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Heroines and Hellions: a Limited Edition Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 84

by Margo Bond Collins

  Yes, he was protected. But would that protection really radiate all through his body? Or was this unknown territory to him? It definitely was for me, and I was terrified I’d fuck up and take the life of a pure witch to boot.

  “Branton?” I said, my voice barely audible as we entered my room still wrapped in our towels.


  “How come you didn’t tell me your bloodline has been untouched?” I asked. I needed to know where his mind was with all this. I didn’t sacrifice easily, and sleeping with him would end up being a huge sacrifice to my otherwise controlled life.

  I finally reached the side of the bed and turned to look at him.

  He shrugged. “I honestly figured you could tell. Plus, it’s not really that important to me.”

  “What? Why not?”

  Another shrug, this time more timid than the last, as if he was embarrassed to tell me. “My brother has already married and bred with a witch. There’s honestly no real urgency for me to keep the line going.”

  A sympathetic look crossed my face. I knew what it was like to have a parent shun your choices in life.

  “No, none of that,” he said, wagging his finger at me. “No crying for the poor little witch boy.”

  And with that, I laughed. He sure did know how to make me smile sometimes.

  As I was coming down from my laughter, Branton took hold of my snowflake charm, passing his thumb over the gemstones inlayed in the design.

  “This piece is simply stunning, but it still baffles me why anyone would need to steal it from you,” he said with thought.

  The pendant was still secured around my neck, so I didn’t flinch with him touching it. I knew I could trust Branton, but deep down, I was still hesitant to trust anyone. Sad, I knew.

  That was when he brought it closer to his face, his eyes squinting to see something. Did he notice what I did earlier that night?

  “I wonder what kind of stones these are,” he blurted out. I just shrugged. “They’re definitely not diamonds. They almost look like some sort of quartz, but that doesn’t really narrow it down much.”

  “Does it really matter?” I asked, wondering why the hell we were talking about stones while standing with thin pieces of terrycloth wrapped around us. Considering the towels were the only barriers between our naked bodies, I half expected him to act like any other man and de-towel me.

  “It might. Quartz, as many others, carry energies with them or help channel energies,” he explained. “If this is what I think it is, you definitely need to keep it on you at all times.”

  “Were you not just in the same shower as me? I absolutely don’t plan on ever taking it off.” And then I finally processed what he’d just said. “Wait, what do you think it is and why is it so important to keep it on?”

  “Well, I could be way off, but it looks like this is Aqua Aura Quartz, which is a very calming and relaxing stone, but it also enhances communication and psychic protection.” He must’ve seen the confusion on my face, because he continued without a beat. “Basically, it will not only protect you, but will utilize your energies to act as a power source in a way. It can very easily release negative energies from around you and bring inner peace, which protects you more than you realize.”

  I shook my head, unsure just how to process all this. The words he spoke were like bubbles in my ears, yet I knew he wouldn’t be telling me all this if it weren’t super important.

  My eyes grew distant, thoughts and connections continuing to join together in my mind. I’d just learned that black tourmaline was similar to a tranquilizer to me. Was it possible that this Aqua whatever stone really helped protect and strengthen me like Branton said?

  “You just connected the dots,” Branton blurted, his words a statement instead of a question.

  I just looked at him, my gaze slow to travel in his general direction, question clear on my face.

  He chuckled. “I can tell when your brain finally kicks into high gear. You’ve figured something out.” He paused as my eyes roamed the impressive curves of his torso, each muscle ridge enticing and distracting me from my initial thoughts. “Let’s not worry about it now though,” he said as he reached for me.

  I sighed with relief when his hand finally touched my face, cupping my cheek and making me feel like everything was going to be okay, no matter what stone I held around my neck. My eyes closed and I leaned into his warmth. I should’ve felt worried with how my icy skin would affect him, but all I could feel was his overwhelming comfort overtaking me and telling me that everything would be okay without a single word uttered.

  I kept my eyes closed as his lips inched closer to mine, our towels still in place around our bodies. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I whispered, and could only imagine my breath was like ice against his warm lips.

  Instead of backing away, he inhaled and exhaled with a deep, fortifying breath.

  Against my better judgment, I didn’t hesitate to meet his lips with my own.

  I’d kissed Branton before. Our embrace was always tense with the overwhelming and internal thought that I’d hurt him with my haphazard powers. But this kiss… this was different. Again, it was like fire against ice, his warmth melting me to my core, but it still felt different. It felt comfortable. All other times our lips met each other, I’d felt like I was standing on the precipice of a volcano—always on edge with the idea I’d have to be careful with him or risk his life. Now though… now I felt freedom—comfort—like a warm blanket on a cool fall evening.

  I didn’t know how to comprehend these new arousing thoughts. Instead of making sense of the confusing ideas bouncing around in my head, I decided to just feel my way through the fog that hazed my judgment. Branton was my weakness, and I’d be better off if I actually admitted my faults.

  Then again, could he be considered a fault?

  While our lips were still pressed together, I cringed at the mere idea of him being anything but a positive influence in my life. After all, he’d not only helped me grow as an elemental, my powers gaining strength every day, but he had also brought me out of my shell as a human—something not many sancti could say with a straight face.

