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A Silver Cove Christmas

Page 8

by Jill Sanders

  “Make-out car?” he asked, moving a little closer to her.

  “Sure. What high school student wouldn’t want to make out in a classic like that?”

  He nodded in agreement. “They didn’t get it running?”

  “No, they’re the reason it needs a new engine.” She chuckled. “Forgot to put oil back in it after draining it.”

  “Ouch.” He shook his head in shame.

  “After that, it has sat in there with the hopes that one day, one of them will tow it away.”

  “What kind of car do you drive?” he asked, looking back towards the garage.

  “An old Ford pickup. It was my dad’s. Do you have a car?”

  “No, I live and work in the city. Everything I need is within a block or two. Or I Uber where I need to go.”

  “We just got the Uber here last year.” His chuckling stopped her. “What?”

  “Just Uber, not the Uber.”

  “Right.” She tilted her head at him. “We have such different lives.” What did they really have in common? Where exactly did she think starting a relationship with a man she didn’t have much in common with would take her? “I have an idea…”

  “Okay,” he said after a moment. “Does this idea involve nakedness?” he joked.

  Instead of answering, she took his hand and pulled him inside and down the short hallway to the library. Gently pushing him down in a chair, she pulled down her tarot cards and sat opposite him.

  “Okay,” he said again, settling back. “Shoot.”

  “Ready?” she asked, shuffling the cards.

  “Sure, why not?” He smiled.

  He watched her every move. She shuffled the cards like one would a normal deck of playing cards, even though these were larger and there were twice as many.

  She set the cards down on the table and took a deep breath before pushing them his way in a long line.

  “Pick three cards and lay them face down here.” She motioned for him.

  He reached over and took three cards from the deck. She flipped them over one at a time.

  “This card represents your past.” She pointed to the left card. This one your present…” She flipped the middle card.

  “This my future?” he asked, pointing to the far card as she flipped it over.

  She smiled and nodded. “This means you’re going to be somewhere else in the world.”

  “Like traveling?”

  “Could be.” She nibbled on her lip as she slowly laid down three more cards. One at a time, she flipped them over. When she got to the future card, she narrowed her eyes.

  “This one could still mean just a trip, but it’s more like you’ll go somewhere... Misplaced.”

  She laid three more cards down. “This one means deception or betrayal from someone close to you, who will take advantage of you,” she said after the third one was down. When she laid another row of cards down, her frown grew. “This is the Tower card. It means danger or unseen crisis.” She bit her lip as she flipped over several other cards. Then a smile finally formed on her lips. “Here, Nine of Cups. It means your wishes are going to come true and whatever danger you go through will only end in happiness.”

  “How do you know all this by that?” He motioned to the table. He could clearly see a card titled The World, which he assumed meant travel, but the rest of it? He was completely lost.

  “Years of study and practice.”

  “So, it’s a skill?” He picked up another upside-down card and smiled at The Maiden. Setting it so Crystal wouldn’t see it, he picked up another from the fanned-out pile. This time it was Strength. Taking one more, he held in a strange noise as he looked down at a card with The Lovers written underneath two very naked people.

  “Well?” she asked.

  Glancing up at her from over the rim of the last card, he raised his eyebrows and tried to hide what emotions he was feeling.

  “Hm?” He set the card facedown with the other three.

  Her smile was fast. “Are you going to tell me what you saw?”

  “Nothing.” He tried to put the cards back in the stack, but she stopped him by placing a hand over his.

  “Show me. Tell me what you think they mean.” She motioned for him after removing her hand.

  He swallowed, closed his eyes, and then took a deep breath.

  “Okay, sure, why the hell not.” He flipped over the first card.

  “The Maiden.” He looked up into her eyes. “You.”

  She tiled her head, her smile firmly in place. “Go on.”

  He flipped the next card. “Strength, again, you.”

  “Was it facing me or you?” she asked.

  “You,” he answered. She nodded. “Why would it matter?” he asked after a moment.

  “Upright it would stand for strength, courage, control, and compassion. Reversed, it would mean weakness or self-doubt.” He nodded. “And the last card?”

  He flipped over the card and remained silent.

  “What do you think it means?” she asked, searching his eyes.

  “There’s little to be interpreted,” he answered.

  She smiled again. “It can have many meanings: blessings, protection, happiness, temptation, balance… it’s how you interpret the card. So…”

  His eyes met hers. “My desire to take a strong, smart, passionate woman as a lover.”

  She moved at the same time he did. They were locked in each other’s arms seconds later.

  There was a whirlwind of hands reaching for clothes as the kiss went deeper.

  He walked them backwards until they fell together on the sofa. He made sure to reach out and catch them so he wouldn’t crush her as he landed on top of her. Their lips didn’t break from one another.

  Her hands grabbed at his shirt and untucked it from his slacks. When her hands touched his bare skin, he wondered how long he would last if she kept touching him. Her fingers brushed along the line of his slacks, then started tugging them lower on his hips.

