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THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 2

Page 12

by Charlie Cochet

  “Cael, you’re starting to worry me.”

  Cael looked up at Ash, standing across from him at the counter as he finished up chopping tomatoes for their pasta.

  “Sorry.” What was wrong with him? “It’s stupid.”

  “I’m sure it’s not,” Ash replied gently. He wiped his hands on a dish towel before coming around the counter. With a warm smile that made his amber eyes sparkle, he swiveled Cael’s chair so they were facing each other. He put his hands on Cael’s thighs. “Talk to me.”

  Well, it was now or never. “This weekend I was hoping maybe we could catch a movie. Maybe have some dinner. Out. In public.”

  Ash went pensive. “A date?”

  “Yeah.” Cael cleared his throat and did his best to keep Ash’s gaze. “With Dex and Sloane.”

  “Date night. With your brother.”

  Despite the current situation, Cael did his best not to laugh at Ash’s expression at the thought of a night out with Dex. He couldn’t help but tease. “Which one scares you most?”

  “I’m not sure.” Ash peered at him when he seemed to realize something. “Wait. Is that why you’ve been so quiet?”

  Busted. “Was I that obvious?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I figured you were tired, but even then, I can always count on your smile.”

  Cael felt his face flush, and his heart skipped a beat when Ash took hold of Cael’s hips and pulled him close. Cael parted his legs so Ash could step between them.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t want you to ever feel afraid or uncomfortable asking me something. Doesn’t matter what it is. Even if it’s something I wouldn’t do in a million years, I’d talk to you about it.”

  “I didn’t think you’d want to. Talk about it, I mean.” It was strange how a Therian as big and fierce as Ash could make Cael feel so… safe. He put his hands on Ash’s chest, his fingers absently stroking the soft fabric. “I know this is still all very new for you.”

  Ash took hold of Cael’s fingers and brought them to his lips for a kiss, one at a time, sending a shiver through Cael.

  “I can understand how under normal circumstances I would be telling someone to fuck off, but you’re not just someone. You’re right. This is new to me.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on Cael’s neck. “Being with a guy is new, but it’s different with you. You know that.” He placed another feathery kiss on Cael’s jaw. “Always has been.”

  “I just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Or to do something you don’t want to.”

  Cael’s skin was burning up, and he held his breath as Ash left butterfly kisses down his jaw. He nipped at Cael’s chin before hovering over Cael’s lips.

  “Despite what most people think, I never do anything I don’t want to. Besides….” His eyes met Cael’s, the smoldering fire in them looking almost golden. “Maybe it’ll do me good to feel a little discomfort.”

  Cael tried to squeeze his legs together, then remembered Ash was standing between them. “Ash….”

  Ash drew Cael up hard against him and kissed him. He tasted so good. His mouth was warm, his tongue seeking out Cael’s. Cael returned the heated kiss, his body needing to taste and feel Ash. He slipped his fingers into Ash’s hair as Ash brought his hands up under Cael’s T-shirt. They were strong, firm yet soft. With one hand he caressed Cael’s back, while he moved the other lower toward the waistband of Cael’s jeans.

  Cael let out a moan. He arched his back as Ash slid his hand down into Cael’s jeans to squeeze his asscheek.

  “I pick the movie,” Ash said, sounding breathless.

  He thrust his hips forward, and Cael whimpered at the feel of Ash’s erection pressed against his own.

  “What movie?”

  “Date night.”

  Cael pulled back and licked his bottom lip, his eyes on Ash. “You’re okay with it?”

  Ash nodded. “Our relationship isn’t just about me. It’s about us. So yeah. I’m in.”

  Cael couldn’t help his dopey grin. He threw his arms around Ash and hugged him tight. It was something so small and simple, but it meant the world to Cael. Their first date out in public! He was so excited. He pulled back and cupped Ash’s face. “Thank you.” Ash’s lips were pink and wet from being kissed, his pupils dilated. Cael ran his hand down Ash’s chest. “How about we go upstairs and I show you how much I appreciate your cooperation, Agent Keeler?”

