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Demigods Academy - Year Two

Page 3

by Elisa S. Amore

  He looked at me a long moment, then said. “No. You can’t leave. That was part of the deal Zeus and I arranged.”

  I couldn’t keep myself upright any longer. I fell back against the huge mattress, my eyes slowly closing. Before I completely drifted away, I felt Hades hands as he positioned me on the bed, and pulled the blanket up to my chin, effectively tucking me in.

  Chapter Four


  All I could think of as I walked back to the alcove with our drinks was how much I wanted to kiss Melany again. Her lips were so soft. Her body so hot, especially in that toga. She’d probably kill me for saying it but she looked like a Goddess with the gold eyeshadow and glitter on her cheeks. In my opinion she was prettier than Aphrodite.

  But when I returned to the alcove, Melany was gone. I wandered out into the main corridor to look for her.


  I looked over the railing and down into the foyer. But it was empty and dark, no indication anyone was down there. I checked in every corner and hiding spot, but didn’t find her sitting in the dark waiting for me. I didn’t think she’d go back to her dorm without telling me first. She knew, as we all did, this was likely our last night together for a while.

  I made my way back into the great hall. Maybe she got bored waiting for me and we missed each other coming and going.

  After setting the drinks on a table, I headed over to the buffet to see if she was filling up another plate. Training as we did required a lot of calories and that wasn’t going to change any time soon. It was likely going to get a lot more strenuous now that we were in our respective clans.

  She wasn’t at the food tables, so I went to the dancefloor to see if she was dancing. I spotted Jasmine and Mia in the middle of the fray jumping up and down but didn’t spy any blue hair in the crowd. I looked around and saw Georgina sitting at the table at the edge of the dance floor eating a large piece of chocolate cake. I approached her.

  “Have you seen Mel?”

  “No. I thought she was with you.”

  “She was. I left her out in the corridor to get us some drinks and she was gone when I got back.”

  I didn’t want to appear concerned. It was stupid to be worried in a place like this. We were all warriors in training, and I knew Melany could take care of herself and then some. But with Hades arrival in the academy and his claiming of Melany, everything didn’t seem safe and secure any longer. I didn’t know exactly what was going on, but it was clear that Hades had a fixation on her. And I didn’t like it.

  Georgina stood. “I’ll help you look for her. I’ll go check out dorm room. Maybe she went back to change. I know she hated the robe she was wearing.”

  I nodded. “I’ll ask Jasmine and Mia to be on the lookout for her, just in case.” I went out onto the dance floor to talk to them.

  Jasmine must’ve sense something was wrong because the moment I moved in next to her she was frowning and leaning into my ear. “What’s going on?”

  “Have you see Mel?”

  She shook her head. “Not since we were all on the floor together.”

  “She was waiting for me out in the main corridor near the stairs, but I can’t find her.”

  “We’ll look for her with you.” Jasmine grabbed Mia’s hand and we moved off the floor.

  Georgina and I went one way around the hall, Jasmine and Mia went the other way. My gaze swept the entire area and I couldn’t see her anywhere. Ren met up with us on the other side of the hall, he must’ve seen us doing the sweep.

  “What’s up?”

  “Looking for Mel. She’s missing.”

  “I haven’t seen her.” Ren grabbed Rosie as she walked by. “Have you seen Melany?”

  Rosie shook her head. “No, not since we were all dancing.”

  Once we all met up again, we left the hall and made our way back to the girls’ dorm. I didn’t wait at the end of the hall like I normally would have, and went with Georgina to her room. It was dark when we got there, and when Georgina flicked on the light we saw that Melany wasn’t there and all her stuff was gone.

  “Are you sure her clothes and stuff is gone?”

  She gestured to the empty closet on Melany’s side of the room. “Oh yeah.”

  Jasmine lingered in to the doorway. “What the hell does that mean? She wouldn’t just leave. Not after all we’ve been through. Doesn’t make sense.”