  His own hands were under the flowing shirt she’d worn that day. Pushing up, he tugged until the soft material landed on the floor next to them. The tight top she wore underneath was like a second skin.

  She was driving him mad the way she was moving her hips against him. When her fingers moved up to grip his hair, he pulled back and looked down at her.

  At that moment, looking down at the beautiful woman underneath him, he realized he’d never held onto anything so wonderful. Her long loose braid had come undone in his hands, and he rubbed the softness between his fingertips.

  “You truly are amazing,” he said softly. Her blue eyes focused on him and she smiled, showing him that little dimple next to her mouth he’d seen a few times.

  He reached up and ran a fingertip along the spot.

  “Kiss me.” Crystal pulled him back down to her, but before their lips touched, her cell phone chimed and she frowned over at the table.

  “That’s the sound it makes when someone enters the house.” She started to get up, but he rushed over to the phone and handed it to her.

  “Stay here, call the police…” She sighed, looking down at her screen.

  “It’s only Joe.” She shifted and set her feet on the ground.

  “Joe?” He frowned down at her as he tucked his T-shirt back in. Just then, a thin tall blond man walked into the room. His smile fell away when he noticed Rory tucking his shirt in. The man’s eyes went to Crystal, who was still only in her tank top.

  The flowers in the man’s hands told Rory everything he needed to know. The man was competition.

  Chapter 9

  Crystal held in a groan. The last person she wanted to see right now was Joe. Especially when he had an armful of flowers in his hands.

  Standing up, she set her cellphone down and picked up her shirt and pulled it over her head.

  “Joe, is there something I can help you with?”

  “I… thought we’d finish that conversation.” His eyes were shooting daggers towards Rory. �
�About taking this to the next level.” Joe’s chin rose slightly.

  “This?” she asked, resting a hand on Rory’s arm to assure him.

  “Sure.” Joe stepped into the room further.

  “There is no this.” She waited. “There hasn’t been for almost a full year.”

  “But…” He blinked and looked towards Rory again. “Can we talk in private?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “Nor do you have permission to enter my home without notifying me.” She moved to walk towards the door, but Rory beat her to it.

  “I’ll show him the way out.” Rory took the skinnier man’s arm and tugged him towards the front.

  She wanted to argue, but seeing the look on Joe’s face as Rory dragged him from the room was priceless.

  When Rory came back, there was a crease between his eyebrows as he frowned at her. “You have to start locking your doors.” He crossed his arms over her chest.

  She couldn’t help it, she laughed. Not a small chuckle, but a full-blown laugh.

  He looked so serious. So… dangerous. So… manly. She wanted nothing more than to finish what they had started earlier, but she knew that moment had passed.

  Walking over to him, she rested her hands on his arms. “I’ll consider it.” She reached up on her toes and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “Now, why don’t you help me make a batch of jelly. I purchased the berries today and don’t want them to go to waste.”

  “What kind of berries, and where did you get them at this time of year?” he asked, following her into the kitchen.

  “Blueberries. They arrived from South America.” She glanced over her shoulder. “If we’re lucky, there’ll be some left over for a pie for tomorrow night.”

  “Are we going to talk about that?” He motioned towards the front of the house.

  “What would you like to know?” she said as she got everything out to start the process.

  “He is your ex?” he asked, leaning against the countertop.

  “Yes,” she said, without looking up.

  “He’s half your age.”

  She glanced up and smiled. “Tell me you’ve never dated someone younger than you.” She waited until she saw the truth in his eyes, then turned back to finding the big pot she used to boil the fruit in.

  “When did you break it off with him?” he asked after she set the pan on the stove.

  “January.” She moved to the pantry and pulled out the box of berries she’d brought home earlier that day while Rory had been busy working on her computer. She doubted he’d even noticed she’d been gone for more than an hour, since he hadn’t looked up from the computer screen when she’d left or returned. “What about you?” She set the berries down and turned to him.

  “I haven’t broken up with Joe.” He smiled as he grabbed a berry and plopped it in his mouth.

  She chuckled. “When was the last date you went out on?”

  He reached for another berry, but the look she gave him had his hand pausing in midair, then returning to his side. “Over six months ago. I’ve been kind of busy since then.”

  Just then, his phone chimed. He frowned as he looked down at the screen. “I’m going to have to take a rain check on helping out. My secretary, Gloria, has a fire she needs me to put out.” He sighed.

  “I hope it’s nothing major.” She nodded to the phone.

  “The usual.”

  “Go, I’ve got this.” She smiled at him and then, before he left, filled a small cup with the berries and handed them to him.

  As soon as she was alone in the kitchen, she dialed Serenity’s number.

  “Hi, Mom.” Her daughter sounded out of breath.

  “Hi, sweetie, how are my girls tonight?”

  A little over an hour later, she had one batch of jelly done along with two pies and breakfast rolls that would be ready for the oven first thing in the morning, and she felt steadier. She’d chatted with Serenity on Skype while she’d moved around the kitchen.

  She had finished cleaning up and wondered if Rory was still working. Instead of heading upstairs, she stepped out the back door and made her way to her art studio.