  Ash’s brows shot up. “Agent Keeler. So, uh….” Ash backed up so Cael could jump off the chair. “It’s gonna be one of those nights, huh?”

  Cael gave him a wicked grin. “I think I might need you to subdue me, Agent.” He backed up, his pulse picking up and his body yearning for Ash’s touch. The lust in Ash’s eyes, the primal need behind the heated amber, told Cael he was in for a wild ride. Better not make it too easy. Slowly he backed away, his eyes on Ash, who stood completely still.

  Cael turned and took off toward the stairs leading to the bedroom. He could easily outrun Ash, but being hunted by his sexy lion Therian boyfriend was half the fun. The rest would come after he was caught.

  Prompt #41: Can we see the date?

  ASH GLARED at his closet.

  “This is fucking stupid.”

  He’d never had a problem getting dressed. It was clothing. He was not executing a tactical entry plan. There was nothing in his closet he didn’t wear, because he didn’t buy anything he didn’t need. He couldn’t give three fucks about fashion. He liked to look good and knew what looked good on him so that’s what he bought. Most of his shirts were solid colors. No stupid patterns like Daley wore sometimes. None of that preppy geek shit. So why was this so hard?

  He dropped onto his bed and eyed his phone on the mattress beside him. With a sigh, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before making the call. It was answered promptly and cheerfully.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  Clearing his throat, he decided to swallow his pride, but only because it was Letty. “I need your help with something. Can you come over? Like, right now?”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I just, uh, need some help with something.”

  “You got it. I’ll be there in ten.”

  Ash hung up and stared at his closet again, hoping he might be able to figure it out before his partner showed and save face. The doorbell rang twelve minutes later. So much for that. He went downstairs to let his partner in. She stood and arched an eyebrow at him. His being mostly naked wasn’t anything new, but he usually wasn’t naked around her outside of work.

  “Is Cael here?” she asked.

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why would you assume my being naked has anything to do with Cael? We occasionally keep our clothes on, you know.”

  Letty let out a snort and hung up her coat. “Sure you do.”

  “Whatever. Are you going to help me or not?” He crossed his arms over his chest as she put her fingers to her temples. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Trying to read your mind. Nope, nothing. You’re going to have to tell me.”

  “Fuck off. Smartass.” He headed for the bedroom with her cackling behind him. Upstairs in the bedroom, he stopped beside his closet and grunted at it. “I need you to help me decide what to wear.”

  Letty blinked at him. She looked from him to the closet and back. “You… you want help deciding what to wear.”

  “There must be an echo here, because I’m pretty sure I just said that.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded before steepling her fingers. “You called me over to help you decide what to wear.”

  “Christ. I knew this was a mistake.”

  Letty laughed and held her hands up. “Okay, I’m sorry. What’s the occasion?”

  Ash tried his hardest not to fidget. He cleared his throat, his gaze on the carpet. “Date night. Dex and Sloane invited me and Cael.” When there was no response, he dared to look up at her, groaning at the starry look in her eyes.

  “Aw, that’s so cute!”

not,” he assured her.

  “Look at you, all grown up and taking your boyfriend on a date.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  With a chuckle Letty turned to the closet. “Okay, where are you going?”

  “Dinner and a movie.”

  “What kind of dinner?”

  Ash tried to remember. “Some Japanese place. Dex and Cael picked it. They have a thing for sushi.”

  Letty considered this. “Expensive?”

  “It’s raw fish. How expensive can it be?”

  Letty shook her head in shame at him. “You don’t get out much, do you? And sushi is way more than ‘raw fish.’ Is it a fancy restaurant or casual?”

  How the hell would he know? Ash was a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy, but since he and Cael started dating, Cael had introduced him to all kinds of food. Luckily Cael was really good at figuring out what Ash liked, and so far all his suggestions had been spot on. He’d tried food dishes he never thought he’d have in a million years, like Indian food, Greek, even veggie stuff.

  “Cael said it was really nice and the food’s great.”

  “Okay. So you want to look nice but not overdressed.” She went through his closet, a frown coming onto her face. “Jesus, Ash. There are other colors besides dark, you know.”

