Almost Easy

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Almost Easy Page 9

by Amelia Oliver

  “Oh, and one last thing,” she pauses mid turn, “Mr. Patrick needs your RSVP for the city gala dinner on Saturday. Are you going stag or…?” She leaves the sentence hanging, raising her eyebrows, inviting me to speak.

  “Nope,” I say popping my P. “I’ve got a hot date.” Knowing but not caring that my goofy smile is back in full-force, I add, “Put me down for two please.”

  “Will do. Thanks Rupert. Call me downstairs if you need anything.”

  Beth lifts her hand in a small wave as she leaves and heads towards the elevator bank at the end of the corridor.

  I have a date. And let’s be clear here, it’s not just any average date either. I have a date with Nolan Frederickson, the hottest fucking guy in Plantain.

  Still smiling, I pick up my iPhone from my desk, and hit the button on the top right-hand side. The action brings my lock screen to life, and I’m awarded with the view I was after. Fuck, he’s gorgeous. Like a total creeper, I’d taken this picture one morning when I’d woken before him. Looking over at what I now think of as his side of my bed, I’d taken in his blond head as it lay against the mocha colored linen of the pillow. His face was relaxed and youthful in sleep, his beautiful lips parted slightly, and I was mesmerized.

  Turning slowly back towards the nightstand, I’d reached over and grabbed my phone. Like a heartsick ninja, I’d flicked it to silent, before opening the camera app and turned off the flash. Waking to a blinding light is no one’s idea of a good time, and I’d known that the gentle sunlight peeking through the slat-blinds would be enough for the picture. Holding my phone steady in the right position, I’d tapped the white circle at the bottom just as Nolan had opened his eyes, looking right into the frame. Shiny, bright blue crystals took in what I was doing, and he simply shut his eyes again. Thinking I would get more of a reaction than I did, I went to say something about what I’d just done. He beat me too it though. Reaching a long, muscular, and tattooed arm across the bed, he dragged me back into the curve of his body and grumbled, “You don’t have a wall of those in the basement or some shit do you?”

  Chuckling to myself at the memory, I then flush hot when I’m hit with the mental replay of what came after that. The man was insatiable in the mornings, not that I was much better. Think about it. Two guys… both with morning wood? You bet we fucked that shit out. Dropping my phone back onto my desk, I’m trying to mentally shake off the image of a freshly fucked Nolan in my bed. It’s not easy, and while I pick up the contract in front of me and begin to read, gun to my head – I doubt I could tell you what it said.


  Coming to a stop in the designated visitor parking lot for the construction site, I switch off my Jeep and reach into the back to snag my hard hat, then grab the handles of the bag on the seat next to me.

  Making my way across to the office trailer, I get a few verbal greetings, but mostly chin lifts. Looking around I can see that the crew has made excellent progress. Given today is Thursday, I know by the end of the weekend things will be really starting to take shape. Knocking twice quickly before entering, I turn the stainless steel doorknob and step up into Nolan’s office.

  He’s sitting behind his desk, a picture of concentration, one arm rhythmically tapping out the drumbeat of the track playing through his Bluetooth Bose speakers. My man likes metal, and given I like my man, I’m learning to like it too. In fact, I already love the way his air-drum performance makes the muscles and veins in his forearm and hand move.

  “Hey Keith Moon.”

  Making my way over to his desk, I indicate with a hand gesture he should remain seated. Turning in his chair towards my approach, he smiles at me as I lean down and kiss him hello. Twice. Once with tongue, because that fucking arm thing got me a little worked up.

  “Hey yourself. I didn’t know you were visiting today?” Gazing over to check his day planner, Nolan then looks back at me, “I have you down for next week.”

  “Unofficial visit.” I say with a shrug.

  Pulling a sandwich, a Red Bull and a bottle of water from the bag I carried in, I add, “I went to the diner to grab lunch, and thought I better make sure you’re fed too. I heard you’re dating a younger guy; you gotta keep your stamina up.” I wink at him and watch as he throws back his head and laughs.

