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Restless Wind

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by Aimée Thurlo

  Restless Wind

  Aimée Thurlo

  Ranger Blueeyes swore an oath to the Navajo and was duty bound to protect his people. Blessed with the golden eagle as his spiritual brother, the proud warrior had the ability to soar and overcome every obstacle. He would need those powers even more now with the Brotherhood under attack-and one very tiny woman as the only defense.

  Anglo schoolteacher Dana Seles survived an unspeakable crime on the Navajo Nation and could expose a traitor within the tribe. Ranger had to convince Dana to cooperate with his investigation if he was to save her and defend his honor. But would the task be threatened by a building physical attraction gaining gale force?

  Aimée Thurlo

  Restless Wind

  The second book in the Brotherhood of Warriors series, 2007

  To Vivian and Herb, who’ve kept the fires of their

  romance burning for thirty years this month.

  Happy wedding anniversary, guys!


  Ranger Blueeyes sat with the small gathering of brother warriors inside the cave of secrets, a natural recess in a sandstone cliff high above the tree line of the forest. This site, nearly at the center of the vast Colorado Plateau region of the southwest, had been the Brotherhood of Warriors’ gathering place for over a hundred years.

  The Brotherhood of Warriors had been established during the time of Kit Carson. Undercover warriors bound by loyalty and traditions, they stood between the tribe and its enemies-an unbroken line of defense. Never seen but always felt, they’d each been hand-selected and tested to the breaking point until only the best of the best remained. The Brotherhood of Warriors existed for one purpose only-so the Diné, the Navajo People, could go about their lives in peace and safety.

  Tonight, something bad was going down. Ranger could feel the tension in the air. Even the pitch-filled piñon wood fire in the center couldn’t push back the chill in the cave. That penetrating cold had more to do with the reason they were here than with the temperature.

  Ranger had known the medicine man, Hastiin Sani,

  “Old Man” in Navajo, for many years. Hastiin Sani was their leader and also a very gifted crystal gazer, a seer who could foretell the future with uncanny accuracy.

  The fact that Hastiin Dííl, “Tall Man” in Navajo, was also here tonight told him that his instincts were right on the mark-trouble was heading their way…or had already arrived. Security measures passed down through generations of warriors dictated that their leader and his second were never to be in the same place at the same time unless there was a dire crisis that demanded it.

  Hastiin Dííl would be Hastiin Sani’s successor someday. There were no secrets kept from Hastiin Sani’s second-except one. Only the leader of the Brotherhood of Warriors knew the identities of all the warriors, who also never assembled at the same place and time. In case of an emergency that left Hastiin Sani incapable of passing on the names, there was another secure, but lengthier, process in place. In the Brotherhood of Warriors’ long history, it had never been necessary to use that alternate method of verification.

  Ranger glanced across the way and saw his fraternal twin brother, Hunter, take a seat to the left of Hastiin Sani. Hunter now served as HTO, Head of Tactics and Operations.

  Hastiin Sani stood and faced those gathered there. “I’ve seen something deeply disturbing,” he began, his voice low and commanding in the nearly total silence inside the cave. “Soon, we’ll all be tested…and some of us will fail. Our resources will be taxed to the limit, and our faith in this brotherhood pushed to the breaking point. You’re the leaders of our special units so I’ve called you tonight to prepare you. Although no specific images came to me, just impressions, I can tell you this-the danger I speak of is almost here.”

  Hunter Blueeyes stood up as the medicine man sat down. “Look, listen, and reach out with your other senses to search for any signs of trouble. I’ll be ready to help anyone who encounters a situation. You know how to reach me. I’ll be available round the clock until the crisis has passed.”

  Ranger looked at the light and dark shadows that played on the warriors’ faces. He could feel their readiness for action and their desire to fight this new threat.

