Almost Easy

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Almost Easy Page 8

by Amelia Oliver


  I’m excited to say that tonight, I have a date. Rupert texted me yesterday and asked if I would be interested in going out with him and of course I fucking am. We’ve both been busy with work and haven’t seen each other for a few days, but we’ve been communicating via text and suggestive emails. The heat and excitement we have when we physically interact isn’t lost in our strictly verbal dialogue. In fact, I think we’re a bit more daring and suggestive this way and it only amps us both up for the next time we get together.

  Since Rupert likes when I don’t shower after work, I head straight to the restaurant from the job site. It’s not like I’m a mess or anything, I sat in the trailer most the day and knocked out paperwork.

  I pull into the valet parking, which is all they offer at the new tapas place my sister suggested. It’s not due to the place wanting to be high-end, but because the parking lot looks like it’s still needing to be paved. Handing the valet my truck keys as I pass by, I run a hand through my hair and enter the main doors. The place is packed and I take in the rustic, Spanish ambiance of the décor. Dark metals, faded woods, tile floors, dimmed lighting. I can’t see Rupert as I scan the faces and I’m about to text him to see what’s up.

  “Mr. Frederickson?” a woman says and I turn to face her and nod. “You’re seated upstairs, would you like me to show you?” she offers.

  Looking over, I see the stairs and tell her I can manage, moving between the other patrons waiting to be seated and make my way up the long steel staircase. Taking in the design and build of the place, it’s something I always do and don’t even notice I’m doing it most the time. When I reach the top, I expect to be bombarded with another massive grouping of tables and chairs filled with people, but I’m not. There’s only one table, a long table that could seat at least thirty people, but there’s only one person sitting there, Rupert.

  He rises from his seat as I approach, pulling out the seat at the head of the table for me. His eyes devour me and I smile, moving to kiss him when we get close enough.

  “Hi,” he breathes out once I let his mouth free, his eyes now looking at my lips.

  “Hey,” I reply, moving to sit down and he does the same.

  There’s already two bottles of Dos Equis and glasses on either side of a wood pallet of thinly sliced chorizo.

  “Am I late?” I ask.

  “No, I was early. Had some calls to return and the place looked busy so…”

  “How did we get the whole upstairs?” I ask.

  He gives me a look, one like he’s been caught and his cheeks begin to pink.

  “I made reservations… said I had a business meeting, because I wanted privacy, and they gave us this.”

  I reach over and rub my fingers down his cheek as he smiles and looks down.

  “Why didn’t you want to tell me that?” I ask.

  His shoulder lifts in a shrug, “I’m into you Nolan, but sometimes I think, I mean I worry I might be overdoing things and I’m acting like one of those heart-eyes motherfuckers, and well, I don’t want you to know how hard I’m trying.”

  “Trying to what?” I ask, again running my fingers across his cheek. After a moment when he doesn’t answer me, I cup that cheek and coax him to look at me.

  “Trying to make this work, trying to make you like me… just trying.”

  My thumb grazes his cheekbone, understanding and yet wondering why he feels like he needs to try at all. Am I not giving off the signals that I like him?

  “I totally dig you, you know that, right?” I ask.

  He nods, but again averts his eyes.

  “Why are you acting so unsure right now?”

  My hand drops and finds his on his lap, linking our fingers together; I rest our joined hands on his thigh.

  “This is all new to me, not being with a man or in a relationship, but being with someone I actually really give a shit about. I’ve done the fuck-boy thing in college Nolan, and I know I don’t want that any more. I get that this thing between us is recent, and I know I’ll get over it, but it just adds to me not knowing where I stand. We haven’t talked about exclusivity, and I don’t know if you see other guys—”

  “Do you know what I wanted to talk to you about tonight?” I cut him off, shoving a piece of the thinly sliced meat into my mouth with my other hand.

  He shakes his head, looking confused at me cutting him off when he was clearly pouring his feelings out.