  “Well, we’re all supposed to move to our clan halls by tomorrow,” Georgina said. “Maybe she got moved early.”

  “Against her will, would be my guess.” I ran a hand through my hair, concern making my guts clench. “She was less than happy to be forced into Hades clan.”

  “Where else would she go?” Jasmine asked. “Maybe she went somewhere to think.”

  “Let’s try the maze.”

  Together, we left the academy and around the building to the hedge maze. The stone statues guarding the entrance looked even more menacing as usual. Or it could’ve been the dread coursing through me.

  Before we went into the dark maze, I created a small ball of fire in the palm of my hand to light our way. If Melany was here, that fire ball would’ve been huge and bright. Her manipulation of fire was extraordinary. I’d even seen Hephaistos eye her with appreciation when she was creating something in the flames.

  The maze was large and it took us a bit to get through it, as the path had changed since I’d been through it last. When we reached the center and the gazebo, my dread increased as the strains of an acoustic guitar greeted us.

  The four cauldrons around the gazebo were lit, the flames swaying to the music emanating from within. The orange glow created an unsettling display of light and dark over the stone pillars and roof of the gazebo. Shadows created by the flames seemed to be dancing in a celebration.

  I wasn’t surprised to see Hades sitting on the stone bench strumming his guitar when I took the three steps up into the gazebo. Jasmine, Mia, Georgina, Ren and Rosie all lined up behind me. When he saw us, he smiled, but kept playing his song with a bit more gusto.

  “Where is she?”

  His gaze fixed on me; it looked like there were flames crackling in his eyes, but it must’ve been the reflection of the fire in the cauldrons. He smacked his hand down on the strings of the guitar, letting go one last twang.

  “Where is who? I think you should be a bit more specific.”

  I took a step toward him. “Don’t play games with me, Hades. I know you did something to Melany.”

  He set his guitar aside onto the bench beside him and leaned back against the railing, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He grinned again, and it was cold and calculating and sent an icy shiver down my back. “Haven’t you heard, boy, play time is over?”

  I took another step forward.

  “Lucian,” Ren warned from behind me.

  “Where is Melany?! What did you do to her?!”

  “What makes you think I’d do anything to her? She’s my protégé now. She’s special. Very special.” He ran his fingers across his mouth. “But you obviously already know that about her.”

  He dripped with arrogance and it got my blood up. Heat swelled in my hands, then sparks. Ropes of lightning encircled my fingers. One flick of my wrist and I could send a few bolts toward Hades. But before I could do anything drastic and stupid, Ren, Jasmine and Georgina all grabbed me and kept me from charging toward the dark God. They probably saved my life.

  Chuckling, Hades stood. He brushed at his pants, and adjusted his shirt collar. “I admire your courage, Lucian. And it appears you have some ability.” He lifted his hands and wiggled his fingers. Electrical sparks coiled around his hands, but it wasn’t white lightning, it was as black as ink. “My brother must be pumped to have you in his clan.”

  I quickly snapped my hands closed, cutting off the flow of current. I sagged back against my friends, knowing I was foolish to think I could ever hope to go against a God as powerful as Hades.

  “I understand your desir
e to fight me, Lucian. I like it. Shows great spunk.” Hades shook his hands out, black sparks bounced onto the ground then fizzled. “And Melany…is most definitely worth fighting for.”

  He licked his lips as if he was thinking about the most delicious meal he was all set to devour.

  I broke free of my friends’ hands and rushed at him, my fists up to fight.

  With a snap of his fingers, Hades dissolved into tendrils of black smoke then they swirled up into a black tornado, blowing back my hair. Then the smoke vanished into thin air. All that was left was his acoustic guitar.

  I picked that up and smashed it into a hundred pieces. It didn’t do much for the rage coursing through me like wildfire.

  “Lucian, stop!” Jasmine came to my side. She didn’t touch me though, which was probably best.

  Breathing hard, I sagged against the side of the gazebo. “He has her, Jasmine.”

