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The Dresden Files Collection 1-6

Page 61

by Jim Butcher

  Michael rose to his feet with a shout, one of his cheeks cut and bleeding, and went after her with Amoracchius. The spirit backhanded him away with her remaining arm as though he weighed no more than a doll. Michael grunted and went flying, rolling along the wooden street.

  And then, snarling and drooling, her eyes wide with frenzied madness, the ghost turned toward me.

  I scrambled to my feet and held out my staff across my body, a slender barrier between me and the ghost on its home turf. “I guess it’s too late to have a reasonable discussion, Agatha.”

  “My babies!” the spirit screamed. “Mine! Mine! Mine!”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” I breathed. I gathered my forces and started channeling them through the staff. The pale wood began glowing with a gold-and-orange light, spreading out before me in a quarter-dome shape.

  The ghost screamed again and hurtled toward me. I stood fast and shouted, “Reflettum!” at the top of my lungs. The spirit impacted against my shield with all the momentum of a bull rhinoceros on steroids. I’ve stopped bullets and worse with that shield before, but that was on my home turf, in the real world. Here, the Nevernever, Agatha’s ghost overloaded my shield, which detonated with a thunderous roar and sent me sprawling to the ground. Again.

  I jammed my scorched staff into the ground and groaned to my feet. Blood stained my tingling fingers, the skin swelling with dark bruises and burst blood vessels.

  Agatha stood several paces away, shaking with rage, or if I was lucky, with confusion. Bits of my shield-fire played over her shape and slowly winked out. I fumbled for my blasting rod, but my fingers had gone numb and I dropped it. I bent over to pick it up, swayed, and stood up again, red mist and sparkling dots swimming through my vision.

  Michael circled the stunned spirit and arrived at my side. His expression was concerned, rather than frightened. “Easy, Harry, easy. Good Lord, man, are you all right?”

  “I’ll make it,” I croaked. “There’s good news and bad news.”

  The knight brought his sword to guard again. “I’ve always been partial to the good news.”

  “I don’t think she’s interested in those babies anymore.”

  Michael flashed me a swift smile. “That is good news.”

  I wiped some sweat from my eyes. My hand came away scarlet. I must have gotten a cut, somewhere along the way. “The bad news is that she’s going to come over here and tear us apart in a couple more seconds.”

  “Not to be negative, but I’m afraid the news gets worse,” Michael said. “Listen.”

  I glanced at him, and cocked my head to one side. Distantly, but quickly growing nearer, I could hear haunting, musical baying, ghostly in the midnight air. “Holy shit,” I breathed. “Hellhounds.”

  “Harry,” Michael said sternly. “You know I hate it when you swear.”

  “You’re right. Sorry. Holy shit,” I breathed, “heckhounds. Godmother’s out hunting. How the hell did she find us so damned fast?”

  Michael grimaced at me. “She must have been close already. How long before she gets here?”

  “Not long. My shield made a lot of noise when it buckled. She’ll home in on it.”

  “If you want to go, Harry,” Michael said, “go on and leave. I’ll hold the ghost until you can get back through the rift.”

  I was tempted. There aren’t a lot of things that scare me more than the Nevernever and my godmother in tandem. But I was also angry. I hate it when I get shown up. Besides, Michael was a friend, and I’m not in the habit of leaving friends to clean up my messes for me. “No,” I said. “Let’s just hurry.”

  Michael grinned at me, and started forward, just as Agatha’s ghost extinguished the last residual bits of my magic that had been plaguing it. Michael sent Amoracchius whistling at the ghost, but she was unthinkably swift, and dodged each blow with a circling, swooping sort of grace. I lifted my blasting rod and narrowed my focus. I tuned out the baying of the hellhounds, now a lot nearer, and the sound of galloping hoofbeats that sent my pulse racing. I methodically blanked out everything but the ghost, Michael, and the power funneling into the blasting rod.

  The ghost must have sensed the strike gathering, because she turned and flew at me like a bullet. Her mouth opened in a scream, and I could see jagged, pointed teeth lining her jaws, the empty white fire of her eyes.

