Sisters By Choice

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Sisters By Choice Page 32

by Lillian Duncan

  Maria ran her fingers through her hair. “None of this makes any sense. Whether this man is Raymond or not, he has to know I would never let him have Layla willingly. So why would he try to arrange an exchange? He knows it would be a setup.”

  “Good point, Maria.” Conrad’s hand rested on her shoulder. “Why is he going through with this charade, whether he has Emily or not?”

  She fought the urge to grasp Conrad’s hand. His touch seemed to keep her anchored, keep her from crumbling. Conrad thought she was a strong woman, but she had no strength left. Saying a silent prayer, she asked for wisdom and peace.

  Chief Martin heaved a sigh as he plopped down in a chair. “Because he doesn’t know where you are. He can’t take Layla until he can find the two of you.”

  “Perfect poker play,” Conrad spoke up. “So he’s trying to force your hand.”

  Maria nodded. “So, he can steal her away from me again. So, you don’t think it was Raymond Layla saw at school?”

  “If it had been him at school that afternoon,” the chief said, “he would have taken her and been gone before you knew anything was amiss.”

  “It had to have been her imagination.” Conrad paced around the room. “I’ve heard of this phenomenon before. People believe they see the ghost of a deceased loved one. It’s not all that uncommon.”

  Had that happened to him after the death of his wife?

  “Add in the fact, Layla is a highly imaginative young girl and it all makes sense,” Conrad said. “It was simply a coincidence that it happened on the same day as Emily’s abduction.”

  “I don’t buy it,” Suzanne chimed in. “It’s too coincidental that she saw him the same day Emily went missing.”

  “But if it was Raymond, why wouldn’t he have just taken Layla and disappeared?” Maria asked. “And how did he find us here?”

  Conrad picked up his coffee, but didn’t drink. “For what it’s worth, I agree with the chief. Maria, you didn’t get a call until after Layla was on TV. I think someone recognized her and decided to take advantage of the situation to get her.”

  “Assuming it’s not Raymond,” Suzanne said, “who would do that?”

  “I can’t think of anyone except Raymond or his family,” Maria murmured.

  Ben leaned forward. “Can you get us a list of his family members?”

  “I can’t. I thought he was Raymond Hammond from Brooklyn. I don’t know a thing about the real Rahmed Hamed.” To her horror, tears leaked from her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m…I’m terrified. I can’t think straight. If something happens to Layla…”

  Conrad sat beside her and picked up her hand with a gentle touch. “We understand. We’re not going to let anyone hurt Layla or take her from you.” The warmth in his gaze made her feel safe—safer than she’d felt in a long time.

  She nodded. “There might be someone else who can help.”

  “Who?” Ben and Conrad asked at the same time.

  “His name is Marcus Hanks. He works for the FBI, but I don’t know how to contact him.”

  “That’s OK. I do. I have a friend in the FBI. He’ll be able to get me some contact information.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Who is that?” Maria jumped up, panicked.

  “It’s Nick Johns.” Conrad looked out the window, and then turned to Maria. ”Another police officer from Sunberry.”

  “Yeah.” Suzanne rolled her eyes. “And one who’s been missing for a day. He has some explaining to do as well.”

  “He’s only part-time and he wasn’t scheduled to work.” The chief said.

  “Still, I can’t believe he just left and went home and took a nap while Emily was missing. It’s pitiful.” Suzanne’s voice rose with outrage.

  “Not everyone has your work ethic.” Conrad pointed out.

  The doorbell rang again.

  Conrad’s gaze moved to Maria. “The more people who know about you and Layla, the more likely it’s going to become public knowledge.”

  To have people worried about her—taking care of her felt good. She stood.

  “Zink, can you put her somewhere for a few moments until we get rid of Nick?” the chief asked.

  “Go back to Layla’s room.” Suzanne waited for Maria to leave.

  Maria hurried down the hall and slipped into Layla’s room.

  “Hold on,” Susanne called. “I’m coming.”


  Not wanting Nick to notice the number of coffee cups, Conrad gathered them from the table and walked into the kitchen.

  Zink opened the door. “Well, Nick, nice of you to join us. Did you have a nice nap?” She motioned for him to step in.

  Conrad walked back into the living room as Nick entered the house.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Zink put her hands on her hips. “It means we’ve been calling you for two days and you haven’t bothered to return any of my calls.”

  “Been busy,” he mumbled.

  “Nick, I know you’re only part time, but I do expect you to be available in emergencies,” the chief said. “And this town is in an emergency. It’s not like you didn’t know that.”

  Red crept up Nick’s neck. “I know that. And normally I would be, but I had my own emergency. My dad had a heart attack.”

  “Is he all right?” Zink’s expression made it clear she didn’t believe him.

  Conrad couldn’t blame her. Trust was difficult for her, too. Probably as much as for Maria.

  “He’s still in intensive care, but the doctors say he’ll be fine. I went to the station and couldn’t find any of you, so I went to your house, chief, and then Conrad’s. Finally came out here. I know I have a shift tonight, but I can’t work it. I came back to get a few things, pick up my dog, and get back to Cleveland.”

  Suspicion nibbled at Conrad. He wondered what Leonard might find when he looked into Nick Johns’s life. He’d certainly found details about Emily Most that weren’t common knowledge.

