The Sweetest Revenge
Page 6
“Please,” she breathed as he leisurely moved his thumb. He pushed his finger into her with a sudden thrust that made her scream out.
“That’s a start,” he said, his voice hoarse.
Her breath came ragged and she shuddered as his hands slid up her body. She throbbed with need. “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t.” He shifted away, the desire in her so intense it was almost unbearable.
His hands closed around her wrist, and her heart skipped as metal snapped open. For a second, she didn’t move. Then she ripped the mask from her face and jumped at him, raining blows against his chest.
Laughing, he caught her wrists. “Stop or I’ll tie you up again,” he said and released her.
“Hope you have enjoyed that.” She rubbed her wrists, glaring at him. “Because you will never do it again.” She exhaled and pushed him once more. “You’ll never tie me up again.” She shrugged out of her torn blouse and stretched her arms, the feeling of being free unbelievably good.
“We’ll see.” He took her into his arms. “I’m stronger than you are.” He forced her arms behind her back and pulled her on top of him. “I can do what I want with you," he said, but let her escape.
“You wouldn’t,” she said quietly and moved between his legs. She closed her hand around him and stroked. Hearing a strangled sound from his throat. A thrill slid down her spine, hitting her core. She took him into her mouth and was rewarded with a deep groan that spiked her arousal to an excruciating level.
He sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her up, and she straddled him, the heat of his erection pressing against her. He made a raw, smothered sound and wrapped his hands around her butt, lifting her. “I should have told you to wait only five years.”
She cried out when he slid hard up into her. Clenching him tighter, she rocked against him, welcoming him with slick heat. She kept her gaze on his face as she moved her hips up and slowly down, and his low groan almost sent her over the edge. She tipped her head back, riding him faster. There… The heat inside her coiled tighter and she heard her own breath quicken. There…almost there. She moved faster, feeling sweat form between her breasts and leaned down, sliding against the full length of his naked body.
With a curse, he closed his hands around her hips, slowing her movements. She laughed, fighting against his grip. His arms closed around her as he kissed her deeply, taking her breath away. In one swift move, he rolled her on her back. She cried out as he pulled out of her, and then gasped as he sucked at her nipples. With a strangled cry, she tangled her fingers in his hair. “What the hell are you waiting for?” She arched against him, her orgasm so close, it was agonizing.
His gaze found hers, and he rested his head on her forehead. “Susannah,” he murmured, his body pinning her down.
Her breath caught in her throat as she stared up at him, feeling him hard against her. She moaned, rubbing against him. “Now,” she gritted, “or I’ll come while you just look at me.”
He thrust inside her in one smooth stroke. She buried her head against the side of his neck as he moved, each thrust taking her closer. There, ah, yes, there… She shut her eyes, giving herself up to the friction. He thrust harder and faster, making her come so hard, she screamed. She clung to his shoulders, riding her orgasm, and another cry tore from her lips as she came again in a smaller surge of pleasure.
“Love your voice,” he said as his thrusts grew ragged. With a rough shout, he collapsed on her, his weight deliciously heavy. He kissed her shoulder, slid off her to the side, and cool air caressed her hot skin. For a moment, she listened to their breathing then turned her back to him. His arm settled around her, pulling her closer to him, and she leaned her back against his chest.
“What’s the time?” she asked, breaking the silence.
He propped himself up on his elbow, saying, “Having another date later?” He checked his watch. “Close to midnight.”
“Good. I wanted you on my birthday, not the day after, but you managed on time. Well done.”
“I feel used.” He pinched her bottom. “Will you at least stay for the rest of the night?”
Rest of the night? That wasn’t in the plan. I should get dressed and leave. She sucked in her lower lip. She could stay a little longer. But what good was it to stay for the rest of the night, only to leave him in the morning? I would be twice as lonely.
She stared at him, her throat too tight to speak. Oh, damn, suck it up. “The stay-for-breakfast routine doesn’t work for me.”
He slid his leg across hers then rolled on top of her again. “You’re a tough girl.” He sounded amused, pinning her down with his weight. “Did you even book a room in this hotel?”
“Of course I didn’t book a room here,” she said, seeing no point in lying. “I didn’t know where you would be staying. But I really do prefer to sleep naked.”
“I can tell you, that line almost killed me.” He kissed her nose, which made her smile. “If you don’t have a room, where are you going now?”
“Not your problem.” Her gaze fell to her blouse on the floor. “You ruined my clothes.” The fabric was beyond repair. “How am I supposed to walk out here? Topless?” Well, without the blouse, I can hardly leave now.
“You can have my shirt.”
