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Anytime Darlin'

Page 16

by Julia Rachel Barrett

  She felt more than heard Jake say something. It sounded like, “Stand up.”

  “Hmmm?” she murmured, half asleep.

  “Stand up,” he repeated, his voice hoarse.

  Devlin reluctantly rose from the tub, hot water running down her skin. She started to turn toward Jake, but he reached up and grabbed her hips to stop her.

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  She did so without a word, her breath quickening.

  She felt him slowly run his hands up along her legs, from her ankles to the top of her thighs and back down again. His touch startled her. It was almost delicate. Goose bumps formed in the wake of his fingers. A groan escaped Devlin’s lips.

  “Shhhh,” whispered Jake. “Just feel.”

  Suddenly his hands were on her bottom, kneading her, running his fingers along the cleft between her buttocks.

  “God, you are so beautiful,” he said.

  Her knees grew weak. She reached out to the side, searching for something to steady herself, but there was nothing. Except for Jake. He slid his thumb inside her, all the way inside her. With one hand on her hip to support her, he slid his thumb in and out, again gentle, delicate, so delicate Devlin was tempted to scream. She held it inside, concentrating on his every movement.

  It sounded as if Jake had risen to his knees behind her. She could feel his mouth on her back, kissing her scar, nipping at her bottom, his thumb still moving rhythmically inside her. Jake pressed his chest against her while he wrapped his other arm around her belly, his hand sinking lower until he found her clit. Devlin’s breath came in ragged gasps. She rubbed herself against his fingers, seeking her release.

  “Don’t move,” he said, his breathing as ragged as hers. “Let me do it for you.”

  Oh God, Devlin thought. She wondered what Jake McKenna had in store for her. Just then Jake bit down on her hip, holding her in place, his thumb still moving in and out of her, his fingers rubbing circles around her swollen nub. Devlin was strung so tight, she would have fallen without his support. Jake seemed to feel her climax building despite the fact that she held herself perfectly still. He moved his fingers faster, pressed harder.

  Devlin’s control vanished. “Jake,” she cried out, and she came helplessly against his fingers. Without any awareness whatsoever, she found herself turned around, her legs spread. Jake had his mouth on her, his tongue pressed inside her, catching her tremors. Within seconds, she came again and then again. Devlin begged Jake to stop. It was indeed possible, she decided from a far-off place, to die of an overdose of pleasure.

  Jake lowered her into the water, guiding her onto his erect penis. Devlin’s eyes flew open just as his closed. She whispered his name in a low voice, and he groaned deep in his throat. Devlin pressed her mouth to his full lips and thrust her tongue inside, meeting each thrust of his cock with a thrust of her tongue. She rubbed her nipples against his chest as he began to pound into her, out of control now. She held on, reveling in his wildness, in the contrast between what he’d just done to her and what he was doing to her now.

  “Come again for me, baby,” Jake mumbled against her mouth. “Come for me.”

  “Yes,” Devlin answered him, and she did, his words kicking her into another orgasm. She rode him shamelessly, feeling his thrusts deepen. He slanted his mouth over hers, and she swallowed his groan as he thrust into her one last time. Jake pressed against her chest. Devlin felt his heat spurt inside her. Heart pounding, she knew nothing. For a time, it seemed they were both senseless. The cooling water finally roused them.

  “Food,” mumbled Devlin, leaning her weak head against Jake’s shoulder.

  Jake began to laugh heartily, bouncing Devlin up and down.

  “Double chocolate milkshake? Grilled cheese sandwich? French fries?” he asked, still laughing as he climbed out of the tub and helped Devlin into an oversize bath towel.

  “All three. And make the milkshake chunky. And lots of those little bottles of ketchup.”

