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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring

Page 16

by Cassandra Dee

  Aw fuck. Who knew? Who knew that Holly would be so fucking sexy and slutty, diving into subspace while tasting dick for the first time?

  I pumped a couple more times, spraying that sweet female flesh with virile jism, pleased as fuck.

  Because this girl is perfect for me.

  In every which way, accommodating my every whim.

  And shit, but I was gonna take it all, greedy to the max. After all, money was exchanged, a contract set up. Sure, the details weren’t all hashed out the way she expected.

  But you know what? That’s okay.

  We’ll work it out.

  Because Holly … you’re mine.



  Oh god.

  My skin prickled as the hot water beat on my shoulders.

  Because I just lost my virginity to a man I barely know, and yet it was amazing.


  Absolutely thrilling.

  I was in the plane’s small shower, rinsing my hair while the water sluiced all over my body. Ooh. A tremble ran down my spine.

  Because Mr. Evans touched me there. And there. And there.

  The man just didn’t know how to stop.

  And after that first time, I lost consciousness. It’s crazy, for sure. How in the world?

  But my vision blacked out, and when I came to, the cuffs were gone. Mr. Evans loomed over me, that massive form filling my vision.

  “You’re okay, sweetheart,” he rasped, stroking my cheek. There was a strange light in those blue eyes, something that called to my innermost soul. “You ready to go again?”

  I gasped. Because is this what happens to virgins? I’d always imagined losing my innocence to a man on my wedding night. Or at least, to a man that I was deeply in love with and had been dating for a long time.

  Yeah, it’s old-fashioned.

  Old school even.

  But I can’t help it.

  And now, the opposite has happened. A man chained me to his bed, tying my body up tight. And then that thick cock had plunged within, making me scream. Not moan and gasp, but scream with ecstasy.

  Oh god.

  This doesn’t happen in romance novels. Princesses don’t do this with their princes.

  Or do they?

  Because I’d come so hard, welcoming the invasion into my sweetest space. And after it was all over, Mr. Evans was … gentle.

  Sure, he took me again. And again. And again.

  So much so that my pussy ached now.

  But there was meaning to it. He was careful the second, third and fourth times. No more cuffs. No more steel chains.

  Just hard cock, all the way.

  And I loved it.

  My body shuddered as I plucked one of the little travel soaps and began lathering up. Oooh, tenderness ruled my form. Because his penetration had hurt for sure. But it was damn good as well.

  So amazing.

  I bent over and started washing down there, careful with the sensitive flesh. It’d been obscene, looking down as he fucked me. My labia stretched so wide around cock, tight and straining.

  His massive shaft emerging from between my lips, coated with glistening juices.

  My glistening juices.

  Growing hot, my cheeks flushed.

  Because I’d let go like a flood. The cream had been unstoppable, and soon Mr. Evans’ cock had been coated in female goo.

  Oh god.

  My hand moved slower, cleaning my inner thighs. But then something unexpected happened. Because a giant glob of semen slid out of my sex, slipping down my thigh before swirling down the shower drain.

  What the?

  Hot embarrassment flooded me, and then panic.

  I froze.

  Wait, wait!

  And realization flooded my mind.

  Because I’m not on the pill. I’m not on any type of birth control, period, and we didn’t use anything. Mr. Evans promised to pull out, but everything had happened so fast.

  Oh god.

  Eyes wide, I stared as the last remnants of goopy white swirled down the drain, heart hammering in my chest.

  This was wrong.

  I should be outraged, afraid, and horrified, all rolled into one.

  But it’d been so good. Thrilling. Exciting. I bit my lip, remembering that moment when Mr. Evans spurted inside me. It had felt like a firehouse unleashing itself within my body, pumping the tiny space full.

  My clit trembled, pussy lips growing moist once more.

  Because Mr. Evans had been irresistible. Powerful. Dominating. Is this how sex always feels? Touching the very essence of your soul?

  My hand swept over my clit, and a jolt of pleasure rocketed through the sensitive spot. Oh god! I leaned against the shower wall as the water continued to beat down in hot bolts. Slowly, a finger slid into my pink cavern, exploring inside.

