Sisters By Choice

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Sisters By Choice Page 31

by Lillian Duncan

  Maria rubbed Layla’s back until the cries quieted. Guilt stabbed at her. Little girls were supposed to dream of being princesses, not have nightmares about bad guys chasing them.

  Maria brushed away her own tears. No time for a pity party.

  Both Suzanne and Conrad were sitting on the sofa when she came back.

  Suzanne attached the recorder and showed her the button to hit if it rang.

  Maria looked at her missed call log. “He’s called a dozen times. He’s going to be so angry.”

  “He can’t hurt you. You’re with us. We won’t let anything happen to you or to Layla,” Conrad promised.

  She knew he believed what he said, but Conrad didn’t know how evil Raymond was. Only God could protect them. “He promised me that he would never let me have Layla. He’s going to win.”

  “He’s not going to win.” Suzanne patted her arm. “You have to trust us.”

  “Even if he can’t hurt us,” Maria said. “What if he does have Emily?”

  Conrad leaned closer. “I don’t think he has Emily at all. He’s bluffing. I think you’re right when you said he was taking advantage of the situation. He probably saw her on the TV and figured out where the two of you lived and caught the first plane here.”

  She hoped he was right.

  “Why wait?” Suzanne asked. “Go ahead and call him back.”

  “It doesn’t have a number. It just says blocked.”

  “Give it a try and see what happens.”

  Nothing happened. Then the phone rang.

  She jumped.

  “Stay calm.” Suzanne hit the button on the recorder. “Tell him you have to talk with Emily before you’ll even think about meeting with him.”

  Maria nodded. “Hello.”

  “How dare you hang up on me and refuse my calls.” His voice was icy calm. “I told you to keep the phone on.”

  “I needed time to think.”

  “And have you had time to think, Maria? Have you decided whether you want sweet little Emily to live or die?”

  She closed her eyes, imagining the sneer on his face. “I want to talk with Emily. I need to know she’s OK.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt a child. Unless I have to. If you force me to, then I will. Emily’s fate is in your hands.”

  Tears fell on her cheeks.

  Conrad put a calming hand on her back.

  “I want to talk with Emily,” she told Raymond again.

  “No.” She heard the fury in that one word sentence. “She’s not here with me, but she’s somewhere safe. For the moment. But I am losing my patience with you, Maria. The time has come to make a trade. Emily’s life for Layla. And since you’re back in town, we need to make the trade. Soon.”

  She closed her eyes, fighting off the wave of nausea. She opened her eyes. “How do I know you even have Emily?”

  “Because I said so. I’m not going to argue with you. It’s impossible for her to talk with you at the moment. Maybe later.”

  Conrad made a slashing motion across his throat.

  “If you won’t let me talk to her then there’s nothing to talk about.” She pressed the end button. The phone immediately rang.

  “Go ahead. Answer it.” Conrad told her.

  With a trembling finger, she hit the button. “What?”

  “I think you are confused. I’m the one setting the rules. I will let you talk with her next time, and then we’ll set up a time and place to make the exchange. Where are you?”

  “None of your business.”

  “It is my business. If we’re going to set up an exchange we have to be in the same place.”

  “I’m not telling you.”

  The connection went silent.

  After flipping the phone shut, she looked over at the two police officers. “Maybe it wasn’t the bio dad. It sounds as if he really does have her. This is awful.”

  Conrad looked at her with compassion in his eyes. “We don’t know that. Stay calm. Unless I hear Emily’s voice on the other end of that phone, I’m not going to believe him. He also knew you were back in town.”

  “He must have had something to do with that man chasing me.”

  Suzanne’s doorbell rang.

  “It’s the chief.” Conrad got up and opened the door.

  A burly man with red hair and a mustache walked into the living room behind Conrad. “What’s going on, Travis?”

  Suzanne stood, so Maria did, too.

  “This is Veronica Minor…Maria Hammond…and she has told us why she has been hiding here in Sunberry.”

