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Two Men for Piper [The Men of Space Station One #7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “Ah, hell. You’re fucking killing me, Piper.”

  She growled around him and scraped her fingernails lightly over his balls as she raked her teeth just as gently up his dick. He cursed and began to jerk in her mouth. He stood up on tiptoe and began shooting his cum down her throat. She held on to his hips and felt his ass cheeks squeeze as he filled her mouth with his cum. She swallowed all of it and then licked his dick clean. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Baby, you’re amazing. That was beyond anything I can say.”

  She smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips before stepping out of the shower to grab a towel. She quickly dried off then rinsed her mouth and padded naked into the bedroom. She was busy pulling on her clothes when Keith walked out of the bathroom drying off.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Getting dressed. I need to check on the soup.”

  “What about you, baby? I’m not leaving you wanting.”

  “I’m fine, Keith. I know you’ll take care of me later. I just wanted to taste you.”

  He walked over to her and pulled her in for a kiss. He sucked her tongue inside his mouth to twirl it with his. Then he drew back as he nipped at her chin.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Let’s go see about dinner. I bet Tripp will be in soon.”

  “Probably. He’ll need a shower, too.” Keith waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “He’s not getting me in there with him. I’ll turn into a prune.”

  She returned to the kitchen and checked the soup. It was simmering nicely. There was nothing left to do but wait on Tripp. Keith wrapped his arms around her as she stood at the sink rinsing her hands.

  “You smell wonderful.”

  “I smell like soap.” She turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck.

  “It’s a sweet-smelling soap. I think it’s more your scent than the soap or I would smell the same way.”

  She laughed and started to tell him that he did when the back door opened and a nasty Tripp walked in with a sigh.

  “Go take a shower, Tripp. You’ll feel better afterwards.”

  He grunted and trudged through the kitchen toward the stairs.

  Keith shook his head. “He probably did too much out on the tractor. We might not have as much of the garden left to do tomorrow.”

  “I hope not. You’ve worked hard these last two days. You need a break.” She hugged him and stepped away. “I need to finish dinner. Why don’t you set the table for me?”

  Keith patted her on the ass and went to set the table. She poured up the batter into a pan and cooked the bread while waiting on Tripp to make it downstairs. The only thing left to do was to fix the tea for them to drink.

  Tripp walked into the kitchen looking like a new man. He smiled and sniffed the air.

  “Food. I’m starved.” He walked over to her and kissed her before giving her a brief hug. “Let’s eat, baby.”

  They all sat down and passed around the soup and bread. When everyone had finished what they wanted, Piper got up and brought the pie over for them to try.

  “It’s made with stone berries. I’ve never cooked with them before, but they’re supposed to be a lot like blueberries. You’ll have to tell me if it’s okay or not.”

  Tripp took a bite and closed his eyes. Then he took another bite.

  “This is the best thing I’ve had in a long time. You did fine.”

  Keith bit into his and hummed his approval. She grinned. She had been worried it wouldn’t be fit to eat. She tried a taste and decided it was pretty good.

  “Let’s go sit in the living room, Keith. I’m thinking about a quick nap.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He stood up and ran his hand down Piper’s back. “Come on and rest with us, Piper. You can clean up later.”

  “I’ll be in there in a little bit. If I don’t clean up now, it’ll be sticky mess for later.”

  She watched them walk out of the kitchen then started gathering the dishes to wash. By the time she had the kitchen cleaned, it was closing in on eight. She walked into the living room to find two worn-out men sound asleep. She knew if they didn’t wake up soon, they wouldn’t be able to sleep that night. She decided to give them another thirty minutes and then wake them up.

  She watched them while they slept. She had somehow managed to be married to two of the best men there were. They were hardworking, kind, and loving. They didn’t belittle her or take her for granted. She hoped she would be able to keep them happy. She knew she wasn’t the prettiest thing to look at, but she would do everything in her power to take care of them as they were taking care of her. She smiled. Maybe being chosen for Alpha wasn’t the worst thing to happen after all.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hey, Piper, it’s time to get up.” Tripp kissed her eyelids and then her mouth.

  She stirred, stretching her body as she did. Then her eyes flew open.

  “What time is it?”

  “A little after seven. I think we wore you out last night, baby.”

  “Oh, God. I bet you’re hungry. Give me a few minutes to get dressed, and I’ll have your breakfast ready.”

  He handed her a cup of coffee. “Don’t worry about it, baby. We already had breakfast. We’re going out to finish up the garden. I didn’t want you to wake up and not know where we were, or I would have let you sleep.”

  “No, I needed to get up. I have to fix your lunch and get something started for dinner tonight.”

  “Don’t get upset. It’s okay, Piper. Like I said, we wore you out last night. You didn’t get a two-hour nap like we got.”

  “Still, I should have made your breakfast.”

  He watched her run around in the bedroom getting dressed. He shook his head. He didn’t know why she was so worried about having everything ready for them all the time. He’d have to ask her once they all knew each other better.

