Paolo’s Pride: A Bad Boy Romance (Sinful Series)
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Mr. Rossi scanned the faces of his patrons and his expression softened. The game was up; he had to make good on his word, now.
“Fine, but the bill will have a gratuity charge as with all spontaneous large orders. It will take away time from my other customers who would be coming in for the next two hours.” He turned to the cooks and started barking out orders.
After a few minutes, Sofia came from the back with a tray of drinks—one of each offered on the menu. Paolo laughed as she set them all on his table.
“I would be saving all that energy to drink up some of these before I get your soups and salads out here, sir. There’s only so much room on each table and you only have one.” She turned and stomped back to the kitchen.
Upon her return, Paolo asked, “Why are you so angry with me? I just bought everything on the menu just to be able to talk to you.”
“No, you bought one of everything just to prove that you wouldn’t be outdone. To prove that you are rich and can throw your money around on any frivolous thing that crosses your mind.” She stomped off and returned with another tray of salads.
“Are you seriously going to bring me one of everything on the menu, Sofia?” He reached for her arm, but she pulled it back in time to avoid his touch.
“That is what you ordered, isn’t it?” Her glower was so hot he could’ve lit a cigarette from it.
“Only to get to talk to you for a minute without that rude Mr. Rossi interrupting us again.”
“He didn’t interrupt us. As I recall it, I was completely finished talking to you!” Her voice was gaining volume and some of the patrons giggled under their breath.
“I wasn’t finished. Do you have any idea how I struggled with the decision to come talk to you face to face? Do you even care?” Paolo’s own anger was starting to seep out into his voice.
“Not particularly. Do you have any idea how embarrassing this is for me? Do you even care?” She snatched up an empty glass and walked away.
Embarrassing for her? How could it be? Would this not be some poor waitress’ idea of romantic? He thought surely so. She was playing hard to get and he was running out of time and patience in this crowded little hole-in-the-wall eatery.
Another tray of salads appeared, Sofia was not delivering them though; it was another woman who kept smiling and making eyes at Paolo as she set the salads on the overcrowded table carefully.
“It’s awful romantic of you to do something so huge just to talk to your girlfriend, Mister. Not many men would do something like that.” She made her way back to the kitchen, though Paolo wondered how she got there without falling or tripping as she kept looking over her shoulder at him, winking and blowing little kisses from her fingertips.
He was in no mood to play; even with a pretty waitress like her. Sofia had taken root in his mind and blotted out everything else.
He stood and went to the kitchen, pushing the swinging door hard enough to bang against the back wall. “Mr. Rossi! Give my food order to whichever patrons and employees you choose. Here’s the money and if I owe more, though I don’t see how I could possibly owe more than that, she knows where to find me.” He pointed to Sofia as he tossed a stack of bills onto the prep table in front of Mr. Rossi.
Mr. Rossi’s eyes grew large as he saw that there was more money there than his entire menu would come near to costing. “Yes, sir. Thanks for your business.”
Paolo shot Sofia a heated look and then left.
Chapter 7
Dinner with Paolo
Sofia didn’t forget Paolo’s visit to her workplace. She would never forget it. If Gianni didn’t leave her alone about it, she would end up having to find another job. Not a day passed that Mr. Rossi didn’t mention it, either. Sofia was sick of hearing about Paolo and his stack of money.
They didn’t know who he was. Not yet anyway. Surely they would see something on the news about him and recognize him; then the ribbing would go on endlessly and get worse.
The first week after Paolo’s visit, Sofia kept it from her mother, not wanting to upset her. But by the middle of the second week, one of her mother’s friends had already heard about the incident and told Maria all about it. Sofia could’ve wrung her neck for spilling it that way and without talking to her first about it. But, done was done.
“Sofia, all I’m saying is that no matter how he seemed at his house or at the diner that was a very sweet gesture. He just wants to talk; get to know you. Where’s the harm in it, Sofia? It’s so sweet that it breaks my heart. Invite him over for dinner. I’ll go stay with a friend for the night. Please.”
