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A Cowboy's Christmas

Page 8

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Didn’t consider a desk job?”

  “Just kill me now.”

  “So here you are.”

  “Here I am. And I don’t know what the hell to do next.”

  Ryker took a deep breath. “I apologize if I put the pressure on. I want you to throw in with me. Your money’s already here, so why not you? But I need to give you time.”


  “It would be way simpler if you hadn’t gotten yourself tangled up with Hayley.”

  “Probably. But it’s what I do.”

  Ryker laughed. “At least you admit it.” He turned off on the dirt road leading to the ranch. “I can’t wait to get you into a Western saddle. You’re gonna love it.”

  An hour later, Badger was acclimating his ass off. Tacking up a horse in Montana didn’t bear much resemblance to what he’d been used to at his favorite riding stable in Atlanta.

  A Western saddle seemed more appropriate for lounging poolside than riding across the snowy fields of Montana. He used the time before Hayley arrived getting acquainted with Winston and learning how to saddle him. He couldn’t get over the weight difference between this saddle and the English ones he was used to.

  He settled it on Winston’s broad back and the horse grumbled. “Is this extra weight hard on him?”

  “I suppose it could be if the saddle doesn’t fit right,” Ryker said. “We make sure it does. Don’t mind his grumbling. He just likes to comment on everything. He likes it if you comment back.”

  “Is that right, Winston? Are you a talker, buddy? If you are, we’ll get along like grits and gravy. I’m a talker, too.”

  Winston snorted.

  “Yeah, I get that reaction a lot. Time to strap you in, Winston, ol’ boy.” He tightened what he called a girth but Ryker called a cinch. The horse groaned. “I know how it is. I felt the same every time I buckled myself into the F-15. But once you get belted in, you can take off like a rocket.”

  Ryker chuckled. “Winston’s days of taking off like a rocket are behind him. You can get some good speed out of that horse, but you’ll have to work up to it.”

  “Ah, no worries, Winston. We’re not plannin’ on enterin’ the Kentucky Derby, are we? It was just a figure of speech.”

  Winston snuffled and bobbed his head, making his bridal jingle.

  “I like this horse, Cowboy. We’re bondin’ over here.”

  “I can tell.” Ryker had already saddled his horse, a long-legged bay called Jake. He lifted a saddle onto Strawberry, named for his strawberry roan coat.

  “Did he come with the name Winston?”

  “Nope.” He reached under the roan’s belly and grabbed the cinch. “His name was Winner, but after listening to him talk for a month or two, I suggested Winston, after Winston Churchill. I was studying World War II in school.”

  “I like it. How about Jake?”

  “Zane named him after one of his high school friends who moved here from Tennessee. Since Jake is part Tennessee Walker, it seemed appropriate.”

  “Another Southern boy? Is he still in Eagles Nest?”

  “No, but they keep in touch. Jake is Zane’s favorite horse, but since he’s busy over at the raptor sanctuary, I get to ride Jake. Didn’t think about letting you have him since he has that Southern vibe. Want to trade?”

  “No, I do not. Me and Winston have made a connection, haven’t we, Winnie?”

  The horse gave a low chuckle.

  “Damn straight we have.” Badger scratched underneath Winston’s butterscotch and white mane. “Always did want a horse.”

  “That’s something you have in common with Hayley.”

  “Oh, we have plenty in common.” The sound of a car’s engine told him she was headed down the ranch road.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah. In a way, I’m sorry that…well, never mind.” He gave Winston a pat and walked over to meet Hayley as she parked her rental car next to Ryker’s truck.

  She climbed out wearing jeans, running shoes and a heavy jacket. She clutched a canvas hat in one hand. “This isn’t nearly as fetching as yours, but it’s what I could scrounge at the house.” She put it on and tightened the string under her chin. “It’s my dad’s fishing hat.”

  “You look cuter’n a speckled pup.”

  She laughed. “You silver-tongued flatterer, you.”