  “I think we both know that I have no trouble keeping my stamina, or anything else, up when I’m around you,” he wiggles his eyebrows at me, then nods down at his lap.

  Laughing, I lean over to take his mouth in another quick kiss, before instructing, “Eat your lunch.”

  Walking back around to the front of his desk, I can sense Nolan’s eyes tracking my every move and it’s a heady feeling.

  “Aren’t you gonna eat with me?” he asks, opening his food.

  “Oh, I’m planning to eat, but I ate my sandwich on the way over.”

  With that, I press the button on Nolan’s office doorknob to engage the lock.

  Turning back to face him, I see his eyes are filled with lust, and his roast beef sandwich is suspended in his hand; stopped at the half way point to his mouth.

  Reaching over, I grab a couple of the flyers from the project’s marketing campaign and make my way back to him. He swivels in his chair to again face me, putting his still bite-free sandwich back down on his desk. I drop the stack of flyers to the ground at his feet and shift them around with my shoe. Seeing the question in Nolan’s eyes I shrug one shoulder, “Can’t go back to the office in a suit with dirty knees now, can I?”

  “Holy fuck,” Nolan breathes as I kneel before him, placing my hands on top of his faded denim, covered legs and run them firmly up his thighs.

  “I thought I told you to eat your lunch?” I smirk, keeping my eyes locked with his as my thumb and forefinger slowly pull down the metal zipper of his jeans.

  “Fuck that,” he growls, “I’m gonna watch you eat yours”.


  “Jesus…” I mumble under my breath when I see Nolan walking towards where I’m standing in the foyer of the hotel’s banquet room. He’d been running late when he left the site tonight, and rather than holding me up, he’d told me he’d meet me at the gala. Looking at him now, I wish to fuck I had bourbon in my hand, not red wine. I could slam bourbon & bourbon kills butterflies, right?

  Nolan is wearing a dark charcoal suit, the color so matte it’s nearly black, and it runs close to his frame. His shirt is silver, which against his tanned skin, almost shimmers as he moves. His tie is a few shades darker than his shirt, and I know instantly that either Irys bought this suit for him, or at the very least she put the pieces together. It’s the first time I’ve seen him dressed this way and he looks incredible. Emphasis on the edible. Lifting the cuff of my black tuxedo jacket, I look at my watch; quickly calculating how much longer it will be before I can strip him out of it. That tie might stay though.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Nolan says as he gets closer, and I wonder if he’s comfortable enough to kiss me hello at a public event.

  Even though we’re currently the only ones standing in this part of the foyer, there is a large group of people coming in the door behind him. Yeah, it’s technically work, but it’s more of a social occasion than a business one. The quick peck he places to my lips answers my question. Good to know.

  “You’re not actually that late, no one is even sitting down in there yet,” I say motioning to the large double doors behind me, as I run my free hand down his arm.

  “Besides, you look fuck hot my friend. You could walk in at any time and I’d bet no one would give a damn.”

  “Yeah?” he asks, looking at me like I might be lying or some crazy shit.

  “Heart-eyes motherfucker,” I state and give him a grin that conveys there’s nothing crazy about my obvious lust for him.

  If the lighting weren’t so dim, I’d swear Nolan blushes slightly at my words, before he looks at me and rolls his eyes, “Irys.”

  “Thought so, but I would like to add, that while she may have put the
clothes together, it is all you wearing the fuck out of them.” Unable to stop from touching him again, I run my palm down his chest, confessing, “I like this look on you, it makes me think filthy things. It also makes me glad I can button my tuxedo jacket.” Pulling my hand away at the bottom of his tie, I use it to do just that.

  Nolan looks down at the clear outline of my cock, no doubt seeing it pressed so hard against the fabric, it’s like it’s offended about being kept away from him.

  Jacket buttoned, I tell him, “Mind you, those grey sweats of yours make me harder than marble, so I think it’s safe to say that it’s the man that I want Nolan, not the clothes he’s wrapped in.” The last thing I want him thinking is that I have an opinion on the way he dresses or his preferred casual style. However he looks, my preference is Nolan.

