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Seducing Robin: Things We Do For Lust Bk 3

Page 15

by Sean Geist

  I spied a free booth in the corner of the bar and we moved to it. It was darker and more quiet and we could discuss our personal matters without anyone overhearing. The booth was U-shaped and we could have sat next to each other, but I wanted to sit across from my wife so I could look into her eyes as we spoke. Robin had a way for conveying emotions with her face that I loved.

  We sat and stared at each other for a while. Our relationship had been a roller coaster for the last eight months. It was going to take some time for us to settle down. We would never go back to how things were, before Vegas.

  Eventually, Robin started telling her side of the story.

  “I think it was right after you took me to the women's clinic that I realized Scott was not the man I thought he was. And when he felt my health wasn't as important as the fetus inside me – I lost a lot of respect for him that day.”

  “I could have told you Scott was an ass long before that,” I said.

  “I wouldn't have listened. When I'm with Scott I find him irresistible. He exudes a charm that drives me wild.”

  “I know.”

  “But over the past few months I've had to spend lots of time alone. When I wasn't working on the spa, I was thinking about the two of you.”

  “Why did it take so long? So long to decide.”

  “It never felt like the right time, and it really wasn't that urgent. We both seemed to be in a relatively happy place at the time. I was working. Scott was off dealing with other problems. I probably would have said something at the soft open, but you didn't show up. I was pissed off and Scott was there. All of a sudden I was uncertain. I figured you were with Angie, or someone else, and didn't think you needed to call me.

  “I was wrong. I know it. But it's the truth.”

  “What about New Years?” I said.

  “I would have told you at midnight. But Scott showed up, and you two started acting like a couple of fourteen-year-old boys.”

  “I gave you plenty of opportunities.”

  “Peter, you know me. You know I don't like being forced into anything. I have to act when it's right – right for me. You were putting me under a lot of pressure, and Scott, with his fucking job offer. That's when I realized what his plan was.”

  I leaned across the table and took her hands in mine.

  “So we stay married,” I said. Not a question, at least not on my end.

  “Yes. As long as you'll have me.”

  “Robin, I've put up with a lot of shit to keep our marriage intact. I ain't letting it go that easy. Not if it's still something you want.”

  “Oh, sweetie, believe me, it is.”

  I waived over at Angie for two more drinks.

  “So what now?” I asked.

  “Obviously, I'm not moving to Los Angeles. I figure that's a deal breaker for us.”

  I didn't say yes or no. She knew she was right; she didn't need my confirmation. Like she said, she had to come to her decisions on her own, without pressure.

  “I thought about staying on at the Spirit, managing the shop, but without the relationship with the owner. It's not like he could fire me without a huge harassment suit.”

  I think my own feelings were clouding my ability to read my wife's face. I couldn't tell if the thought of working in Sedona made her happy, or not. It was an excellent position and she seemed to thrive there. I would have rather she come home, but I wasn't going to force it. It was her career.

  Robin ended my worry when she said, “But I realized I want to come back and live with you.”

  I sighed and smiled. Robin leaned over and kissed my hands. “We have a lot of catching up to do,” she said.

  “I couldn't agree more. I miss having you around. I miss our morning hugs as I head off to work. I miss the smell of you on the pillows. I miss picking up the panties you leave laying around the house.” She smacked my hand. She didn't do that. “We'll you can start, I won't mind.”

  “That's good, cause I gave my two week notice. Marylyn will take over and I'm sure the spa will do fine without me.”

  “I guess you're gonna have to give back that sweet little ride you bought,” I said. It was a nice car, but I didn't think we would be able to handle the payments on just my salary.

  “Fat chance, buster,” Robin said.

  “Everything alright over here?” Angie asked as she delivered our drinks.

  “No,” Robin said. “Peter thinks he's going to make me give up my new Miata.”

  Angie shook her head. “Good luck with that,” she said before heading back to the bar.

  I knew when to give up. I figured we could trim expenses somewhere else, maybe not go out to eat so often or drop the premium cable channels. That'd save a hundred bucks a month right there. I shouldn't have been worried about it. As usual, Robin had it covered.

  “Don't worry about the payments,” my wife said. “I got hired at the Windwalker Ranch Resort. I'm their new assistant manager. I interviewed on Tuesday and got the offer yesterday. They heard about how things were going at the Spirit Spa and were thrilled I was interested.”