  Hastiin Dííl stood up next. “You’re the tribe’s protectors-the last line of defense. You’ve all trained hard and have special skills. Wind, you’ve been chosen to lead this fight because you excel in unclear situations,” he said, looking at Ranger and using his code name only. “Your many lessons at the side of one of our most respected medicine men has heightened your intuitive skills and gives you certain advantages. Prepare yourself, because you’ll need to be ready at a moment’s notice.”

  “Just say the word,” Ranger answered.

  Hastiin Sani brought out four leather pouches, fastened at the top with drawstrings. “These bundles contain medicine from Bears’ Ears,” he said, referring to a well-known rock formation associated with power and protection. “They’ll help protect you against lies, and treachery.” He came around the fire to join Ranger, who’d stood to accept the bundle.

  “Wind, you bear the name of the guardian of The People. Stay alert. Your beliefs in everything-including yourself-will be challenged.”

  Ranger nodded somberly. Evil was in the air. He’d sensed that himself at dawn this morning when he’d stood on top of the mesa and listened to the Wind People. Wind carried messages to those who had ears to hear. Wind had warned Youngest Brother of the approach of danger. It would do the same for him.

  Once the medicine man left the antechamber, the four remaining warriors nodded to each other then, one by one, left the cave of secrets. No words were exchanged between them. What more was there to say?

  Before Ranger could begin the climb down, his brother signaled him. Ranger followed Hunter into one of the smaller caverns.

  “I envy you,” Hunter said once they were alone. “I miss being out in the field in the middle of the action. Want to flip for this assignment?” Hunter added with a quick half grin, reaching into his pocket.

  Before his fingertips touched the coin, Ranger swept his outside leg into Hunter’s inside knees, then with a quick hook of the neck, flipped his brother onto the ground. “Tails, I win. Marriage’s making you soft,” he said with a grin.

  Hunter scrambled up, ready to continue the challenge, but Hastiin Sani suddenly appeared at the entrance to the side passage. He cleared his throat and, once he had their attention, looked at Hunter. “I need you at council,” he said, then disappeared from view.

  Hunter grumbled softly, “We should pick this up again sometime.” His gaze locked with his brother’s. “Be careful, be smart, and if you need me for anything, I’ll be there.”

  “I know.”

  Ranger left the cave, climbing down the ladder to the piñon-juniper forest below. The threat of imminent danger stirred his restless spirit. Pausing to zip up his jacket, he gazed at the eagle soaring above him against the backdrop of a gathering thundercloud. Using the supporting power of Wind, the fourth guardian of Sun’s house, the eagle’s flight was unhampered by the violent currents.

  Ranger took the eagle fetish he wore around his neck and slipped it inside the medicine pouch. During a mission he always kept the stone carving out of sight in order to safeguard it. Eagle was his spiritual brother. He gazed upward, lost in thought. The eagle, now soaring between the strong up-and-down drafts, had faced his challenge and won. Ranger wondered how he’d fare when his time came. Although he’d been on dangerous missions before, he’d never been pushed to the limits of his skills and endurance.

  That would change soon. Many weeks had passed since his brother had led the battle to bring down those who’d stolen a unique antiquity of power, the obsidian dagger, from t
he Diné. Yet, Ranger had sensed that parts of that struggle weren’t quite over.

  Of course he had no proof-except vague rumors…and the whispers of Wind.

  Chapter One

  Dana Seles placed her grade book into the top drawer of her teacher’s desk, then locked it up for the evening.

  Hastiin Sani, as Kevin Cohoe’s grandfather was known by the tribe, stood near the door waiting for her. Although she’d been scheduled to meet with Kevin’s parents, they’d been called away on an emergency. Hastiin Sani had volunteered to attend the conference on their behalf. Things had gone smoothly and they’d discussed arrangements for Kevin to transfer to a more advanced math class.

  “It seems like only yesterday you were the age of my grandson,” he said. “Your mother would always bring you along when she came to my home to visit.”

