connection was with Liam as well. In her heart, both had equal measure.

  She turned to look at the man at her side, her eyes opening wide as she saw him fisting his cock. She licked her lips and wondered what it would be like to have him pushing his length between her lips. One of the late night movies she’d stayed up for had shown a woman going down on a man.

  “You want to taste me?” Nodding her head, Liam helped her to take him between her lips. His salty taste hit her tongue.

  She couldn’t believe it. Shane was inside her pussy and she was sucking Liam’s cock. The pleasure consumed her.

  * * * *

  Shane watched as she sucked his friend’s cock. Her cunt, tighter than anything he could have imagined, squeezed him. Looking down at her, he saw a small fraction of his cock not inside her. With her distracted by sucking cock, he took her hips and guided his last inch inside her. She moaned with Liam’s cock in her mouth. Liam found it the most exquisite sound he’d ever heard.

  “You like my cock?” Liam asked.

  Shane wasn’t one to talk dirty. Shane liked action more than the talking. However, feeling the contractions around his dick didn’t give him any complaints. He pulled out of her so only the head remained inside. Her juice coated his shaft, and he slammed back inside, giving her all of him on one go.

  “Yes,” she said as she pulled up to moan.

  “You’re not finished,” Liam instructed and guided her head back to his pelvis.

  Shane worked his woman, filling her pussy with his cock. He wouldn’t last, and he wanted to show Claire how good it could be between them.

  Watching her wriggle and being inside her was a dream come true. Never again would he jeopardize his future with her. He wanted it all. He wanted a family and a place to come home to. Liam and Claire were his.

  Imagining Claire pregnant with his child drove him over the edge. He flicked her clit, once, twice, and Claire climaxed. Her sweet cream soaked his cock as he pounded inside her.

  The extra lubrication from her release let him hold onto her fleshy hips and fuck her as hard and as fast as he liked. She took everything he offered.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last. For a virgin, she’s got a good cock-sucking mouth,” Liam said with a moan, seconds before he threw his head back and exploded in her mouth. Watching Claire swallowing his friend’s seed set Shane off. He slammed inside her one final time and exploded.

  “Thank you,” Claire whispered. “That was the best first time any
woman could ask for.”

  Shane smiled. “It’s not over yet.”

  “No. Now it’s my turn to have my wicked way with you.” Liam stroked a thumb over her lips.

  Shane pulled out with a moan, his blood firing up as he saw his seed and Claire’s cum combined on his cock.

  Liam took his place, and Shane kissed her.

  “You’re amazing.”

  Liam made love to her on the sofa. Shane and Liam took turns to arouse her, each man showing her how much they wanted her.

  After a prolonged and sweaty session, Liam and Shane took Claire upstairs and bathed her, loving and caring for her. Their life was only just beginning.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liam watched from the corner of the room. He sat on the chair, legs open, fisting his cock. Never in all of his life had he seen anything more beautiful than Claire taking his friend’s cock inside her wet pussy.

  He knew the feel of her, tight and hot around his shaft. Shane had his hands on her hips, his fingers white from the tight grip he had on her.

  “More, please, more,” she begged.

  Shane glanced over at him and pleaded with his eyes for help. Smiling at the insatiable woman in the room, Liam moved to the bed. Claire turned to look at him.

  “I want you,” she moaned as Shane bit one of her nipples. Liam grabbed her hair and pulled her head to take a kiss. His girl liked her sex rough. He saw the flash in her eyes, and he couldn’t wait until he had her all to himself.

  For many years she’d seen him as the joker. Liam had been the type of guy who teased and tormented, always playing games. She would be shocked to discover his true yearning, the power he wanted to have over her body. Liam didn’t consider himself a Dom in the conventional sense. He wasn’t into whips and chains, but he liked to be in control. Liam wanted to have Claire on her knees and taking orders.

  He broke away from the kiss long enough to grab the fresh tube of lubricant, dropping his hold of her hair. Her ass was going to be his.

  “What do you say, baby? Are you ready for me to take your ass?” He brought the tube into her line of sight and waited for her response.

  She whimpered.

  “Fuck, Liam, she wants it. Her cunt is getting wetter by the second.”

  Liam climbed up on the bed, and his friend slowed down his movements. He grabbed her hair again and pulled tight, exposing her neck.

  Her pulse jumped.

  “Tell me to fuck your ass,” he ordered.

  Claire cried out.

  “You’ve got a cock inside your cunt now. Tell me you want me to fuck your ass.” He kissed the column of her neck. He licked a path up with his tongue and down to nibble on her pulse.

  His free hand cupped her ass. In the position she was in, straddling Shane, her ass was spread.

  He leaned around and gathered her juice on his finger, bringing his finger up the line of her ass.

  As he passed her forbidden entrance, he felt her tense. Liam glanced at Shane to make sure his friend was okay with what he was doing.

  Letting her go, Liam uncapped the lube and spread a generous amount on his fingers before going back to holding her hair in a firm grip.

  “Do you want this?” he whispered. Pressing his moist finger to her asshole, he pushed gently, feeling the tight ring of muscles holding him back.

  She moaned. No protest came out of her mouth.

  Liam pushed his finger past that tight ring of muscles. Her scream went straight to his weeping dick. Claire was a naturally sensual woman.

  “Say the words, and you can have more.”