  “About how I don’t want to use condoms anymore. I’m clean, if you’re clean, that’s what I want,” I tell him. “You’re the only one I want, before you I hadn’t been with anyone in a while. I know it’s an adjustment, but just know I want a partner, like a long-term partner. I’m open with whatever the people in this town think, just know that.”

  I say this, part of me wondering if he’d really requested this space upstairs so no one else would see us here. But whatever, I’m excited to see him and share this time, I don’t want to ruin it with unfounded thoughts and doubts.

  “That’s what I want too Nolan, you’re who I want. I hadn’t been with anyone in a while either, and yeah, I’m clean. In fact, I’ve never fucked without a condom.” Rupert smiles at me; it’s kinda shy but kinda horny, which has me smiling back in the same way.

  “By the way,” I tell him, putting my hand back on his cheek, “You’re not the only one here who’s feeling like a heart-eyes motherfucker.”

  I let Rupert order for us, something with mussels and other assorted tapas. We eat, flirt, and eye fuck, but our touches remain PG. Just as we finish up and I’m about to invite him over for the night, my cell phone begins ringing insistently in my pocket.

  “Shit, sorry,” I tell Rupert when I see it’s Evan. “Yeah?”

  “Dude, there was an accident at the Coral Groves build, need you to go over there, Irys just made dinner, and-”

  “Yeah, I got it, no worries,” I tell him, before hanging up the phone.

  Tucking my phone back into my jeans as I stand, I lean over and kiss Rupert’s forehead.

  “I gotta go, I’m sorry. There was an accident at the job site, I assume someone was hurt so I have to go deal with it.”

  “Oh no,” Rupert says with furrowed brows.

  “I’ll call you later,” I add, putting some cash on the table. “I’m paying, so stop it,” I tell him, halting his argument with my lips before he can get a word out.


  Thankfully, the injury the worker received wasn’t severe, but he still needed to go to the hospital and I had to make sure that what happened was due to human error, and not a mechanical issue or faulty equipment.

  I messaged Rupert when I got home that night and thanked him for a wonderful date and told him I couldn’t wait to see him again. However, getting together was going to be a while, since now I needed to be over at Coral Groves not only for the insurance company to come out for the injured worker, but for them to inspect the job and investigate the conditions. A pain in the ass basically.

  And before I know it, the day of the high school job has come and I stand up on a ridge about thirty-feet from the school, along with the mayor, school board officials, and Rupert. A writer for The Plantain paper is there, interviewing us and taking photos of the project. We all watch as the machines begin to tear down the structure and I sigh, a surprising reaction coming over me.

  “You okay?” Rupert’s voice a quiet tone as he stands beside me.

  “It’s making me a little sad I guess,” I confess. I can see him turn to look at me out of the corner of my eye. “Aside from four years of basketball there, encountering you was the best experience I had at that high school.”

  He lets out a small laugh, “Yeah, right.”

  “I knew I was gay, but didn’t know anyone else who was.” I stop and look over at him. “In the shower, to know I wasn’t alone or a freak… I hold onto that memory and look back remembering that was the beginning of really feeling like I was who I was.”

  “If only I
’d been brave enough back then to be who I really was,” he says wistfully.

  As we’ve talked, his eyes have gone soft and I wish more than anything I could kiss him, but I can’t. I’m fine with public displays of affection, and everyone in Plantain knows I’m gay surely, but this is business and it wouldn’t be professional.

  “Mr. Frederickson,” someone says, and I turn to see the Mayor standing there along with the paper’s reporter. “Photo?”

  Rupert and I turn and we’re adjusted and posed before we take a series of photos with whoever else the paper wants featured. When they no longer need me, I walk down to the build site and check in with my project manager. The trailer for my mobile office is still hooked to my truck, and I take a while getting that off and settled. While I’m doing this, I’m aware that others have slowly left the sight and I know Rupert’s gone. Getting everything set up, I make sure my papers are in order for the inspection in a week, then pick up my phone.

  NF: See you tonight?

  RH: Yes, sorry didn’t say goodbye, meeting in five.

  NF: No worries. Get dinner?