  Oh god.

  This was wrong.

  I never touch myself like this.

  But Mr. Evans has brought out the bad girl within.

  Because I stirred the digit a little then, his spunk coating the questing finger.

  God, there was so much.

  And without thinking, I inserted second finger, stretching my core. Oooh, yeah. A shiver ran through my core, fingers pumping in and out slowly. Yes, Mr. Evans, take me, take me. I leaned back more and sighed, tilting my head up in ecstasy.

  Because Mr. Evans is my everything.

  That giant cock.

  The way he took me ruthlessly.

  Oh, yes! I want more!

  And listening to the siren song, I slipped a third finger in, this time stretching my pussy to the max.

  Hell yeah!

  And suddenly, my core burst. Yeah, right there in the tiny stall, I had my fifth massive orgasm within two hours.

  It was crazy, but my body didn’t care. Ripples shot through my arms and legs, knees collapsing on the hard tile. Spasms wracked my cunt, fingers aching and stiff as the warm, wet walls came down hard like a clamp.

  “Oh, Thorn!” was my helpless mewl. “Oh god, Thorn!”

  And suddenly, a little sensor went off on the ceiling above me. A blue light blinked while a chime sounded.

  Oh shit!

  The plane was landing!

  I needed to get out of here stat.

  Limbs still shaking, I jumped out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels, pulling on my uniform in a hurry. Oh god, my hair was a dripping mess, the dress sticking to my curves damply.

  Where was Mr. Evans?

  His big frame wasn’t in the bedroom. So hurriedly, I stepped into my stilettos and wobbled outside. There he was, seated in one of the big white chairs, not a hair out of place.

  Oh god, the man was handsome. An Adonis, reading a paper, like nothing untoward had happened.

  Except he’d fucked me silly, inducting me into the mile-high club.

  And those blue eyes flicked up, a smile on his lips, flashing even white teeth.

  “Hey there,” came that soft drawl. “You feel okay?”

  Never mind the fact that I was a hot mess. I knew what he was talking about. My aching pussy. The vaginal lips that had stretched so wide to accommodate him.

  And I blushed, our connection immediate.

  “Yes,” was my answering murmur. “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Good,” he growled, still devouring me with his eyes. “Now why don’t you take a seat and make yourself comfortable as we land? I’ll be gone for,” he paused, glancing at his watch, “about two hours. Damn meeting. But after that, we’ll head from Charlotte to Chicago. What do you say, sweetheart? Are you ready for round two?”

  Round two? My cheeks flared. We’d already done rounds one through five in the back bedroom. The next leg of the flight was more like round six.

  But shyly, I nodded.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be ready when you return.”

  Mr. Evans nodded, pleased, snapping his paper again.

  “Perfect, sweetheart,” he growled. “Now get your
seatbelt on because we’re landing.”

  And tottering off in my heels, I strapped myself into the staff jumpseat once more, heart pounding. Because oh god, I had two hours to recover before the big man was back. Two hours to rest and relax, and get myself together. But the truth was that I didn’t need two hours. Because I’d be ready for the alpha … anytime and anywhere.


  Katrina’s bright, cheerful face filled the screen as she picked up.

  “Hey, how are you girl?” she chirped. I was sitting in one of the plush white chairs in the main cabin section. Mr. Evans was gone, and after the maintenance crew left, it was just me.

  Dressed in my jammies, I knew I looked ridiculous. After all, how many people wear flannel cat pajamas when they’re on a private aircraft?

  But hey, Katrina’s my buddy, so I popped open a bag of potato chips and slipped a few in my mouth. Yum. Chips have always been my weakness. Potato chips, tortilla chips, baked or fried, I love them all. Especially Cheesy-O’s, those are my favorite.

  But right now, there was a lot of catching up to do.

  “Hey girl,” I waved. “What’s goin’ on?”

  My buddy grinned, tossing back a mane of long, blonde hair.

  “Not much,” her eyes squinted, looking curiously at my surroundings. “Wait, are you still on the plane? You’re not in the hotel room, are you?”

