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Tell Me You Crave Me

Page 7

by Joya Ryan

  “I don’t recall what I said. It’s all a blur.” She pretended to yawn. “Must not have been that memorable.”

  She felt East still for a moment, and she didn’t have to look back to know that zinger had gotten to him and his swollen ego.

  “Is that right?” He smacked her ass hard as he slid his cock along her clit. The jolt of the slap and the touch on her clit made her choke on her own breath. He still wasn’t going inside her. This was a game of wills now, and they both knew it.

  “Maybe I should remind you,” he said.

  She wanted to scream yes, but she was so close to having him admit he wanted her. Maybe it was her own ego getting the better of her, but in the spirit of not being “that girl,” she arched her back, rubbed herself along his cock, and said, “I guess that depends on you and how bad you want it.”

  With a low groan, he grabbed her hip in one hand and pulled her hair with the other. He lifted her just enough to lean forward and whisper in her ear, “Oh, I want it, baby. And you’re going to give it to me.”

  With that, he thrust inside of her.

  She yelled to the sky and thanked God she finally had East right where she wanted him.

  Deep inside.

  “Looks like you want it, too, don’t you?” He thrust in and out, and each time, he pulled on her hair like reins to keep her close and force her to take everything he had to give. “Tell me,” he commanded and tugged on her hair. “Tell me how bad you want it.”

  “So bad,” she admitted. Her sheath was already clenching, ready to come from East’s wild pumping, and she couldn’t deny it. Somewhere in her foggy mind, she wondered if he’d needed to hear her admit it. Because the second she did, he fucked her harder, faster, as if all the tension had left and been replaced by wild passion neither of them could deny.

  “Tell me again.” There was a harsh rasp and a hint of desperation in his voice. She was too far gone to entertain the idea that East could be desperate for her. But it was a nice thought.

  He reached around and strummed her clit while he pulled her up and bit her neck.

  “I want to come,” she said, trying to keep some kind of upper hand. He wanted her to tell him what? That she wanted him? That she was right there? That she wasn’t going anywhere? She didn’t know. All she knew was that she was spinning when it came to this man, and for the first time, she had a hint of a notion that he was clutching to her as if he needed something back. But between the pleasure rising and her core sparking with flecks of release, she could barely form a thought.

  “You will come, baby. I will make you come.” He sounded so assured. Granted, she knew she would come. East felt way too good not to. “But I want to hear you say it,” he said. “Tell me who is going to make you come.”

  “You are,” she breathed.

  He slapped her ass and surged deep. “Say my name, Natalie.”

  She moaned, and he fucked her deeper, quicker, and when the next wave of pleasure raced through her, she screamed his name.


  He growled and continued to thrash her body with hit after hit of raw lust. Her inner walls clamped down on him. He kept taking her, and she was so far beyond the brink that she had to dig her nails into the wall to hold on.

  “You’re so fucking good, baby. You’re going to make me come,” he said. And there was something in his words that lifted her up. She was good. She was making him feel good. And suddenly she understood the need to hear it. Why he needed her to say she wanted him, and why she needed him to…

  She shivered through her last tremor. “Then say it,” she commanded. “Say my name, Easton.”

  His cock hardened further inside her, but he didn’t speak a word.

  She clenched her sheath tighter around him. “Say. My. Name.”

  “Fuck…Natalie,” he said around a strangled breath, and he came hard, twitching inside of her with every beat of his racing heart.

  He pulled out, breathing hard, and Natalie braced herself against the wall. She didn’t look back to see him, just heard him take care of the condom and what sounded like his pants being fastened. Her bones were Jell-O, and she couldn’t move.

  Then his hands were on her. He ripped her panties clean off, and she glanced over her shoulder to watch him put them in his pocket.

  “You have a date to get to,” he said. He knelt down and kissed up the back of her knee to her inner thigh. He gathered the zipper of her dress, trailed it up, and fastened it in place.

