Full Moon on the Lake

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Full Moon on the Lake Page 5

by D. M. Angel

  “Jace is walking the perimeter we set up, Thomas and Eric are resting getting ready for the next shift.” She answered pointing to the clearing behind her. “I will go get the car ready to go.” With her report made, she walked toward the front of cabin to where all the cars were parked.

  Leisa walked out of the cabin looked up to the sky and the surrounding area, “She really did find the most beautiful spot.”

  Jasmine walking up behind her agreed, “It truly is beautiful here, and I would love to come out to run someday. It is so peaceful here.”

  Emily walked out and passed them going down the steps, “Let’s go ladies time’s awastin’ and I got baking to do!” They all laughed as they walked to the car.

  “Hello Serena how have you been dear?” Jasmine asked as she opened the car door.

  “Just fine AuntieAuntie Jasmine how is Uncle Frank?”

  “Just fine dear, ornery as ever.” They laughed as Serena pulled away.

  Daniela laid her head on the table her brain feeling like it was going to explode with all the information crammed into it. She raised her head to see Kyla looking at her with concern. Self-consciously jumping up from the table she announced, “I am going for a walk to clear my head.” and rushed out the door.

  Hearing a conversation to her left, she turn right when she landed on the bottom step and ran into the forest running to get the anxiety out of her system. She was not sure how far she ran when she finally stopped completely out of breath. Leaning against a tree, she looked up through the branches at the sun twinkling methodically in the gentle wind. It was quiet, peaceful; the Katydids chirping in tune with the birds were the only sounds in the cool breeze.

  Daniela walked over and slid down the tree closest to her, sitting in the cool green loam surrounding the tree. Everything that has happenedhappened to her in the last six months was catching up with her. She felt overcome with uncontrolled emotions. Frustrated tears flowed slowly down her cheeks, her emotional damn bursting, making small paths to her chin. She hoped moving here would be a new start for her, but she was slowly realizing things were not changing the way she thought they would. What is the point of planning when it never goes the way you want it too? She felt like a feather that had floated onto a whorl pool, lost and out of control. Her overwhelmingoverwhelming emotions breaking free she let the tears flow unheeded.

  Jacob was her mate. How could that be? What did it mean? Could I really find love after all this time? Doubt pushed its way into her mind. She could not trust, Garret made sure of that, but could she live alone, unloved? Suddenly a pain so severe ripped from her heart and spread to her chest, sucking the breath away from her lungs. The pain, emptiness threatening to implode her chest. She could not breathe her breath caught in her, her throat closed. Just the idea she could never love, never trust anyone to be loved, had her paralyzed with fear. A caress so soft hit her mind urging her to breath.

  Jacob sat, then paced, then sat again in the main room at the pack house waiting. For what, he did not know. Suddenly he knew something was wrong with Daniela, he had an overpowering urgency to get to her now. She was in pain! “Breath,” he whispered, “I am here.” Looking around he saw James sitting by the big picture window staring out into space. Jacob, moving got up quietly turning to James as he stood, “Just going to the kitchen to get something to drink, want something?” He asked James innocently.

  “Nah, go ahead, I’ll be right here. Hurry back though.” James requested.

  “Yeah, No problem.” Jacob left the room and walked to the refrigerator incase James followed. Opened the door as if to look around listening for footsteps. Closing the refrigerator door, he opened a cabinet and closed it sharply. Darting to the back door he opened it quietly and changed as he leaped through, going out and across the grass as quickly as he could.

  Derrick stormed into the cabin with his cell to his ear, “Damn it how long ago?” He pause, looking around the cabin then at Kyla. “Where is she?!” Kyla jumped up quickly meeting him half way to the door,

  “She went for a walk. Why what’s wrong?”

  “No, no we will take care of it at this end. Just make sure James understands I will take care of his lack of propriety when I get back.” He hung up the phone not waiting for a reply. “Jacob got away from his guards.guards We need to find her now!”

  Serena drove up just as Kyla and Derrick came rushing out of the cabin door. Seeing the look of worry on their faces, she hurried to their side. “What’s going on?” She asked.