“Mother, you aren’t seeing the whole picture. He’s an ass! I don’t want him over for anything.” Sofia flopped onto the sofa and pulled a pillow over her face.
“Do you enjoy making your mother sad?” Maria sat on the edge of the little coffee table near Sofia.
Shaking her head, she lowered the pillow. “Mama, he’s handsome but he’s…oh, I don’t know; I just don’t fit into his world. I’m not a rich woman. I don’t want to always be standing out as the poor little girl who found a rich knight in shining armour who felt sorry for her and made her somebody. I’m not going to be noticed in this world just because I’m on the arm of a rich, spoiled brat.”
“You could teach that brat something about how the other half lives maybe. Do him some good to be with you, I’d say. Maybe deep down he knows it, too and that is why he is so persistent. Did you ever think of that? We’re all put here for a reason…maybe teaching Paolo is yours.”
Groaning, Sofia put the pillow back over her face again.
She hated it when her mother was right.
It had crossed her mind that if Paolo was so persistent, then, it could be because he was a good person deep inside and no one had ever shown him how to be good instead of petty and spoiled.
After agreeing with her mother to invite him to dinner, Sofia refused to call him or to write to him to do so.
“No, Mother. Only if he pursues me again. If he’s gone, then good riddance and I don’t have to stress about him. If he’s not gone, then I’ll ask him over. If for no other reason than to prove to you that he’s beyond my help.”
“Fine, dear. Thank you!” Maria kissed Sofia’s cheek as she passed the sofa.
The next day, Paolo called Sofia’s cell phone.
“Sofia, I don’t know what to say other than I want to see you. Just you. I want to have dinner with you alone somewhere. Here preferably.”
“Well, so much for niceties, huh? Okay, Paolo. I’ll have dinner with you, but it will be at my apartment, my home on Saturday evening at, let’s say, six. Be on time and dress casually.” She hit the button to disconnect the call, smiling and biting her bottom lip.
As the day wore on, she had difficulty containing her excitement. She told her mother about the dinner date. Maria was thrilled and kissed her daughter’s cheeks and forehead.
“I’m so proud of you. Now, I’ll go to Francine’s for the night on Saturday and you cook him a proper, Sofia-good meal. That boy eats your cooking once and he’ll never leave you alone!”
Saturday came and at fifteen minutes until six, Sofia was cleaning up the kitchen. There was no way she could get it all finished before six, so she decided to serve dinner on the balcony. She was only on the third floor and there were two balconies above hers, but it would have to do.
Paolo arrived at six and Sofia greeted him. Her excitement had built all day until she was actually happy that he had shown up. Her smile was genuine even when Paolo looked around the apartment with a bewildered expression.
Tucking a stray curl behind her ear, she said, “I know; it’s small, but it’s mine and I make the payments from working a job which I enjoy.” She showed him to the balcony.
“I understand. My father enjoyed the fruits of his labor very little. The man enjoyed that he was independent and wanted for nothing, but he worked himself into an early grave, too.” Paolo sat while Sofia poured wine.
sorry about your parents, Paolo. They were good people.” And that was true. She had liked them. So had her mother; that’s why Maria was so adamant that Sofia at least see Paolo. She was convinced that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
“Thank you.” He took his wine and sipped, eyeing her oddly.
“I’ll serve dinner now. You sit and enjoy what little view there is of the river and the park. I’ll be right back.”
In the kitchen, she swooned from the pressure of his presence. She still couldn’t quite believe that he was on her balcony getting ready to dine with her; alone. She’d never had a boyfriend that she’d cared to keep around more than a week or two—they all had agendas and the agendas weren’t good.
Plating up the food, her waitressing skills kicked in and she carried the food out on a tray like an expert, not spilling a drop. Paolo was handsome and sexy in the dimming light of dusk. He looked like a portrait sitting there in his polished perfection. Was there a good man hiding in there? She hoped so.