  RH: I’ll cook for my man.

  NF: XX.

  His man. Fuck if that doesn’t make my dick and heart grow noticeably bigger.

  Instead of going home and showering, I head straight from the site to Rupert’s house. He lives right around the corner from the high school and I’m there in under five minutes. I haven’t been on this side of town in a while, and for some reason it takes me back to being a teenager. Maybe it’s with the school nearby, or the nostalgia of the day, but I feel like a puppy love, horny teenager, as I stride up the front walk, towards the massive archway encasing a solid oak door. I knock once and hear Rupert telling me to come in. Pressing my thumb on the top of the thick iron handle, I push open the door and step in.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I say loudly but don’t see him anywhere.

  The huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the entryway is on, lighting up the space before me, as well as the long staircase to my right. I arch my neck and see the lights on in the adjacent dining room, just as Rupert walks out from a hallway in front of me. I smile at him as he places his hands on my hips and kisses me tenderly. When he’s done welcoming me, I open my eyes to see him sucking on his lower lip, eyes downcast on my mouth as we both smile.

  “I like when you don’t shower after work.” he tells me, inhaling deeply as his thumbs graze under my t-shirt.

  My body switches into mating mode and I run a hand along his jaw, coaxing him to kiss me again.

  “No, wait,” he says softly. “I made dinner, let’s eat first.”

  “I was planning on eating,” I state, meaning his ass and not the food.

  He gives me a look, full of want, but I know he took the time to cook after work, so I relent with a growl and follow him down into the dining room. He’s still wearing his suit, minus the coat and tie, his shirt untucked and socks and shoes off. I never knew I had a foot thing until Rupert, something about his bare feet is just beautiful. Long toes, perfectly formed, taken care of and I love when he’s barefoot. We enter the dining room and he looks back at me as I gaze upon the table setting. Two places, with candles lit and a masculine flower arrangement sits in the middle. He’s made steak and potatoes and I take a deep breath, letting the enticing aroma’s hit my stomach.

  “Damn, you’re going to spoil me,” I smile and lean over for a kiss. “Looks fucking awesome.”

  He smiles and I can tell he’s happy with my reaction, and we take our seats kitty-corner from one another. I notice the flowers have a card nestled in the leaves with my name on it and I give him a look, he’s smiling but not looking at me as he dishes out food. Plucking the card from the greenery, I open the small envelope and read in Rupert’s perfect handwriting:

  I plan to give you more memories than just a high school locker room.

  XX Rupert.

  I inhale deeply, why does this guy make me go all sentimental. I swear I understand how Irys feels with pregnancy; my hormones go haywire from him.

  We eat dinner and it’s just as delicious as it looks and smells. We talk about work and other random shit, the whole time one of us have a hand on the others knee or our feet are playing footsie under the table.

  We start clearing the table and I turn on the sink to begin rinsing plates as Rupert brings everything in from the dining room.

  “I got invited to a city gala dinner this weekend, you wanna be my plus one?” he asks, setting dishes down on the counter.

  I shrug but don’t answer. I have to think about this one.

  “I figure, it’s kinda work related… but, I understand if you don’t want people in our business until after the project. Might start some rumors for how PC won the bid and all.”

  I nod and run the scrub brush over the ceramic plate.

  “Let me think about it,” I answer, looking over to see that he doesn’t have any sadness in his eyes or is bummed at my non-answer. Instead, he smiles before kissing me.

  I nearly drop the plate into the sink but clumsily set it into the water with a clatter. My hands are dripping wet and I pull back to remove my shirt, while he takes the time to unbutton his shirt.

  “You’re a sexy bastard when you’re impatient, but you’re hell on a guys wardrobe and wallet,” he tells me.

  But fuck that. I grip the front of his shirt and tear it open, yanking it down his arms.

  “I’ll buy you new fucking shit,” I growl before taking his mouth in a punishing kiss.

  Just as he adjusts to my pace, pivoting his hips and grinding his hard dick against mine, I pull back, giving him a smirk as he looks at me confused as fuck. Wordlessly, I turn and head for the stairs.