  “I’m going on outside to help Keith. We’ll be in around lunchtime.” He grabbed her around the waist as she hurried by and pulled her in for a kiss.

  She kissed him back and melted against him. He loved that about her. She was always so responsive to him.

  “See you in a few hours, baby.” He tromped down the stairs toward the kitchen and the back door.

  When he made it around to where Keith was running the tractor, he noticed a dorrie slinking around at the edge of the trees. He wished he’d brought the damn rifle with him. Keith had one, but he wouldn’t hear him above the noise of the tractor. He had to hope the thing would leave without attacking. He stood absolutely still and waited.

  After what seemed like forever, a rifle retort startled him. The dorrie yelped and ran back into the trees. He looked behind him, and Keith was standing up on the tractor holding the gun. He sat down and turned it off.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “I saw you standing stock-still and figured that meant there was something out there. I looked around and spotted that damn dog thing.”

  “Thanks, man.” Tripp walked over and slapped hands with him.

  “I’m almost finished with the second pass. How many times do you think we need to go over it before we row it up?”

  Tripp walked to the middle of the garden and ran his hands through the rich, red earth. It looked like it ought to have clay in it, but there wasn’t any. It crumbled just fine in his hand.

  “I think a couple more and we can row it up.”

  “Sounds good to me. What are you going to do about Piper? You know she’s going to want to do some of the planting. Can’t say I blame her either.”

  “Hell, I don’t know. After seeing that dorrie, I don’t want her out here.”

  “Don’t you think that, with both of us out here watching, she would be okay?”

  “Maybe. I’ll think about it.”

  Keith nodded and, after handing him the rifle, started the tractor again. Tripp walked around carrying the gun and watch
ing for anything else lurking around. He thought about her and how giving she was. She was absolutely the best woman they could have ended up with on a new planet. He was sure she would be upset if he didn’t let her come out and plant. Keith was right. She would probably be just fine with both of them watching out for her.

  He blew out a breath and continued walking around the area. Nothing moved other than the slight wind blowing the weeds surrounding the cleared land. The sun shone hot for a spring day. Of course he didn’t really know what the weather truly was like here. They’d been told so many things that so far hadn’t been all the way true. He was worried about anything he had learned on the shuttle now.

  The tractor stopped, and Keith climbed down dusting his hands of on his jeans.

  “Okay, its ready to row up now. I say we wait ’til after lunch. We can take an extra hour to rest after we eat.”

  “Good idea. Of course this is going to throw Piper’s schedule off,” he said with a grin.

  “I wonder what she’ll do?”

  “She was pretty upset that she hadn’t gotten up to fix our breakfast. This might really throw a monkey wrench into her plans.”

  They walked through the grass to the back door and walked inside. Immediately the smell of something in the oven met them. It smelled wonderful. He for one wasn’t going to miss dinner tonight.

  “I wonder where she is?” Keith asked.

  “Probably in the living room listening to her MP3 player.”

  They walked into the other room, and sure enough, she was sitting on the couch with her earbuds in and looking through a book. Tripp grinned over at Keith and snuck up behind her. He reached around and covered her eyes with his hands. She squealed then laughed.

  “What are you doing, Tripp?”

  “How did you know it was me?”

  “You smell different than Keith does. What are you doing inside so soon? Did I miss lunchtime, too?” She started to get up, but he pushed her back down and pulled her hair.

  “No, you didn’t miss lunch. We’re early. Keith finished plowing the garden, so we’ll row it up this afternoon.”

  “How long will that take?”

  “Maybe two hours.”

  “Then we should be able to plant at least some of the garden today.” She clapped her hands together in anticipation.

  He sighed. “Piper, we shot at a dorrie earlier. It was slinking around the tree line. I really don’t want you out there until the fence is up.”

  “Tripp. Please. I really want to plant the garden. It’s my first garden, and I want to start out right.”

  “I’ll think about it. How about fixing some sandwiches while we finish washing up.”

  “I’ll have them ready in a jiffy.” She jumped up and headed toward the kitchen.

  Tripp and Keith went upstairs to wash up in the sink. The bedroom was straight as was the bathroom. She did keep a neat house. He liked it, but didn’t want her to wear herself out. Somehow they needed to be sure she understood that. It would be especially important once the garden got going. She would have less time to do things around the house. He didn’t want it to upset her.

  “So, what are you going to do?”

  “About what?” Tripp asked.

  “Piper. Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean.”

  “Hell, Keith. I guess I’m going to let her plant the damn garden. We’ll be out there with the guns. Surely we can keep her safe between the two of us.”

  “I think we can. It will be fine, Tripp. And think about how much it will mean to her.”

  “I know. I don’t have to like it though.”

  They returned to the kitchen and found Piper pouring iced tea for them. The sandwiches were already on the table along with leftover soup.

  “Hey, you didn’t have to go so much trouble,” Keith said.

  “It was no trouble, and we needed to eat the soup. I have meatloaf in the oven for tonight.”

  “That sounds delicious.” Tripp took a bite of a sandwich and then a spoonful of soup.