Great, he couldn’t wait to get rid of her. She closed her eyes, trying to soak up the feeling of having him in her arms so she could revive it when she was alone again. She had come to Vegas for one night only, and she had gotten her wish. I have absolutely no reason to feel depressed.
“I want to go.” She pushed herself up on her elbows, untangling her legs from his.
“No,” he said, kissing her, slowly, taking his time, and she wrapped herself around him, kissing him back with too much hunger, admitting that she really didn’t want to go. His hands wandered over her skin, stroking new heat in her. With a shudder, she broke the kiss.
“Let me go.” She pushed at his shoulders, wanting to pull him close instead. He didn’t move an inch, just smiled at her. His smile suddenly took her breath away. She’d slept with Brian. She might need some time to grasp the fact. He still holds me in his arms, but now I lose him. Her heart twisted, and she closed her eyes. She had to get out before she embarrassed herself and, heaven forbid, started crying. She wouldn’t tell him how much she wanted him to whisper her name again. She gave him another push. “Would you mind not making this harder for me?”
“And here I was thinking that you’re a tough cookie,” he said, nuzzling her neck. “I haven’t told you yet that I’ll be leaving Vegas tomorrow morning.”
“Didn’t you say something about an important meeting?”
“I’ll send my secretary, you know, the one I sleep with, to the meeting. I’m off to another destination.”
“Good for you,” she said, keeping her voice light.
“You don’t want to know where I’m going?”
“Where?” she asked exasperated, desperate to leave before she broke down.
“Hawaii.” He kissed along her jaw. “Diving.”
“Really?” She looked into his eyes.
“Really. You told me I’m a self-important jerk. Incidentally, you were right. I think.”
She gave a short snort. “I was right. I’m also right when I tell you to let me go.” She pushed against his chest. “Get off me.” When he complied, she sighed. She was free to leave. I’ve never confused sex with love before, so why start now? She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and fished for her shoes with her toes.
"You are beautiful, do you know that? You looked like a goddess in my bed." He traced along her spine. "A slightly naughty goddess, though."
She heard the warmth in his voice and her throat tightened, tears burning at the back of her eyes. "No need to sweet talk me."
“I booked more than one ticket.”
Why the hell did he think she wanted to know more about his vacation? “I don’t care where or what you—“ She had just slipped her left foot int
o her right shoe when his words hit home. “Why exactly are you telling me this?” Kicking the shoe off, she shot him a searching look over her shoulder.
He moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle. “I want you to come with me.”
“I’m not interested.” Hah, what a lie.
“I’ll marry you tonight if it would help you decide,” he said, his face buried against the side of her neck. “Damn, you smell good, Susannah.”
She stood up so abruptly, she twisted her ankle stepping on her shoe. “We only had sex, no need to overreact.” She glared down at him. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“It’s Vegas, honey.” He winked. “And have I told you about my intuition yet? Helped me close great deals. Never failed me and—“
“I’m not a deal you’ve a good feeling about.” Holy shit, she'd found someone even more nuts than she was. And I love him for it. She crossed her arms over her breasts, feeling his gaze running over her body and knew that now was her time for revenge. Now, with him wanting her badly, wanting her to stay with him. If she turned him down and laughed, she would pay him back the insult he gave her ten years ago.
Then again, there’s a sweeter form of revenge.
She smiled. “So, how bad do you want me to come with you?” She took his still full whiskey glass from the table and drained it, then took the handcuffs from the bed. “Would you like to try these on?” She dangled them in front of his face.
“Absolutely not.”
“Well, then you’ll only need one ticket. But if I can have you under me, all nice and secure, for the rest of the night…”
“I’d rather marry you.”
“Let’s take this slow, will you?” She bit her lip to keep from smiling, shaking her head. “I promise you’ll like it. Though, if you don’t want me to go diving with you…” She leaned over the bed, deliberately brushing up against him, and searched for her panties, knowing that they were on the floor. “Have a good trip.”
He closed his hand around her arm. “There’s nothing I want more than you.”
“You know,” she said, after she’d tied him up, “I just bluffed. I’d go anywhere with you.” She laughed and straddled him, exhilaration flooding her as she let her hands wander over his chest.
“Once I’m free again,” he said, his eyes gleaming, “I really will make you scream.”
She leaned forward for a kiss and whispered against his lips, “I sure hope so.”
The End
Author Bio
Amy Redwood lives in Southern California and close to the beach... unfortunately not close enough so that she could drink her morning coffee while digging her toes in the sand, which would describe her perfect morning. She would totally take her adorable dog along to the beach too, if she only had one.
She loves to read, to write and to chat--which describes most writers but it's still true. Best place to catch her is on Twitter where she will NOT talk about herself in third person but will most likely talk about something highly inappropriate, you be the judge.