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Flawless 2

Page 6

by Jade Jones

  “AYE, YO!” Desmond whistled for his niggas who rushed over.

  Kim kicked Dana in the ribs hard enough to make her fall. When she dropped, Kimberlyn hopped on her and delivered blow for blow. Tonight Dana was going to feel the wrath of an angry, heartbroken woman.

  Dana tried her best to shield her face as Kimberlyn swung repeatedly. Before anything got too serious Desmond and his boys broke the fight up.

  “You need to control yo’ fucking hoes, Desmond!” Kimberlyn screamed. Her hair was a complete mess, and her pretty face was covered in small scratches. However, she came out the victor.

  “Fucking bitch! I’ma see yo’ ass again!” Dana hollered with a bloodied mouth. She shouted a series of threats while being escorted by Dez’s boys. She even went as far as to threaten her son.

  “You hear that crazy bitch? That’s what you want?” Kimberlyn yelled at Desmond. “You better keep that bitch on a leash!”

  “Hol’ up, Kim—”

  “Shayla, I’m leaving!” she cut him off. “I ain’t got time for the bullshit. You can have that, Dez.”

  Kimberlyn wanted to get the hell away from him before she slapped him. How could he show up here with her? Kim desperately wanted to get back to her warm couch where she didn’t have to worry about fake ass niggas and bitches attacking her. To say she was humiliated would have been an understatement. Once again, Dana had gotten her out her hookup—acting like a hoodlum instead of a lady with class.

  “Kimmy. Hol’ up, right quick. Wait,” Desmond said, catching up with her. “Before you go assuming shit, it ain’t even like that—”

  “Look, I don’t care what it’s like! If you’re with her, then be with her! All I want you to do is respect me by keeping her the hell away,” she said. “I don’t care who you date! You aren’t my man. Just a nigga that knocked me up six years ago…So don’t try to act like there’s more to us than it really is.” Kimberlyn tried to walk off but Desmond stopped her.

  “You don’t mean that shit,” he said. “I know you don’t. Look, I wanna be in my son’s life. Hell, I wanna be in yours too. But what the fuck you expect me to do when you constantly shutting me out—”

  “Nigga, I definitely don’t want you running back to her ass!”

  “She’s the mother of my child.” Desmond regretted the poor excuse as soon as it slipped his lips.

  “Then be with that bitch,” Kim said walking off.


  Shayla quickly stopped Desmond before he went after her again. “Just give her a little time, alright? She’s been through enough as is.”

  Desmond released a heavy sigh. So have I. He then ran a hand over his soft brush waves. He didn’t want to give it any more time. It seemed like the longer he stayed away, the more Kim forgot about him. Hell, she was acting like she didn’t even know a nigga right then. And now Dana was back in the equation, adding more to his plate of problems.

  Damn. I should’ve never fucked.

  “Aight then…,” Desmond hesitantly agreed. “If you can…” he paused for a second. “Just tell her I’m sorry…”

  “Will do,” Shayla promised.

  She started to walk off but Desmond stopped her. “Shay?”

  She turned around and looked at him. “Yeah?”

  “You know I ain’t a bad dude, right?”

  Shayla carefully thought about it. Desmond had always seemed humble and genuine since the day they’d met. “I know,” she answered truthfully.

  “Just make sure ya girl knows that too. Aight?”


  Jealousy coursed through Shayla’s veins after seeing Romeo outside smooth talking some random broad near the entrance. Whatever he was saying in her ear must’ve been nice too, because the bitch was smiling from ear to ear.

  The nerve of this nigga, she thought. I’m carrying his baby and he makes time for every woman but me.

  Before Shayla could react, the valet driver pulled up in Kimberlyn’s car. It was then that Romeo noticed them nearby. Damn. Shayla had caught him in the act. He could tell at first glance something was up—then he remembered that Desmond was with Dana. Shit.

  Romeo rudely broke away from his conversation and jogged over to Shayla. “Aye, everything straight?” He grabbed Shayla’s door to keep her from closing it on him.

  “Everything’s fine!” Shayla said in a nasty tone. “We’re good.”