  “Jacob is on his way here unescorted. We need to find Daniela quickly; we do not know his state of mind. She went for a walk.” Derrick informed her.

  “Hold on sir.” Serena replied as she turned she whistled into the air. Jace arrived first, then Thomas and Eric. Derrick repeated the problem.

  Jace spoke, “She didn’t come my way.” then looked to Eric.

  Eric looked at Thomas for confirmation while he answered, “She didn’t come by us either.”

  Derrick acknowledged the effectiveness of the way these four worked together, “OK, we split up in pairs spread out and go this way, there are three trails she could have taken. Get her back to the cabin.” When all acknowledgedacknowledged his orders, they took off running.

  Kate was still crying when she felt someone near her. She looked up to see that same wolf from last night, standing in front of her just watching. “Jacob?” she whispered tentatively. The wolf moved slowly toward her lowering his head as he approached. She reached out with a hand palm up. When he came forward, whimpering sorrowfully, she stretched out further and touched the fur around his nose slowly and he leaned into her. He moved closer touching her stomach first then raised his head looking into her face. She reached out with both hands, hugged him around his neck, and continued crying unhindered into his fur. He whimpered not sure what to do as he had realized when he saw her he had ran off forgetting his clothes again.

  “I’m sorry; I am getting you all wet.” She let go of him and looked into his golden eyes. “I am just so confused with all of this. I know you are a man, but, right now I feel like I am talking to a dog.” She giggled nervously.

  Jacob growled softly. “Yes, I know you’re a wolf.” She laughed half-heartedly. Jacob wagged his tail and she laughed again. Jacob loved the way she laughed andand he licked her face impishly hoping to continue her laughter.

  “Ewwe, stop that!” She laughed again as she stood. Jacob ran around her in a circle teasing Kate into a full-blown laugh. Feeling some of the weigh flow off her shoulders Kate reached down, rubbed the top of his head, and scratched his ear.

  “Jacob, I don’t know what to do. I know they say you are my mate. I understand, kinda but, I can’t be.” Kate let go and started pacing, “I just don’t want anyone right now. I amam not ready. I don’t know if I can trust anyone or even myself. I don’t even know if I can even trust myself to love again or if I can even love someoene.” She turned her back to him and started to walk toward the cabin. “I just need Some time to…” She had taken two steps when she heard a growl, low and deep. She froze.

  Turning slowly back around she saw Jacob facing her, the hair on his neck raised. He looked mad like an angry rabid wolf. “Jacob?” She asked fearfully taking a cautious step back. He growled deeper. “Jacob!? Please Stop you’re scaring me.” He took a step forward growling deeper and quietly. Is head low to the ground as he stalked her. She took slow steps back trying to keep the distance between them, holding her hands in front of her trying to ward him off. Then, without thinking, she turned abruptly and ran. Jacob growled and took chase. She Screamed, “Jacob STOP!” She had not gone far when he knocked her to the ground screaming.

  Rolling over she looked up to see Jacob moving to standstand over her, his teeth bared. “Jacob?” she whispered frightened, “Please don’t.” However, he did not seem to hear her, his eyes glazed and red with determination.. Jacob moved his face closer to her face, and she started shaking and closed her eyes. She could f
eel his hot breath on her cheek and neckneck and could not move, she could not breathe. Just when she thought she would pass out from the lack of air, she heard the growling in stereo.

  Kate slowly opened her eyes in terror. Jacob was still above her but he was looking to the right of her. Very slowly, she turned her head to see the other wolf, a very large grey wolf a few feet away circling behind Jacob. She looked between Jacob and this other wolf, who was it? Derrick! She thought suddenly. She just knew unexpectedly, did not know why or how she did, but she knew the grey wolf was Derrick. Then the realization dawned on her, ‘Oh shit’, she was between two wolves and they were angry, Jacob protective, possessive, they going to fight.