  Branton pulled away, looking at me with curious eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I didn’t respond with words. My head shaking with a shrug, as if to blow off his worry, was the only reaction I could manage. Honestly, nothing was wrong, which was the exact problem for me.

  “Clearly something is up. You kinda froze.” I had to hold back the laugh that bubbled up in me at the pun he’d so skillfully dropped into this situation.

  I shrugged again before finally finding my voice.

  “I feel like you’re too perfect,” I said. “It would be just my luck that I’d end up finding out that you’re working for the enemy and only using me to gain something for yourself.”

  He scoffed and let out an impatient laugh. “That makes no damn sense. Plus, what the hell could I possibly want or need that would trump a single moment with you?”

  His words had me blushing before I could comprehend what they meant. This whole time, I thought Branton and I were just screwing around, metaphorically speaking of course, and enjoying each other’s company day by day without a real care for the future. But the words he spoke and the way he was looking at me in this moment told me I was missing the mark by a mile.

  “Branton,” I whispered. “I just… I don’t know what to think anymore.”

  With a sigh, his breath coating my face in warmth, he said, “Again, how about we don’t think right now, huh? For now, I’d like to just be here with you, no questions asked or heavy thinking involved.”

  Forgetting my internal reservations for just a moment, I decided to let my guard down and smiled in response to his words. I really did want to be with Branton, but I also had the overwhelming need to keep things casual—to make sure my mind was focused and not sidetracked by a silly boy.

  Though being near him wasn’t a laughing matter. Silly
was the last word I should’ve been using to describe Branton.

  I did as he’d asked and cleared my mind. Only concentrating on his warmth, I reached out and touched his chest, laying my frigid fingers just above his heart. Focusing on each beat of his heart kept me grounded as he inched his lips toward mine, our mouths melding together again like it was second nature for us.

  We just had to ignore the fact that we were opposites in nature.

  The grip I had on my towel loosened, and I let the thick cloth fall to the floor. I breathed a mental sigh of relief when he followed suit. Our lips were still pressed firmly together as our hands roamed our bodies—his hot and mine cold. I honestly didn’t expect any different, but I still couldn’t help the chills that ran through me each and every time his skin touched mine.

  There was something this wonderful man didn’t know about me—and he was about to find out.

  While I’d dated Dean for a few months, we’d never gone further than what most would consider third base. It was actually what kept us from advancing as lovers. The words he’d said to me that caused our breakup still echoed in my mind, and Sade even questioned why I bothered to still be friends with him after such harsh treatment.

  “You’re disappearing again,” Branton mumbled against my neck.

  “Just thoughts,” I said back in defense.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stop that thinking shit?” He laughed to soften his words a bit, yet no matter how humorous he found it, there was no way in hell I could escape the thoughts that no man would want to enter something that matches that of a freezer.

  …or a snowball, as Dean so kindly pointed out.

  “Seriously though. You all right?” He pulled away and looked at me, assessing my face.

  I nodded, a smile spreading over my cheeks before I could say something stupid.

  “Good,” Branton said as he grabbed at me and pulled me into a deliciously vicious kiss. Just as quickly as he started devouring my mouth, he led me toward the bed.

  Instead of guiding me to lie on the surface of the mattress, he grabbed me in his arms and pressed me up against the wall beside the bed. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him, laced my fingers through his hair, and let him continue to kiss me like I was the only source of oxygen left on earth.

  He felt so warm, and I was jonesing for some spark in my life.

  Never wanting to waste a moment, he twisted and took me down to the plush surface of my bed, nearly knocking over the pole lamp in the process.

  I needed to tell him before this got too far and he would have trouble stopping. But when he began teasing my neck with his silky lips, I lost all thought. I wanted to grab his face, force him to look into my frosty stare with his own beautiful, honey-brown eyes… warn him of just how deadly I could be. The mere doubt that I could seriously hurt him had been torturing me—racing through my mind like a constant whirlwind of uncertainty.

  But the magnetism we had between us had to have been proof that we were meant to be together, right? He had to love me for who I was though, and keeping him in the dark could possibly ruin that. Then again, telling him the truth of just how much pain he’d have to endure just to be with me would most definitely ruin a good thing.

  Who was I kidding? I wasn’t good. If I were, I wouldn’t even have to think twice about making love to my boyfriend. It would just be natural—like breathing.

  Then again, kissing him felt natural too. I’d never had that with Dean.

  Allowing myself to embrace the moment, I wrapped my legs around him again as he pressed himself into my center, letting me know where this was headed if we didn’t slow down.

  “Yes,” I gasped as he devoured my neck. He pulled back to look down at me lying beneath him. The moon was barely shining down through the windows and caused deep shadows to cross his face.

  “Yes what?”

  “I want you. I want… this,” I said as I reached down between us and grazed my hand along his length. The feel of my icy hand grabbing him would very likely give him enough notice to stop in his tracks, no matter what I wanted. The mere idea of his warmth being inside me intensified my want for him and sent an immediate shock through my body.