  “Hey, I have colors.” He pointed to one shirt in particular. “That one’s blue.” Okay, so maybe it was more like navy, but it was colorfulish.

  “It’s so dark it’s practically black.”

  She continued her inspection until she finally plucked out a pair of charcoal gray pants and a thick black cardigan with black buttons. Next she pulled out a gray scarf with a tribal-type pattern he’d never worn. He couldn’t even remember who gave it to him. It had been a birthday present. Or maybe Christmas. Who the hell knew?

  “This is what you’re wearing,” she stated, holding the outfit out to him.

  “I don’t know. That looks a little too Wall Street Douchebag to me. Can’t I wear dark jeans or something?”

  “Nope. Trust me.”

  “But it’s kinda… preppy.” It almost pained him to say it.

  “Ash, you wear T-shirts and jeans every day. This is your first date with Cael. Sweep him off his feet. Which reminds me, have you bought him anything?”

  She waited expectantly, her big brown eyes shining. If Ash didn’t know any better he’d say she was almost as excited about his first date as he was.

  Ash frowned, puzzled. “I’m paying for dinner and the movie.” What else was there? Clearly a lot more, judging by his partner’s unimpressed expression.

  “How many dates have you been on? Before Cael, I mean.”

  Ash shrugged. “I don’t know. Loads.”

  “And you never bought your date flowers or anything?”

  “Why? Then they’d think I was romantic or some shit. They’d get a false impression, have all kinds of expectations. Fuck that. Those chicks were in it for the sex as much as I was.” He’d never been anyone other than himself. If someone didn’t like it, tough shit. His dating life had consisted mainly of one night stands, the occasional mutual fuck-buddy agreement, or the few weeks with no strings attached agreement. No commitments, no dating, no flowers or texts to see how they were doing. Why? What was the point?

  Letty folded her arms over her chest. “So you’re just in it for the sex with Cael.”

  “What the fuck?” Ash tossed the clothes on the bed. “You know that’s bullshit.”

  “So why would you treat Cael the same why you did all those dates?”

  He wasn’t. Was he? Ash opened his mouth to reply, then shut it. Damn. “Fuck. Okay. Look, I don’t know what normal people do on dates when they care about someone. You know it’s different with Cael. What the fuck do guys do when they date? I mean, I know Sloane and Dex have date night, but Sloane doesn’t offer details and I don’t ask.” All he knew was that the next time he saw his best friend he had a big stupid smile on his face all day. Then again, Sloane was smiling a lot more these days.

  “Date night is date night, Ash. Doesn’t matter the gender. It depends on the individuals. You don’t have to go crazy.” Letty’s expression softened, and she took a seat on the edge of bed. “This is Cael we’re talking about. I’m sure the smallest gesture would mean the world to him. Think about what he likes or what makes him smile.”

  Ash nodded. Cael had been so happy when Ash agreed to go out on a date. Even though he was nervous as hell about it and had no idea how he’d feel once he was out there, holding Cael’s hand out in the open, it had made Cael so happy that Ash didn’t regret the decision for a second. Letty was right. This was their first official date.

  “Okay. I’ll stop for something nice on the way to pick him up.”

  “Good.” She walked over to him and stood to give his jaw a kiss since she couldn’t reach his cheek even standing on her toes. “Knock ’em dead.” Then she smacked his ass.

  “Yeah, all right. Get lost.”

  With a laugh she headed out, calling out behind her, “Tell the guys I said ‘hi’!”

  “Whatever!” As soon as he heard the door close, he picked up his phone and sent her a text.

  Thanks. His phone buzzed, and he picked it up. He smiled at the text.

  Anytime. ;)

  He had plenty of time before he had to pick Cael up, but he still had to get something for Cael, and he didn’t want to rush. Usually people bought flowers. Hm, he’d think about it in the car. He wore the outfit Letty picked out for him, including—God help him—the scarf, and he decided on his newer, dressier boots, and at the door he went with the black pea coat he tended to wear for special occasions. It was weird. He felt weird. But not a bad weird. His pulse was fluttering.