  Dana smiled, straightening up her desk, then looking around the room one more time to make sure everything was in order. “I liked going to visit you,” she said, remembering how self-conscious she’d been back then. Unlike her, Nancy Seles had been a free spirit who’d thrived on chaos. Nothing had ever been routine at home. “But I hated some of the other places she took me.”

  “I never approved of her bringing you along to those backroom card games, you know. I told her more than once. But your incredible memory was too much of a temptation, especially when your mom was falling on hard times.”

  Dana sighed softly. From the day Nancy Seles had discovered that her own daughter had a photographic memory, things had gone totally crazy-and that was saying a lot, since their lives had never been anything even remotely close to normal. “We’d only stay until she’d won enough hands to pay for the rent or groceries, then leave,” Dana said, surprised to hear herself defending her mother.

  “She wasn’t always like that,” Hastiin Sani said. “She changed after your father’s death. She’d depended completely on him and when he wasn’t around anymore, she fell apart.”

  “I was too young when my dad passed away to remember much about him. What I know is mostly from stories I’ve heard-that he was a good cop, and would never have allowed Mom to raise me the way she did,” she said, and shrugged. “But all that’s ancient history.”

  Dana picked up her tote bag, then joined him by the door. “Are you sure you won’t let me give you a ride home? I’d be more than happy to do that.”

  “No, it’s not necessary. A friend drove me here, and another will swing by shortly to pick me up.”

  Hastiin Sani knew almost everyone on the reservation. Although calling him by his Navajo name, “Old Man,” might have seemed disrespectful in some cultures, here on the rez, it was the opposite. She looked at him fondly. He was almost like family. She remembered her mother telling her not to be taken in by his easygoing personality, that Hastiin Sani was far more than he appeared to be… Then again, her mother had never had a firm grip on reality.

  Dana locked the door behind them, then walked with Hastiin Sani down the hall and out the side door of the building. All the students and most of the teachers were gone now, so the parking lot was nearly empty.

  “I wish I could have done more to help you and your mother,” he said softly, falling into step beside her.

  She stopped and met his gaze. “You did more than you realize. The art patrons you sent us put food on our table more often than not.”

  He smiled and nodded. “I have always been your friend. I’m very proud of you, did you know that?”

  Dana stared at her shoes, and cleared her throat. She’d never really known how to take compliments.

  “Here’s my ride now,” he said, pointing with his lips, Navajo style.

  She saw the shiny blue pickup pull up just beyond her own white VW bug. A second later, a long-legged, tall and lean Navajo man stepped down off the running board. Some men were made to wear jeans, and the way this man fit into his would have made any sane woman drool.

  His dark eyes fastened on her as he walked toward them with long strides that spoke of confidence and purpose. She nearly sighed as she watched him, but she caught herself in time and quickly pretended to cough.

  Hastiin Sani smiled at her. “His Anglo name is Ranger, Ranger Blueeyes. Stay and meet him.”

  “Er, no, I really should be going.” She’d worked hard to have a sane life, one without complications. Though her experience with men was extremely limited, she knew one thing. A man who looked and walked like Ranger Blueeyes was serious trouble.

  She and Hastiin Sani were walking by an old van when Ranger joined them. He had a smile that could melt hearts, she decided on the spot.

  Ranger nodded to her companion, then turned back to her. “Hello,” he said.

  She smiled and was about to respond when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Two men had raised up from the open windows of the van, not six feet away, aiming something in their direction. A heartbeat later she heard two dull thuds, and felt something like a bee stinging her neck.

  “Ow!” Dana reached up and pulled out the odd object imbedded in her skin. As she stared at the small dart in confusion, the world started spinning. Her legs were suddenly so weak she could barely stand. Though her vision became blurry, she saw that Hastiin Sani had also been hit and had collapsed to his knees. Before she could help him, two men came out from behind the van and grabbed him by the arms.

