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Flawless 2

Page 3

by Jade Jones

  Shayla wasted no time as she hopped out the trunk and ran. She barely got a foot away before Kevin snatched her up by her hair.

  “Let me go!” Shayla screamed, pulling away.

  A plug of hair was painfully snatched from her scalp, but luckily she was able to get away. Realizing the chaos occurring outside, Kaniel and Lamar exited the vehicle.

  Kevin was relentless in his pursuit as he tackled Shayla to the ground. Joseph E. Lowery was relatively dead that time of night, with nothing but a few drifters and drunks hanging around. Unfortunately, there was no one near willing and capable of helping her.

  “Get off of me!” Shayla cried, trying her best to fight back. But the eighteen-year old was far stronger than he looked.

  Shaking his head, Kaniel guffawed in amusement. “Man, quit playin’ and put dat bitch back in da trunk,” he laughed.

  Lamar, equally unimpressed, lit up a cigarette. He was ready to get the cash from Romeo so he could get back to his bitch.

  In the midst of their tussle, Shayla noticed an empty beer bottle nearby. Struggling with Kevin, she stretched her right arm far enough to reach it.


  Shayla smashed the bottle so hard against Kevin’s head that it shattered.

  “Aaahh, shit!”

  Seizing the moment, she pushed him off and ran for her life.

  “What the f—Get dat bitch!” Kaniel told Lamar.

  Shayla didn’t stop to look behind her. She took off running up the street and darted down a dark alley as soon as she reached it. Unfortunately, it led to a dead end with nothing but a fence blocking her path.


  Shayla quickly ran over and tugged on the bottom. Thankfully, it lifted high enough for her to squeeze through. She could hear Lamar’s footsteps approaching—but didn’t stick around long enough to see how close behind he was.

  Once she was on the opposite side of the fence, Shayla ran nonstop until she reached a hole-in-the-wall bar. From outside, she could hear The Isley Brother’s “Voyage to Atlantis” playing. Shayla hurriedly ducked inside and ran over to the bar counter. There were only a few customers inside—and each was staring at her like she had lost her mind.

  Shayla suddenly felt nauseous and light-headed as she tried to catch her breath. She was out of shape and nearing two months pregnancy. Before she could ask for help, she heaved all the contents of her stomach. Everyone remained silent as they gawked at Shayla in bewilderment. With her wild, disheveled hair and torn clothing, they assumed she was a J.

  Wiping her mouth, Shayla turned towards the bartender. He was two seconds from calling the police. “I need to use a phone,” she murmured.


  Limping back to his vehicle, Romeo climbed inside and started the ignition. Before pulling off, he plugged his iPhone into the auxiliary cable. It’d been dead for the last couple hours due to making plays all night.

  As soon as it powered on, voicemails and text messages poured in. A few of his patnas let him know that Desmond had been rushed into the ER not too long ago. If it ain’t one thing it’s another, Romeo thought.

  Dialing his voicemail, he hoped to get more information on Dez’s current status. However, he quickly put his boy on the backburner when he heard Shayla’s message.


  It was 7:32 a.m. when Romeo pulled up to Willie’s Bar and Grille. The place was gated up tightly, but he noticed someone peeking out the window as he parked. Leaving the engine running, Romeo hopped out the car and approached the door. It opened slightly, and a short, older man appeared.

  “You Romeo?” he piped up.

  Romeo nodded his head in anticipation.

  The owner slowly opened the door wider revealing Shayla wrapped in a dirty, old blanket. Her eyes were bloodshot red, and she looked like she hadn’t slept in days. Fortunately, the owner was kind enough to let her stay until someone came for her since she refused to call the police. Even though it was in her best interest, Shayla just didn’t want to risk putting Romeo on their radar.

  For a second, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him as he walked up to her. When Romeo reached Shayla, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. She was shivering a tad bit as if she were cold. It was obvious Ol’ Willie couldn’t afford central heating in his establishment.

  Crying softly, Shayla buried her head in Romeo’s chest. She almost thought she’d never see him again. Suddenly, all their old fights and disagreements seemed petty. All that mattered was that he was there in the flesh.