  It was just past nine o’clock, but she was still revved up. She felt the need to paint.

  Picking a large canvas, she pulled out the colors she desired and put on the apron Serenity had bought her years ago. The Wonder Woman symbol was long covered up with paint, but it was still her favorite apron to wear while painting.

  She lost track of time when she worked, mixing colors, letting them flow on the canvas, showing everything she’d been feeling for the past few days.

  When she finally wiped her hands and stood back, she was pleased with her creation.

  When a slow clap started behind her, she jumped.

  “Sorry.” Rory smiled over at her. “I thought you heard me come in. I saw the light from my room.” He took a step closer. Clearly, he’d been there for some time, and Crystal realized just how into her work she’d been.

  “I guess I got lost in my work.” She shifted so he could get a better look.

  “It’s amazing. I’ve always wondered what an artist’s process was.” He stopped next to her, his eyes glued to the fresh paint. “It reminds me of Christmas.” He smiled.

  She tilted her head and nodded. “The smell of blueberry pies always reminds me of this time of year. My grandmother used to bake them for the holidays. They were my grandfather’s favorite.”

  Rory crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s perfect.” He turned to her.

  She smiled. “Thank you.”

  He moved closer to her, his hands going to her shoulders.

  “You’ll get paint on your shirt.” She nodded to the shirt. She could tell he’d showered, and he was wearing worn jeans and a white T-shirt.

  “I’ll get another one.” He moved again until their bodies collided. When his lips touched hers, she knew this time, there wouldn’t be any stopping.

  His hands moved over her and suddenly, the apron fell to the floor, along with her clothes.

  When he laid her down on the long sofa that sat under the wide windows, she was completely naked. She’d managed to remove his shirt and unbuckle his jeans, but other than that, she’d been too busy enjoying the feeling of his hands and his mouth on her skin.

  “I…” He broke off, his breath hot on her skin. “I didn’t bring anything.” He’d stilled, his weight holding her hostage against the soft cushions.

  “Drawer.” She motioned to the small end table next to the sofa.

  He looked down at her. “Do you always have condoms handy?”

  Instead of answering, she pulled on his hair until his lips covered hers once again.

  Rory’s control was quickly slipping. Just looking down at her soft body underneath his was making it slip even more. She was more beautiful than he could have imagined.

  Her nails scraped down his sides until she was tugging on his jeans. He allowed her to slide them off his hips as he toed off his shoes.

  When he covered her again, it was pure heaven feeling her skin against his. She wrapped her legs around his hips as he slid into her. Twin moans echoed in the room.

  “Rory,” she sighed as he began to move.

  “Hold onto me,” he said into her hair. She smelled of blueberries and paint. The mixture was oddly appealing. He could smell her soft scent just below the other stronger smells and inhaled deeply as she moved underneath him.

  Her nails dug into his hips as they moved as one. Somehow, they had rolled on the sofa until she was above him. When she leaned back, her long hair fell over her shoulders as she continued to move over him.

  Her hands rested lightly on his chest as she swayed her hips back and forth. Her eyes were glued to his as a smile slowly spread on her lips. She looked like she was enjoying herself so much that he let her continue to be in charge. She closed her eyes and moaned when his fingers dug into her soft hips.

  “More,” he growled out, demanding more of her. His hands moved he
r further as her body began to rock harder. Her hands traveled up her own body and rose above her head until she was reaching high above her. Then, in a quick motion, she fell forward, taking his hands with her own, locking their fingers. She had him trapped underneath her, and he felt himself building faster and harder than he ever had before.

  “Crystal.” Her name came out as a warning, causing her to laugh and move faster.

  “Let go,” she begged. “Just let… go.”

  His hips jerked as his eyes slammed closed. For the first time in his life, he did just that. He completely let go of everything. All the years of pent-up emotions, feelings of abandonment, fear, joy, love, everything. In his mind, he saw only light and freedom.

  Everything he’d ever desired in his life was right there, in her arms.

  Chapter 10

  Crystal lay on Rory’s chest and listened to his heartbeat. She’d been right, he worked out a lot. His chest was the most impressive display of manhood she’d ever seen firsthand.

  “If we tried that again too soon, I think I might be in jeopardy of a heart attack,” he joked.

  She leaned up and looked down at him. “Your heart is strong.” She smiled, and his hand reached up and brushed her hair away from her face.

  “So my doctor says.” He gently pulled her closer with his other hand. “As much as I’d like to stay in here with you all night, it’s a bit chilly in here, don’t you think?”

  She looked around and sighed, then nodded. “I haven’t turned on the heat again.” She quickly got up and walked over to the controls and flipped the heater on.

  “How about some of that pie I smelled walking through the kitchen?” He was already tugging on his jeans when she looked back around.

  “I suppose we can dig into one of them and save the other for tomorrow’s dinner.” She wrapped herself in a long sweater shawl she kept out there for when she got chilled. She started walking towards the door, but he stopped her.

  “You’re not going out there in just that?” he asked. She turned and smiled.


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