“Sofia, dinner was excellent and I must admit that I quite enjoyed the view, too. I seem to forget how endearing the smaller, simpler things in life can be; how gratifying. Thank you.” He touched her hand across the table and smiled what she thought was the first genuine smile she’d seen from him.
Her heart leaped in her chest and her smile broadened. Maria had been right; he could be shown the way.
“You’re very welcome. I’m happy that you came, Paolo.” Her cheeks flushed hot and she looked down at their hands—his much larger, stronger hand lying over hers. She liked how his hand felt on hers. She imagined what it would feel like on her naked body.
Her cheeks burned hotter and she took a deep breath. Best to push those sorts of thoughts out of her head.
Paolo reached for the wine and poured them both more. “A toast to the little things.” He raised his glass to hers.
“To the little things.” Usually she didn’t drink so much alcohol, but this was a special occasion for her and she had imbibed enough to be tipsy. Fighting the buzz of the wine, she stood and reached for the plates, stumbling against the table a bit.
Paolo put a hand against her waist and hip to steady her, but didn’t move it when they were both sure she had her balance again. Their shared laughter broke down into a solemn stare into each other’s eyes.
Sofia felt the moment slipping away from her control. She didn’t fight it overly much. Especially when that strong, warm hand slid down to her thigh and under her dress to touch her bare skin.
Cold chills broke out all over her body at his touch. His hand traveled up to her ass and he cupped her ass cheek, squeezing it sensually.
His moan of appreciation wasn’t lost on her, either.
Paolo stood and moved behind her, cupping her ass in both hands and pushing her dress up over her waist.
Breathlessly, she whispered, “Paolo, I think we should stop.”
Chapter 8
Beyond the Point of Return
She wanted to stop? Paolo didn’t want to stop; he would have great difficulty stopping now, if she was serious. Was she playing a tease? With his cock pressed against her nearly naked ass, he didn’t want to stop. He was only a zip and a piece of elastic away from what he’d wanted since first seeing her.
“I don’t want to stop, Sofia. Can’t you feel that? Don’t you feel how much I want you; how much I’ve wanted you since I first saw you? You’ve been all I could think about.” He pressed his erection against her ass; her soft, perfect ass, and moaned.
Her moan was softer and set his erection to throbbing. He had to have her. He’d not had sex in weeks. She put a hand behind her and against his stomach.
“I really think we should stop, though. We’re outside, Paolo.” Her voice held no real conviction.
“There’s no one out to see us, Sofia.” He unzipped his pants, loosed the button, and let them fall to his shins. He pressed his naked, throbbing cock against her ass again, this time very hard as he held her by her hips.
She didn’t seem to want to stop now that he’d pressed against her naked. He quickly moved her thong aside and slid his finger against her slit. She was dripping wet and hot and ready. The feel of her sex on his hand was unbearable; he rubbed the head of his cock against her slick sex and she leaned forward, cocking her ass for him.
She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen or felt. Her body was perfect in every way and promised him the sweetest release of his life. Slowly, he inserted his cockhead into her cunt and she tensed all over.
He stopped and pushed her dress up farther to reveal her back, which he bent to kiss as he reached under and fondled her breasts. She relaxed again and he pressed his cock in farther. She was so tight that he thought he could come without even pushing into her completely. He stroked in and out a couple of inches for a minute and then, sensing he was about to climax, he pulled out.
He kept at her with his hands until she climaxed. As she gripped the edges of the table and her body spasmed, Paolo shoved his dick deep inside her convulsing cunt and immediately he climaxed.
It was the best and most fulfilling sex he’d ever had. He didn’t want to let go of the minx in front of him. She was his now and nothing in the world would ever change that again. Ever. No matter what, he had to have her; he had to make her his forever.