  Romeo wasn’t feeling the attitude she had, and quickly turned the tables. “Well, what the fuck you doin’ up here? Like you ain’t pregnant and shit?” He took one look at the bulging cleavage spilling out of her dress and lost it. “You must want a bunch of niggas all over you and in ya face. Fuck you wearin’ anyway?”

  “Boy, you got some damn nerve! Let go of my door so we can go!” Shayla said.

  “Kim, is everything cool?” Romeo asked, ignoring Shayla on purpose. He wanted her to know that she didn’t run shit.

  “I SAID EVERYTHING’S FINE!” Shayla snapped. “Go back to entertaining your hoe!”

  Fuming with rage, Romeo slammed the car door. “Aight. Fuck you then!”

  “FUCK YOU! I hate yo’ sorry ass!”

  Kimberlyn didn’t give Romeo a chance to respond before she peeled off. She needed to put as much distance between her and Desmond as possible. Men, she thought. Can’t live with them. Can’t live without them.


  The following morning Shayla was awakened by the constant vibrations of her cellphone. Groaning in disdain, she rolled over and grabbed it off the nightstand. The caller was none other than Romeo.

  “What does he want this early?” Shayla asked herself.

  After noticing it was 1 p.m., she realized it wasn’t so early after all. Shayla carefully thought on whether or not to answer. Seeing him with another woman last night bothered her. But he didn’t seem to find anything wrong with it. Romeo was a real piece of work…but she couldn’t deny that she missed him a little. Though she hated to admit it, Shayla was a fool in love.

  “Hello?” she answered

  “I know you ain’t in there sleepin’ still. Get up and come outside real quick. I’m parked out front.”

  Shayla sat up on her elbow and wiped the sleep residue from her eyes. “Are you serious? After last night I barely wanna hear your voice.”

  There was a brief pause on Romeo’s end. “Come outside and lemme make it up to you…”

  Shayla rolled her eyes and shook her head. She didn’t want to admit it, but Romeo had her wrapped around his finger. She was like putty in his hands, unable to stay mad for too long. “Okay, let me put something on and I’ll be right out.”

  After disconnecting the call, Shayla rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She didn’t bother taking her satin scarf off since he’d seen her in it many times. After all, they had lived together at one point. Shayla looked in the mirror and was pleased with her reflection. Her chocolate even-toned skin was smooth and blemish free.

  Satisfied with the woman staring back at her, Shayla walked out the bathroom. She passed her mother in the dining room since it was on the way to the front door. As usual, Tina was reading a Kimberla Lawson Roby novel while sipping a fresh cup of coffee. From where she sat, she could see Romeo’s car through the bay window. Shayla knew that was the reason behind the frown on her face. Tina loathed Romeo—and never missed an opportunity to let her daughter know.

  I’d better walk on eggshells, Shayla told herself. “Good morning, mama.”

  Tina didn’t look up from her book when she said, “So is this the routine I can expect?”

  Shayla stopped and turned to face her mother. She already knew what it was, but she still asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You know exactly what I’m saying,” Tina told her. “He breaks your heart, you go crying and running back home, and then you take him back when he shows up in his fancy little car. I mean, seriously, Shayla. I thought I raised you better than these materialistic ass little girls running around the city—”

  “Ma, I’m not with Romeo because of the money. You should know that.”

  “Then what the hell do you see in him? Really? Because he’s obviously no good for you,” her mother said. “Think about it. What kind of a man turns his back on his pregnant woman? And for what? A bunch of groupies with no morals and values? Shayla, I hate to break it to you but he is not the man for you. Hell, he’s barely a man at all. Just a boy with a lot of cash and little self-respect!”

  “Ma, please. It’s too early for this.”

  Shayla’s mother had no chill when it came to criticizing her boyfriends. She’d been that way ever since Shayla was old enough to date. However, ironically, she praised Dexter and all he did. He could do no wrong in Tina’s eyes.

  “You may not want to hear what I’m saying and that’s fine. But I was your age at once—and believe me, everything that glitters ain’t gold. You, and only you alone, will know when is enough is enough. But you keep playing around with that boy and you gon’ end up just like your friend, Kim. With a kid, a no good man, and a headache.”

