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Heroines and Hellions: a Limited Edition Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 29

by Margo Bond Collins

  The outbreak took her by surprise. Truth was there between them, and she realized that she hadn’t been entirely truthful with him. She’d withheld, when he’d spat everything he felt out into the world.

  “All right,” she whispered. “You want to know how I felt? I was scared, and a part of me was horrified. You keep saying it was you, but it wasn’t. I looked in your eyes, and you weren’t there anymore, and that was what frightened me.” She swallowed hard. “You were the monster that everyone out here fears, and yeah, maybe I’m still a little afraid, but I trust you. I don’t believe that was you. That was your monster, your beast.

  “And you know what? I’m still here. I haven’t run, Wade, and I’m not going to.” The words made her realize the truth as much as he did. They also made her aware of another truth. “I keep wondering how I’m going to make a life with you, but the question I don’t ask myself is whether I want to make a life with you. I don’t know when, but I made that decision somewhere along the way. Maybe that bloody pool of water.”

  He stared at her, shadows carving grim lines into his face. Hope flared in his eyes, then died. “And how long does that last?” Dropping his gaze, he turned away from her again. “No, Riley. You need to start thinking about your future, but I won’t be in it.”

  Frustration reared. “Don’t you dare walk away!” she yelled, looking around for something, anything to throw. “Or I swear I will brain you with this water canteen.”

  He stopped in his tracks. “Wargs don’t have wives. They don’t have lovers. I should never have touched you. I’m sorry for that.”

  “No, you’re not!” She was so angry she wanted to hit him. “You’re not sorry you touched me at all. You wanted it. I wanted it. You’re just afraid to face the consequences of that action.

  “You did your wife a disservice, Wade. You never gave her a choice to accept you. You walked away before she could face that fear. And now you’re doing it to me!”

  “She could have come after me,” he said simply, his words floating on the wind.

  True. Riley’s fists clenched. “I would. I will.”

  Wade stared out into the desert night, his shoulders stiff. His head turned to the side, his stark profile standing out against the black desert night. “No.” As if he just realized the challenge he’d thrown her.

  “If I’m brave enough to face my fears, why can’t you?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” A soft growl lit his voice before he started walking into the darkness. “Go to sleep. I’ll keep watch.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Go to sleep, my ass,” Riley muttered, stepping over a small log and sliding down the embankment after him. “You think it’s that easy? You think you just say no, and I’ll go on my way and forget you?”

  She tripped on something in the dark and staggered forward, her hands out. Her palms met Wade’s back, and he went down on one knee as she steadied.

  She could barely see him, night-blind after the hot orange glow of the fire. The wind was cool now, cutting through her clothes and making her shiver.

  Spinning around, Wade’s hand caught her by the back of the leg. “Did you just shove me?” he asked incredulously.

  The heat of his palm through her jeans did wicked things to her body, but Riley wasn’t about to be distracted. “Maybe I did.” And maybe she had. Could she have stopped herself? “What are you going to do about it?”

  “This!” he snapped.

  The world upended as he drove his shoulder into her midriff and strained to his feet. Riley cried out softly, punching her fist into his buttocks. “Put me down!” she yelled, straining and kicking. “You are not going to win this argument like this!”

  Riley jerked on his shoulder, her legs swinging wildly. Wade turned and strode back up the hill, frustration and fear churning inside him.

  You wanted a woman who’d fight for you, didn’t you?

  He ground his teeth together and dumped her on her outspread bedroll. She kicked herself up onto her knees as if she were going to tackle him, her eyes glittering hotly in the fire’s gleam. Luc grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her back down, pinning her wrists on the blankets and crushing her with his weight.

  “Be still!”

  She breathed hard, squirming beneath him. “Make me.”

  Luc sucked in a sharp breath. Bloody hell. Each little squirm impressed itself on his body, his hips sliding into the V of hers. He knew the instant she felt his erection, her body stiffening beneath him.

  Their eyes met.

  And then it was as if all the tension suddenly erupted, her mouth attacking his in the dark, even as his hands tore at her clothes.