  “Yeah, I’m on the plane,” came my satisfied crunch. “It’s easier if I stay here until the client comes back. It’s just for a few hours.”

  Katrina nodded, her face alight with glee.

  “So aren’t you gonna tell me? What’s going on? This has to be juicy, ooh, I’m so jealous.”

  I bit my lip, rolling my eyes a bit. And since we have a mind-meld, Katrina immediately squealed, almost bouncing up and down in her chair.

  “Oh my god! You really did it. You boinked a guy. Congratulations, girl, welcome to the dark side.”

  I sighed, cheeks hot again. But then came a smirk. Why not? Everyone has sex. It’s not like it was dirty or criminal or anything.

  Except maybe what Mr. Evans and I did was dirty and criminal, with the chains and all.

  Oh my god. But it felt so good.

  But I decided to skip that part for now.

  “Yeah. It was… it was really amazing.”

  Katrina’s eyebrows flew up into her wispy blonde hair. “Oooh! Tell me about it. Did you, you know, do the uh uh uh?”

  Katrina was so ridiculous that I had to giggle. Besides, what was she talking about?

  “I don’t know. We had sex. What do I say?”

  She pouted. “You know! You know what I’m talking about. I've always dated older men and this client was up there age-wise, right? So was he big? Did he have trouble?"

  I thought back, trying to remember if anything had seemed difficult for Mr. Evans.

  "He was big,” came my slow voice. “But what do you mean, trouble? Everything seemed okay,” my voice trailed off uncertainly.

  Katrina remained unfazed.

  "You know, trouble. Getting it up. Older guys often struggle, I’ve seen it a million times,” she confided in a low voice. “There are lots of tips and tricks, no worries,” my friend almost whispered. “I can help if needed."

  Oh my god, this was hysterical. Mr. Evans had no problems like that at all. I guffawed rudely, potato chips almost spurting from my nose.

  “Naw, we’re good Kat. My guy was hard the whole time.”

  Because Thorn had been so ready, rigid and pulsing. His pants had tented, barely restraining the powerful length. It was comical thinking that some guys couldn’t get it up compared to my recent experience. We’d done it … three or four times in two hours?

  "Then you don't have anything to worry about,” pronounced Kat with a sigh. “You’re lucky,” she confided. “Almost all my boyfriends have been on Viagra and the like. It helps sometimes, but not always,” she said sadly.

  This conversation was out of this world.

  “Kat, that’s why you have to stop dating seventy year-olds,” I said patiently. “They’re too old for you.”

  But I knew my friend wouldn’t listen. It’s in one ear and out the other with this girl. She likes them old, and that’s that. Not even a lightning bolt to the head was gonna change her preferences.

  But there was one thing my buddy could help me with.

  “But he was really big.” I confided, cheeks flushing hot again. “Like really, really big.”

  The blonde rolled her eyes, sighing.

  “It was your first time, of course he felt big. You’ve never been used before, so you’re small. But show me with your hands, how big?” she demanded.

  Hmm, how to do this?

  I formed my thumb and finger into a circle. No, that wasn’t even close. So using both hands, I cupped them together, miming an iron pipe. Yeah, that was more like it.

  And Katrina gasped, eyes going wide with shock and awe.

  “No way! There was no way he was that big! It’s impossible! Does that even exist?” In a lower voice she continued, “Is your pussy destroyed? I mean, seriously Holly, you must be hurting.”

  I giggled a little.

  “Yeah, I mean, it hurt, but I’m okay.” My body heated thinking about how full he had made me feel. “Mr. Evans went slow at first, and it hurt when he put it in. But after a while, it felt really, really good. He said I’d stretch,” I confided. “Because I’m young.”

  Katrina burst into laughter.

  “Man, this guy is a player,” she said skeptically. “Stretching because you’re young? Because you’re so “elastic”?” she asked, miming air quotes.

  I frowned. In fact, Mr. Evans did say that. He used the word “elastic” when describing my pussy, saying that it could bend in ways older women couldn’t.

