Two Percent Power: Delivering Justice
Page 26
A second man approached the table. His thick calloused hand stretched out, snatching the paper. “Is this the guy?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” The man at the window said. He stood, contemplating their next move. Sight had invited the two monstrous men to join his Visionaries and help take over the city. During their travels, the city's heroes had banded together and took the super villain down.
The first man's broad shoulders were hunched, as he rubbed his palms together. His thick neck started at his ears and flared out like a triangle. Even underneath the faded ratty sweatshirt, his muscles rippled through, built for inflicting damage. The man was power personified.
The second man's build was equally broad and just as muscular, lacking only the chiseled tone of the behemoth at the window. His heavy combat boots clomped on the bare scratched up linoleum as he walked over to the first.
The first man glanced over his shoulder. “Is the stash safe?”
“Safe enough.”
They spoke in deep, low rumbling tones. Their voices were rocks tumbling across a hard wood surface.
“Good. Let’s spread the word. We’ll need to gather our strength and organize.”
“Are we springing the brainiac?” The second man asked.
“No. Not yet. First we rebuild his army and go to war.” He turned to face the other man. “These so-called heroes have no idea what's coming. Armageddon has arrived, brother.”
They clasped hands, slamming their palms together, sending out a sharp crack that shook the air around them. A smile stretched across their mouths as the tension in their arms drove the veins and muscle striations to the surface.
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Brian Manning
Brian Manning is an author, artist, podcaster, and a proud geek (or nerd…they’re the same, people). He is a lifelong fan of comic books, tabletop role-playing games, martial arts, and action movies. After blogging for years, writing half a dozen short stories, and a non-fiction book, he decided to buckle down and tackle the mighty trilogy.
Visit his website, for more information about his books and artwork. You can also find Brian on Twitter at @EvilTwinBrian, and you can see his artwork (and cat pictures) on Instagram at
Notes from the author
I love comic books. I’ve loved them since I was a kid, flipping through issues of Iron Man, and Superman in the 80s. Creatively comics have been the biggest influence on my art as well as my writing. Even the cover to this book is hopefully a clear homage to one of my all time favorite artists, Jim Lee, and his variant cover for Batman issue number 608 (the first part of the Hush story arc).
This book is a culmination of all of the comic book related media I’ve consumed, the games I’ve played, and the conversations I’ve had with friends. Table-top role playing games have allowed me to participate in crafting stories, and characters that have kept us entertained for hours on end, and ultimately led to the characters in this book (and its subsequent sequels). as a teen, and young adult, I tried to make cool, mysterious characters, but they all ended up as generic dark brooding types that never caught fire even in my own imagination.
It wasn’t until much later and I dusted off the catalog of wacky tongue-in-cheek characters we created, that I realized I wasn’t being true to myself. I’m a huge fan of all types of characters, but when it comes to personality, I’ve always been more Spider-man or Booster Gold than Batman or Spawn. The characters in Two Percent Power (heroes and villains alike) reflect my true self better than all of the vigilante/anti-hero tough guys and girls I tried to create in the extreme 90s.
I did my best to keep the feel of the characters that best suit my writing style, and still tell an entertaining story, clearly inspired by the 4-color pages from which they were pulled. Marvel’s superhero movies of today do such an amazing job blending amazing super hero action, and moments of levity, and that’s what I had hoped to capture with this book.
I hope that you feel the same way, and choose to stick with me for the duration of ride.