  Gods, I was hoping his wards were enough to handle me.

  Branton closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A shaky exhale left his mouth as I immediately retracted my hand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  His eyes popped open and he looked down at me again, his eyes such a bright brown they were nearly gold. “Sorry for what?”

  I bit my lip with a slight hint of embarrassment. How could he not feel that?

  “I…” Hesitation took my words and I honestly didn’t know how to phrase what was on my mind. “I’m too cold.”

  He surprised me as he sat up, his warmth no longer enveloping me. Kneeling beside me, his hardness no longer hidden between our bodies, he stared down at my naked body.

  “Touch me, Kirsi,” he demanded and nodded in encouragement. I only hesitated for a moment before finally reaching to him. I didn’t look at my fingers slight touch against his skin. Instead, I examined his face. I needed to know if I was bringing him pain.

  As soon as I made contact, a low hiss of air sucked through his teeth like he was seriously trying to control the scream that wanted to escape his mouth.

  I jerked away. “See what I mean? This is so not going to work.”

  “Yes it will.”

  I looked at him with a roll of my eyes. I wasn’t an idiot.

  “Remember the boat? You’ve come such a long way over the past few weeks. Not only do I have faith in the protection I have hanging around my neck,” he said as he fiercely grabbed the blood-red charm, “but I have faith in you. If you want something bad enough, you’re going to have it.”

  He eased down beside me and propped himself up with one arm, his stare still boring into mine.

  “I just don’t know what to expect,” I admitted as I looked away. I didn’t need to see his judgment. My own self-doubt was enough.

  “With what?” And then it dawned on him. “You mean… with sex?”

  I nodded.

  “Then I guess we better go slow and learn as much as we can along the way, huh?”

  That had me looking back at him in surprise. Christ, he was beautiful. Not only was I looking at a gorgeous body, but I was experiencing the soul of an amazing man—one I knew I didn’t deserve.

  With my breasts mere inches from his face, he bowed his head and enveloped one nipple into his mouth. I nearly convulsed at the feel of warmth that swelled all over me.

  I was damn sure going to keep control of my powers. The last thing I wanted was for this to stop. He kept his attention on me, never allowing me to back away. The thrumming of my heart matched his as he continued to breathe heavily every time he broke away from my skin.

  I dug my fingernails into the sheets of the bed as he increased his assault when I suddenly felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. A thought crossed my mind that at least introducing him to my cold nature with my mouth would be much better than running him off too quickly.

  I smiled as I pushed at his chest and flipped him onto his back. Gliding my hand down his chest, I gently touched the soft skin of his erection. The warm feel of him beneath my fingers had me wishing we’d done this sooner, even though I knew deep down we weren’t ready.

  I positioned myself, kneeling at the edge of the bed, to kick off this little experiment. Branton propped himself up on his elbows to watch me as my face inched closer and closer. I smiled up at him and thought, here goes nothing.

  He moaned when I sank down on him. I made sure to watch his reactions closely. The last thing I wanted was to hurt the man, but part of me wanted to triumph with an I-told-you-so victory dance. His warmth in my mouth did feel mighty amazing though, and before I knew it, I found myself moving and pleasuring him.

  I was slightly startled when he sat up quickly and grabbed my shoulders, yanking me to him and twisting so I was bel
ow him in an instant.

  “That felt perfect,” he whispered before placing another kiss on me like he couldn’t get enough of my taste.

  While he nibbled on my ear, his charm now pressed to my skin without a single inch of discomfort, I spoke, even though my voice almost faltered in the wake of his pleasurable kisses. “Let’s try this, and gods, let’s hope I don’t hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” he murmured into my ear, his breath so warm, it gave me goose bumps.

  “Make love to me, Branton,” I said, affirming I wanted him.

  Putting his lips almost on mine, he smiled and said, “That’s the plan.”

  He’d already climbed over me and settled between the juncture of my thighs, but now the position seemed so much more intimate than it was just minutes before. With a gentle cup of my cheek, he looked into my eyes and said, “Just stay with me and it will all be fine.”

  I nodded. He gave me more credit than I deserved. I just hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass.

  “I’m here,” I said while touching his hand and pressing it against my cheek. I could only hope he was able to tell how hard I was trying to keep him safe.

  Considering I couldn’t catch any STDs, I almost didn’t question him on the lack of protection. But the last thing I needed was a mutt baby. Not to mention I had no business soiling his bloodline. “Stop,” I said, pressing against his chest.

  He looked at me with surprise.

  “Condom?” I couldn’t help but make it come out like… well, duh.

  The surprise didn’t leave his expression. “But… my pants are outside.”

  The laughter that escaped from me could’ve been heard a mile away. How many times had a man on this planet said those words with such a straight face?

  “I don’t find it all that funny,” he said while fighting the smile that was creeping up his cheeks.

  The tears of laughter streaming down my face proved otherwise, and it was all I could do to slow my breathing and calm my amusement. Clearly, he had the same thought as he smothered my laughter with his mouth, kissing me hard and matching my humor with his own.


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