  “Something to drink, sir?” a waitress offers Nolan the tray of drinks she’s carrying. With his lust-fuelled eyes boring into mine, he selects a glass of beer, and she walks away to serve other guests. I feel that look in my soul, and I work hard to swallow enough air to speak again.

  “Shall we head in?” I suggest.

  “Fuck yes. Let’s get this damn thing over with. I wanna get you home.”


  I know what Nolan meant, back to either his place or mine, but that sentence coming out of his mouth makes my heart skip. The butterflies return low in my gut, fueled by the anticipation of us living together one day. Having a place that we’d call home. Our home.

  I approach one of the hostesses standing just inside the door of the massive room, giving her my name so she can check which table we’re on. She tells me we’re at table fifteen, and gestures to the back section of the room. I frown slightly as I turn back to Nolan, the last I knew all council members and their plus-ones were sitting at the first five tables. Not having been really into all the details for the event, I assume something must have happened to cause the change.

  “Problem?” he asks.

  “Not really,” I reply, “it’s just we’re not sitting where I thought we might be, but it could be a good thing. Some of my colleagues are boring as fuck.”

  “Right, because the rest of this crowd just screams ‘party’!”

  He’s such a smartass. Good thing he’s hot. He’s also made me laugh, so I’ve forgotten about why I’m maybe not sitting with my colleagues.

  It doesn’t surprise me at all to see that Nolan more than holds his own with conversations during dinner, and with the many local business owners that come over to speak with us. Nolan’s polite, professional, and on the topics he’s passionate about, he becomes quite animated.

  I head to the men’s room during the short break between the first two courses, passing one of the board members associated with the event.

  “Rupert. So glad to see you could make it!” he says, offering his hand for me to shake. The way he’s said it is somewhat confusing, making me think he was under the impression I wasn’t coming.

  “Nice to see you again, sir,” I say shaking his hand, “I was always coming tonight. It’s been on my calendar for weeks.”

  We talk shit for a few minutes, and thinking no more of it, I head back to our table. I go back a different way as there are now several people standing around talking between the tables, and end up passing by a table of my peers. I stop to make small talk about the food and how lovely the women look, all the normal shit at these things, when one of them asks, “Where are you sitting anyway Rupert? I didn’t even know you were here.”

  “Kid’s table,” I say as I point across the room to the tables at the back. I make sure my tone comes across as good-natured and humorous, even though in the back of my mind something seems off. Regardless, we all laugh at my comment.

  As I walk back to Nolan, I’m thinking about the fact that there have now been three odd things happen and it’s no longer a coincidence. I’m definitely missing something.

  Sitting back down in my seat, I smile at the handsome man next to me, who places his hand on my thigh under the table and gives it a squeeze. Not removing his hand, Nolan keeps talking with the guy across from him about the new playground being built in one of the local parks. I feel my agitation reduce being back here with him, and decide maybe I’m reading too much into shit after all.

  After dinner, Nolan tells me he’s going to take a walk outside and get some fresh air. Working in the job he does, mostly outside or on the road, I can see how spending hours in a closed function room with so many people would make him antsy. Deciding fresh air might be a good idea, I stand up too and we make our way to the doors.

  As we get closer I see William Patrick coming through the very doors we’re headed toward, and there’s no way I can avoid speaking to him.

  “Good evening William,” I say in greeting, nodding my head but not offering my hand. It doesn’t fail my attention that he doesn’t offer his either. To me or Nolan.

  “Rupert,” he says in a way that makes it clear he wants this conversation over as quickly as I do.

  “William, I’m sure you know Nolan Frederickson,” I say, gesturing toward Nolan on my right.

  “Yes, of course. Good evening Nolan. I wasn’t aware you were invited to this event?” he says and then clears his throat.

  “Plus-one,” Nolan says simply and we both move to walk away, but William speaks again.

  “I see. And where is your lovely date for this evening Rupert? Beth RSVP’d that you’d be bringing one,” his smile is so forced he’s almost scowling, and it makes the hair on my arms stand up.