  Carefully, Romeo lifted Shayla into his arms and carried her towards his Porsche. He took his time as he secured her in the passenger seat. When he turned around, Willie was standing in his doorway leaned against the frame.

  “You make sure you keep her safe. You hear me?”

  Grateful for the elder’s kindness, Romeo slowly walked over to the man. Unfastening the Rolex on his wrist, he handed it to Willie and walked off. The single piece of jewelry alone was worth $30,000.

  Relieved that the ordeal was finally over, Romeo climbed in his car and drove off. Unfortunately, there was a whole other matter that needed to be tended to.


  Romeo carried Shayla through her beautiful two bedroom condo in the heart of Midtown. He’d purchased the luxurious corner-unit as a simple thank you present for her patience with him.

  The 11-foot windows overlooked a breathtaking skyline view. Romeo spoiled Shayla endlessly—to the point where he wouldn’t even let her walk to the bathroom. Once inside, Romeo slowly undressed her, himself, and then turned on the shower.

  Together, they stepped underneath the waterfall shower head. He had so many questions he wanted to ask; like if they hurt her or assaulted her sexually. But he was too afraid to know the truth for fear of what he was capable of. Romeo would catch a body over Shayla. He loved her enough to put a mothafucka down. So instead of seeking reasons to murk a nigga, he trained his mind to focus on the positive side. Shayla was safe and back in his arms…and that was all that mattered.

  After showering, Romeo dried Shayla off and carried her inside the master bedroom. He tucked her in like a parent would a child before returning to the bathroom to throw her clothes away. He was just about to pour himself a shot of Jack afterwards when Shayla called out his name.

  Romeo made a quick detour towards her bedroom and peaked inside. “Yeah, babe?”

  “…Can you stay with me tonight…?”

  Romeo decided to put a rain check on that shot. He slowly entered the bedroom and climbed in the massive bed.

  Pleased that he’d agreed, Shayla stared lovingly at her man and smiled. Romeo was breathtakingly handsome—a pretty boy even by most females’ standards. At 6”2, he had skin the color of cinnamon and low jet black hair. Deep dimples appeared whenever he flashed his pearly white smile; and his lips were thick and kissable. Romeo’s mahogany eyes were perhaps Shayla’s favorite feature. They were complimented by lashes that naturally curled upward.

  I could never fall out of love with him, she thought.

  Romeo pulled Shayla close and held her tightly. She smelled of white peach and orange blossom, and her skin was ever so soft. “I had no intentions of doin’ otherwise,” he answered honestly.

  Shayla slowly leaned and kissed him softly. There was nothing she wanted more at that moment than to reward her hero. Leaning backward, she pulled him down with her. Shayla was so vulnerable and sexy; he wanted to protect her forever. Keep her out of harm’s way, while holding tightly onto her heart.

  Together, they climbed underneath the sheets naked. Romeo wasted no time easing between her thighs. Shayla was already warm, wet, and primed when he entered her. “Mmm,” he groaned in pleasure. The pussy was so tight that he didn’t doubt for a second she’d fucked recently. This shit all mine, he told him repeatedly. “How that feel?”

  Shayla’s French tips glided along Romeo’s sides. His slow strokes left her in pure euphoria. Romeo’s hips moved in a circular motion as he grind
ed rhythmically. He made sure to hit that special spot repeatedly. He always knew when he found that shit too, because her kitty got wetter and wetter. Shayla’s left leg trembled uncontrollably in response.

  Her juices slid down her ass and coated his nut sack before soaking the sheets. Only Romeo could get her that slippery. Before him she didn’t even know what sex was. “It feels so good…,” Shayla moaned, biting down on her lip.

  Teasing her, he pulled out and rubbed his mushroom-shaped head against her head. The sensitivity caused her toes to curl and her nipples to harden.

  “Stop playing. Put it back in,” Shayla cooed.

  Romeo gladly obliged, giving her every single inch of his curved pipe. He watched as his dick disappeared completely before reappearing even wetter than before. Damn, he thought. That shit is true. Pregnant pussy really is the best pussy.

  “God, Romeo! I’m about to cum!” Shayla bellowed.

  “Cum for daddy,” he coached. Romeo took one of her legs and held it straight in the air. Sitting up on his knees, he dipped into her love box at a slow and even pace, tapping her spot repeatedly.

