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Sisters By Choice

Page 12

by Lillian Duncan

  A friend pointed out since he was so mad at God for Nancy’s death, it must mean he believed in God. That had been the beginning of his journey to find God and peace.

  At least until he’d met Patti Jakowski.

  He called her cell phone. No answer.

  Carter paced his living room, frustrated and angry. On his fourth trip around his furniture, he spied the envelopes, still on his coffee table.

  The letter.

  Jamie must’ve left a message for Patti, telling her where to go in California.

  Guilt assailed him as he unfolded the note. Was it an invasion of privacy to read it? No, she left it right there. He was a cop, it was his job to protect her. And if she was in danger, then he needed all the information he could use to help Patti. Within minutes, he was on his way to the airport.

  Carter booked a flight to San Francisco. He called information and had them put him through to the FBI office in San Francisco. He had to talk with Marcus.

  Marcus would be able to keep Patti safe and he could smooth the way with Carter’s boss.

  “This is Sergeant Carter Caldwell of the Palm Beach Florida Police Department. I’d like to speak to Agent Marcus Hanks.”

  “There is no Agent Hanks working at this office, sir.”

  “I know, but he’s working out of your office on a special assignment.”

  “As I said, sir, we have no one by that name who works in this office.”

  “We’re working on a case together and it’s crucial I talk with him, now.” Carter said. “Can you give him a message?”

  “If he checks in, I’ll give him the message.”

  “Please tell him Carter Caldwell called and Patti is somewhere in San Francisco. I’m on my way. On second thought, here’s my cell number, just tell him to call me.” He ended the call.

  While he waited for his flight, Carter tried Patti’s cell phone. He left a message asking her to contact him and to stay away from Jamie’s apartment.

  With a few minutes between flights, he checked for messages from Patti or Marcus. Nothing.

  As he rushed to the next gate, he rang Patti again and left a second message. “Please call me, Patti. I need to know you’re OK.”

  When he boarded, the plane taxied along the airway, and then stopped.

  After twenty minutes the pilot’s voice came on. “Good morning, there are a few thunderstorms along our flight route. We’re waiting for them to pass and then we can get this trip underway.”

  A collective moan went through the plane.

  “I want to go back to the gate,” yelled a passenger.“I can drive to California faster.”

  One attendant grabbed the microphone. Her voice was firm, as if speaking to a group of naughty third graders.“I know you’re all upset, but we need to stay calm. We’ve been assured it won’t be much longer. Please remain in your seats.”

  The hairs on the back of Carter’s neck rose. His gut instinct was screaming.

  Patti was in danger.


  San Francisco, California

  Patti awoke with a jerk. Her back and neck hurt from the odd position she’d fallen asleep in on Jamie’s sofa. Exhaustion, both physical and emotional, had taken its toll.

  Her heart ached in a way she hadn’t believed possible. In all likelihood, Patti would never see her twin again. Patti leaned over and held her stomach. She took several deep breaths, trying to ease the pain. She looked at the clock, shocked at the time. She needed to get up and get out of San Francisco.

  After Patti cleaned up, she walked around the apartment looking for any momentos Sabrina might want, but nothing caught her eye. Her gaze flickered on the Picasso print. She’d buy her own copy.

  Time to leave. Tears threatened, but she refused to indulge in them. She walked towards the elevator. She heard the thump as it came to rest.

  Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Who could it be?

  Another delivery? If that were the case, Robert or Tomas would have announced them.

  She waited for the buzz requesting entrance, but instead the elevator door opened and a dark-haired man rushed towards her.

  He moved so fast, she had no time to react.

  He held her in his arms, speaking in a language she didn’t recognize. He alternated between hugging her tightly, and then caressing her hair. He took her face in both of his hands and kissed her cheeks, her eyelids, her nose, her mouth. He spoke endearments she didn’t understand.

  As this stranger held her, she realized just how truly stupid she’d been. There was no way she could make anyone think she was Jamie, especially Jamie’s lover. How was she supposed to fool this man who knew Jamie in such an intimate way?

  Patti didn’t even know his name.

  Did Jamie speak his language? What would he expect from her? Her mind made a jump to a place she had no desire to go. She shut down the thought. Instead, she focused on what she was going to do in the next five minutes.

  Patti’s heart raced and every muscle in her body tensed. Forcing her muscles to relax, she took a small step backwards and smiled up at the stranger who still embraced her.

  “Jamie, Jamie. I have missed you so much. You were supposed to be back much sooner. I have phoned you many times, but you did not answer. I was worried about you. I left you many messages. Why didn’t you call me the moment you got in? When did you get in?” His perfect English had a slight accent.

  She heard Jamie’s voice in her head.

  Calm down and relax. You can do this. Think like me.

  “I got in last night, but I was so exhausted I didn’t check the messages on my phone here and my cell phone broke. You wouldn’t believe the time I’ve had.” Patti lowered her tone to sound more like Jamie.

  His hands were still on both sides of her head and the only thing Patti could think of was he could snap her neck in the blink of an eye if he chose to.

  Patti took a few more steps away.

  He stared at her.