  Jake pulled her close and kissed her. Wrapping his own towel around his waist, he sauntered out of the bathroom. Devlin sighed. Jake was so much man. There were so many pieces of him that Devlin was unfamiliar with, his life, his career, his plans, his relationships over the past four years. Yet on another level, a deeper level, she felt as if she knew everything about him that mattered. She had loved him for years, first the idea of him, now the reality. But she was afraid to say the words aloud. She would be devastated if he didn’t reciprocate. Yet she had to ask herself, how could Jake possibly make love to her with such passion, such selflessness, such abandon, if he didn’t care? He’d been making love to her practically every moment since she exited the ramp at the airport. She stood still for a minute, pondering her options, listening to his voice talking on the phone to room service.

  Devlin shook her head. She decided to ignore her own musings. She needed to pee, get a drink of water, put some food in her stomach, and dress for the cocktail party. In that order. For now she’d simply enjoy every single moment she had with Jake. She’d worry about the rest of it when the weekend was over. If she survived it, that is.

  * * * *

  Jake hung up the phone and pressed his palms against his thighs to stop them from shaking. He’d just had the most powerful orgasm of his life. He’d come, twice now, inside the woman he loved. It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t used a condom either time. The thought of putting on a condom had never even entered his mind. He’d always been careful. It didn’t matter to him if a woman claimed to be on birth control pills. Jake always wore a condom. He didn’t want any accidental McKennas running around. Until now. He wouldn’t mind an accidental McKenna with Devlin.

  He wondered if she was on the Pill, then dismissed the thought from his head. He doubted it. He’d heard from Mary that she and Jason had broken up nearly two years ago. It had bothered him when Mary first told him Devlin and Jason were living together. He couldn’t bear the thought of another man bedding down with her at night and waking up with her in the morning. Touching her intimately, knowing her as Jake did now. But, Jake reminded himself, he didn’t have the right to object. If he had been with her then, they might not be here, together, in this time and place. Mary was right. Devlin had needed her space. And so had he.

  The problem was, Jake didn’t want his space anymore, unless Devlin shared it with him. He wondered about the internship in France. Mary didn’t bother to disguise her pride in Dev’s achievements. Devlin had done well for herself. He knew she was one of two applicants chosen.

  He didn’t want to ask her to give it up, but he hated the thought of being apart for two years. He could visit her, but he couldn’t live there with her. He was responsible for a lot of people and projects, and he wasn’t prepared to make such a drastic move.

  Besides, what would he do in Paris? He was a country boy. He had a cabin to build, and his father needed his help with calving as much as ever. Jake had the money to take time off, but he loathed the idea of idling in Paris with nothing to do, aside from drive Devlin crazy. He chuckled as he imagined how annoying he would be.

  Jake felt a chill. He turned the air-conditioning down, grabbing the two plush terrycloth bathrobes from the closet. He headed to the bathroom to see if Devlin was finished so he could have a turn. He hadn’t taken a piss all day, and he felt like he could use a drink. He stopped at the minibar and reached for a bottle of orange juice. He downed it in one swallow.

  “Dev,” he called, “you want anything to drink?”

  “Oh yeah,” she said, opening the bathroom door, holding the oversized towel around her. “Hey, it’s cold out here.”

  “I just turned down the air. You want orange juice? Apple juice? Pop? Perrier?”

  “Apple juice.” She held out her hand. “Thanks.”

  Jake handed her the bottle of ice-cold juice and watched her tilt her head back to drink. He thought she had a lovely neck. She downed it quickly and asked for another one. Jake handed another to her. He
should have been paying more attention, he admonished himself. Devlin had never been a big eater, but he should have seen to it that she at least had something to drink today. However, from the moment he laid eyes on her at the airport, he’d had only one thing on his mind, getting inside her. He stirred at the thought, telling himself to knock it off.

  “Here.” He removed her towel and helped her into the robe, taking care to avoid brushing his erection against her. He turned his back and pulled off his own towel, flipping on the robe quickly.

  “You’re suddenly shy?” Dev laughed. “After what we just did, one would think neither of us had any modesty.”

  Jake felt himself blushing. Only Devlin could make him blush. This was the person Devlin was meant to be, before her uncle got hold of her. His heart jumped at the notion that she’d overcome that monster and everything he did to her. She’d somehow managed to come to terms with the loss of her loved ones and made a life for herself. She had a future. Jake wanted to be part of it. He turned to face her and saw pure joy in her eyes.