  A long, loud moan sounded off after Shayla released a powerful orgasm. She never came so hard until she met Romeo. He was a climax expert—and a sapiosexual by nature.

  Romeo released his seed into Shayla shortly after. Instead of rolling over, he stayed right where he was. His fingers gently ran through her hair as he kissed her passionately. He wouldn’t admit, but that was the first time in his life he’d ever made love.

  Shayla gazed into Romeo’s eyes. At that moment, she loved him more than ever.

  “I can’t wait to see the beautiful child we make together,” Romeo said.

  Shayla smiled and became teary-eyed. Lately, she’d been more emotional than usual. “Me too…I hope he/she has your eyes. They’re my favorite thing about you.”

  Romeo grinned, revealing a sexy pair of dimples. Shayla secretly hoped the baby inherited those too. “Shayla, that shit I said back at the club… I’m sorry that bullshit even came out my mouth. I ain’t mean it. I need you to know that.”

  Shayla kissed her man’s lips. “We say things we don’t mean at times when we’re upset. It’s understandable. But I need you to know, I’d never lie to you or betray your trust.”

  “I know that, Shay. That’s why I tried to put a ring on your finger.”

  Shayla scooted close to Romeo and snuggled close.

  “I want you to know I’ma always to protect you and the baby,” he told her. “Always.”


  Shayla awoke in bed alone the following morning. Figuring Romeo was in a separate room she climbed out the bed and used the adjoined bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she finger-combed through her long, jet black hair. It was still partially damp from the shower last night and clung to her smooth chocolate skin.

  Although an attractive woman, Shayla was what most would consider a girl next door. She didn’t care for all the weave and makeup. Her beauty was natural.

  “I look a mess,” Shayla noted, eyeing her reflection. Faint bags rested underneath her wide doe eyes. She’d had a long night, and simply wanted to forget it ever happened.

  Padding barefoot, Shayla looked through the condo for Romeo. It wasn’t until reaching the grand kitchen that she realized she was alone.


  Romeo walked briskly through the hospital lobby as he headed to the elevators. The doors were just closing when he arrived, but he quickly put his arm in the way, halting them. A few people onboard looked agitated, but Romeo didn’t give a fuck.

  A cute young, Caucasian nurse stared fondly from the corner of the elevator. Unfortunately for her, he wasn’t in the mood to entertain. As soon as he reached Desmond’s floor, Romeo rushed off the elevator and headed towards his room.

  The plan had been to lay with Shayla an hour or two and then dip. He hadn’t anticipated on falling asleep. It was nine in the morning, and Romeo was just getting to Grady. When he reached Dez’s room, he saw that all their boys were present. Everyone was there except Ava.

  Romeo slowly entered the room. It felt like everyone’s eyes were on him as he approached Desmond’s bed. He knew what they were thinking. Where the hell was I?

  Romeo barely recognized his boy when he looked over at him. Desmond’s left eye was still puffy and filled with blood from broken vessels. His nose was covered by a splint and his lips were twice their normal size.

  “Damn…” The word left Romeo’s lips in an inaudible whisper. Some mothafucka had really done a number on his homie. “Who did this shit, blood?” he asked, ready to put a bullet in whoever was guilty.

  Desmond grimaced. “Who else had the balls to do this shit?” His voice came out muffled through his swollen lips.

  Romeo looked around at all his street soldiers. They too looked disappointed by the news that Ava was a traitor. It was fucked up because she was like his baby sister. He loved and treated her like family. “Nah, man. Nah—”

  “Believe it,” Desmond reassured his friend. “Mothafucka she was with would’ve killed me too if he had mo’ bullets.” Shaking his head, Desmond sighed deeply with a faraway look in his eyes. “Bitch really set me up though…”

  “What we gon’ do?” Romeo asked.

  Desmond looked up at his boy like he was crazy. “Fuck you mean what we gon’ do? We gon’ keep da ball rollin’—unless you still got other plans.”

  Romeo didn’t have a rebuttal for that statement. He’d sworn that he was done with the drug game, but now it needed him more than ever. “What we gon’ do about Ava?” he asked.