  Shock graced Ben Martin’s face, and then he recovered.

  “What about Emily?” Suzanne asked. “Did you find her?”

  “Not yet, but the FBI is following up on Conrad’s lead.”

  Suzanne stared at the men. “Are you sure they…”

  Ben put a hand on her arm. “I am absolutely sure they are doing everything they can to find Emily’s biological father. And I’m praying Emily will be right there beside him when they do. We’ll know when they know.”

  She nodded. “Did you talk to the Mosts?”

  “I did and they’re feeling very hopeful. Much better than the last time you saw them.”

  Maria watched the interaction between Suzanne and her boss. She was missing something, not that it mattered. Perhaps, the two of them…

  The chief turned away from Suzanne and back to Maria. He gave a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sorry, but I have to take you into custody.”


  Maria’s heart flip-flopped as she struggled to remain calm. “Custody? But I didn’t do anything.”

  Ben Martin’s rust-colored mustache twitched. He pressed his lips together. “I’m sorry, but that’s not for me to decide. The FBI issued a BOLO for you, and it’s my sworn duty to take you in.” He took a deep breath. “If it was my decision I’d reconsider…but it’s not.”

  “At least let her tell you her side of the story first.” Conrad said. “You really need to hear the whole story first. Believe me on that.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I still have to take her in.”

  Conrad stepped up beside her. His hand brushed against hers ever so slightly. It was as if he was telling her everything would be OK. He was here and he would keep his promises. “I understand that, but it does matter, Ben. She’s in danger, and so is her daughter. She’s in Witness Protection. If you take her in, they’ll be even more exposed.”

  “Witness Protection?” Ben’s eyes widened. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.”

  Suzanne said, “Someone’s been calling her claiming to be her dead husband and wanting to exchange Emily for her daughter.”

  Ben Martin looked down at his shoes for a few moments, no doubt processing the new information.

  Maria wanted to jump into his thoughts but decided silence was the better tactic with him.

  They waited.

  He looked up from his shoes. ”The Witness Protection Program, you say?”

  Conrad nodded. “It’s a long story, Ben. That’s why we wanted you to listen before you turned her over to the FBI.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  Maria sat back down on the sofa.

  Conrad moved to sit beside her. He laid his hand over hers.

  Turning her own hand into his, she gripped his and drew strength from his touch. She talked.

  Ben listened.

  When she finished Maria looked at the man who would decide her fate.

  Ben Martin fingered his red mustache and stared at her.

  Did he believe her? She fought the urge to say something more, something to convince him, but there was nothing more to say.

  “It sounds as if you were in Kentucky at the time of the murder. The FBI should be able to verify that with the gas receipt. I believe you, but…” He looked from her to Conrad to Suzanne. “We have no choice. I’ve got to take her to the FBI, but—”

  “No way. It’s too dangerous.” Conrad’s hand tight
ened around hers.

  Ben held up a hand. “Let me finish. First, we need to talk with the U.S. Marshal handling your case and see how she wants us to proceed. You are their problem…I mean their jurisdiction.” He gave a tight smiled.

  “Makes sense,” Suzanne agreed.

  “But someone in that organization might have leaked Maria’s new identity and whereabouts to her husband.” Conrad said the very thought that she had.

  “True, but not likely.” Ben shook his head. “More likely, it happened the way Zink said. Someone saw her on TV and recognized her. It wouldn’t take long after that to figure out where they were.”

  Maria knew if Morgan Reed had only listened to her, she wouldn’t be in this position now. They would be far away from here and from Raymond. And Layla wouldn’t be in danger once again. On the other hand, she wouldn’t be sitting here with Conrad, either. And being near him made her feel safer than she had in the year since this nightmare started.


  Conrad gave Maria’s hand a squeeze. He couldn’t imagine all she’d lived through in the past year—the betrayal of her husband and the terror of her child being kidnapped. He was in awe and admiration of her bravery and the strength it must have taken to rebuild her life. He would do what he could to keep her and her daughter safe.