  “I know. It’ll be okay. Mel’s tough. She can handle herself.”

  I nodded, but I wasn’t so sure. Physically I knew Melany could handle anything anyone threw at her, but I wasn’t worried about Hades pushing her physical limits. I was worried that he held some kind of mental thrall on her. I remembered how she sounded when she talked about Hades, about seeing him here in the gazebo, playing his guitar for her.

  She sounded intrigued by him. Melany was a curious person, and it scared me to think what she’d do to satisfy that curiosity.

  Chapter Five


  A sudden clanging sounded near my ear jolting me out of sleep. I blinked open my eyes to stare at the black canopy overtop, trying to establish where the hell I was. I turned my head to see more dark things—the pillows, the blanket, the drapes that clung to the canopy, the round table near the bed. Then it came back in a heady rush, and I rolled over onto my side as nausea washed over me.

  I was in Hades Hall with Hades.

  But what the hell was that clanging noise?

  Slowly, I sat up, and stretched. That’s when I spied the bell hanging on the wall near the canopy. It rattled back and forth setting my teeth on edge. Obviously it was my new alarm clock.

  I stretched again, and stood. The bell kept clanging. “Argh! Okay, I’m up. Jeeze.”

  Instantly the bell stopped. Well, that was most definitely creepy.

  When I took a step forward toward the bathroom, something moved in the shadows in the corner near the closed door. I held my breath as a tall form in a hooded robe floated toward me. I clenched my hands, flames immediately engulfing them, and then raised them ready to attack.

  The form stopped, lifted long bony hands and drew back the hood to reveal a skeletal face, large rheumy eyes, and brown rotten teeth showing between pulled back thin wrinkled lips. His long white scraggily beard hung down his chest.

  I screamed. I couldn’t help it. It was a reflex.

  “Good morning, miss.” His voice was as brittle as yellowed old paper. “I hope you slept well.”

  Breathing hard, my heart hammering in my throat, I didn’t lower my hands. “Who are you?”

  “Charon, miss. Lord Hades has instructed me to inform you that breakfast will be served in the dining room promptly at seven, and not to be late. Also your training clothes are hanging in your closet.”

  Slowly, I lowered my hands and extinguished the flames sparked between my fingers. “Please tell me Charon that you’re not going to be in my room every morning.”

  “Of course not, miss. That would be rude.” He bowed his head, then turned and floated toward the door, which opened on its own and he went through, and the door shut behind him.

  Once he was gone, I went into the bathroom, washed and then went into the closet to get dressed. My training clothes consisted of black leggings and a long sleeved tight shirt, in a material that felt both lightweight and heavy. Almost like armor but without any bulk. I put on the black boots that accompanied them.

  I came out of my room, looked around, had no idea where the dining room so I checked all the doors. Two doors were locked, and when I tried the third it opened into a large dining room, dominated by a long mahogany table with only two chairs, one at each end. Hades, dressed all in black, sat at the far end, sipping from a tea cup. There was another place setting of tea at the other chair.

  “Good morning. You’re on time. Good. Sit.” He gestured to the end of the table. “Breakfast will be served shortly.”

  I sat, looked into the cup in front of me. I sniffed it, wrinkling my nose. Smelled gross.

  “Drink it. It’s good for you.”

  I met his gaze across the table. “Oh, like the water you drugged me with was good for me last night?”

  He waved his hand at me. “I didn’t drug you, Melany. You were tired; it had been a very long and stressful day. Even for me. Fighting with my brothers always wears me out. I zonked out the minute my head hit my pillow.”

  “Your butler scared the crap out of me this morning in my room. Does he always creep around?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid that’s his default state of being.” Hades chuckled. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t pop in on you like that again. I think he was just excited to meet you. I haven’t taken on a…recruit in a very long time.”

  “You used to teach here?”

  “Don’t look so surprised.” He made a comical face. “I’m a pretty decent teacher. I used to get all the apples.” His grin was quick and sly and did funny things to my belly.