Sofia caught her breath and stood up looking around guiltily as she straightened her dress. “Um. Okay, then. I really don’t know what to say about that. I’ve never ever done anything like that before in my life. Um—”
Paolo straightened his clothes, too. “It’s okay, Sofia, I’ve not either.” He moved in to kiss her, cupping her gorgeous face in his hands.
She cringed away from him just before their lips met.
“What is it, Sofia?” He pulled her close, needing to feel her against him again, just for a while even if it was through their clothes.
“Nothing, Paolo.” She pulled away from him and began gathering dishes.
Astounded, Paolo watched her carry them to the kitchen. He stepped inside and reached for her as she went back toward the balcony but she shrewdly sidestepped him and continued on, not making eye contact or conversation.
When she’d finished and closed the balcony door. She faced him, hands on hips. “Paolo, thank you for coming over tonight. I had a lovely time but I need to ask you to leave now, please.” She moved to the front door and held it open for him.
“Are you serious? You let me fuck you on the balcony—and you enjoyed it as much as I did—but you won’t let me kiss you or have a conversation after that?” He scoffed.
“I’m sorry. This is all a very bad idea; I already told you that! I don’t fit into your world; I’m not rich and fancy; can’t you see that? Are you really that blind?” Tears had welled in her eyes.
Paolo’s phone rang. It didn’t stop ringing; it was incessant. Digging it out of his pocket, he saw that the caller was one of his occasional girlfriends, Felicia. He’d promised her some special time tonight and had totally forgotten. She was a wildcat when she was angry. He held up a finger to Sofia to wait a minute.
“Sorry, she’ll bug me all night if I don’t take this; I’ll only be a second. Promise.”
Sofia only rolled her eyes and walked to the sofa to sit heavily.
“I know Felicia, but I told you I’m busy right now. Where? Does it really matter? No, I’m at Vinnie’s house. Yes that’s where I’ve been all evening. Why would I lie to you about that?” She hung up on him. He slid the phone back into his pocket and turned to Sofia.
Her mouth was hanging open and tears rolled down both cheeks.
“What’s wrong, Sofia? Felicia means nothing to me.” He sat and started wiping her tears away. “You know that list of women you said I surely had; well I do have a list—I’m a man who has needs—but that list has been useless ever since the evening I met you.”
“Whoa! Really? Because that’s not what it sounded like to me.” She swiped angrily at her tears a
nd stood. She pointed to the door. “Leave now or you will regret it. I’m not a plaything, Paolo. How dare you lie about where you are if you’re not just out fucking anything that’ll let you. God! I can’t believe I fell for this, this, ruse! Get out!” She flung a flower vase at him.
He headed for the door and stopped with the doorknob in his hand. “I didn’t lie to her because she’s my girlfriend, I lied to her because I can’t have my whole circle of friends knowing that I’m here with you, Sofia. They’d blackball me in a heartbeat.”
Screaming in outrage, she threw another smaller vase at him as he stepped out the doorway.
“And that makes it any better, how? How Paolo?” She rushed the door and bolted the lock.
He heard the click of the deadbolt and her soft sobbing on the other side of the door, but he didn’t understand it. Why had it made her so upset? He thought it would have made her happy to know that he truly was a bachelor.
Giving up, he tossed his hands in the air and cursed all the way down the steps and to his car. He would never understand women.
Chapter 9
Pride Cometh before the Fall
First a month and then three months passed with nothing from Sofia. Paolo could take it no longer. But he held out for another month, barely eating, barely seeing friends. His circle was shrinking as his friends left off to be with other rich friends. His vanity was disappearing, too. He hadn’t shaved in two weeks and was beginning to resemble a homeless vagrant when he looked into the mirror. Sleep was out of the question as Sofia ate up his dreams, too. That didn’t help his looks any at all.
After four long and grueling months with no contact from her, Paolo enlisted Tomas to go check and see if she was all right; see if she had a boyfriend; see if she still worked at the diner and that her mother was still okay.