  They finished up lunch and quickly headed out to row up the garden. Tripp hoped he wasn’t making a mistake. If something happened to her because he hadn’t been able to say no to her, he didn’t know what he would do. He’d never had trouble putting his foot down with women before. He wasn’t cruel. He just liked being in control and having them obey him when it came down to things that mattered. This mattered, and he was already giving in to her. He shook his head and headed for the tractor with the rifle in his arms.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, Tripp and Keith walked in the door. Once again, they were dirty and sweaty. She poured up iced tea for them and waited to see what the verdict was on her getting to plant.

  “I’m going to let you help, Piper, but you have to follow my directions. If I tell you to be still, don’t say a word, just freeze.

  “I will.” She was already buzzing inside.

  “We’ll walk around you with the rifles in case anything comes up. Don’t get out of our circle. If you need to go get something, tell us.”


  “Fine. Why don’t you go get the seed out of the cellar while we rest for a few minutes?” Tripp and Keith headed to the washroom and cleaned up enough to be able to sit and drink their tea while they waited on Piper to return with the seeds. She hurried down the stairs, holding on to the rail as she did. Once she was down there, she gathered up the seeds and started back up the stairs. Something ran across the floor under the staircase. She shrieked.

  “Fuck, Piper. What’s wrong?” Keith and Tripp were at the door on their way down as she hurried up.

  “There’s something down there. It ran across the floor when I was coming up the stairs.”

  “What did it look like?” Tripp asked.

  “I don’t know. It was not quite as tall as my knees, but it came close.”

  Did it touch you, Piper?” Keith started looking all over her legs.

  “No. It didn’t touch me. I was on the stairs. It was on the floor. How did it get in?”

  Tripp locked the cellar door. “I don’t know. We’ll check and see once we get the garden planted. Did you get everything you needed?”


  “Good. You won’t have to go back down there for any reason until we’ve gotten rid of that thing.”

  Piper shivered. Just the thought of one of those creatures touching her was enough to give her nightmares. She grabbed her garden plans and gloves. The men carried the seeds out for her. They put everything down and started watching around her with their guns at the ready.

  She slowly made progress with planting then covering the seeds with soil. Once she had finished planting everything, it was closing in on dark. They quickly soaked the garden with water. Keith walked her to the house then returned to help Tripp. She stripped in the washroom and rinsed off as much of the dirt as she could. Then she hurried upstairs to commandeer the shower first.

  She had just finished dressing when Tripp walked in. She grinned at him. He smiled but shook his head.

  “You only got to plant, baby. You didn’t win the lottery.”

  “Oh, shut up. I had a ball. Thanks for letting me.”

  He grunted and headed for the shower. She finished dressing and hurried downstairs to finish up dinner. The meatloaf was ready, so all she had to do was mash the potatoes and warm up the beans.

  By the time the men had made it back downstairs, she had the table set and everything waiting on them. They took their seats and after passing everything around, dug in. She decided she’d done a pretty good job on the dinner considering she’d left it for several hours while she was outside.

  They finished up, and the men pushed back from the table. They even declared that they were too stuffed for dessert right then.

  “Maybe later after this settles.” Keith kissed her on the top of the head then followed Tripp to the living room.

  As soon as she had the kitchen put to rights again, she joined th
em, climbing up on Tripp’s lap.

  “You’re asking for trouble, Piper.”

  “Hmm, don’t tease me, Tripp.” She licked his lips then lightly bit the lower one.

  “Something tells me that she’s horny, Tripp. What are we going to do about it?”

  “Spank her.”

  “Promises, promises.” Piper would love for him to spank her ass.

  “Don’t tempt me, baby.”

  She pouted and pulled his hair.

  “That’s it. Get off my lap, Piper, and pull off your shorts and underwear.”

  “Keith?” She appealed to him with a smile.

  “Don’t look at me. You started it.”

  Piper slid off of Tripp’s lap and slowly pulled off her shorts and then her panties. She made sure to turn her back to them so that when she bent over they had a nice view of her ass. It obviously did the trick because when she turned around. They were both heavy lidded and licking their lips.

  “What do I do now?”

  “Bend over my lap. I’m going to give you five licks for pulling my hair.”

  “I was just playing, Tripp.” She stayed where she was and didn’t do as he said. She knew that would make him mad.

  “Fine, that’s five more licks for a total of ten. Want to make it fifteen?”

  Piper figured she didn’t want to push her luck. She didn’t know anything about how Tripp was when he spanked. She hoped he wasn’t too rough. She liked to be spanked but not hit, and there was a difference.

  She slowly lowered her body to lie over his lap.

  “Spread your legs as wide as they’ll go, Piper.”

  She did as he asked and shivered in anticipation.

  He smoothed his hand over her ass cheeks several times. Then he tapped her on one side and then the other. As spankings went, it wasn’t very hard at all. She felt it, but didn’t get the tingle or burn she enjoyed.

  Then he spanked her again with one on each cheek. These definitely tingled. She moaned. Once again his hand rubbed over the spots he’d tapped.


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