  “Where I come from, that’s a compliment.”

  “Where I come from, it isn’t.” She patted his cheek. “But you meant it to be.”

  He started to give her a kiss and then remembered Ryker knew the truth about this charade. “Guess I don’t have to kiss you.”

  “Guess not.” She held his gaze for a moment before looking away. “This is so exciting for me! I never imagined I’d get to ride on this vacation.” She started toward the barn. “Which one do I get?”

  “The strawberry roan.” He fell into step beside her. “Appropriately named Strawberry.” He should have just kissed her.

  “He’s gorgeous. They all are.”

  “I’m riding the Paint. That’s Winston. And Ryker’s riding Jake.”

  “I can’t wait. I might be a little rusty in the beginning, but once I get going I’ll be fine.”

  “At least you’re used to that kind of saddle.”

  “You rode English?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You should be fine. I think it’s probably harder to go from Western to English. Hey, Ryker! Thanks for saddling my horse for me.”

  “Happy to. Great hat.”

  “It was either this or a knit one with earflaps, which wouldn’t do much to block the sun. Are we ready?”

  “Sure are.” Ryker gestured to the horse he’d just saddled. “This is Strawberry.”

  “So Badger said. I can’t thank you enough for inviting me.”

  “You’re most welcome. Need a hand up?”

  “No, thanks. I’ve got it.” She accepted the reins and mounted in one fluid motion. “Ahhh. I love seeing the world from the back of a horse.”

  “Me, too, Hayley.” Ryker smiled up at her. “The only thing better is seeing it from the cockpit of a plane.”

  “I couldn’t say since I’ve never done that.”

  “You should try it sometime.”

  Badger was amused by Ryker’s quick turnaround. After his initial blustery reaction to this caper, he was charmed by Hayley’s zest for life. He wasn’t the only one.

  He looked at Badger. “Okay, flyboy. Mount up.”

  “Aye, aye, cap’n.” He swung into the saddle and Winston groaned again. “Sorry, Winnie. I shouldn’t have had the chocolate cake for dessert.”

  “But wasn’t it great?” Hayley neck-reined Strawberry away from the hitching rail. “I have to have it every Christmas. Which way, Ryker?”

  “I thought we’d take the trail Zane uses when he’s releasing one of his raptors. It’s real pretty.”

  “Then lead on.” She glanced at Badger. “Do you want to fall in behind him? After all, this was supposed to be a ride for you two. That way you can talk. I’ll just meander along behind and enjoy the scenery.”

  He shook his head. “Ladies first.”

  “Should have known you’d insist on that. By the way, you look great on that horse.”

  “Winston would make anyone look great. He’s a showy animal.”

  “He is, but—”

  “You two coming or not?” Ryker turned in the saddle. “We’re burning daylight.”

  “On our way, Cowboy!” Badger winked at her. “We’ll continue this discussion later.”

  Her blue eyes sparkled and her cheeks turned pink. “Counting on it.”

  Yeah, he absolutely should have kissed her a while ago. Surely he’d have another opportunity. If not, he’d make one.

  Chapter Ten

  Hayley was in her element. Not only was she on horseback, but she was riding through a snow-covered landscape between two handsome cowboys. The scenery was primo. The mountains and evergreen forest v
iews were nice, too.

  She only wished Badger’s manners hadn’t dictated that he had to let her go ahead of him. She wouldn’t have minded following him down the trail and feasting her gaze on the fantasy he’d turned into. He’d impressed her when he’d walked into the Guzzling Grizzly, but when he’d mounted that beautiful Paint with such ease, she’d nearly swooned.

  The path through the snow had been trampled by horses but clearly the previous riders had gone single file. Conversation would involve too much twisting in the saddle. Better to stay quiet. The peaceful silence of the wide meadow was broken only by the squeak of leather and the steady clop of hooves.

  Strawberry was a perfect gentleman. She told him so and patted his silky neck. His ears flicked backward to pick up her soft murmurs.

