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The Elevator Dreams

Page 3

by Vishnuvarthanan Moorthy

fans, and someone has to remove it. Franco did fly hard and removes that coir, which got stuck in some of the fans. The penguin comes up flying and now it flies steadily. A wooden key falls from the coconut tree. We got our key, let’s fly back quickly. They just realize only 12 minute more left, but it’s not a concern for them, as they could fly back before time.

  They all entered in to the lift again. Oh god, we have got another key, do we really need to use this or shall we settle here, Juvian asks. We will stick inside this world, if we stay here for another 9 minutes, so drop your useless idea, Franco yells. So we will now try our luck and hopefully we should be out of this and back in the house, Franco tries to console and give confidence to everyone. Hmm, I really don’t know why that dolphin ignored my wonderful contract, it is a great offer, and Juvian tries to understand what went wrong. They insert the wooden key in to the elevator and everyone is waiting for huge movement, but this time it moves up quietly and stops. It is a huge relief for everyone. Sonia talks to others, I think we are back in our house, we are fine! The instruction board got those lightened words “Confess a truth from your heart in front of the holy tree, to get the Keys before the world vanishes, to continue your travel. Else stay here for life”. Their confidence is now gone, and there is no other choice left for them.

  The Elevator door opens, and it is a jungle but the ground is on the up. It’s a hanging jungle on the inverse, from up. The trees are grown from the ground which is on the up and the branches are coming down. The animals are walking on the inverse. The Sky is actually in the ground. They walk on the sky and they see few trees are tall and they touch their head from the up. There are squirrels which built their houses on the tree top, which means they can touch those houses and squirrels. They hear some roaring sound of lion on the up. They decide to find a squirrel to talk to it. Franco asks a Squirrel, do you know any holy tree here in this jungle? The Squirrel replies, for me the tree where I stay is holy tree, may be you are asking a wrong person. Juvian talks to Franco, I believe squirrels have less knowledge so why to ask a wrong person. As he finishes the speech he got a nut in his forehead thrown like a baseball. Can you suggest any one who can help us find? Ishita asks the squirrel. May be you can check with monkeys which will pass through this place in sometime, since they jump in to many trees they may be aware of any holy tree here, the squirrel advises. Ishita feels hungry and she asks Franco, can we get something to eat here? Franco says we are in jungle and there will be lot of fruit’s, we can easily take them, as he says he finds jack fruit which is hanging near. He jumps to plug it out, but he is not able to, so he just throws his belt and tries to pull it. The fruit is now detached from the tree but it goes up, as the gravitational force is pulling it there. He asks the Squirrel, why we are not pulled to the ground on the up. It replies, the moment if you touch anything and you go in contact with our land, you will also be pulled to the ground on the up, and in fact you have to apply your force to stay against it.

  Juvian shouts here are the monkeys, check that out. The monkeys have colored and lighted tails. Each one is having blue, red, amber, green colored tails and they are glowing. They are of huge size and doing the inverse travel. Franco jumps in on one of the tallest tree which is nearer to him and he slowly allows himself to gravitational force and he moves up. Juvian carries Ishita and he follows the same technique and Sonia tool. Franco asks one of the travelling monkeys, have you seen any holy tree here? Holy tree, I never saw anything here, I don’t think there is anything here, and monkey talks this and laughed at him. From behind another small baby monkey asks him, why you need to know that? Franco is not really interested in answering that baby monkey, but anyway he tells that they need to find the holy tree and confess a truth from their heart. The monkey speaks, 100 years before when I was young, my father told there is cave of honest and inside there is a holy tree, but we don’t go there as it’s behind the waterfall and we don’t get much food there. Franco asks, can you guide us there? The monkey says, yes we can, just hang on the tails of my children, we will take you there! Franco asks, your children will be smaller than you, how can we hang in their tail? The monkey laughs and talks, I am the head of this group, as we grow we look like small babies and the babies actually looks bigger.