  She turned to face him, and he steadied her.

  “You see,” he said, “I was the gentleman who came out to make sure you kept warm.”

  She glared at him. Just like that, the old East was back. Goading her and annoying her. And she was still panting from the orgasm she’d just had.

  “You really need to work on shutting up,” she said.

  He laughed and gave her a wink. “I guess we’re done here. See ya in there, darlin’.”

  With that, he opened the door he’d just fucked her against and walked inside. Like everything and nothing had just happened.

  Rage and passion and irritation fueled her.

  They were far from done.

  “I was starting to think you got lost,” East’s date said to him as he walked up to the bar next to her. Shit, what was her name? He knew it, but unfortunately all he could think about was one name: the one he’d groaned out when he’d come inside of Natalie.


  “Not too lost,” he said and leaned over the bar. But that was a fuckin’ lie. He’d just lost his damn mind. Again. Why the hell was Natalie getting to him like this? They fought like siblings, but apparently fucked like champions. He’d never wanted a woman so badly in his life. And most of it stemmed from this need to throttle her…or kiss her.

  He’d gone out to check on her, telling himself he wouldn’t ever have sex with her again—whoops—and ended up just reaffirming that she was his exact perfect woman and totally wrong type all at the same time.

  But the woman had a mouth and set of curves on her that called to him, and he was fast realizing that spanking her perfect ass while forcing his name from her throat could become his new favorite hobby.

  He ran a hand through his hair and shook his shoulders out. He was relaxed and tense all at the same time. Because he was a damn fool if he didn’t realize what a shit storm this was turning into. If Natalie was looking for someone to date, or even have a relationship with, he was not the guy. She was way, way beyond him in status and what she deserved. He knew that. But he couldn’t help himself.

  Technically, Matt had asked him to keep an eye on her, and when he’d seen douche date number two tonight, he couldn’t help but get instantly annoyed. The guy was clearly not into her, which made no sense. It wasn’t that Natalie wasn’t hot. She was beyond hot. But she wasn’t easy, and guys picked up on that. Douchebag number two was obviously looking for easy. He’d never treat Natalie the way she deserved.

  Over my dead fuckin’ body…

  “Well, I’m glad you’re back. I missed you.” The blonde pouted and stuck out her D cups to accent her words. She was attractive in every sense of the word, but she wasn’t doing it for him. Hell, he’d only agreed to come out tonight because she’d been the only cashier at the liquor store and she’d checked him out with a smile and promise of more if he escorted her to Honey’s after her shift was over. He had planned to just drink alone tonight because he’d been thinking way too much lately about a lot of shit he didn’t need to be thinking about. Like the past. Like his lot in life. Like the fact that everyone else was moving on and he was the same old East.

  So yeah, he’d taken the blonde up on her offer to get out, but had no plan to follow through.

  That’s when he’d seen Natalie with her douche date and everything shifted. It was game on.

  Because whatever the hell he was doing with Natalie it was a game, and he wasn’t certain he was winning…

  Either way. It made him feel good.
Excited him. Lit him up in a way that didn’t leave him with a hollow feeling afterward. When she’d said she couldn’t tell he had feelings, something had stung his chest. The thought that he might have hurt her didn’t sit right with him. She didn’t let him hide or brush shit off or be overly casual. She called him out.

  Every. Damn. Time.

  And there was that overanalyzing crap he needed to get away from. So he’d had sex with Natalie and felt better, felt good, felt more whole afterward. What the hell did that even mean? It meant he needed to stop being a pansy and get back to doing what he did best: having fun.

  Which meant he’d need to be way drunk for that to happen. Because he’d had something beyond fun with Natalie just second ago. Now he needed a bit of numb.

  He smiled at the blonde, and she ordered another round of shots. Thank God Chloe wasn’t moving as fast these days thanks to the baby. And Gage had mentioned something like “pregnancy brain” once. Whatever affliction that was, East hoped Chloe had it, otherwise he was pretty sure she’d see right through him to the fact that he’d just had sex with Natalie outside her establishment.