  Jacob turned cautiously, moving out from over Daniela facing the grey wolf stepping a little further away; placingplacing himself between Daniela and the wolf. Another wolf, brown, walked out from behind a tree to the left, then another right behind Daniela. This one was light gray, slightly smaller than the others were, and stopped beside her;; the wolf glanced at Daniela as if to say ‘don’t move.’ How Daniela knew this she did not know but she would obey. Daniela nodded slightly and stood slowly, as the wolf moved forward pushing Jacob to step back further. Placing her body between Daniela and Jacob. If Daniela were not so frightened, she would have had time to analyze the fact she understood the thoughts of all the wolves there. That it was not that she just seem to know, but that she was receiving and understanding the thoughts projected to her.

  Jacob’s wolf continued becomingbecoming frustrated at being systematically surrounded by the other wolves, of being separated from his mate. He knewknew the larger wolf beingbeing the biggest threat and continued to face Derrick as the other two flanked him. He knew where they were. Jacob’s wolf was unhappy at being cut off from Daniela growled his frustration. She was his; his mate, his wolf would not give Jacob back control easily and he fought within himself. The human partpart of him knew these were pack mates, yet his wolf would not listen. ‘She was his’; this was all that the wolf understood, ‘His mate.’ His wolf was angry that he was being methodically partedparted from her, being moved further away. Angry hehe pounced on the gray wolf; ‘if he could just take care of him the others would be easy to intimidate’intimidate’.

  Daniela watched terrified as Jacob and Derrick fought. The other two wolves stood between her and the fighting but it was the most horrible thing she had witnessed. The sounds of the fighting, so primal, so powerful. Dirt, leaves, and twigs sprayed up into the air as each push the other back, trying to gain the upper hand. The growling so loud she covered her ears. Unable to close her eyes to the site, she watched horrified as she watched fur fly. She started forward, not sure what she could do. One-step was all she managed as one of the wolves beside her stepped in front of her, blocking her from moving forward. She never noticed what had stopped her, her mind so numb at the site she stopped unable to consider how to get around the wolf. So numb and engrossed she never even considered the fact that she should not have moved in the first place. Therefore, she just stood and watched.

  Her legs slowly lost feeling as the fighting continued, the growling, the barking the anger projected into the clearing became overwhelming and she sunk to the ground. Daniela felt so lost, “How can I stop this?” she spoke through her thoughts in a whisper. “This is my fault.” She analyzed sadly to herself but the wolves around her heard.

  The smaller gray wolf turned guardedly and looked at Daniela her eyes sad but determined. She looked over her shoulder at the fighting then nudged Daniela to stand. Standing slowly, carefully she watched never taking one eye off the fight. Jacob was lifted by Darrick’s powerful muzzle and thrown against a tree. There was a loud thud and crack and he slid down the bark of the tree, as leaves loosened from the impact, followed him down. When Daniela finally stood up her first instinct was to help Jacob. The grey wolf nudged her leg and shook it’s head, then pushing herher took a step toward the cabin then looked up at Daniela. Daniela followed reluctantly. She looked behind her as she walked slowly away. Jacob shook off the fall and growled at Derrick then pounced. She realized grudgingly she could only wish she could stop the fighting. Daniela noticed the brown wolf had moved between the fighting wolves and them, the retreating pair.

  Tears streamed down her face as she followed the wolf toward the cabin. The trail blurry and unfocused. Why had she picked here to hide? If she could have gone anywhere else this mess would not have happened. Jacob would be safe and she would not be so confused. This was truly her fault.

  Derrick knew this was going to be a long fight; he just did not like the idea of fighting one of his own. Let alone a friend he had known since childhood. Derrick was Alpha and knew the strength of his friend, yet in his present state of mind Derrick knew Jacob; this was going to be a harder fight. He was unpredictable, determined and erratic in his present frame of mind. He just did not want to hurt him too badly, knowing they were both going to be hurt. ‘Damn him for not listening.’ Derrick thought when Jacob leaped. Derrick was ready.

  Jacob’s wolf aimed for the throat hoping to get this over with, but Derrick was prepared. Jacob wolf wanted to finish the mating and they were in his way. It did not matter if she was ready or not, his wolf told him, she was his, his mate. Jacob fought with his wolf trying to reason, but they both shared the same emotional need and it was hard to disagree. It didn’t mater if it was logical or not she was his mate and they needed to mate now. As far as jacob’s wolf was concerned Derrick was a rival and needed to be put in his place, and out of the picture when it came to Daniela.