  The monkeys come nearer to the top most branches and Sonia, Juvian and Ishita catch the tail of those monkeys. Now the monkeys jump from one tree to another one in the inverse. On the way they see bears climbing down and those fallen branches going up. They see fight between tigers, hiding wolves, running elephants and so many on the upper ground. They can hear the sound of waterfalls, and the water flows up towards the upper ground from the down sky. The monkey head talks to Franco, from here climb up on the sides and go to the cave, which is on the side of the water falls. Franco and others thanks to them and they climb on the side of waterfall and apply their force against the gravitational pull. Franco was carries Ishita, he tells her to hug him strongly and they were slowly sliding up.

  It’s the Cave of Honest and it’s having a small opening, in which they can only move by lying down. Franco speaks to everyone that he wants to check if there is any obnoxious gas out there and he just took some dried leaves and fired them with the cigar lighter and did throw them inside the cave. There is no reaction and he could see they are burning normally, so with that confidence, they switched on the torch light and they move ahead. After few minutes, they see bright light inside and the opening is getting bigger and bigger. Now they almost started walking in normal way and there is no inverse gravity, also beyond the light now they can see a huge golden branched tree. The tree is having all kind of precious metals and fruit’s in every branch. They go nearer to it, there comes a loud voice, “You are here in front of the Holy Karpag Tree, and why are you here?” Franco speaks, we want to confess a truth to you from our heart and thereby we can go to our land back. The voice comes again, “I will accept the truth only if there is honesty, and at least one of you should make me accept, else you will not achieve what you want and you will end up vanishing along this world, now go on and speak your truth”

  Franco speaks, I did like my uncle very much and after his death, he gave this property to me. The voice replies that it is not true. Sonia speaks, I do live a very nice life and I am happy for that. The voice replies that it is not true. Juvian is very confident that he can give the truth from his heart, and he speaks, I never told any lie till date. The voice is quiet. Juvian tells everyone, see now you people understand how good I am, even the cave accepted me. The voice comes again and tells it’s not worth to talk to you. Franco told Juvian, instead you should have told, that I always lie, by this time the voice would have accepted. Now Ishita speaks, few days back when my cousin Anirvin came to my house, my mother was so attentive to him as he was 30 days old, that really irritated to me and when he was sleeping I pinched him, and he started crying heavily and his skin got red. I really felt bad for this, but I was not having guts to tell my mother, instead I hide it. The voice speaks, do you feel what you did was wrong? Ishita says, yes with honesty, it’s wrong, I will never do it, and I will take care of Anirvin if he comes to my house. The voice comes again, take the key from the olive branch and you all can go from here.

  Franco climbed the olive branch of the Karpag tree and took the key and it’s a porcelain key. They all comes out and are searching a way to go back to the elevator. Turn on your back and see, how long we can wait for you, quick! The monkey head is waiting with his monkeys. They all caught the tail and the monkeys jumped from tree to tree and dropped all of them on sky. They walked and reached the Elevator.

  They inserted the porcelain key into the elevator, this time again the elevator goes very high, speeds up and stops in some level. The instruction board got those lightened words “Help them save their falling roof, to get the Keys before the world vanishes and to continue your travel. Else stay here for life”. Juvian told others, come on guys let’s move, at least in this world I will find source for my bu
siness. Sonia asks Franco, do you really have no idea that these kinds of things will happen in your uncle house? Franco speaks, believe me if I know all these, will I bring you and Ishita here, I am sorry for whatever happens here, but believe me. Ishita speaks, don’t worry I feel it’s like some activity class, I am actually enjoying, don’t fight for this!

  They started to move in to the new world. They could see lot of broken porcelain pieces on the ground as they walk. Ishita be careful and come with me, Franco pulls her next to him. As they move they can see lot of bigger broken pieces of pots, they are pieces of hand, leg, window, door, shoes, etc and everything made of porcelain. Little further they see bigger pieces of mirror fallen on ground. Juvian talks see those big mirrors in the ground, and only there, reddish light falls. Franco looks on the up; there is a hole in the sky. In fact it’s the sky which is broken and a piece has fallen down as mirror. Franco warns everyone to be very careful and ask them look up for the sky and also look down for the broken

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