Full Moon on the Lake

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Full Moon on the Lake Page 6

by D. M. Angel

  Serena looked at Kate with one eyebrow raised, “Yes.” she said seriously and just as Kate thought, she had offended Serena she burst out laughing.

  Kate let the women know she was going behind the cabin to the shed, “I saw a large grate with legs in the shed, the previous owners must have had parties out here.” Everyone got busy planning.

  Jacob tried once more to get a hold of Derrick to gain the upper hand but his wolf was getting tired. Derrick saw his opportunity and took full advantage, gripping Jacob's neck with his teeth and held on tight waiting for him to submit. Jacob exhausted finally relented and lowered himself baring his neck in submission. When the alpha let go of Jacob, he looked up at his alpha in defeat. Derrick stood changing back and started to walk back to the cabin, Jacob and Thomas followed. Derrick slowed slightly and let Jacob catch up beside him. When Jacob walked with his head down and quiet Derrick bumped is shoulder with his to let him know there was no hard feelings,

  “We will get through this.”

  Jacob Sighed. “I know but it would be so much easier to take you serious right now if we were wearing clothes.”

  Derrick Chuckled, turned slightly and headed to the tents and available clothes so they could change. Derrick entered a tent and shifted; looking through the knapsacks, he threw a pair of sweats to Jacob and Thomas and pulled a pair on himself. He then turned toward Jacob hands on hips ready to reprimand him for disobeying his orders.

  “Jacob,” Derrick Started, “I’m waiting.” Thomas turned and stepped out of the tent to give them some semblance of privacy.

  Jacob shook his head, “All I knew is that there was something wrong and I had to get to her. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “You weren’t!” Derrick stated in his most powerful voice, “This is why you are to stay where you are under guard, you could have really hurt her.” Derrick brushed his hand through his hair frustrated trying to calm down the anger from being disobeyed; to that of a concerned friend. “We don’t yet know how dangerous this is going to get. If this fight is any indication, we are in for a very hard time of it. You as you go through this and the pack as we try to understand and protect you both. You need to control your wolf now more than ever. Do NOT let him get control from you again! You are not a pup!”

  Jacob looked forlorn, “Yes Sir.” He said nodding agreement.

  “Good!” Derrick ended the reprimand, “We need to go to the cabin, you have apologies to make and it sounds as if the women are going to need our help.” He patted Jacob on the back and led him out of the tent. “Don’t make me chain you Jacob.” He added as a warning. Thomas followed behind as they walked to the back of the cabin. They stopped suddenly stunned, where there was a very lovely leg floating in midair out of the shed door.

  Daniela grunted as she pulled as hard as she could to get the grate loose, but it was heavier than she had expected and it would not budge. She lifted one leg to lean forward to get a better grip, and yanked with all she was worth. It slid very slightly then she lost her grip and landed on her butt. Frustrated she slammed her fist to the ground and growled staring up at the grate. She startled when she heard a snicker behind her.

  “I see what you see in her.” Thomas said laughing.

  Jacob growled at him, reached down and picked her up. “What are you doing?” he asked angrily then remembered his need to apologize. Changing tactics looked at her expressing regret for earlier with the boyish look in his eyes.

  “Trying to make dinner!” she said frustrated, looking back at him uncertain.

  “In the Shed!?” Thomas asked.

  “No! I can’t get this grate out to take to the fire pit to cook on.”

  She touched the grate with both hands and yanked harder trying to pull it out again only to lose her grip falling against Jacob’s muscled chest. He steadied her holding her firmly around the waist enveloping her in his arms. She looked up into his face getting lost in the depth of the gold eyes and the emotions she saw there. Her fingers moved to touch the creases around his eyes and she inhaled deeply breathing in his scent feeling warm and protected in his arms. ‘This is where he wanted to be’, he thought as his gazed into her eyes leaning into her touch. His wolf calmed, his heart raced. His mind blanked to onlythe two of them.

  Thomas feeling this was ridiculous, and a bit uncomfortable watching them pushed his way passed to get to the grate, “I’ll get it!”