  “No,” he said, teasing. “It’s just that there are a lot of things I want to do to you, and I’m trying hard not to do them all at once.”

  Devlin burst into laughter and fell into his arms, rubbing herself shamelessly against him. She was still giggling ten minutes later when the food arrived, while he was still uncomfortably erect. She had to answer the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Impatient, Mary waited for Devlin and Jake to arrive. She and Ken had come early so Ken could deposit a case of wine with the bartenders. Though the cocktail party was hosted by Mike’s friends from the department and Beth’s friends from the high school where she taught, Ken had recently attended a week-long medical seminar in San Francisco, and he offered to bring back a case of wine. Mary looked around for her husband, anxious. She heard from Mike earlier that he’d run into Devlin and Jake in the hotel lobby. He said they seemed to have reconnected. Mary wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

  Devlin was like a little sister, and she was very protective of her. When Dev lived with Jason, it was easy to keep tabs on her. It had grown harder over the past couple years. Mary urged Devlin time and time again to get a big, mean dog to keep with her on the property near Grinnell. The thought of Devlin out there alone made her very nervous. Despite the fact that there had been no sign of William Franz in over four years, you never knew what could happen to a young girl living alone. Woman, Mary corrected herself with a sigh. Dev was a young woman. She had her own life to live, her own choices to make.

  Mary worried about Jake too. She’d known him a long time, and he was one of her closest friends. Tough as he appeared on the outside, inside he was vulnerable. Mary knew how much it cost him to leave Devlin alone. What if things didn’t work out for him? What if Devlin no longer felt the same? What about the internship in Paris? It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Devlin. If they became involved, would Jake insist she give it up? Mary loved them both, and she didn’t want either of them hurt. Devlin had been through too much already, while Jake had kept his distance from her for over four years, exactly as Mary had asked him to. She didn’t know if he could be patient for two more years.

  Ken brought her a glass of ginger ale, teasing her about her preoccupation.

  “They’re fine,” he said.

  Mary knew he’d admitted to Jake that he’d forgotten to relay his phone message to Devlin years ago. Well, now she could only wait and see. It was out of her hands.

  * * * *

  Jake and Devlin were fashionably late. They didn’t plan to be late. It simply took them both a while to get ready. Watching Dev devour her meal gave Jake great pleasure. She wasn’t much of a meat eater, but she voiced no complaints about his double cheeseburger, rare, with the works. Between the two of them, they finished the milkshakes and two orders of fries. Jake was pleased that he only ate a quarter of Devlin’s grilled cheese sandwich. She ate the rest. After they set the tray in the hallway, the scene felt almost domestic.

  They shared the sink as they brushed their teeth. Jake watched Devlin apply moisturizer while he shaved. She even felt relaxed enough around him to do her makeup. He’d never before paid attention to any woman putting on makeup. But Devlin’s technique fascinated him.

  She asked his opinion. She said, “Which do you want me to emphasize? My eyes or my lips?”

  He looked at her, confused by her question. She laughed.

  “I don’t usually wear makeup. I think it makes me look like a clown. But when I do, I like the focus to be on one feature, either my eyes or my lips. Which do you prefer?”

  “Lips,” replied Jake, staring at hers and licking his own, his cock instantly at attention.

  “I think so too,” she said, and she went to work with color and a brush.

  Jake had no idea watching a woman apply makeup could be such a sensual experience. He sat on the edge of the tub, transfixed, as Dev bent close to the mirror. He was tempted to lift her bathrobe and make use of that delectable little ass extended in his direction, but he resisted and kept his hands to himself, enjoying the feel of his arousal, imagining how he would sate himself with her later.

  In mere minutes, Devlin had finished. She was right. His eyes locked on her lips. If he knew she wouldn’t have to take the time to do it all over again, he would have kissed her senseless. She brushed her hair back from her face.

  “You like it?” she asked with a smile.

  “That would be an understatement,” he replied, rising from the edge of the tub with his hands clasped in front of him.

  “Really? Let me see how much you like it.”