  Shayla didn’t respond as she opened the door and walked outside. Her mother’s antics would have to wait.

  Romeo was parked out in front of her home. That day he was pushing a royal blue Bugatti with peanut butter guts. He lived for being flashy and making a statement.

  When he saw Shayla approaching, Romeo reached over and opened the door for her. Climbing inside, she half-expected to smell cheap perfume, but was relieved when she didn’t. Maybe he didn’t take her home, she thought hopefully.

  “You look beautiful,” Romeo said, smiling at her. Just being in her company again felt refreshing; he didn’t realize how much he’d missed her.

  “Boy, bye. With my scarf and PJ’s on? Stop it,” Shayla laughed.

  “I mean it.”

  Shayla tried her best to keep from blushing. “You know my mama in there bad-mouthing you like you’re Satan himself,” she said.

  Romeo chuckled and looked over at the house. He could see Tina scowling from the big bay window. “I believe it,” he said. Purposely fucking with her, Romeo leaned over and waved.

  Apparently, Tina wasn’t impressed, seeing as how she closed the blinds.

  “Why are you here, Romeo?” Shayla asked, getting serious.

  He turned and looked at her. She was perfect; everything he could ever want in a woman. And he was messing it up…again. “I came to apologize,” Romeo said. “I been fuckin’ up. I know it.”

  Shayla shook her head and looked out her window. A young, white couple walking their Labrador passed by. “I’ll never understand why you do the things you do, Romeo. I didn’t ask for any of this. Why even tell me to keep the baby if you didn’t want me—”

  “You think I don’t want you? Shayla, I don’t close my eyes at night without thinkin’ ‘bout you. I want you like crazy…but…” Romeo’s voice trailed off after a suspicious black vehicle drove past. It looked dangerously close to Kaniel’s, but the model was newer. Romeo relaxed when he realized he was acting paranoid. The kush usually had that effect on him.

  “But what?” Shayla pressed.

  Romeo sighed deeply. “Shit’s just complicated,” Romeo said. “I don’t know. The situation is bigger than us right now.”

  “Bullshit. You know what I think? I think you feel guilty about what happened to me,” she said. “But I also think you use that as an excuse because you’re scared.”

  Romeo snorted. “Of what?”

  “Of us. Of what we could have together. Of happiness. I don’t know, you tell me.” It was scary how Shayla knew him better than he knew himself.

  “I’m not scared of happiness,” Romeo lied.

  “Then what?”

  Romeo hesitated with his response. “I’m scared of losing you,” he answered truthfully.

  “Well, you aren’t working very hard to keep me.”

  There was a long pause before anyone spoke again.

  “I got you somethin’,” Romeo suddenly said, reaching in the backseat. He handed Shayla a Saks Fifth Avenue bag.

  “What’s this? A peace offering?”

  Romeo laughed. “Somethin’ like that.”

  Shayla pulled a medium-sized Chanel box out the bag. Inside was a brand new electric pink boy bag priced at over $6000. She smiled after noticing he’d remembered her favorite color. It slowly turned to a frown soon after because she knew what that meant. “So I take it you back hustlin’?”

  Romeo laughed nervously. “Damn. Why it gotta be all that?” he asked. Since they didn’t communicate regularly, Shayla had no idea that he was back in the game.

  “So you not?”


  “That’s what I thought.”

  Romeo put his hand over hers and squeezed gently. “Look, I don’t wanna make a habit outta lyin’ to you, Shayla.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “Let me take you out somewhere nice tonight,” he offered. “Anywhere you want.”

  Shayla scoffed and shook her head. He just didn’t get it. “Romeo, I told you in the beginning, I don’t care about being spoiled. All I want is your effort. Plain and simple. Not just a pop-up visit with you bearing gifts…I certainly don’t want that for our child,” she explained.

  Romeo was silent as he listened intently. She wanted all of him, and lately all he’d been giving was the bare minimum. She has no idea how crazy I am about her ass, he thought. “I’ll try to do better,” Romeo promised.