  Behind her, Badger seemed to be having a conversation with Winston. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, but Winston was noisier than either of the other horses. His snuffles, snorts and groans became funny after a while.

  About thirty yards ahead of them, four white-tailed deer—a buck and three does—leaped from the shelter of the trees and bounded across the meadow. Ryker raised his hand and pulled Jake to a halt.

  Hayley followed suit.

  When the small band had disappeared into the forest on the other side of the meadow, Ryker swiveled in his saddle. “They could be running from a predator. If so, I don’t want it to startle the horses.”

  “Good call.” Hayley stood in her stirrups and stretched. “What an amazing vista, Ryker.”

  “You have vistas near you, too.”

  “I do, but I get involved in work and forget to take advantage of the beauty outside. Thank you for reminding me how much I need this.”

  “I was just telling Badger that we all do. He’s partial to lights and traffic.”

  She twisted in her saddle. “Lights and traffic instead of this?”

  “I’m just used to a big city. You said you are, too.”

  “I did say that, but when you’re in the heart of a city, you have to deliberately plan to get out in nature. It’s easy to forget to do it. Here, you can’t forget. It’s right out your back door.”

  “Hear that, Badger? Thanks for helping me make my case, Hayley.”

  “It’s not an easy decision, though,” she said. “I love my job.”

  “What is your job? I don’t think Badger ever said.”

  “I work in elder care. My agency helps seniors in the Denver area stay happy and healthy.”

  “Worthy cause.”

  “Thanks. I think so. Very satisfying. We’ve made a lot of progress.”

  “Then I can see why you’d want to keep at it.” Ryker surveyed the meadow. “Since there’s no sign of a predator, let’s move on. We’re almost there.” He clucked to Jake and started down the trail again.

  Hayley turned to glance back at Badger. “What are you saying to Winston? It sounds like you two are talking to each other.”

  “We are. Ryker told me Winston appreciates a good conversation, so I want him to enjoy the experience today.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He grinned. “We’re discussin’ how nice you look ridin’ ahead of us.”

  “You are not.”

  “Yes, ma’am, we are.”

  “Me? In this old jacket and fishing hat?”

  “Winston and I have decided that you transcend the outfit.”

  “Oh, you have, have you?” Her heart beat faster. “Just so you know, that comment is way more effective than telling me I’m cuter than a speckled pup.”

  “Is it effective enough that it might earn me a kiss later on?”

  “That’s a distinct possibility.”

  “Hey, guys!” Ryker motioned them forward. “Move ‘em out! We don’t have all day, you know.”

  Badger chuckled. “That boy needs to learn how to relax. Most things in life benefit from a leisurely pace.”

  “I take it you know that from personal experience?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a lazy smile. “I surely do.”


  “Coming, Ryker!” Hayley faced forward and nudged Strawberry into a trot. Badger might not have meant his comment to be sexual, but since he’d brought up the subject of kissing, she’d taken it that way.

  She spent the rest of the ride turning herself on at the prospect of being alone with him again. But that might not happen anytime soon.

  Ryker had been kind enough to be their trail guide and they couldn’t have taken such a spectacular ride without him. She was grateful, but now she hoped he had somewhere else to be. Turned out her wish was granted.

  As they rode up to the barn, Ryker pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Yikes. We’re later than I thought. I’m supposed to pick up April at home and bring her back here for dinner. Would you guys be okay grooming the horses while I go get her?”

  “Absolutely.” Hayley’s imagination kicked in. This could be the private moment she’d hoped for. “Just show me where the grooming supplies are and where the saddles and blankets go. I’m a good hand.”

  “And I’m good at following directions,” Badger said.

  “All right.” Ryker dismounted. “Thanks.”

  Hayley followed him into the tack room to get her instructions, but she barely needed any. The routine was similar to what she’d done before at the riding stable.

  As he started out the door, she put a hand on his sleeve. “Before you leave, does April know the real story with Badger and me?”