  Kidnappers, she realized. Though disoriented, Dana fought back hard, kicking at the men who were taking her friend. She clawed at the face of the one who had Hastiin Sani, and heard him spit out an oath as her nails raked across his cheek. His voice seemed miles and miles away.

  Ahead of her she could see Ranger, the man who’d come to pick up Hastiin Sani. He was still on his feet and fighting hard, making her wonder if he’d somehow managed to avoid the darts. As she watched, he kicked one man in the chest, bouncing him off the side of the van. Then two more men rushed forward, tackling Ranger to the pavement.

  There were just too many…and it was all becoming confusing. Through the fog clouding her brain, she felt someone pulling her roughly into the van, which was open at the side.

  In one last desperate attempt to help Hastiin Sani, she turned her head and attacked the man holding her. He yelped as she bit him on the forearm. Then someone hit her from behind, and everything faded to black.

  DANA WOKE UP lying on her back, with a pounding headache. Her arms hurt, and she slowly realized it was because her hands had been tied behind her back, and she was lying on them. Her mouth felt cottony, and her body ached everywhere.

  As her thoughts cleared, she began to remember, and her heart began to pound frantically. She looked around and tried to get her bearings. She was in a small room, but it was almost too dark to see much of anything. The only illumination came from the gap at the bottom of the only door.

  She heard faint grunts and thumps coming from the other room. Dana’s stomach sank when she realized she was hearing the sound of fists striking flesh. As her eyes got used to the gloom, she discovered she was alone in a small room with wide plank walls and two boarded-up windows. There was no ceiling, just the rafters and a steeply sloped roof. It was probably a mountain cabin, judging from the construction.

  Mercifully, the beating taking place in the other room stopped. A minute went by, then she heard Hastiin Sani’s voice. His speech was slow and thick, as if the drug from the dart was still in his system. Or perhaps he’d been given something else. The medicine man was reciting names she didn’t recognize. After a few minutes, his voice drifted off. Her heart almost stopped as she heard the sound of fists on flesh again but, this time, they stopped quickly. Shortly afterward, Hastiin Sani began reciting a litany of names again.

  Dana swallowed the bitterness that touched the back of her throat. She knew Hastiin Sani was in the other room, but what about his brave friend who’d fought so hard-Ranger Blueeyes? Was he dead? The possibility made her start trembling.

  Dana took a deep unsteady breath. She needed a plan
. But, first, she needed to free herself. Trying to ignore the way the tough fibers bit into her wrists, she pulled, then relaxed in a persistent cycle as she attempted to create some slack in the rope.

  It was tedious, painful work but she gained ground slowly. Suddenly the door burst open. Hastiin Sani was thrown into the room and landed hard, facedown, on the floor five feet away from her.

  “You finally got smart, medicine man.”

  The light from the adjacent room gave Dana the chance to make out the features of the man standing between them and freedom. There was no hope of her knocking him out of the way. Their kidnapper was tall and well-muscled.

  His gaze was sharp but expressionless as he looked over at her, then back to Hastiin Sani. “You were smart to cooperate, old man. You’ll live to see the sunrise, and the woman, too. But if the list you gave us is a phony, the schoolteacher will pay. Once you get tired of her screams, maybe you’ll be more inclined to do as you’re told,” he said. He looked at Dana again, this time with a leer that left no doubt he’d enjoy carrying that threat through. She tried not to let her fear show, but failed. He laughed, then stepped back and closed the door, locking it behind him.

  Dana inched across the floor toward Hastiin Sani, uncertain of how she could help him. She was still trying to slip her wrists free of the ropes binding her. Blood from where she’d rubbed her skin raw was running into her palms now. She reached his side then stopped and waited. She called his name softly but he didn’t reply.

  Then someone in the other room said something about cigarettes. There was the sound of another door closing, then silence. After a quiet two minutes, Hastiin Sani rolled over in the other direction and struggled to a sitting position. “I’m glad you’re awake,” he whispered through swollen lips. “We’ve got a lot of work to do, and not much time.”


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