  Derrick, being a little faster, pushed Jacob and Daniela apart announced, “We will all get it and bring it to the pit, you go on ahead Daniela.” Giving Jacob a stern look letting him know it was a command not a suggestion. Daniela blushed and turned hurrying back around the cabin.

  Kyla looked up as Daniela came around the corner, “Where’s the grate?” noticing the flush on her face asked, “What happened are you ok?”

  Daniela blush brightened as she heading for the cabin not looking at Kyla, “The guys are getting it, I am going to get the stuff set up.” She said walking through the door. Kyla stood looking at the now empty doorway confused until she heard male grunting coming from around the side of the cabin, then smiled knowingly.

  Daniela walked out with a basket full of food she had prepared while hiding out in the cabin for the last thirty minutes, in her arms. She had been trying to sort out what was happening to her. Feeling like this just do not pop up as strong as she was feeling this fast. How could she have forgotten there were others around when she fell into Jacob? How could her mind freeze up like that so focused on the one thing not noticing her surroundings? She had never been that unfocused. So lost in her thoughts she almost missed the last step as she looked up around her. She was not prepared, for all the people that had shown up in that short amount of time.

  A car stopped in front of her and five people stepped out, one took the basket from her overloaded hands smiling, as another asked if there was more to go out. She nodded and pointed to the cabin, bewildered. Walking down to the lake with her arms now only half full, followed by the others carrying the rest of the food and supplies. She realized, there would be no more hiding out in the cabin.

  She approached the fire now burnt down perfectly to amber coals and ready for cooking. Looking around Kate saw there were tables and chairs being set up around the area, people were on the dock romping around pushing each other into the water and there were still more people already swimming in the lake. She stood astounded looking around at all the people and the changes to her once quiet property.

  Leisa and Kyla were setting up a table that was quickly filling up with food others brought, like a buffet table. Jasmine walked behind her,

  “Someone mentions BBQ and the whole pack goes nuts!” she laughed. “Doesn’t hurt that there is a new member of the pack to bring out the curious either.” “Come on heard you were cooking I’ll show you what we have.” Jasmine said looking sympathetically.

  The night was not going as bad as Daniela thought it was going to be. Many of the women helped prepare the food following Daniela’s instructions, while Daniela cooked the seasoned steaks, chicken, pork and hot dogs for the kids. She put everything on in order of heat, pork first and furthest from the heat turning it constantly. A girl introduced herself as Alice, asked her lots of cooking questions, which, while explaining why certain spices went on which meat and the reason to slow cook the pork, more women came to listen. The older ones nodding in agreement, letting Daniela have her fun. Daniela was in her element.

  When all the meats were cooked, she put the hot dogs on while everyone helped put the meat on platters and took them to the table. Hot dogs came off as the last person left with the last of the steaks and Kyla whistled. Everyone gather and sat at the tables, Kyla lead Daniela to the head table to sit between her and Jasmine. When everyone sat down, Derrick rose from the seat on the other side of Kyla and the noise dissipated as everyone went quiet.

  “As you know we have a new neighbor who has graciously cooked us this wonderful feast!” Rowdy cheers rang out all around
causing Daniela to blush as Derrick continued, calming the group as he spoke. “With the help of the every woman here, we will eat well tonight. Daniela,” He turned introducing her to the pack. “Although this may look like our entire pack,” He paused as others laughed. “It is not. I assure you we welcome you to our pack with open arms.” He finished spreading his arms wide indicating the whole of the pack.

  Everyone clapped and yelled their agreement. Daniela felt welcome already but to be the center of attention; she blushed glanced down from watching Derrick speak and her eyes landed on Jacob. His eyes were lit up with pride. In her? He nodded once and smiled as if he heard her thoughts.

  Derrick after gaining momentary control again continued, “Let’s eat.” “Oh, and let be on our best behavior!” At this, everyone at the head table rose and walked over to the buffet. Daniela just sat there confused as to what to do. Jacob walked over and held his hand out to her. Derrick started to protest but Kyla grabbed his arm and pulled him away before he could speak.

  “No one will eat if you don’t get your food dear.” He looked down at her and realized there were enough people here to help keep Jacob in line shook his head at Kyla’s manipulations, grabbed up a plate and filled it.