  Jacob the human knew that Derrick loved Kyla with his heart, mind and soul and that there would never be another for him ever. Jacob the wolf knew that Alpha’s can have more than one mate and he would not have his. No matter what.

  Derrick swiped at Jacob’s side knocking him over. Jacob rolled and stood, attacking again. Growls roared from both as they fought. Derrick knocking him down repeatedly but Jacob would not yield. Jacob got in a few good swipes and Derrick would have enjoyed the sparing if it was not for the fact this was for real. He knew Jacob was only partially aware in this presence of mind and he would wait for Jacob to realize what he was doing. This mating was going to take its toll on all of them. He would not hurt him too badly but he could not let Jacob get the upper hand. Derrick would just let Jacob wear himself out then give him a good reminder as to why he should have obeyed the alpha.

  Thomas watched in his wolf form wondering if anything he could do to stop the fight. Twigs snapped as they rolled. Leaves crunched. Jacob growled low and pounced on Derrick, then rolled as Derrick getting the upper hand, swiped hitting his head and growled back. Thomas shivered at the sounds of two alpha’s fighting. Jacob used his feet pushing Derrick off him. Derrick turned, gripped Jacob by his neck with his powerful jaws push off the ground enough to lift him off his feet and threwhim against a tree.

  Thomas Moved between The alphas fighting and the retreating pair as Jacob shook off the hit, lowered himself and launched at the alpha. He doubted Jacob would notice them leaving in his present state of mind. But; in his present state of mind Thomas would take no chances.

  As Kate got closer to the cabin, Kyla stepped out from the trail in front of her. “Are you alright?” Kate nodded. Kyla looked down at the wolf, “I have her Serena, thank you.” The wolf nodded then took off running toward the clearing where Kate noticed tents were set up and disappeared inside one. Kyla placed her hand on Kate’s shaking shoulder, “Come on let’s get you inside.” Escorted her back to the cabin.

  Kyla closed the door as Kate sat down in the closest chair. She looked up to Kyla, “That was my fault wasn’t it?” she asked begging Kyla to say otherwise.

  “It was and wasn’t.” Kyla sat next to her. “You still do not understand how the mating works. You cannot go wandering off by yourself. Jacob is not himself and because of how severe it is getting and as fast as it happened we are not sure yet just how violent he may get.” She looked Dani
ela in the face, “He would never intentionally hurt you, and it would kill him if he did. But; he is not in his right mind and we need to protect him from himself.”


  Kate thought about what happen and what Kyla said had made sense. Jacob had changed from a playful pup to a dangerous wolf in just a breath of time. The way he just showed up. How did he know where to find her? In addition, he seemed to know she needed comfort. How did he even know she was upset? She needed answers to so many questions. She need to figure out where she was in all of this. Kate shivered remembering the sounds the wolves made when they fought. She never wanted to hear that again so Kate formed her first question and asked, “What do I need to do?”

  Kyla patted her hand and smiled. “First, we need to make dinner there are going to be some very hungry wolves in a little while. Then we will have trouble!” Kyla laughed as they both got up from the table. “Do you cook?” Kyla asked questioningly.

  Kate giggled, “I love to cook! You all have done so much how about I cook and you can be my sous chef?”

  “Deal!” Kyla laughed. The door opened and they turned apprehensively to see Serena standing in the doorway. Both busted out laughing as Serena looked from one to the other confused as Kate announced the potato prep had arrived.

  Kate took charge looking around the small kitchen then looked questioningly back at the other two, “How many are we feeding?”

  Kyla looked at Serena and back at Daniela, “Hummm; an army?”

  Kate looked at the counter, opened the refrigerator and replied, “Houston, we gotta problem!”

  Kyla laughed then turned pulling her phone out of her pocket. “I will call for more food and reinforcements!”

  Kate clapped her hands together, “Good thing I have lots of wood stored,” getting into cooking mode Kate turned to Serena, “Serena there is a large fire pit over towards the lake we will cook there. Can you get a fire started?”


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