  But I put it out of my head. This was just a coincidence. And Katrina seemed to forget it too.

  “Come on, show me the plane!” she demanded with a bright smile. “I want to see what it’s like to fly private.”

  I giggled, her excitement contagious.

  “Okay,” I said, lifting the laptop so that the camera faced away. “Here’s the main cabin area, and as we walk back here, you can see there’s a private room in back.”

  “Oh my god, perfect for sexy times!” squealed Katrina, bouncing up and down. “You really are a member of the mile high club now.”

  I rolled my eyes. Because she sounded a little like Austin Powers, it was so ridiculous. But it was fun giving my friend a tour of the plane, going over every little detail.

  “Open that closet,” she directed over the screen. “What’s in there? There are so many nooks and crannies.”

  I slid the door open obligingly. Nothing interesting. Just a coat rack, with some empty hangers, a black suitcase on the floor.

  “Oooh, what’s that?” squealed Katrina, eyes wide. “What’s in that suitcase?”

  I frowned.

  “It probably belongs to Mr. Evans,” was my slow reply. “He’s only gone for two hours, so it’s probably his luggage.”

  “Take it out!” she squealed. “Let’s find out all his secrets.”

  No. That wasn’t right. I was his employee and didn’t want to be fired.

  “You know I can’t do that, Katrina,” was my patient reply. “It’s not right. That suitcase is private, and I can’t just go opening it.”

  She mock frowned, pouting.

  “But what if he has Viagra inside?” she wheedled. “This is your chance to find out!”

  I rolled my eyes, exasperated once again.

  “There’s no Viagra,” I said firmly, shutting the door. “And we’re moving on.”

  Just then low voices sounded outside, with footfalls clanging on the gangplank. Oh no! Thorn was back! I glanced at a clock. It had been almost two hours, and Mr. Evans had returned. And yet, here I was giving my buddy a tour of his plane.

  "I’m sorry, I have to go. Thorn’s going to board again soon."

/>   Katrina waggled her tongue. "Oooh, ‘Thorn.’ Already calling him by his first name, huh? Okay, bye. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!"

  I clicked off, hastily shoving the laptop into my bag. And right in time too, because Mr. Evans stepped into the small cabin then, his blue eyes roving over my form sensuously.

  “Hey,” he drawled. “How’s it going?”

  Things were great. Except that I was still dressed in my cat pajamas, hair rumpled.

  “Comfy, aren’t we?” he asked, an eyebrow raised.

  And at that moment, the engine kicked on. Oh god, oh god, kill me now.

  But Thorn was unfazed.

  “Come on, take a seat,” he invited, gesturing to one of the white leather chairs. This was weird. I should have been wearing my uniform, sitting in the staff quarters. But instead, the billionaire was inviting me to make myself comfortable in the main cabin. And completely unperturbed, acting like nothing was wrong, the alpha buckled himself in, turning to me with an expectant look.

  As the plane took off, I studied that handsome mien. There was no need to talk just yet with all the noise, but I wasn’t sure what to do going forwards.

  Because do I ask him how the meeting went? Do I ask him about his day? But that seemed too girlfriend-like. I was just a paid companion, here to help him relax. So what next?

  Calm down, the voice in my head spoke. You’re gonna be okay. You’ve already gone so far with him. Things are gonna be okay.

  Thorn[MJBB20] continued to remain silent as the plane leveled into cruising altitude. And then those sapphire eyes turned my way again.

  “So tell me about yourself,” he said smoothly.

  I gaped a little. There wasn’t much to tell what with the Burger Bistro position already out in the open.

  “I’m not sure,” were my soft words. “What would you like to know?”

  Those blue eyes looked at my quizzically.

  “Well, you said you’re from LeBar City. How’d your family end up there?”

  I paused for a moment. The story’s not great, but again, this man already about my humble past. There was no sense in holding back now.

  “My mom is disabled,” I said slowly. “And my dad hasn’t been in the picture for ages. Way back when I was two, we used to live with my grandma. It was real cramped, so my mom entered the lottery for public housing.”


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