  “And Scott gave a good recommendation?”

  “Scott gave a glowing recommendation.”

  “So, he knew you were leaving before I did.”

  “You're not going to get pissy with me are you?”

  “I'm surprised he didn't try to fuck things up.”

  Robin didn't say anything right away. She looked down at her wine, glanced up at me and took a sip.

  “Okay, what did he try to fuck up?” I said.

  “Oh. He offered more money. Made a few vague threats that I knew were empty. Eventually he accepted defeat. He knows he can't intimidate me as much as he can you.”

  I wanted to say something, but it was the truth so I just took a drink.

  We chatted a little bit more and finished our beverages. We could have ordered another round – the night was still young – but we both agreed we'd rather continue our reunion at home, cuddle up on the sofa and enjoy each other's company again.

  So we settled our bill with Angie and we headed out.


  We were laying in bed, naked, sweat dripping from our pores, my cock slick with our combined juices, my semen seeping out of Robin's sex. We basked in the afterglow of the best make-up sex I'd ever had and I decided now was the time to bring up our arrangement.

  “So, I guess this means I'll have to stop seeing Angie?” It was a rhetorical question since for all intents and purposes I already had. I was thinking about Susan and Kelly and yeah, sure, Angie as well.

  “Do you want to?” Robin was tracking her fingers through the sticky mess on my chest.

  It's a trap!, I thought to myself – not a lot of good honest answers to that, so I tried turning it around on her.

  “Do you want me to want to do that?”

  Robin slapped my chest. “Don't be silly,” she said, “just answer the question.”

  “To be honest. No. But I will if you want me to.”

  Robin rolled on top of me, her breast felt good squished against me. My penis started stirring between her thighs. “Peter, the reason I wanted to come home was to be with you. To experience life with you. That includes our sexual adventures.”

  I liked what I was hearing, as did my cock.

  Robin continued. “So as long as we both agree, I think we should keep exploring. Can I take your twitching erection poking at my cunt means you agree?”

  “Yup” I twitched some more. “Let me explore your ass with my hands.” I moved my hands down to grab and maul her butt. “Let me explore your mouth with my tongue.” I kissed her hard and passionately. “And let me explore your pussy with my cock.” I thrust my hips forward and slid smoothly into her well-lubricated opening.

  We didn't get much sleep that night.


  We were riding the escalator down to the main gaming floor at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. I took out our money roll and drew off two, hundred dollar b
ills. I handed them to Robin.

  “You want to go play slots while I try a little blackjack?” I asked.

  Robin took the bills and said no. “I want to play roulette.”

  “Now, you're just fucking with me,” I said. I had been surprised when she told me she wanted to go back to Vegas when I asked her how she wanted to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary.

  “Trying to find another handsome rich man to flirt with?” I asked.

  “Odds are pretty low on that,” Robin said as she lead me across the floor, past the blinking lights and clanging sounds – anachronistic since they don't pay out quarters anymore.

  “Yeah, lightning doesn't strike the same place twice.”

  “You know that's wrong, right?” Robin said.

  We found an open table and traded our two hundred dollars for two hundred purple chips. We played five or ten chips at a time and were having fun when I heard a voice behind me.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  “Fuck,” I said. I turned around, not knowing what to expect.

  She was a vision – Jessica Rabbit made flesh. Her hair flowed over her head and down her shoulders like a crimson waterfall. The black sequin dress she wore hugged her many curves like a Porsche at Le Mans. Her makeup was glamourous but not too gaudy, bold black lashes with a dusting of brown to make her hazel eyes pop. Her lips a luscious red, like a juicy apple waiting to be bitten.

  My jaw fell open and I dropped the ice cube I'd been sucking on. If I'd been a cartoon character my eyeballs would have shot out of my skull and my tongue would be rolled out on the floor.

  She was sin personified.

  “Happy Anniversary, you guys,” Angie said.

  “No more bets,” the croupier called out. I don't remember if we had placed any bets and I was too consumed by the beauty in front of me to care.

  Robin ran over and hugged her. “I'm so glad you made it.”

  “You invited Angie?” I said.

  “Happy Anniversary, sweetheart,” Robin said.

  I looked around nervously. “Anyone else I should expect?”

  “Not unless you asked them. This weekend, it's just the three of us.”

  “I got these for you,” Angie said. She handed my wife a large gift bag. “Don't open it here,” she quickly added.