  The laughter and friendship filled the air as everyone ate and visited with each other. Daniela watched noting the camaraderie was more like a large family than it was a small community. She smiled feeling she belonged here, but not quite sure just where she belonged. She had never felt so happy being anywhere before and yet strangely out of place too. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she did feel it was home. When everyone ate more than what Daniela had thought anyone could eat the women got up clearing off the buffet table, only for others to bring large coolers of fruits, pastries, pies and cakes and set them out. A separate plate of cakes, pastries and pies where set at the head table as well as a bowl of fruit.

  Some of the men had left coming back with two very large coolers filled with beer and wines setting them down to either side of the table. The younger men gathered large platters filling them with the bottled wines and beers. Daniela realizing they were going to serve started to rise to help.

  Jasmine set a hand on hers to keep her from rising whispered, “This is how the men thank us for the great meal.” She giggled mischief in her eyes, “Watch.”

  The men attached or mated served the women they loved first; it was strange to watch especially when Derrick got up to serve Kyla. Daniela could see the love in their eyes, mate to the mates they were devoted to. The unattached males took care of the unmated women and the younger men served the younger women. Even the kids followed suit as young boys served the young girls.

  It was almost poetry in motion, like a dance performed with devotion. Daniela was so mesmerized she did not notice Jacob standing next to her until he cleared his throat. “What would you like?” he asked her softly.

  Their eyes met and she blushed, “White wine?” she barely whispered and was surprised he had heard her. The boy holding the tray stood behind Jacob; when Jacob took the wine and his preference, he left to go to the next person waiting. Jacob sat in Jasmine’s chair, Jasmine conspicuously gone. When the plate of pastries was handed to Jacob, he looked at her expectantly, “Chocolate?” Was all she could squeak out, being the center of his attention. He smile and picked out several small pastries and set them on the plate between them, passing the platter to Derrick.

  She sat looking at him lost in the attention he gave her freely, openly. He picked up one of the small pastries and held it to her lips waiting. She opened slowly and bit the pastry. The explosion of raspberries in chocolate wrapped in a sweet flakey, buttery crust filled her mouth her eyes closed in ecstasy and she moaned. It was a dance of seduction in her mouth.

  Forgetting where she was for a second, she was jolted back when Jacob placed his hand softly on her cheek; he seemed lost gazing into her face. She licked the pieces of crust from her lips as his eyes followed her tongue. His thumb itched to follow the path her tongue took. He lifted his hand to give her the rest of the pastry; she took it licking his fingers accidently as he slowly pulled his hand back. His breathe hitched at the touch of her tongue on his fingers. She shivered at the look of longing in his face.

  He lifted his hand to her face caressing her jaw and cheek as his thumb rubbed the crumbs off her warm wet lips. Without thought, her mouth parted slightly and she licked his thumb. Jacob felt warmth flow through his arm, through his chest and down. Kate inhaled sharply as his thumb slid back and forth over her mouth. Her breath short and aching. He slowly bent toward her is eyes never leaving her lips and pressed a warm kiss to them. She inhaled tasting his breath and kissed him back tasting the sweet pastry mixed with him in her mouth. His tongue slid in tangling with hers as she did.

  Derrick stood scrapping his chair loudly bumping Jacob, as music started to play ending the moment. He reached for Kyla’s hand and took her to an area set up for dancing. Jacob stood and reached for Daniela taking the hint from Derrick to slow down. She took a sip of her wine to gather her emotions and allowed him to pull her up and onto the dance floor. ‘Take Me Home’, by Phil Collins, was playing softly in the background as they danced. With his arm firmly around her waist, she raised her hands to his shoulders. While the music played on, she barely heard the words as her fingers played with the slight curls on the back of his neck. Other couples danced around them as ghost, barely noticed by the two of them as the music changed from one song to another. They looked at each other lost in their own world.

  Their bodies warm and inviting as song after song played. Neither noticed the changes. His hand moved up and down her back in time with her heart, her breath hitched as his hands slowed on her butt and he pulled her closer. She could feel his interest in her against her stomach and heat radiated down between her thighs. Breathing became an ache in her chest her nipples hardening as they rubbed against his chest through their clothes.