  But she just poured the shots, smiled, and waddled back to the other end of the bar. He let out a sigh of relief.

  He heard the familiar click-click of those heels and turned to find Natalie walking back to her date, not sparing him a glance. She looked put together, every hair on her head glossy and in its place. No one would ever know he’d just had his fist wrapped in it. She was perfect, and that damn dress…

  He watched her walk all the way back to her table and followed that zipper the entire time, knowing what was beneath it. He ran a hand over his pants pocket where her panties were. No one would ever know that the sweet and friendly Natalie St. Clair was really a wild, sexy vixen underneath. She just needed someone to tap into that. And damn did East want to tap that…again.

  Shit, he was getting hard just thinking about her. He watched her big eyes look bored with her date and then flash to him. Oh yeah, she saw him. And he saw her. Saw the way she glared with the heat of anger and something else…like the thought of what they’d just done. And judging by the way she was biting the inside of her cheek, she was liking those thoughts.

  He would protect Natalie. Always. Even from boring idiot dates she went on.

  “Can I get two more shots, please?” East asked Chloe. She poured them without question. Before his date could ask, East picked up two and the blonde picked up the others. “I want to bring a round to my friends.” He motioned for her to follow him.

  A few steps and a long heated look later, he was standing at Natalie and the douche’s table.

  “Hi, friend,” he said to her.

  She looked like she was ready to smack him. But instead she blinked a few times and gave a tight “Hello.”

  “Just thought I’d buy you and your date here a drink,” he said and put the two shots down. He took his own from his date.

  “Thanks, man. That’s cool of you,” the douche said.

  “Of course,” East said. He clicked his glass with the douche’s and fantasized what punching him in the throat would feel like as he watched him down the shot. “It’s the polite thing to do. Just making sure my friend over here is taken care of.” He winked at Natalie.

  “Oh, you two are good friends?” the douche asked.

  “Oh yeah,” East said leaning on his heels. “We go way back. In fact, this one time we went to the back of this very bar and—”

  “Cheers,” Natalie cut in. She didn’t bother clinking her glass, just downed her shot and set it down.

  “Thanks for being so thoughtful, East. Always using that brain of yours,” she said around a slight cough from the hard alcohol.

  He smiled. He wouldn’t have outed them, but he wanted to see her reaction, and he’d gotten one.

  “So you went to school together?” the douche asked.

  “He’s my older brother’s friend,” Natalie said.

  “But Natalie and I have always had a special bond. Isn’t that right, darlin’? I take good care of her.”

  She just stared silently at him, but the message behind her glare was clearly What the hell are you doing? He wondered. Why was he goading her? Oh right, to get the fire in her eyes going, because damn that fire was good. But he was being an idiot and he knew it. Maybe Natalie had been right. Maybe she had a thing for idiots.

  “Thank you for the drink. See you around,” Natalie said dismissing him. She turned her attention to his date and smiled. “And it was nice to meet you…”

  “Cinnamon,” the blonde said. Natalie just smiled at East like she’d caught him. Yeah, his date’s name was Cinnamon, that’s right. And she worked at the liquor store and stripped two towns over on the weekends. So what? Didn’t mean Natalie was right, or that this was “his type” or “notch” or whatever the hell she meant.

  “You two have a great night.” Natalie smiled brightly.

  East led his date back to the bar, and when he glanced behind him, Natalie wasn’t even looking his way. Whatever the hell was going through his head, it fucking sucked. Because the girl who had always been in the friend zone was now a woman he couldn’t keep his eyes, or his hands, off of.

  Now he had to watch her on a date while he entertained Cinnamon…

  And he was pretty certain that Natalie had just put him in a different zone altogether.

  Chapter Five

  “The bachelor party is this weekend, and you’re dropping this on me now?” East said as he paced.