  Desmond’s jaw hardened at the mere mention of her name. “My nigga, you can believe I want blood. My son could’ve died last night—”

  “Hol’ up, what?” Romeo cut in. “Son?” Last he remembered Desmond only had a little girl.

  Dez released a deep breath. “Kim’s lil’ boy, Jordan is mine.”

  “And you’ll put everything on her word?”

  “Kim wouldn’t lie to me about no shit like that,” Desmond stated. “He’s mine. I can look at him and I know what she sayin’ real.”

  Luckily, Jordan wasn’t hurt seriously in the car accident. Other than a couple minor bruises, he was fine, but a little shaken up. Both his parents were in the hospital, and the only man he knew as a father was a fugitive of the law.

  To make matters worse, Child Protective Services had to intervene until they were able to prove Desmond was the father. Things couldn’t have been anymore messed up.

  “This shit’s all crazy, bruh,” Romeo said, scratching his hair. He desperately needed a fresh cut.

  “Don’t worry. That bitch gon’ get what’s comin’ to her,” Desmond promised.


  Ava’s eyelids fluttered as she slowly stirred awake. The rays from the sun shined brightly on her face, causing her to squint. The minute she peeled her head off the glass, a splitting migraine came soon after.

  “Shit,” Ava winced after lightly touching her wound. A small lump had formed on the back of her head, but she refused to pick with that too. “Motherfucker,” she mumbled. Never in a million years would she have guessed Cool would rob her. As foolish as it may’ve been, she trusted him.

  Ava quickly looked around at her surroundings. There were a few more cars parked in the lot. She couldn’t believe she’d slept well into the next day.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck me!” Ava cursed, quickly dressing. She now had no money, no product and no friends.

  Sliding into the driver’s seat, Ava cranked the engine and snatched the gears in reverse. “DAMMIT!” she yelled after realizing the tires were flat.

  Ava was having the worst day of her life that morning. Who the hell can I call, she asked herself. Pulling out her phone, she scrolled through her contacts. Her list of enemies now outnumbered her list of friends. Ava was just about to give up on reaching out for help until she stopped at Omar’s name.

  Omar was a corner boy who distributed thei
r marijuana. He was small-time and had always had a crush on Ava. Of course, she’d never been interested. He was fat, unattractive, and a corn ball.

  Ava sighed deeply. What other options do I have, she thought.

  “Maybe he’ll come through for me,” she said, dialing him.

  “Wus good?” Omar answered on the first ring. His thirsty ass didn’t waste time. Plus it was rare for the boss lady to ever reach out to him.

  “I need you to come and get me,” Ava said, looking around paranoid. “I’ll explain everything when you get here.”

  “Uh, aight? Shoot me the address.” Omar wouldn’t dare ask questions. Any request Ava needed, he was eager to fulfill—that’s how desperate he was for her respect. Omar beat off to bitches like Ava so her checking for him was a dream come true.

  Ava quickly rattled off her location and hung up. She waited all of twenty minutes before Omar arrived in his polished Charger. He’d kicked the mediocre chick out his crib, but not before borrowing $20 so he could get his whip cleaned. He wanted to impress Ava when he pulled up. What Omar didn’t know was that Ava was used to hopping out of much more impressive rides.

  Shaking off her reservations, Ava quickly walked to his car and climbed in. She looked a little frazzled, but was still bad as hell to him. The scent of her sweat coupled with perfume made Omar’s dick hard. “What happened to ya face?” he asked, noticing the dried blood. It wasn’t until then that he realized something was off.

  “I got myself into some shit,” Ava admitted.


  “Hey,” Shayla smiled as soon as Romeo walked inside the kitchen. “I cooked you breakfast.”

  Unfortunately, his demeanor was the complete opposite of hers. Judging from her upbeat attitude, Shayla obviously had no idea about her friend. Should I tell her, Romeo asked himself. Nah, she’s been through enough already.

  Even though Romeo took into account her feelings, he knew he still had to hurt them. Now that he’d chosen to stay in the game, they had to part ways indefinitely. Romeo couldn’t risk Shayla being hurt again because of him. He was so ashamed by what occurred last night that he refused to tell Desmond.


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