  She let the air out of her lungs and forced a radiant Jamie smile even though she was more terrified than she’d ever been in her life. Perhaps, she should tell him she wasn’t Jamie. Maybe he loved her sister enough to help Patti.

  He might know who kidnapped Jamie.

  She opened her mouth.

  Or he might be the one who kidnapped her. She heard Jamie’s voice telling her not to be an idiot. Not to be so naive and trusting.

  She closed her mouth.

  He gently caressed her face again. “You were supposed to be back days ago. I tried to reach you on your phone. I do not like it when I can’t talk with you. I have been so worried.”

  This man didn’t know what had happened to Jamie.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to worry, but it was unavoidable.”

  His hands slipped to her shoulders. Her stomach clenched, and she couldn’t catch her breath. That bridge she hadn’t wanted to cross moved closer and closer.

  He stepped towards her, leaned down and kissed her with such passion it took her breath away.

  Bile rose up in her throat. She pushed and stepped back from him.

  His dark eyes flashed black with anger. “Is there a problem?”

  She’d made a mistake, a big mistake, but there was no way she could let this man touch her in such an intimate way.

  Jamie, help me out. Tell me what to say, how to act.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned toward him. “I’m not feeling well. I told you it was a rough trip, and I got home late. I’m exhausted. I’m sorry I didn’t call but—”

  His eyes were still angry, but his voice sounded calmer. “Yes, you should have. What happened with the merger?”

  A merger.

  Patti remembered Marcus telling her Jamie was a whiz at investing. That must be the cover Jamie used to leave often. She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it now.”

  He gave her an odd look.

  Jamie probably never said that in her life. It was hopeless. No way wo
uld Patti be able to convince this man she was Jamie. She still didn’t know his name, but was sure he was the Mr. Hamed Robert had spoken of, and, no doubt, Jamie’s lover.

  But Patti couldn’t call him Mr. Hamed.

  Her stomach churned and her head throbbed. Why, oh, why hadn’t she listened to Carter?

  “Would you like some coffee?” she asked, trying to buy time.

  “That would be fine,” His voice was stilted and formal.

  Patti felt her face flush with anxiety. Where did Jamie keep the coffee grinder? With the coffee, of course. She remembered seeing it last night as the delivery girl put away the groceries.

  She opened the cupboard.

  Thank You, God, thank you.

  The grinder stood in its rightful spot beside the coffee beans. She pulled out the container, working hard to keep her hand from shaking. The only sound in the room was the whirring of the grinder.

  The man walked up behind her and kissed her neck.

  She forced herself not to flinch.

  “You don’t seem yourself, ma cher.”

  No kidding.

  She had to get away from this man. “How do you expect me to feel? It was a long trip and things went badly. First the merger problems, my cell phone, and then lost luggage and then—”

  “Are you sure your luggage was lost? Perhaps it was confiscated.”

  “I don’t know. I never thought of it, but why would my luggage be confiscated?”

  “Who knows? Maybe the authorities are suspicious of you. The American government doesn’t like Americans who keep close contact with my people.”

  She pretended to think and then turned back to him. “I doubt it. I’m sure it was plain old, bad luck. It happens, you know. Not everything—”

  His black eyes pierced her like bullets. “Speaking of suspicions, my associates have voiced some suspicions of you.”


  Suspicions of you.

  Her heart hammered and she felt as if she’d been sucker punched. How was she going to get out of this mess she’d created? She had to play along. And pray.

  “Suspicious of me, why?”

  “They question your loyalty to me and to our beliefs. They find it hard to trust an American for obvious reasons. They do not understand why you are always flying off to this place and that.”

  “But you understand, don’t you?” she asked, making her voice lower.

  He nodded as his finger trailed down her shoulder and along her arm. “I have tried to explain to them you have obligations because of your job. I have assured them you are loyal to me, and to them.” His dark eyes pierced her own. “But now, the way you are acting today, I do not know. Perhaps…” His voice trailed off, his implication clear.

  “I don’t like the way that sounds,” she said, suddenly angry, instead of terrified. She stared at him boldly.

  Neither looked away, a battle of wills, which Jamie would win.

  Patti didn’t even breathe.

  Can’t back down.

  He relented with a smile. “I know you are loyal, but now it is time for you to convince them.”

  Patti’s heart raced, but she could breathe again. Did those words mean what she thought? If she could meet them, she might be able to find Jamie. “How am I supposed to do that?” With a theatrical sweep of her arms, she said, “I’m tired of all of this. Maybe we should forget abo—”

  His black eyes turned darker. “I have obligations I must fulfill. Soon it will all be over and then we will leave.”

  It will all be over.

  The words chilled her to the bone. What were these people planning?

  Patti stared at the man who knew Jamie so well. Better than she did.

  His skin was dark as if he worked outside or on a boat for a living. He wore an expensive tan linen suit which contrasted with his complexion. His black hair was long and wavy, giving him a rugged boyish look, though he appeared to be in his late thirties, or early forties.

  She must get away from him before he discovered she wasn’t Jamie.

  If this man was Jamie’s lover that probably meant he was a terrorist.