  “No.” Ryker glanced at his buddy standing nearby. “And Badger is aware that I hate keeping secrets from the woman I love.”

  “I know you do,” Badger said quietly. “I surely appreciate that you’re doin’ it.”

  “Me, too,” Hayley said. “I didn’t stop to think how many people this scheme could affect.”

  Ryker sighed. “Now that I know you a little better, I’m more willing to do this for you. You’re a nice person, Hayley. I just hope this doesn’t blow up in your face. Or Badger’s.”

  “It won’t, Cowboy.” Badger clapped him on the shoulder. “Now go get April.”

  The grooming didn’t take long. Hayley hadn’t expected it to, and every minute saved was time alone with Badger. A quick call to Kendra confirmed which horse went in which stall.

  Winston’s was the farthest from the door and Badger led him down there while she waited. After he closed the stall door, he started back down the aisle with long, purposeful strides.

  Her heart began to pound. “You look like a man on a mission.”

  “I am.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her down the aisle. “I’m kissin’ you, Hayley Bennett.”

  “Glad to hear it, but where are we going?”

  “Tack room.”


  “More private, just in case.”

  “In case?”

  “We get carried away.”

  “Oh.” Heat swept through her, leaving her quivering.

  He pulled her inside the tack room, slid the door closed and laid his hat on a shelf. “I’ve been dreamin’ about this all day.” Gently he loosened the string under her chin, removed her hat, and set it next to his.

  “But don’t let me forget my—”

  “I won’t let you forget it, darlin’.” He framed her face in both hands and tilted it up to his. He searched her gaze. “Now we get to find out if last night’s kiss was a fluke.”

  She could barely breathe. He was so incredibly gorgeous. She’d never anticipated a kiss this much. “Do you…think it was?”


  “Me, either.” She closed her eyes as his mouth settled over hers. Heaven. Perfect fit. She sank against him as he coaxed her jaw open and boldly claimed her with his tongue. She moaned and clutched the back of his head.

  This was good, very good, but it wasn’t enough. He kissed with a sensuality that left her dizzy and aching. Oh, the promises he made with that tongue! She wanted him to ful
fill all of them. Now.

  As he continued to ravish her with his talented mouth, he worked her out of her jacket and unfastened her shirt. Lord help her, she aided and abetted. She longed for his touch.

  Her shirt hit the floor, joining her fallen jacket. Her bra followed. Panting, he drew back and gazed at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “I knew you would look like this, feel like this.” Cradling her breasts in his cupped hands, he brushed his thumbs over her aching nipples.

  She covered his hands with hers and closed her eyes. “I want—”

  “So do I, darlin’.” His voice was strained. “I didn’t count on this.”

  “Me, either.” She opened her eyes and gazed into his. “I never imagined that we’d be so, so—”

  “Hot for each other?” Sliding his hands to the small of her back, he pulled her closer.

  “Yeah.” She flattened her palms against his chest and absorbed the rapid beat of his heart.

  “And everybody but Ryker thinks we’ve already…”

  “I know, but we haven’t.” She looked into his eyes. Her frustration was reflected back to her. “Is that ridiculous or what?”

  “But if we could find a way…” He dragged in a shaky breath. “No one would question it.”

  “What way could there possibly be?”

  He swallowed. “Don’t know. But if I find one, will you…”

  “Yes! But it’s unlikely. We have chaperones everywhere and—”

  “Hey, guys and gals! Who’s ready for dinner?” The hearty question from right outside the door was followed by Winston’s loud whinny.

  Badger leaned down and murmured in her ear. “This is why we need a hidey-hole.”

  She nodded and worked to steady her breathing. His warm breath tickling her ear didn’t help.

  “Probably Cody. Sounds like him.”

  “Maybe we should just stay here and be quiet.”

  “Makes no sense. Why would we hide?”

  “You’re right.”

  “Come out when you’re ready.” He gave her a soft kiss, put on his hat and left the tack room, closing the door firmly behind him.


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