  She wrapped her hands around the lapels of his robe and pulled it apart, her aquamarine eyes focused directly on his. His erection jutted toward her. Devlin moved her hands down his sides and his body responded, arching forward, seeking the touch of her hand. He felt her long fingers brush the tip of his cock. Jake closed his eyes, and a moan escaped his lips. Devlin’s hand pressed against his mouth. She thrust a finger past his teeth. He licked her. He sucked her fingertip, and he heard her groan in response. Then her finger was gone. His eyes still closed, Jake felt her open her own robe and slide her bared body down his muscled chest and tight abdomen. He knew what she was about to do, and he wanted it. But he was afraid for her. Devlin had never divulged the entire story of William Franz’s assault, but Mary told him she suspected that he’d not only raped her, but he’d forced himself upon her in other ways.

  Jake reached down to stop her, but she pushed his hands away.

  “No, let me.” She licked him as if to reinforce her words.

  “Devlin, God knows I want this, but…”

  In answer, she took him into her mouth. Jake groaned, enveloped by her moist heat and softness. He threaded his fingers appreciatively through her curls. He didn’t press on her head or hold her. He was a big man, and he wanted her to decide how much of him she could take. He wanted Dev to feel in control. Jake soon discovered that she was very much in control. She gripped the base of his erection with a firm hand, her lips and tongue moving along his length. Her other hand caressed his scrotum, holding it, kneading. She sucked him, milking him, caressing him, using her teeth along the ridge at the tip. The sensations she evoked were so intense he thought he might die of pleasure.

  As Jake neared his climax, he cried out her name. He tried to push Devlin away, reluctant to come, but she clung to him, almost humming with him deep in her mouth. He could feel the vibrations throughout the length of his cock. He wanted to stop himself from moving, but he found he had no control. With a groan, he thrust into her warm, willing mouth. Devlin sucked him, hard, and he came just as hard, helpless. Jake’s knees nearly buckled.

  “Oh God, Devlin.”

  * * * *

  After a moment, she removed her mouth from him. Licking her lips, she looked up at him. Jake was beautiful in ecstasy. She’d watched him come, and he amazed her. Devlin had never done this with a man before, not willin
gly. Not since he made her do it. She pushed the thought away immediately. Jake was not her uncle.

  Devlin knew from the beginning she could trust Jake. Even with the most intimate actions. Even with this. She trusted him not to hurt her, not to degrade her, not to force her. She was aware that he’d let her control the pace, until he lost his own control. She’d done that to him, made him lose control. The thought made her smile. Jake was silk over steel, and he tasted wonderful. Salty, tangy, and most definitely like himself. She was so aroused by what she’d just done that she’d almost come the moment he did.

  Jake lifted her to her feet with his strong hands, and he kissed her.

  “I’ll get you for this,” he teased, whispering in her ear, “later.”

  “Oh, really?” she asked grinning against his shoulder. “Three times in one afternoon isn’t enough for you?”

  Jake pulled her back and leaned his forehead against hers. He gave her bottom a feeble swat. “You’ll be the death of me, girl.”

  * * * *

  Jake McKenna entered the room with a striking woman on his arm. She was tall and willowy. “Leggy” would best describe her. And the short, backless emerald green silk sheath dress she wore showcased the length of her legs very well. Only Shauna noticed the faint scars on both thighs, and she realized that Devlin Barre had returned. Apparently, she was with Jake. There was no mistaking the possessiveness in his hand on the small of her back, the protectiveness in his stance, and the challenge in his eyes as he gazed around the room. His very walk dripped testosterone. Shauna had worked closely with men long enough to recognize a man who’d gotten exactly what he wanted.

  She realized years ago that Jake McKenna wanted Devlin Barre. It seemed Devlin wanted Jake equally as much. She smiled to herself as she thought of the ribbing she would give Jake. But she decided she’d wait and catch him alone. Devlin had been a favorite of hers since she first saw her fighting for her life in the ICU. Shauna would never give her a hard time. She’d find an opportunity to talk to her later, to find out how she was doing.


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