  Her throat dried up and she couldn’t breathe. Why hadn’t she listened to Carter? Too stubborn for her own good. And too selfish. She’d only been concerned about seeking absolution and assuaging her own guilt, rather than what was best for Sabrina.

  God, I’m so sorry. I keep making stupid decisions.

  It was imperative to convince this man she was Jamie until she could get away from him. “But what about me?” She whined as only Jamie could.

  He threw up his hands. “I support you and take care of you. I bought you this beautiful apartment. Doesn’t that show I love you?” He paced around the room. “I will quit the movement very soon, but the time is not right.”

  “I want to know what’s going on.”

  He looked up in shock, obviously surprised she had the audacity to ask such a question.

  Patti changed her tone and smiled. “I’m anxious for us to be together. How long before we can start our own life?”

  “Not long,” he promised her.

  “Why will you not tell me? Don’t you trust me?” Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest but she pressed on. Her sister might have died trying to find out what this man knew. “Tell me when this project you are working on will be done.”

  His black eyes darkened even more. “You know more than you should. If Rahmed knew the things I’ve told you, he would be very angry. I should never have let you become involved in any of this. It would have been better for you not to know.”

  Forgetting she was supposed to be Jamie, Patti jumped up. “But we will discuss it this time. You want me to give up everything for you. Then, you must show me you trust me. Tell me who this Rahmed is and what he is planning.”

  His face flushed and his eyes turned black with anger.

  She’d gone too far.

  The man walked toward her with a snarl on his face.

  She shouldn’t have pushed him.

  But as he came closer to Patti, his face turned almost gentle with only a hint of anger remaining. He touched her cheeks. “It has been so long since we have been together. Let’s not fight, ma cher. We have better things to do with our time.”

  The bridge was right in front of her once again.

  Her stomach clenched. She had to stop this, but she couldn’t risk making him angry again. “I am too upset to think of such things. And now you tell me that Rahmed doesn’t trust me. And you don’t trust me enough to tell me what’s happening. Instead you want to use me.” Her voice took on an edge of hysteria she didn’t have to fake.

  “I have never used you. I love you.” The steel in his eyes returned.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” Tears began to flow. Real tears, considering her circumstances. “I told you I wasn’t feeling well.”

  She looked away from him and her gaze landed on her purse. It occurred to her it contained her own ID not Jamie’s. What an idiot she was. She walked over and grabbed it. She had to get out of this place now. Terrified, she started for the elevator.

  She had to get to the elevator and out of this apartment, out of this town, and out of this state. The spacious room closed in on her.

  An arm grabbed her elbow.

  She turned toward this stranger—this terrorist.

  “What are you doing? Where are you going?” He looked confused by the turn in the conversation. “I don’t understand. Jamie, you seem different. You need to calm down.”

  “I am different. I…I…”

  He patted her arm. “Is it that time of the month?”

  Patti wanted to shout for joy. “Yes, yes, it is.”

  “Do not be upset. It is fine. I understand these things.”

  She smiled at him through her tears.

  “Never be afraid to tell me the truth, Jamie. I love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you. I will protect you.”

p; He might believe what he said, but Patti had a sinking feeling those words weren’t true. Someone in his organization had gone behind his back.

  “Have you forgotten? The Children’s Fund Benefit is today.” He looked at his watch. “And you are not ready.”

  “The Children’s Fund Benefit is today?” She stammered out the words. For all she knew, Jamie could be in charge of the event. “I’d forgotten all about it. What time is it?”

  “It’s at noon.” He gave her an odd look. “You need to get ready.”

  “I know. I know. Couldn’t we skip it?” she asked, hoping to buy time.

  He gave her a look of disdain.

  “I’m sorry, of course, we can’t miss it. I’m exhausted from the trip. I’m not thinking clearly. I still feel drained. Just give me time to take a shower and get dressed.”

  He still looked confused but he nodded, apparently satisfied with her answer. “I can make myself comfortable. I have calls to make, anyway.”

  She had to find a way to get him out of the apartment, so she could escape. Going into Jamie mode, Patti smiled coquettishly at him. “A woman needs private time to make herself beautiful for her man.”

  It was obvious her words pleased him.

  His body language relaxed and he smiled at her. He pointed at his watch. “You do not have much time, but I will give you one hour.”

  “Fine,” she managed to choke out. She would leave as soon as he left.

  “I have a surprise for you. Rahmed will be at the benefit. You will finally meet him today.” He touched her cheek and gave her a soft kiss before hitting the elevator button.

  Patti stared at the closed elevator doors.

  The man’s words echoed.

  Rahmed would be at this benefit. If she went, she would be able to meet Rahmed and learn his true identity.

  Jamie had risked her life to meet this man.

  If Patti had the courage, she could help Jamie before it was too late.

  The only rational thing to do was to get on that elevator and leave, and then call Carter.

  He was the professional.

  The FBI could question the guests and discover who Rahmed was and then they could make him tell where Jamie was being held.

  But maybe not.

  They hadn’t been able to discover who this monster was, even with Jamie being so involved in the situation.


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