  “I need you to do more than try,” Shayla told him. “And if you can’t, I’d rather you just stayed away. One minute you’re here and the next you’re gone. I can’t take any more of the games and heartache, Romeo. Either you want me or you don’t.”

  “I told you I want you.”

  Shayla opened her door and climbed out. “Then act like it,” she said.

  Romeo watched as she closed the door and walked off. It was obvious that Shayla had had enough of his shit. She was sick of all the groupies he kept around merely to boost his ego. She was tired of the lackadaisical effort on his part—especially after missing her last doctor’s appointment. She was tired of the excuses. Damn, a nigga couldn’t even get a kiss. I’m losing her, Romeo thought. That was the very thing he was trying to avoid.

  I gotta do somethin’ big, fast. Something that’ll get her on my good side again.


  “You’re really working hard to get on my bad side. Ain’t you?” Omar asked. With a look of disgust, he flipped over the semi-burnt pancakes Ava had just placed on his plate.

  “Well, pardon me for not being Martha fucking Stewart,” she cursed. Omar was really starting to get on her nerves. What started out as safety and protection quickly turned to blackmail.

  Ava was depressed being with Omar—so much so that she was tempted to turn herself in if that meant getting away from him.

  “I thought all bitches could cook,” he muttered, pushing the plate away.

  “Not this bitch,” Ava said sarcastically. “I had a lady that did that for me while I ran a multi-million dollar business.”

  “Then you fucked over yo’ partners and got a price tag on yo’ head,” Omar reminded her. “And after realizin’ you had nobody else in ya corner you called me. I’m riskin’ my job and my life just havin’ yo’ ass here. The least you can do is cook a decent fuckin’ breakfast!”

  Ava jumped when Omar launched the plate at a nearby wall. Because he was offering protection while hiding her at his crib, Omar thought he could talk to and treat Ava however he wanted. She had quickly become a prisoner of his home.

  “Guess I’ll pick somethin’ up from Waffle House. I want this shit cleaned when I get back.”

  Ava looked down at the bacon sizzling in the pan. It had burnt minutes ago but she was too busy arguing with Omar to notice. It’s been a whole damn month. His fat ass is never gonna give me the money to leave this hell-hole city.

  Omar stood from his seat and started to walk out—without warning, Ava
grabbed the skillet and tossed the hot grease on the side of his face.

  “Ahhhhh! FUCK!” Omar screamed. Blisters were already forming as the steaming substance ate away his flesh. “You mothafuckin’ bitch—”


  Ava bashed the skillet against his skull, instantly knocking him unconscious. Omar landed with a heavy thud face first. She didn’t bother to check his pulse before running through his home to find the money.

  Omar lived in a piece of shit one bedroom apartment in Riverdale, Georgia. Unfortunately, $550 a month was all his meager earnings could afford.

  “This motherfucker gotta have something somewhere,” Ava said.

  She tore every picture frame off the wall to see if he had a safe. When she didn’t find one, she ran to his bedroom and pulled all the drawers out. Nothing. It wasn’t until she reached his closet that she noticed a shoe box on the top shelf.


  “Fat, cheap motherfucker can’t even afford a safe,” Ava laughed. Omar was absolutely pathetic.

  Ava eagerly pulled down the Nike box and opened it. Inside was a loaded Taurus and $2000. “This can’t be all he has!” she yelled angrily. A whole month of dealing with his bad sex and even worse attitude was not worth two racks. “Fuck it. I guess something is better than nothing.”

  After pocketing the money, Ava collected her belongings, grabbed Omar’s car keys and left. Two thousand dollars and a set of wheels was surely a start.


  Kimberlyn was sluggish as she opened her door and walked out. The moment she stepped outside she was blinded by the bright sunlight. Spending most of her days indoors had made her eyes sensitive to light.

  Kim felt like a vampire as she shielded her face. The mailbox next to her door was overflowing. It reminded her that she hadn’t checked it or paid bills in week. Shayla’s right, Kim thought. At one point or another I do have to get back to the real world.

  Flipping through the pieces of mail, she reentered her home and closed the door. Kim instantly paused after spotting a thick, blank envelope. Curiosity begged her to open it so she did. Inside was a generous amount of cash.


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