  “Fuego!” I shouted, and then the spirit hit me, full force. A beam of white fire spewed out from my blasting rod and across the wooden storefronts. They burst into flame as though soaked in gasoline. I went down, rolling, the spirit going after my throat with her teeth. I jammed the end of the blasting rod into her mouth and prepared to fire again, but she tore it from my hands with a ferocious doglike worrying motion and it tumbled away. I swiped the staff at her awkwardly, to no avail. She went for my throat again.

  I shoved a leather-clad forearm into her mouth and shouted, “Michael!” The ghost ripped at me with her nails and clamped down on my forearm. I dropped the ghost dust and scrabbled furiously at her with my free hand, trying to lever her off of me, but didn’t do much more than muss up her clothing.

  She got her hand on my throat and I felt my breath cut off. I writhed and struggled to escape, but the snarling ghost was a lot stronger and faster than me. Stars swam in front of my eyes.

  Michael shouted, and swept Amoracchius at the spirit. The great blade bit into her back with a wooden-sounding thunk and made her arch up, screaming in pain. It was a deathblow. The white light of the blade touched her spirit-flesh and set it alight, sizzling away from the edges of the wound. She twisted, screaming in fury, and the motion jerked the blade from Michael’s hands. Agatha Hagglethorn’s blazing ghost prepared to fly at his throat.

  I sat up, seized the sack of ghost dust, and with a grunt of effort swept it at the back of her head. There was a sharp sound when the improvised cosh struck her, the superheavy matter I’d enchanted hitting like a sledgehammer on china. The ghost froze in place for a moment, her feral mouth wide—and then toppled slowly to one side.

  I looked up at Michael, who stood gasping for breath, staring at me. “Harry,” he said. “Do you see?”

  I lifted a hand to my aching throat and looked around me. The sounds of baying hounds and thundering hooves had gone. “See what?” I asked.

  “Look.” He pointed at the smoldering ghost-corpse.

  I looked. In my struggles with Agatha’s ghost, I had torn aside the prim white shirt, and she must have ripped up the dress when she’d been crashing through sidewalks and strangling wizards and so on. I crawled a bit closer to the corpse. It was burning—not blazing, but steadily being eaten away by Amoracchius’s white fire, like newsprint slowly curling into flame. The fire didn’t hide what Michael was talking about, though.

  Wire. Strands of barbed wire ran about the ghost’s flesh, beneath her torn clothing. The barbs had dug cruelly into her flesh every two inches or so, and her body was covered with small, agonizing wounds. I grimaced, picking away at the burning cloth in tentative jerks. The wire was a single strand that began at her throat and wrapped about her torso, beneath the arms, winding all the way down one leg to her ankle. At either end, the wire simply vanished into her flesh.

  “Sun and stars,” I breathed. “No wonder she went mad.”

  “The wire,” Michael asked, crouching down next to me. “It was hurting the ghost?”

  I nodded. “Looks like. Torturing it.”

  “Why didn’t we see this in the hospital?”

  I shook my head. “Whatever this is . . . I’m not sure it would be visible in the real world. I don’t think we would have seen it if we hadn’t come here.”

  “God smiled on us,” Michael said.

  I eyed my own injuries, then glowered at the bruises already spreading over Michael’s arm and throat. “Yeah, whatever. Look, Michael—this kind of thing doesn’t just happen. Someone had to do it to this ghost.”

  “Which implies,” Michael said, “that they had a reason to want this gho
st to hurt those children.” His face darkened into a scowl.

  “Whether or not that was their goal, what it implies is that someone is behind all the recent activity—not some thing or condition. Someone is purposefully doing this to the ghosts in the area.” I stood up and brushed myself off, as the corpse continued to burn, like the buildings around us. Fire raged up the sides of anything vertical, and began to chew its way across the streets and sidewalks as well. A haze of smoke filled the air, as the spirit’s demesne in the Nevernever crumbled along with its remains.

  “Ow,” I complained. I keep my complaints succinct.

  Michael took the handle of his sword and drew it out of the flames, shaking his head. “The city is burning.”

  “Thank you, Sir Obvious.”

  He smiled. “Can the flames hurt us?”

  “Yes,” I said, emphatic. “Time to go.”