  “But someone lied about Raymond being dead,” Maria said.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Once you listen to the recording, you might decide it’s not Raymond at all.” Suzanne held up the tape recorder.

  “Let’s hold up on listening to the tape and call the U.S, Marshal, first,” Ben told Zink. He looked at Maria. “Do you have the number?”

  “It’s in my phone.” Maria removed her hand from Conrad’s and got her purse. She handed her phone to Ben. “Morgan Reed.”

  “Don’t you want to talk? Explain what’s going on.”

  “You can. She might believe you. Besides, I want to check on Layla.” Maria walked down the hall.

  Ben put the phone on speaker, and then hit a number.

  A woman answered. “Veronica, what’s up?”

  “This isn’t Veronica. I’m Chief Ben Martin from the Sunberry Police Department. We’ve got a situation here.”

  A slight pause. “Where’s Veronica? I need to talk to her. Now.” The woman’s voice held a sense of urgency.

  The chief jerked his head towards the play room, signaling Conrad to get Maria.

  Conrad knocked on the door but got no response. He opened the door and peeked in.

  Mother and daughter were curled on the bed together sleeping. A smile tugged at his heart.

  Maria had told them it had been almost twenty-four hours since she’d slept. She needed the rest.

  He closed the door quietly and walked back to the living room. He whispered to Ben. “She’s asleep and I’m not waking her up. She’s exhausted. From what I can figure out, she hasn’t slept in almost twenty-four hours. Whatever’s going to happen, she needs some rest before it does or she won’t be any good to anyone, especially Layla.”

  Ben nodded and explained the situation to the marshal.

  Zink’s mouth twitched into a smile and her eyes met Conrad’s.

  “Don’t say it, Zink.”

  She held up her hands. “Me? I wasn’t going to say a thing. But you’ve got to admit the two of you make a good-looking couple.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  The chief ended his call with the Marshal and looked at Conrad.

  “What does this Morgan Reed want us to do?” Conrad asked.

  “She’ll arrange a meet with the FBI, Maria, and herself at a neutral place. Somewhere non-public. Where they can talk in private.”

  “Like here?” Conrad asked, but Zink was already shaking her head. He knew she was a private person. The last thing she would want would be for more strangers to cross her threshold. He was surprised she’d been so welcoming to Maria and Layla.

  Well, not really. Zink couldn’t resist a child in trouble. Ever. But he also noticed a growing bond between Maria and Zink. Probably a good thing for both of them.

  Ben shook his head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. I was thinking the motel out by the highway. That’s what I suggested to her, anyway. She’ll call me back to confirm time and location.”

  “What’s the point of the meet?” If someone had betrayed Maria to her ex-husband’s people, Conrad didn’t want to make it easy for them to find her and finish the job.

  “To let the FBI ask their questions, and then move Maria and Layla to a new location with new identities.”

  Conrad stared at his boss. Maria gone? Before he had a chance to even know her. It hadn’t occurred to him that would happen. But of course, that made sense. They’d been on national TV. Time to move on to another new life. Tough choice, but the right choice, he supposed. Their safety was paramount.

  “Now what?” Zink asked.

  Ben’s shoulder’s relaxed. “Let her sleep for now. Conrad’s right, she’s going to have a tough few hours. The more rest she gets the better for her. Besides, the Marshal can’t make it for several hours. In the meantime, I’m going to see what’s happening with Emily.”


  “I’m not leaving Layla.” Maria glared at Conrad and the others as they sat around Suzanne’s dining room table. She couldn’t keep her daughter safe if they weren’t together. Raymond was out there somewhere. He would find them and take her away from Maria forever.

  “I know it’s difficult, but she’ll be safe here. But if you really want to take her with us, I won’t stop you. It’s up to you.” Conrad’s voice was calm and rational.

  “Do you really want Layla exposed to the questions the FBI wants to ask you?” Suzanne looked at her. “And the answers you have to give them?”