  I swallowed, feeling a bit warmer than before. “Why were you banned from the academy?”

  “It’s a long story, and one you don’t need to know right now.”

  The door behind Hades swung open and one of Hephaistos little serving robots wheeled out with two plates of hot food. It stopped beside Hades, and handed him a plate, then wheeled down to me. I took the plate of eggs, toast, sausage and potatoes and set it down on the table in front of me. Then the little robot zoomed back through the door.

  “Does Hephaistos know you have one of his robots?”

  “Of course. He and I have an understanding. Now eat. You’re going to have a long day of training and you’re going to need the energy.”

  After we ate, I followed Hades down the corridor to the closed door next to the library. Last time I checked the door had been locked, but it naturally opened to Hades. I followed him in and was stunned. Of course every room in Hades Hall defied the laws of physics and form, and this room, although it seemed silly to call it merely that, was a glaring testament to the deception.

  It was as spacious as the training studio in the academy and reminded me a bit of a martial arts dojo as one wall was covered in an array of weapons, from Bo staff, long bow to ornate curved dagger. Close by to that wall were a row of wooden training dummies. And across the room on the far side was an obstacle course, with hanging ropes to climb, narrow beams to walk, razor wire to crawl under and a cement wall to scale.

  The room was lit by several tall torches in each corner, and situated every few feet along the walls. It felt like we were in some ancient gladiator arena.

  Hades spread his arms, gesturing to the room. “This is where you will train every day.”

  I walked to the weapon wall and ran my fingers over one of the broadswords’ blade. I’d had some training with a few of the weapons on the wall, but not all of them, and I was eager to give them a try.

  I spun around and looked him up and down. “And you’re going to train me?”

  His eyebrow arched. “Yes, in some of the combat tactics.” He snatched a couple of the knives on the wall. One in each hand, he spun them around flawlessly, fluidly, and then with a flick of his wrists, they zipped across the room. One impaled a wooden dummy right in the middle, and the other dagger hit the next one in the same spot. It was impressive.

  “But most of your training will be with my associates.” There was a sly smile on his face as he looked up at the ceiling.

  I followed his gaze and spotted three large forms moving about in the shadows on a le
dge twenty-five feet above us. Then one by one they swooped down and landed next to Hades. Their appearance startled me and I took a few unsteady steps backward. I’d thought Medusa and Chiron had been unsettling to interact with.

  But these creatures took things to a whole new level. I’d read about the Furies in a book about the Gods. They embodied anger, vengeance and jealousy. The very air changed the moment they arrived. It was a chaotic energy, and it made the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck rise.

  “Welcome ladies.” Hades gestured to the first new arrival on his left, who towered over him. “This is Allecto.”

  She had long bright red hair braided in two lines, one on each side of her angular face. Blood red eyes glared down at me, crimson lines running in tear stains down her face. Between her full pale lips I could see tiny razor sharp kitten teeth that looked more deadly than cute. And massive black leathery wings loomed behind her, the ends of them hooked much like those of a bat. Other than that she looked like a regular woman, except extremely muscular and tall. She would’ve loomed over Hippolyta.

  “And this is Tisiphone and Megaera.”

  Beside Allecto stood her sister, I assumed it was as they shared the same facial features, but she had short raven black hair. She also had red eyes with streaks of blood staining her cheeks, tiny fangs, and similar large black wings. Although she wasn’t as tall or as bulky muscle wise, she was still intimidating and fierce looking and she looked at me like she wanted to dine on my blood and bones.

  Next to her was a slighter woman and shorter, she was only a couple of inches taller than me, with long scraggily green hair. She shared all the same physical features though as her sisters. Her gaze was more pointed when she looked me up and down.

  “This is who you’ve chosen?” she smirked. Her voice was high-pitched and shrill, making me shudder.

  “She’s tougher than she looks.”

  “She better be or we’ll break her within minutes of training.” Allecto leaned down to scrutinize me. She sniffed the air around me, and then snarled. “She reeks of fear.”


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