  Together, we headed back to the rift at a quick trot. At one point, Michael shouldered me out of the way of a tumbling chimney, and we had to skirt around the pile of shattered bricks and blazing timbers.

  “Wait,” I said suddenly. “Wait. Do you hear that?”

  Michael kept me hustling over the ground, toward the rift. “Hear what? I don’t hear anything.”

  “Yeah.” I coughed. “No more hounds howling.”

  A very tall, slender, inhumanly beautiful woman stepped out of the smoke. Reddish hair curled down past her hips in a riotous cascade, complementing her flawless skin, high cheekbones, and lush, full, bloodred lips. Her face was ageless, and her golden eyes had vertical slits instead of pupils, like a cat. Her gown was a flowing affair of deep green.

  “Hello, my son,” Lea purred, evidently unaffected by the smoke and unconcerned about the fire. Three great shapes, like mastiffs built from shadows and soot, crouched about her feet, watching us with flat, black eyes. They stood between us and the rift that led back home.

  I swallowed and forced down a sudden feeling of childlike panic that started gibbering down in my belly and threatened to come dancing up out of my throat. I stepped forward, between the faerie and Michael and said, in a rough voice, “Hello, Godmother.”

  Chapter Six

  My godmother looked around at the inferno and smiled. “It reminds me of times gone by. Doesn’t it remind you, my sweet?” She idly reached down and stroked the head of one of the hounds at her side.

  “However did you find me so quickly, Godmother?” I asked.

  She gave the hellhound a benign smile. “Mmmm. I have my little secrets, sweet. I only wanted to greet my long-estranged godson.”

  “All right. Hi, good to see you, have to do it again sometime,” I said. Smoke curled up into my mouth and I started coughing. “We’re kind of in a hurry here, so—”

  Lea laughed, a sound like bells just a shade out of tune. “Always in such a rush, you mortals. But we haven’t seen each other in ages, Harry.” She walked closer, her body moving with a lithe, sensuous grace that might have been mesmerizing in other circumstances. The hounds spread out silently behind her. “We should spend some time together.”

  Michael lifted his sword again, and said, calmly, “Madame, step from our path, if you please.”

  “It does not please me,” she spat, sudden and vicious. Those rich lips peeled back from dainty, sharp canines, and at the same time the three shadowy hounds let out bubbling growls. Her golden eyes swept past Michael and back to me. “He is mine, sir Knight, by blood right, by Law, and by his own broken word. He has made a compact with me. You have no power over that.”

  “Harry?” Michael shot me a quick look. “Is what she says true?”

  I licked my lips, and gripped my staff. “I was a lot younger, then. And a lot more stupid.”

  “Harry, if you have made a covenant with her of your own free will, then she is right—there is little I can do to stop her.”

  Another building fell with a roar. The fires gathered around us, and it got hot. Really, really hot. The rift wavered, growing smaller. We didn’t have much time left.

  “Come, Harry,” Lea purred, her voice gone, pardon the pun, smoky again. “Let the good Knight of the White God pass on his way. And let me take you to waters that will soothe your hurts and balm your ills.”

  It sounded like a good idea. It sounded really good. Her own magic saw to that. I felt my feet moving toward her in a slow, leaden shuffling.

  “Dresden,” Michael said, sharply. “Good Lord, man! What are you doing?”

  “Go home, Michael,” I said. My voice came out thick, dull, as though I’d been drinking. I saw Lea’s mouth, her soft, lovely mouth, curl upward in a triumphant smirk. I didn’t try to fight the pull of the magic. I wouldn’t have been able to stop my legs in any case. Lea’d had my number for years, and as far as I could tell she always would. I hadn’t a prayer of taking control back for more than a few seconds. The air grew cooler as I got closer to her, and I could smell her—her body, her hair, like wildflowers and musky earth, intoxicating. “There isn’t much time before the rift closes. Go home.”

  “Harry!” Michael shouted.

  Lea placed one long-fingered, slender hand upon my cheek. A wash of tingling pleasure went through me. My body reacted to her, helpless and demanding at the same time, and I had to fight to keep thoughts of her beauty from preoccupying me altogether.