  “Look, I’m sorry, but Bridget wanted to—hey, watch the furniture, okay? Mom really likes that sofa.” Matt motioned to said sofa. “Can you just sit down and talk about this without wandering around like a crazy person?”

  East sat, reluctantly. Being back in the St. Clair estate where he’d grown up with Matt and Natalie was supremely uncomfortable. Everywhere he looked, all he could see was Natalie.

  “Look, I’ve been planning this bachelor party for you and it’s—” East paused. It’s been the only damn thing to take my mind off how fucking hot your sister looks naked. “I’ve just worked really hard on it, man. You can’t just up and change everything at the last minute. And anyway it’s gonna be epic. Pack a bag because it’s also going to take all weekend.”

  “Sorry, no can do,” Matt said. “It’s not that big of deal. Instead of a bachelor party, it’s a joint bachelor-bachelorette party. And it’s right here at Honey’s, and it’ll be great.”

  Oh, great. Honey’s. The last thing he needed was a reminder of the last time he’d been there. Oh hell no. He needed to get the hell out of Dodge, and get away from the thought of Natalie.

  “You do realize what a bachelor party is, right?” East said, seriously feeling light-headed. “The one thing we’ve talked about since we were teenagers was this kind of party! And now you’re—” He dry heaved in his mouth. “You’re combining the parties?” Yep, he was definitely going to hurl. “I can’t…I can’t even look at you right now,” he said. “Joint? Like…with your future wife in attendance? What happened to you?”

  “A lot,” Matt said with confidence. “A lot has happened to me, and all the good stuff is because of Bridget. I don’t need a night to celebrate not being tied down because I want to be. It’s not about the party and crazy benders.”

  “It was fun once,” East said.

  “Yeah, but it’s not my kind of fun anymore. I’d rather spend my time with Bridget than away from her. I’ve grown up. I want different things now.”

  And there it was. That nagging thing in the back of East’s mind. Everyone was moving. Trying for more. He was seeking out the same shit, and he’d been fine with it until…

  Until Natalie.

  “Look, the party will still be great,” Matt slapped East’s back. “Nothing over the top, just work with Natalie to make the parties cohesive. It’ll be fun.”

  Great. Now East had to try to get that stupid pulse in his head to stop him from thinking too much. Li
ke about the fact that Matt had said, “Work with Natalie.” Which was the last thing he wanted to do.

  Or was it?

  East ran a hand through his hair. This was going to suck. But it might also be a good thing. Planning a party with Natalie would mean he could keep an eye on her and make sure she avoided any more creeps or douchebags. And they’d have to be in close proximity for a couple of days. For the sake of the party, of course. Which was a terrible idea. One he was torn on fighting for and against at the same time.

  Jesus, he really needed to stop thinking.

  “So no strippers then?” East asked, to change the subject.

  “No,” Matt said. “I didn’t even want those in the first place. And speaking of strippers, I heard you were out with one the other night.”

  Small town gossip, gotta love it.

  It had been a few nights ago, and instead of sealing the deal with Cinnamon, he’d dropped her off and spent the rest of the last seventy-two hours thinking of Natalie and how much she drove him nuts.

  “Nothing to report,” he said. Which was a lie and a half. Because there was not only a ton to report, it all included Matt’s baby sister. Part of him felt like a piece of shit about that, and part of him knew he couldn’t walk away from Natalie. The minute he was in her presence he had the need to taste her. For Christ’s sake, he’d jacked off four times in two days with her panties in his fist and still couldn’t get the woman out of his head.

  The wrong woman.

  The one woman that could ruin the only family, the only brother, he’d ever had if he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  “Well, maybe you’re getting tired of running around,” Matt said in a hopeful tone. “You’re a catch, if you’d just let a girl get to know you for longer than a night.”

  East could not have this conversation with Matt right now. Especially when he was thinking about Natalie. So he did what he did best: deflected with nonchalant humor.


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