  I get up to the top landing before I’m being pulled back into his chest, his cock free from his pants as it bluntly pushes against my ass cheek. I reach an arm behind and cup the back of his head; turning my face to meet his lips while I yank open the button on my pants. He tastes like beer and steak and my tongue laps at his flavor, his hands slide into my jeans, one hand cupping my balls as his other grips my cock and pulls me out through the gap of my fly.

  “Ohhh,” I sigh, licking my lips and swallowing thickly. His teeth nip my earlobe and my restraint snaps.

  Turning to face him, I yank his pants down, pushing him down onto an armchair in the corner of the hallway. I make quick work of my pants and watch as we both tug on our cocks, while I saturate two of my fingers and rub my asshole. Our eyes meet as my lips part from my stimulation, my cock feeling fuck-hard in my hand, and I can see his is red and swollen. Turning around I step on either side of his spread thighs, easing down, looking over my shoulder as he fists his dick and finds my entrance. My hand uses the arm of the chair, along with a hand on his chest, to slowly impale myself with his long, hard, bare dick.

  “Oh fuck, baby,” he says through gritted teeth.

  My eyes close as my mouth goes slack and I begin to ride him. I lean forward and use my legs to propel me up and down, my thighs burning as I stop myself just before hitting his body, then sliding back up. We’re both moaning and I’m gasping at the sensation of his veins rubbing along my prostate.

  “You, your… cock, holy sh… shit,” I stammer, my brain foggy with ecstasy.

  My cock is bobbing and swaying around with my movements, but I can’t release a hand to jerk off. As if he knows my thoughts, his hands curl around my shoulders and he’s bringing me back to lay against his chest. His cock pushes in deep, so fucking deep my balls tighten as the urge to come is at the very edge.

  “Get me in so deep, fuck that ass and make me come,” I say as Rupert grunts and fucks up into me. I drape my legs over both arm rests and let him take me over. Both his hands stroke me as he fucks me and I feel every fiber in me tighten as I start coming, letting out a beastly roar as my head arches forward with each spurt of semen.

  It takes me a moment to realize he’s pushing me off his lap, and I move to my knees and tu
rn to face him, my cock hanging limply between my legs as he grabs one of my shoulders and begins to jerk himself off. Sharp breaths hiss past his teeth as I open my mouth and look up at him. His eyes are drugged, his mouth opening as his shoulders cave in and his cum lashes across my face. He groans and moans as I taste him, and I love that he’s bathing me in his wild uncontrolled orgasm.


  We get into the shower, washing one another, kissing briefly as we silently agree that our cocks need a rest and we keep things playful.

  “I’ll go to the dinner with you,” I state, before pushing my face into the stream from the showerhead.

  My words feel like they echo in the marble shower. When I reemerge from the water, I turn to face him as I wipe my eyes and he’s looking at me with something just shy of swoony, right before he hugs me. I hug him back and we let the water run over us. God, I hope going to this gala isn’t a mistake.

  Ch 12


  I’m aware I’m smiling more than a pubescent girl with a signed Harry Styles poster, but I just can’t help it. Being with Nolan makes my blood rush through my veins, and yet it also settles something inside me. Something I can’t identify specifically, but for the first time in probably forever, it feels like all the pieces of me are in the right place.


  There’s a quick tap on my open door and I look up to see Beth standing there, small smile on her face. Looking up at her I smile back, realizing she’s no doubt come in to speak to me and found me grinning into thin air.

  “What’s up? You headed downstairs?”

  “I am, but I’m taking your callback sheet with me. I’ll work through it in-between reception enquiries,” she taps the folder in her arm with her free hand as she speaks.

  “Great. Thanks Beth. I know things are a bit hectic at the moment, but I’m sure once we’re a couple of weeks into the build, things will settle down.” As I say this I hold up one hand to show her I’ve crossed my fingers.

  Beth lifts her free arm, and crosses her fingers back in a show of solidarity.


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