  He needed this. Wanted it so badly. And she was just as savage, her nails raking over his shoulders, fingers knotting in his hair.

  The wildness within wanted to howl in glee. His. His cock thickened, aching in his jeans. Luc couldn’t stop himself. He lifted his hips, tearing at the buttons. A needy little sound purred in Riley’s throat, her teeth sinking into his lips.

  “Want you,” she gasped. “Want you so much. And I’m not letting go! No matter how far you run, no matter how fast….” Her hands slid between them, his cock falling free of his jeans into her hot palms.

  Luc buried his head against her throat with a gasp, the heated silk of her hair brushing against his face. He thrust into her clenched fist, grabbing her by the ass and driving her against him. Not enough. He wanted inside her. Now.

  The musky scent of her arousal told him she felt the same. Luc tugged at her jeans, tearing the buttons in his haste. Then he had them free, yanking them down her legs until she was wearing only her white cotton panties with the tiny little bow stitched onto them.

  Kneeling between her legs, he grasped her hips and nuzzled his face between her thighs. Her scent was dizzying here. Delicious. Grasping the edges of her panties, he slid them lower, dragging them over her knees. Riley kicked free of them, then Luc grasped her thighs and held her open for him. Her blonde curls glinted in the firelight, her soft gasps lingering in the air.

  She moaned as he covered her with his mouth, tasting the sweetness of her body. Tongue plunging into her, darting over her. God. He groaned. Couldn’t get enough. His cock ached.

  He could just feel her body start trembling as he broke his intimate kiss, and drove up over her. “You’re mine,” he whispered, bending her knee up and thrusting hard into the molten core of her. Just for a moment, he let himself pretend the dream was real. That the woman in his arms would never melt away.

  Riley threw her head back as she came, a scream dying on her lips. “Luc!”

  He felt every delicious little shudder of her body and drove into her harder, forcing her to ride the storm again. Skin against skin, the heels of her feet digging into his bare buttocks as he pinned her to the ground and took her.

  He couldn’t stop the fury, couldn’t be gentle. He needed her. A starving man, desperate for one last taste. And she was just as eager, her hips undulating beneath his, little soft whimpers whispering in his ear. All she could do with her wrists pinned.

  Or maybe not. The rasp of her teeth in the soft flesh of his earlobe drove him crazy. Her hot breath on his neck. Luc felt the flash-fire of pleasure tighten his balls, the surge of cum shooting up his cock.

  “Yes… yes…” One of her hands tore free, clutching at the base of his scalp. He drove into her one last time, even as she whispered, “I love you.”

  Everything in the world went silent, orgasm screaming through him. Luc’s grip on her tightened, her arms sliding around him as he collapsed with a shudder, sweat wet on his flanks. Riley’s breasts rose and fell beneath him, her free hand rubbing gently up and down his spine.

  “I meant it,” she whispered. “Every word of it. I won’t pretend a part of me isn’t scared. Sometimes… sometimes, I think I’m just as afraid of this as of… the other. Afraid that you won’t feel the same way. Not that I expect you to, not yet,” she added hurriedly. “But one day, mayb

  He couldn’t answer. Instead, his hold on her tightened, just a little. This was more than he’d ever hoped for, more than he’d ever dared consider. The tightness in his chest was unexpected, like a fist clenching. Those words changed everything.

  And it scared the fuck out of him.

  Because she was telling him that this was real. That she had no intentions of leaving him, no matter what he did, no matter what happened. No matter how much of a monster he was. And he actually began to believe it. For the first time in years, he felt like a human again. A man who just might have a future. Riley was hope. She was everything. And if he lost her, it would kill him.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, brushing her lips against his neck. “I know it seems crazy. Everything’s happened so fast, but it feels so real.”

  Luc finally looked up, bringing his hand up to stroke the sweaty hair off her cheek. The fire crackled, its warm glow turning her skin to molten honey. Beautiful. Stubborn. Gloriously his. He withdrew from her body, but not her arms. He could stay there forever, he thought. No matter how scared he was about Lily, Riley’s presence made it somewhat bearable. As if the fear could be overcome, the same way he would overcome Cane.