  He danced them to the side of the cabin, unerringly away from prying eyes. She found herself against something hard and solid behind her but it just did not register completely. His hands moved slow and methodically over her shoulders, her back and down then up under her shirt. His hands slow and methodical, as if trying to memorize every centimeter of her. Their minds merged, she could feel what he felt. The silky softness of her skin, the muscles pulsing as she flinched to his touch. She could feel his fingers sliding along her skin and the sensation was over whelming, as if feeling her own body from two sides. His emotions mixing with her emotion like an explosion of lights, a damn bursting too full. Then out of control feeding the other like an echo that just would not end building higher and louder until she could think of nothing but the two of them. Of her need, of his need. She needed more.

  The tightness he was producing with his touch, gave the impression to lessen around her chest slightly, as her bra fell open and loosened. His hand sliding up to cup first one then the other of her full soft breasts. His thumb slide torturously across to pinch her already peaked and aching nipples. The buttons on her blouse came undone as though no longer able to contain what it covered, her head fell back her mind lost in his touch. He leaned down, her chest pushing toward him for more attention and replaced his hands with his mouth, suckling in her nipples like a starved babe at the breast. The tightness, the pleasurable ache returned and she melted into him.

  Her moan was quiet and pleading. His hand slid down her stomach to the juncture of her thighs, finding her sexual heat and moisture pouring off her to drive him insane. His fingers searching with a mind of their own, finding her clit, began to play her nerves like a Stradivarius. She could hear music; sensual, needy, wanton not realizing she was creating the notes herself. She laminated and squirmed under his hands, pushing against him for more. Her breathing tight, shallow almost gasping. He watched her face her body answer the dance from the music he produced and he was losing control. He knew he needed to maintain his control he could not give into
his needs or he would hurt her.

  When her hands came down to touch him he grabbed her hands pushed them behind her holding both in one hand. If she touched him then, there in that moment, his control would be lost. He slid his other hand back down to find her hot and wet, and growled his approval. Her scent filled his nose, his senses fully aware of her need. His fingers slid between the folds to her opening and sunk into the soft warm velvet possessively. The heal of his hand pressed her clit as he rubbed hard against her, his fingers sliding in and out to the rhythm of their hearts beating like a drum beating faster and faster as rain drops in a storm. She moan pleading for release. Her breathing short and erratic. Trapped in her lungs.

  His fingers slid in and out of her as she thrusted against him tightening with every thrust as though trying to keep his fingers in place. His head slid down to her breasts round, soft, inviting, as though they were begging, waiting for him to consume them, so he did. He suckled hard and bit at her nipples extruding quieted moans from her throat. He smelled her arousal leap as she bit her lip to keep from making any noise that would be heard by anyone but him, and he smiled.

  Pulling her other nipple into his mouth, he bit down gently and she jumped his hand flooded with her juices. Temptation pulled to him. He had to taste her now. He needed to claim her in the way of the wolf. He moved his hands away from her as he slid down her jeans and her panties. She groaned in complaint of the loss of his hands, at the sudden the loss of what he was doing. Keeping hold of her hands, he knelt sliding one shoulder between her legs lifting one to his shoulder. Her scent of lavender, sweet pea and arousal hit him hard. His control tenuous at best slowly ebbing away. His free hand griped her thighs as his mouth pulled her clit. Her scream was muffled, she bit on her lip hard enough drawing blood to keep from being heard. His tongue searched and found the juices flowing.

  As his tongue entered her, he felt her tighten around his tongue, pulsing with pleasure. Hot. Sweet. Wet. The lightening of pain and pleasure jumped through her body into his. Everything he felt from her returned wrapped in the sensations he felt. Her emotions the pleasure the aching pain, ran through his mind as he worked hard to gain every drop she offered. The harder he worked the more she presented him. Both lost to the ecstasy of the moment, stars flashed like nova’s going off in their minds as she shivered and spasmed, her breath caught in a scream, which would never be released, and he drank his fill.


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