  “Seriously. It’s Cael. You got this.”

  After his little pep talk to himself, he went on the hunt for flowers and something else. What did Cael like? What would make him smile that gorgeous smile of his? An idea struck him, and he knew just where to go.

  Less than an hour later he was standing on the front steps, his hand behind his back holding his gift. He felt like he was at the prom or something. Deep breath. God, he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this nervous, and they weren’t even out on their date yet. He took a deep, fortifying breath and couldn’t help his big dopey smile when Cael opened the door. Man, he looked incredible. Now preppy on Cael, that was a whole other story. Then again Cael could wear anything and look stunning.

  Cael’s eyes went wide, as if he was only just noticing Ash. He looked him up and down, his cheeks going pink and not from the cold. “Ash, wow.”

  Ash’s stomach filled with butterflies. No one had ever lit up like that just by looking at him. He looked down at himself with a chuckle. “You like?”

  Cael nodded, a big smile on his beautiful face.

  “Thanks. Oh, I um, I got you something.” He revealed the white box with the ribbon wrapped around it and the single rose slipped under the bow. Not sure what to say, he handed it over and gave Cael’s cheek a kiss. Cael took it, his silver eyes dazzling and his smile stretching from ear to ear as he carefully unwrapped the bow. He gasped.

  “Star Wars cookies from Noreen’s Bakery!” He hugged Ash, mindful of his cookies. “Thank you! These are awesome!”

  Ash chuckled. “Glad you like them.”

  “Like them? Ash, I love them! I’ve been trying to get them for weeks, but they’re always sold out.” Cael reached into the box and gazed at the cookie. “It’s so detailed. I’m afraid to eat it.”

  “You should enjoy it,” Ash said, giving him a wink. “Come on. We’re meeting Dex and Sloane for a couple of drinks before dinner.”

  “I’m just going to put these upstairs.” Cael narrowed his eyes and clutched the box protectively to his chest. “If I take them Dex will want to eat them, and then I’ll have to seriously hurt him.”

  “You know I have nothing against inflicting bodily harm upon your brother, but yeah, save your cookies. Maybe after our dat
e, we can come back here and you can have some with tea.”

  Cael’s eyes lit up, and he gave Ash’s lips a quick but passionate kiss before running back inside, calling out over his shoulder, “Be right back!”

  “I’ll be here.” Ash leaned against the doorframe, unable to help his smile or the way his heart swelled. Why had he waited so long to do this? He had no idea what the rest of the evening would be like, but when Cael came bounding over, his smile warm and his eyes filled with love just for Ash, Ash knew whatever happened, he’d do his damned best to show Cael how much their relationship meant to him.

  “Ready?” Cael asked sweetly.

  Ash held his hand out, smiling when Cael laced their fingers together. “Ready.”

  Ash decided to leave his truck at Cael’s and grab them both a cab. That way they could have a few drinks and not have to worry about who was driving. Cael hated driving his truck. He said he felt like he was driving the BearCat, and he hated driving the BearCat. Taking a cab also meant Ash could crash at Cael’s. Not that he needed an excuse. These days he either ended up sleeping in Cael’s bed or Cael ended up in his. Ash couldn’t help his smile at the thought when he opened the door for Cael.

  They were at some place called the Dive Bar. Ash wasn’t familiar with it, but Dex had picked it because it was within walking distance to the restaurant they were going to. It was Friday night, so the place was packed. Luckily Dex and Sloane were already there and at a table in the back. The joint was pretty sleek. All dark woods and red hues with plenty of atmosphere and low lights. Ash took Cael’s hand as he made his way through the crowd. It was a mix of Humans and Therians, and no one batted an eye that he was holding Cael’s hand. It was an odd feeling.

  “Damn.” Dex gave a low whistle when they reached the table. “Ash Keeler in a cardigan. The apocalypse draws near.”

  “Bite me,” Ash replied, pulling Cael’s chair out for him.

  Cael smiled widely and thanked him as he sat down. Ash took a seat between him and Sloane, though he pulled Cael’s chair with him on it, close to him. Cael giggled.


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