  “Please, Liam. Fuck my ass. I need it,” she cried out. Shane sucked at her breasts while Liam pulled his finger out, spreading more lube all over his cock.

  Squeezing more from the tube, he applied it on her ass. This would be Claire’s first time, and he didn’t want to spoil it.

  “Lean over Shane. Let him suck those tits.” Liam pressed her forward. Glancing down the line of her body, he saw the entrance he was seeking.

  With his cock in hand, he watched as he placed the head against the tight ring of her ass. He was big, but he wanted in. Claire would open up for him.

  He heard her gasp as her ass gave way and he pushed through the tight muscles. His grip increased. All he wanted to do was ram inside her. Holding back and being in control was the only key.

  “I’m almost there, baby,” he said.

  “I want more.”

  Smiling at his woman, he grabbed her hips and pressed the last bit of his cock all the way inside.

  “Fuck. You’re big. I feel so full,” she cried.

  “I’m in. You’ve got my dick.”

  Taking hold of her hair, he got her to rest between them. After a quick check with Shane, they developed a rhythm. Liam pressed her down on his friend’s cock, and as she came up, he moved inside her.

  Shane fingered her clit. Liam pulled on her hair and, giving her the bite of pain she needed, fondled her breasts.

  Claire could take them. Her body was fit for the loving of two men. In no time, she was panting and begging for a release they’d long denied her.

  Smiling, Liam gave a nod of his head, and Shane brought her to completion. She screamed out. Liam swore as her ass grew unbearably tight and threatened to push him out. He wouldn’t have any of it.

  Gripping her waist, he took control and fucked her ass as Shane took her pussy. They were relentless through her orgasm, forcing her to take more of the pleasure they had to give. She climaxed a second time within a matter of seconds before collapsing against them. Liam peaked and filled her ass with his cum while Shane growled in completion.

  They lay panting and sated for the time being.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The days progressed, and life went back to normal. The only difference was, instead of finding Liam and Shane at the breakfast table, Claire would roll over and find them in her bed. Nothing changed.

  One night she heard the front door close and went to find out who’d left. She found Liam waiting for her near the doorway to the sitting room.

  “Where’s Shane?” she asked.

  Liam smirked and turned the light out in the room. Candles were dotted around, providing the only light.

  “We agreed to have our own separate times with you. Tonight is my night. He’s gone to the Walkers’ for a card game and beer. He’ll probably stay the night, which means I get you all to myself.”

  “I guess you planned this?” she said, gesturing to the rest of the room.

  “I’ve been planning this ever since I saw you swim naked in the river at one of our camping trips.”

  Claire gasped. “You saw me?”

  “Baby, I masturbated over you. I still do. Nothing like watching a woman swim. Your tits weren’t as big as they are now. I could wank over them. Would you like to see?”

  Even with the dim light, he saw the want shining within her eyes. Claire looked like a good girl on the outside. On the inside, she was a woman with kinky needs. He was going to be the one to fulfill them.

  “What do you mean?”

  She knew exactly what he meant. Moving farther into the sitting room, he removed his shirt and threw it to the floor.

  “I’ll play this game. I want you to get rid of the clothes, kneel at my feet, and suck my cock. I want you to take me to the back of your beautiful throat and swallow me down, your saliva coating every bit, your fingers cupping my balls. When I’m about to come, I’m going to pull out of your beautiful mouth and spray your tits with my spunk. Is that blatant enough for you?” With every word he spoke, he moved closer to her until he stood in front of her. Her chest was heaving with her indrawn breaths.

  “You want that?”

  “Do you want to do it, honey? It won’t be no fun without you enjoying it.”

  Liam waited, and for a split second, he wondered if he’d pushed her too far. He wanted her to enjoy herself, not do something just because he demanded it. There was a line he wasn’t willing to

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good, take your clothes off.” Liam unbuckled his belt and let his jeans fall to the floor. The tight denim had started to irritate his skin. He’d removed his boots earlier. Claire took a little longer. He didn’t mind. Standing, watching her get naked was a turn-on.

  Her skirt and blouse came off. She had dressed in conservative wear as she’d gone to visit her parents, but underneath she wore a lacy blue bra and matching panties.

  “I said your clothes. That means all of them. Strip.” Liam wanted to show her everything he was. When they were alone, Liam wanted to be the one who was in control.

  Her panties went to the floor and then her bra


  Claire went to her knees. He grabbed his cock and ran the tip all over her plump lips. She had one sexy mouth. His slit, already leaking his juice, traced her lips. “Lick it off.”

  She didn’t speak, which was exactly the way he wanted it. He was in control, and she was to do as he said with no questions asked.

  Her tongue peeked out and she licked along the path he took. “Open.” She opened her lips, and he pressed the head of his shaft inside her mouth. “Use your tongue.” Her tongue licked over his head and under the foreskin.

  Liam moved deeper into her mouth as her tongue continued to lick him.

  “You look good with my cock in your mouth.”

  He took hold of her head and began to work his length inside her mouth. Moans vibrated along his length, and his balls tightened.

  “Touch my balls,” he ordered.

  Her fingers cupped him. His fantasy was coming true. Claire was on her knees in front of him with his cock in her mouth. “I’m going to go deeper,” he warned. She gave a brief nod of her head, and he pressed forward, hitting the back of her throat. “Swallow me down.”


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