  Maria bit her lip. Neither option was good and as much as she hated leaving Layla, she definitely didn’t want her to hear the things she had to say about her father. Ever.

  “Zink can take care of her, right? She’ll be safe here.” Conrad smiled at her with assurance. “No one knows the two of you are here except us and the chief. This is probably the safest place for her to be right now.”

  Maria considered his words. The FBI would eventually let her go. She hadn’t kidnapped or killed anyone. And she had to keep Layla out of sight and away from Raymond. Trusting herself to make the right decision was so hard for her anymore.

  Her gaze met Conrad’s. Trusting Conrad, she nodded. “She can stay here.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” Suzanne smiled. “I have an excellent alarm system I’ll set. Nobody’s going to get through that system.”

  Conrad touched Maria’s shoulder. “And we’ve got BOLOs out for Raymond, David Hamm, and his rental car. He won’t get close to you or the motel. The FBI and the U.S. Marshals will make sure of that.”

  Maria knew Conrad believed what he was saying. But he didn’t know Raymond or what the man was capable of. She nodded, but said nothing.

  “Good,” Suzanne said. “Sounds like a plan to me. Maria can go in and answer the FBI’s questions, and I’ll keep Layla here with me.”

  Conrad walked over to Maria. “If they ask about her, tell them she’s visiting a friend. They don’t have to know who or where the friend is. Once they’re done with their questions, the Marshals can escort you back, you get Layla, and you’ll be off to a new life.” Conrad stared at her.

  She couldn’t meet his eyes. The spark between them was real, but now she would never know if it could have turned into more. “I guess that’s how it has to be. But…” What could she say? That she didn’t want to go? That she wanted to stay here—with Conrad? That he made her feel safe? But that was crazy talk, she barely knew the man. She certainly didn’t know him well enough to trust him. “Fine.”

  Suzanne cleared her throat. “We have a little time before you have to go. Do you want to listen to the recording now?”

  “Good idea,” Conrad said. “Maybe you’ll decide it�
��s not your dead husband back from the grave. According to Morgan Reed, it’s not possible that it’s Raymond. He’s dead.”

  Maria prayed that would be the case—but she didn’t have much hope. She knew in her heart Raymond was alive, because she’d never felt safe since the day she’d discovered her husband was a monster.

  Suzanne hit the button on the recorder, but her doorbell buzzed at the same time.

  “I’ll get it.” Suzanne walked towards the door.

  “How’re you holding up?” Conrad leaned close and picked up her hand.

  “Truthfully, I’m numb. My mind doesn’t seem to be functioning.”

  “You are a strong woman, Maria. Look at all you’ve been through, and you’re not only still here, but you’re smiling most of the time. I have nothing but admiration for how well you’ve handled all this.”

  Tears welled up and she wiped them away. “Thanks. That means a lot.” She squeezed his hand.

  “The chief’s back.” Suzanne came in, followed by the chief.

  Chief Martin sat down and pressed the button on the recorder.

  The group listened to the recording two times without comment.

  Finally, Ben looked at Maria. “So, do you still think it’s your dead husband talking?”

  If it wasn’t Raymond, then who was it? The thought that it wasn’t Raymond terrified her almost as much as if it was. “I’m not sure. It sounds like him, but not exactly. This man’s voice isn’t quite as deep as Raymond’s, but it is still, cold and unfeeling.” Hearing the voice made her sick to her stomach. “I can’t be sure.”

  “Maybe Layla could—”

  “No way, Ben.” Conrad said. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s just a little girl who thinks her dad is an angel. She doesn’t need to hear him talking about kidnapping her best friend.”

  The protectiveness in his voice warmed Maria’s heart. She looked at him with gratitude.

  He smiled back at her.

  “Fine, fine. You’re right. I wasn’t thinking about it from that point of view.”

  “You certainly weren’t thinking, chief.” Suzanne glared at her boss. “Sometimes, I wonder about you.”


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