  “Um, Nolan is my date,” I tell him, but the moment the words leave my mouth, I wish there was more conviction in my tone, that my voice sounded stronger. All the little things that have happened tonight are back and niggling at me, and I get the uneasy feeling that something is coming.

  William just stares at me, his lips pursed into a tight knot, not blinking, not speaking. He’s even stopped clearing his throat.

  “If you’ll excuse us, we were headed outside,” I tell him, Nolan and I moving for the exit again.

  “A word first, Rupert?” William says.

  I can feel the tension coming off Nolan in waves. I sense that shit’s about to get real, and I want to get him out of this crap-fest of a conversation. I work with this mouth-breather, but Nolan doesn’t deserve William’s crap.

  Looking at Nolan, I whisper, “You go ahead, this is my problem, not yours. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I wish I could read Nolan’s expression as he looks at me, but he closes down before I can get anything other than disappointment. Hurt too maybe, and then he’s walking away. My stomach is in knots and I want to go after him, but instead I have to deal with this fuck-wad.

  Looking right into William’s ruddy toad-like face, I’m letting my anger in now. I’m pissed that something in the last few minutes caused my man’s face to take on that look and I want to get this over with. Fast.

  “What is it Bill,” I say through a clenched jaw.

  His disgust of my lifestyle and me as a person is no longer masked by smarmy smiles and passive aggressive comments, he’s letting his true feelings show.

  Leaning forward slightly, his tone low, but firm, the vitriol is unleashed, “I suspected that you were an abomination to the male race, but to think you would have the audacity to bring your filthy behavior into the light at an event like this, where you are a representative of this city, is just appalling. I prayed you’d have a lick of sense and decline the invitation, but when Beth said you’d be attending I knew I had to have you removed from sitting at our tables. You are an embarrassment to this council, and I can’t stand to even look at you knowing the vile and depraved things you do, let alone do them without a single thought about how your actions reflect on others.” His face is so red now, he looks ready to stroke and there is spittle foaming in the corners of his mouth.

  I won’t lie, I’m a bit shaken by his rant. Having never really experienced this level of hatred focused solely on me, I
don’t really know how to react in the moment. Feeling sure it will hit me later, and I’ll have to deal with the fall out then, the only thing I know right now is that I have to get outside to Nolan. So with that in mind, I make my intent to ignore him obvious in my reply, “Good talk Bill. See you Monday.”

  Rushing through the foyer, my heart is galloping in my chest. I’m desperate to get to Nolan, yes to tell him what had happened, but mostly because I just needed him. I wanted his advice on how to deal with Bill’s bullshit, but that could wait until later. Not finding him anywhere, I step outside onto the pavement, looking both ways along the street in front of me. Still not seeing him in any direction, I head back inside thinking maybe he’s in the men’s room or something.

  Through the blood rushing in my ears, I hear someone calling my name, and relief rushes through me. Relief that is short lived. I see one of the men that was sitting at our table during dinner, Mark someone or other, and he’s holding his phone to his chest as if he’s stopped his call to talk to me.

  “If you’re looking for Nolan, he left.”

  CH 13


  I don’t know why the fuck I went tonight, I knew Rupert was going to clam up the instant someone from his work questioned our being there together. It was why I hesitated at attending in the first place. I’m used to the narrow-minded nature of some of the people in Plantain, but I have the love and acceptance from my family and friends, and that’s all that matters to me. I fly home, surprised when I pull into my driveway how fast I’d really had to have driven to get here so quickly. I feel like an asshole for leaving without a word, but maybe this way Rupert can carry on with his work function without having to worry about people talking about us or giving us displeased side-glances.

  Tossing my keys onto the kitchen counter, I remove my suit coat and hang it on the back of one of the breakfast bar stools. Walking toward the fridge, I loosen my tie before unbuttoning the top button of my dress shirt. Grabbing a beer, I twist the top and take a long pull, my anger and annoyance still raging beneath my skin. Maybe I’ll put on some music and work out or something, I won’t be able to sleep with all this running through my veins.


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