  “You drive me crazy,” he admitted.

  A tiny smile played around her lips. “Crazy-good?”


  Luc rolled onto his side, taking her with him. Her head rested on his upper arm and he sighed softly, pressing his lips to her temple. Her body relaxed against his, fingertips tracing small circles on his chest. Slowly, the circles died. Her breathing softened as she fell asleep.

  “It feels real,” he admitted, knowing she didn’t hear him.


  Riley sighed.

  Ahead of them, canyons loomed, carving huge red swathes out of the mountains. Ebenezer’s Labyrinth, they called it, after the old settler who’d gotten lost in there and died. She eyed the canyon walls as Wade steered them down the narrow track. Perfect ambush territory, and barely a few hours’ drive from the Copperplate Mine.

  Tension raked through her, and she dragged a shotgun into her lap, her gaze riding high over the walls. Cool shadows washed away the blazing heat of the sun, and she slipped her hat back so her peripheral view was better.

  “Can you hear that?” Wade murmured, his gaze flickering to the rearview mirror.

  Riley cocked her head. Silence. “What?”

  “We’ve got company,” he replied. “Behind us.”

  A shot ricocheted off the canyon and Riley yelped, ducking low in the seat. She pumped the shotgun and peered over the back of the seat. A rusted-out jeep roared into view. It looked like someone had taken several cars, ransacked them, and welded bits and pieces onto the jeep. A heavy gun turret sat in the middle, with a reiver manning it, goggles in place. There were three more riding in back, and a pair in the front. Behind them, in the thick, choking dust trail, she could just make out a second vehicle.

  “Shit.” She yanked off her safety belt and knelt on the seat, putting the shotgun to her shoulder. “Can you get us out of here?”

  “Hold on,” Wade said, hitting the gas.

  She aimed low and pulled the trigger, feeling the kick against her shoulder. Metal screamed as her pellets sprayed off the grill on the front of the jeep.

  The reivers returned fire, spinning the gun turret toward them.

  “Get down!” Riley yelled, throwing herself low in the seat. Bullets screamed overhead, cutting through the red rock of the canyon walls. She used the time to jack out the spent cartridges and reload.

  Wade roared around a corner, flying over a rut in the road. Riley bounced, dragging herself upright with her hand on the door. She propped the shotgun on the headrest of her seat and waited for the reivers to follow.

  Her first shot took out the man on the gun. He arched back into space and disappeared, another leaping forward to take his place.

  “That’s one down,” she said grimly, her hands in a constant movement. Fire. Reload. Fire. Reload.

  The gun on the turret spewed bullets as another reiver climbed up. Riley slid down onto the floor of the jeep as her headrest exploded in a cloud of dust and fabric.

  “Think you can drive?” Wade yelled, looking at her.


  “Can you drive?” he repeated.

  She nodded, her head hitting the dash as he hit a bump. “What are you going to do?”

  “Take out that gun.” His mouth was a grim line. “That one was too close for comfort.”

  Wade leaned back in the seat, slowing a fraction as he gestured for her to clamber between his thighs.

  Riley left the shotgun on the passenger side and slid onto his lap, settling between his warm thighs. His hands slid around her, locking hers on the steering wheel.

  “Be careful,” he told her, pressing a swift kiss to the side of her neck. “Keep your head down.”

  His body started to slide out from behind her. Riley eased her foot onto the gas. “You too,” she said, her heart fluttering in her chest. “You’re not bulletproof.”

  Then he was gone, leaping into the back of the jeep.

  Riley slid fully into the seat, peering through the dusty windshield. A flicker of movement in her mirrors showed Wade crouching in the back of the jeep, his knife glinting silver in his hand. He suddenly leapt high into the air, vanishing into the dust cloud behind her.

  Riley sucked in a sharp breath. He knew what he was doing; she had to trust that. But a cold hand of fear shivered down her spine.