  “Yes, my sweet man,” Lea whispered, golden eyes bright with glee. “Sweet, sweet, sweet. Now, lay aside your rod and staff.”

  I watched dully, as my fingers released both. They clattered to the ground. The flames grew closer, but I didn’t feel them. The rift glowed and shrank, almost closed. I narrowed my eyes, gathering my will.

  “Will you complete your bargain now, sweet mortal child?” Lea murmured, sliding her hands over my chest and then over my shoulders.

  “I will go with you,” I answered, letting my voice come out thick, slow. Her eyes lit with malicious glee, and she threw her head back and laughed, revealing creamy, delicious expanses of throat and bosom.

  “When Hell freezes over,” I added, and drew out the little sack of ghost dust for the last time. I dumped it all over and down the previously mentioned bosom. There isn’t much lore about faeries and depleted uranium, yet, but there’s a ton about faeries and cold iron. They don’t like it, and the iron content of the dust’s formula was pretty high.

  Lea’s flawless complexion immediately split into fiery scarlet welts, the skin drying and cracking before my eyes. Lea’s triumphant laugh turned into an agonized scream, and she released me, tearing her silken gown away from her chest in a panic, revealing more gorgeous flesh being riven by the cold iron.

  “Michael,” I shouted, “now!” I gave my godmother a stiff shove, scooped up my staff and rod, and dove for the rift. I heard a snarl, and something fastened around one of my boots, dragging me to the ground. I thrust my staff down at one of the hellhounds, and the wood struck it in one of its eyes. It roared in rage, and its two pack mates came rushing toward me.

  Michael stepped in the way and swept his sword at one of them. The true iron struck the faerie beast, and blood and white fire erupted from the wound. The second one leapt upon Michael and fastened its fangs onto his thigh, ripping and jerking.

  I brought my staff down hard on the beast’s skull, driving it off Michael’s leg, and started dragging my friend back toward the swiftly vanishing line of the rift. More hellhounds appeared, rushing from the burning ruins around us. “Come on!” I shouted. “There’s no time!”

  “Treachery!” spat my godmother. She rose up from the ground, blackened and burned, her fine dress in tatters about her waist, her body and limbs stretched, knobby, and inhuman. She clenched her hands into fists at her sides, and the fire from the building around us seemed to rush down, gathering in her grasp in a pair of blazing points of violet and emerald light. “Treasonous, poisonous child! You are mine as your mother swore unto me! As you swore!”

  “You shouldn’t make contracts with a minor!” I shouted back, an
d shoved Michael forward, into the rift. He wavered for a moment on the narrow opening, and then fell through and vanished back into the real world.

  “If you will not give me your life, serpent child, then I will have your blood!” Lea took two huge strides toward me and hurled both hands forward. A thunderbolt of braided emerald and violet power rushed at my face.

  I hurled myself backwards, at the rift, and prayed that it was still open enough to let me fall through. I extended my staff toward my godmother and threw up whatever weak shield I could. The faerie fire hammered into the shield, hurling me back into the rift like a straw before a tornado. I felt my staff smolder and burst into flames in my hand as I went sailing through.

  I landed on the floor of the nursery back in Cook County Hospital, my leather duster trailing with it a shroud of smoke that swiftly converted itself to a thin, disgusting coating of residual ectoplasm, while my staff burned with weird green and purple fire. Babies, in their little glass cribs, screamed lustily all around me. Confused voices babbled from the next room.

  Then the rift closed, and we were left back in the real world, surrounded by crying babies. The fluorescent lights all came back up, and we could hear more worried words from the nurses back at the duty station. I beat out the fires on my staff, and then sat there, panting and hurting. None of the matter of the Nevernever may have come back to the real world—but the injuries gained there were very real.

  Michael got up, and looked around at the babies, making sure that they were all in satisfactory condition. Then he sat down next to me, wiped the patina of ectoplasm from his brow, and started pressing the material of his cloak against the oozing gashes in his leg, where the hellhound’s fangs had sunk through his jeans. He gave me a pensive, frowning stare.

  “What?” I asked him.

  “Your godmother. You got away from her,” he said.


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