  I peeked down inside and saw what looked like a moderately large dildo attached to a leather strap and three tubes of K-Y jelly. I looked up at Angie. She had a gleam in her eye that bore right through me.

  “Really? Really? That's what you got us?”

  “Yeah. It's for both of you. I envision lots of fun.”

  Robin smiled, “oh, yes. Lots.”

  I rubbed my backside, remembering my last adventure with Angie and sex toys.

  “Okay. Well, since you gave us a gift. It's only fair I give you one.” Now it was Robin's turn to look surprised. She had no clue what was going to hit her. I pulled out the envelope I had tucked in my jacket pocket.

  “Here, Angie. This is for you.”

  The gorgeous red-head opened the envelope, read the card inside and smiled. “one full-body massage. Hmmm. With a happy ending.”

  “Peter! That was for you?”

  I smiled. “I was going to use that this weekend, but I think I'll get more pleasure watching Angie use it.”

  Robin smacked me on the arm. “If I honor that card and If I let you watch.”

  I knew she'd honor it. She wouldn't have invited Angie along if some sort of sexual exploration wasn't in order.

  If Angie joined us, and I felt certain she would, she would be the first partner we'd invited into our bed since our new agreement.

  From the look on the women's faces as they thought about the massage and the strap-on and the lube, we were all going to have many happy endings.


  When I started, I had a simple plan. A couple in Vegas hook up with another man and have some fun. Well, as you see, it got out of hand. The characters did and said things I hadn't planned them to. That's the fun of writing. While this wraps up the story of Peter and Robin and Scott, you might see some of the characters from this series in other stories.

  Despite the fact I thought up the plot while I was in Las Vegas, none of the events in this story even approaches reality. I do appreciate feedback and I can be reached at I try to answer all my e-mail. You can also follow me on twitter @SeanGeist.

  Also by Sean Geist

  Things We Do For Lust: To The Edge

  A seminar in Las Vegas created a perfect opportunity for Peter and Robin to mix business and pleasure. Peter would spend a few days in meetings, while Robin relaxed at the pool – then at night they'd kick back and enjoy all that Sin City had to offer. Ending the week celebrating their anniversary was just a bonus.

  But, an unexpected stroke of good fortune interrupts the happy couple's plans. They win a nice little jackpot, and the attention of a handsome stranger. Suddenly they find themselves celebrating with a man they hardly know – someone both Robin and Peter find intriguing.

  A night of flirting and a day of seduction later finds the married couple at a crossroads. Will Robin be lured away by another man? Or will she be able to control her desires for a man other than Peter? Or maybe – something else.

  Going Down To Get Up (The Things We Do For Lust Bk 2)

  A week in the fantasy playground of Las Vegas left a permanent mark on Peter and Robin's marriage. She has a new job, a new boss and a new lover. He has to learn to deal with the situation, with a little help from some very sexy friends.

  Can love survive when shared three ways? Or will one heart have to give?

  Sometimes the only way to get up is to go down.

  Sherry Tells Stories

  Roy thought he knew his wife. After over a decade of marriage, he didn't believe she could ever say or do anything to shock him. He was wrong.

  It's date night, no kids, no worries, just a husband and wife enjoying an evening of adult fun. A chance observation at a bar leads to discussions of affairs and cheating and the intersection of reality and fantasy. And soon Roy is faced with the uncomfortable fact that his wife has secret desires of her own. Secrets he never imagined.

  And when Sherry starts telling stories, there will be revelations that could very well change their lives, forever.

  What Flirting Leads To

  Everyone loved Michael and Jennifer's parties. They were always fun, always memorable and always unpredictable. Their New Year's Eve blow out to end the twentieth century promised to eclipse all expectations

  Jennifer has not one, but two men interested in more than just a dance, and neither of them is her husband. Michael investigates what kind of naughtiness harmless flirting can lead to. And their friends will learn more about each other than they bargained for.

  Relationships will be tested. Secrets revealed. And fantasies fulfilled.


  Frank Thompson, a successful author of erotic literature, has hit a wall. The words that used to spring forth from his pen – words that made women swoon and men hard - are no longer flowing. Now, his publisher is demanding a new story, one that will return Frank to the top of best-seller lists. Frank promises himself he'll get the book written, but first, he has to deal with his lovely new neighbor.




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