  Gunfire barked, and then someone screamed behind her. Her eyes kept jerking from the path ahead to the mirrors, and that was dangerous. The canyon twisted and turned with exhilarating speed. She had to force her eyes to the road and concentrate on driving.

  The canyon suddenly widened, a panoramic vista of sky spreading out in front of her. Riley’s startled mind had a second to realize what was ahead – the old, dammed river far below – before she jerked the steering wheel hard. The canyon track hooked around a corner, running along the top of the cliffs, and the jeep teetered on two wheels as she forced it to corner hard.

  Behind her, the reivers’ jeep wasn’t so lucky. She caught a glimpse of Wade, kneeling over the driver’s body and forcing the wheel to lock. He held on right to the end, the reivers’ jeep screaming through the half-rotted timber fence and out over the cliff face. Leaping high, Wade dove into a roll, coming up on the edge of the cliff.

  Riley slammed on the brakes. “Get in!” she screamed as the wheels locked, red sand flying around them.

  Wade rolled onto his knees, his dark hair failing across his eyes. He yelled something at her, making a furious gesture with his hand. What?

  Then dust sprayed around the corner. Riley’s gaze jerked to the second jeep, her eyes meeting the driver’s. He braced himself, eyes widening as his jeep drove straight at her.

  The impact smashed her forward and Riley hit the steering wheel hard, something slamming into her head. The world blurred, her ears ringing as the jeep skidded to the side until it finally crashed against something. She felt whatever it was give. Pain. God... She felt it all through her ribs and face, like some giant fist had smashed into both areas. The teeth on the right side of her face throbbed dully.

  The jeep finally slid to a halt, rocking onto its side. The world stopped moving. She was breathing hard, each breath rasping over the side of her mouth and stinging. As her vision started to focus, she caught sight of the glass in front of her, a spider web of cracks snaking through it. She’d hit the front window.

  The ringing in her ears began to dull. Through it, she should could hear someone screaming her name, a distorted sound as though it came from deep underwater.

  “Urfm.” She tried to lift her head, and realized the steering wheel was jammed under her ribs. Hand crunching on glass shards, she pushed away from the dash, trying to see what was happening.

  The world shifted with a metal screech. Riley’s hand clutched
for the steering wheel, her eyes shooting wide open. And that was when the distorted voice finally began to make sense, “...n’t move! Riley, don’t fucking move!”

  Blue and red met her startled gaze as she glanced over her shoulder. So much blue, light shimmering off it, glittering. Her mind finally made sense of the sight, and she froze, whimpering in her throat.

  The river. She was staring at it far below. Or not so far, really. Just far enough that the fall would probably kill her.

  Slowly, she looked around, not daring to move her body. She’d hit the fence that ran along the edge of the cliff, and the back half of the jeep was hanging over the edge, tilting toward the water below. Something lurched, and Riley screamed as the jeep slid another half-inch, dangling from whatever it was caught on. The remains of the fence, she suspected.

  “Luc!” she screamed. He’d get her out. She knew he would.

  “Hold on!” He roared back. “Don’t move!”

  A shotgun coughed, and she flinched. Turning her head and torso slowly, she wet her lips as the jeep quivered like a metal beast beneath her, threatening to throw her if she shifted so much as an inch.

  Wade grappled with a reiver, wrenching the shotgun off the man. He smashed it across the reiver’s face, then discarded it as the man fell, his hot gaze cutting to hers. In it, she saw anguish and desperation as he raced toward her. The certainty that he could get her out of this stuttered like a candle.

  “Luc,” she whispered.

  “Don’t move,” he repeated tersely, sliding to a halt at the front of the jeep. The entire thing had slid around, the back end hanging remorselessly out over the cliff face. Gravity seemed to suck at her, as if it were slowly reeling her in.

  Behind him, the second jeep was flipped over, the grill completely crumpled, its scattered reivers groaning on the sand. Or some not moving at all.

  “Didn’t think... it hit that hard,” she murmured, a smile lighting over her lips then fading. Heat sprang up behind her eyes. Her left one was hot and puffy.


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