  Conrad excused himself and walked towards the bedroom. The door opened before he could knock.

  Maria put a finger to her lips as he slipped in.

  Layla was still asleep on the bed.

  “She’s exhausted,” Maria whispered as she caressed her daughter’s hair.

  A lump formed in his throat. His voice was quiet as he spoke. “So I see. You must be tired, too.”

  “I slept for a while. I’m feeling much more rested. I just want this to be over.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked. “Really, I want to help.”

  She stared at him with her chocolate brown eyes.

  His heart jumped into his throat. Those were eyes he could stare into forever.

  She smiled and touched his cheek. “I’m fine. Really. You being here has been such a…such a blessing to me.”

  Conrad managed a chuckle. “A blessing? Nobody’s called me that before.”

  She smiled at him. “I have a feeling that’s not true in the least. You go out of your way to help others.”

  “I’m sorry to see you leaving Sunberry. I’d hoped…” His gaze caught hers. “I’d hoped we’d have time to get to know each other.”

  “Me, too.” She looked away. “I’m so tired of all of this. Of running. Of lying. Of being afraid.”

  He moved closer and put his arms around her. Perfect fit.

  She laid her head on his shoulder. “I felt horrible lying to you about my name and everything.”

  He felt rather than heard her sobs. He caressed her hair while she cried.

  After a time, she moved away. She looked up with red, watery eyes. “Thanks, I needed that.”

  “Glad to be of service. You’re going to get through this, Maria. You’re stronger than you know. I think you’re incredible.”

  “I’m glad I met you. I only wish I’d gotten to go to that Bucks game with you. Even if you didn’t actually invite me to it…yet.”

  “But I was going to.”

  She laughed.

  Conrad cracked the bedroom door in time to hear Zink and the chief telling Nick goodbye. He waited until the front door closed. He motioned to Maria and held the door for her. They went down the hall, close, but not touching.

  The chief and Zink were whispering in the kitchen.

  Maria went out the living room and sank onto the sofa.

  Conrad sat beside her.

  “It must be horrible for the Mosts right now,” Maria said, uncomfortable with the sudden silence. “I hope they find Emily soon.”

  “Me, too,” Conrad said. “I’ve seen what it does first hand.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh…um…it’s not my story to tell.”

  “Whose story is it?”

  The chief and Zink came into the room. Both looked grim. Conrad nodded his head towards Zink, but said nothing.

  “I’m sorry, Maria.” The chief’s voice was gentle. “But it’s time to go. I have to take you to the FBI.”

  “Don’t worry about Layla.” Zink reassured Maria. “She’ll be right here safe the whole time. Better go say goodbye before you leave.”

  Maria hugged Zink. “I’m sure she will be. It makes me feel a lot better knowing she’s here with you.”


  Layla was sitting up in the bed, her hands clasped in prayer. Her eyes popped open as Maria walked into the room. “Hi, Mommy. I was praying for Emily.”

  “You’re a good girl. Prayer is always the best thing we can do in any situation.” Maria held up a plate. “Are you hungry?”

  Layla nodded and scooted off the bed. The coloring book and crayons adorned the desk, and toys were scattered on the floor. “Why can’t I come out there?”

  “Oh, we’re talking about adult things. Things you wouldn’t even care to hear about.”

  “If it’s about Emily, I do want to hear it.”

  “I know you do, baby. But remember what I told you about a mommy protecting her child. That’s all I’m doing. I won’t hide anything from you about Emily. I promise, even if it’s bad. But there’s no reason to worry about things until we know for sure.”

  Layla searched her mother’s eyes and nodded with apparent satisfaction. “What did you bring?” she asked.

  “Your favorite—peanut butter and jelly for two.”

  “Thanks, Mommy.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie.” After a few bites, Maria continued. “Layla, I have to leave for a while.”

  “Without me?”

  Maria nodded.

  “Are you going to find Emily?”

  “That would be wonderful if that happened. I can’t make a promise, but we’re going to do our best.”

  Layla’s gaze was serious.

  “Miss Suzanne is going to stay here with you. You’ll be safe.”

  “I want to go with you, Mommy.”

  “I know, and I want you with me, but you can’t. I have some adult things I have to do. You’ll have a lot more fun here with Miss Suzanne. Don’t worry. OK?”


  Maria pulled her close. Her daughter had trust in her words as only an innocent child could have. No wonder Jesus had said one must become like a child to enter the Kingdom.

  Help me, Jesus. To have that same childlike faith.

  “I love you, Layla. You are the best daughter ever.”

  “You’re the best Mommy ever, too.” Layla grinned. “I love you, too, Mommy.”

  “I know that, sweetie.” Maria pulled up from the kneeling position. “Layla, if something…oh never mind. I’m not sure when I’ll be back. You listen to Miss Suzanne while I’m gone, OK?”

  “OK.” Layla grabbed her hand and they walked out of the room together.

  She had so much she wanted to say to Layla—in case she didn’t come back.

  She sucked in a breath. God would take care of her. She’d have a chance to tell Layla everything later.

  Maria unclasped her hand from Layla’s. Her hand shook as she picked up her purse.

  I can do this. I can do all things through Christ who is my rock.

  After one last hug, she didn’t turn back until she was at the car with Conrad and the chief.

  “I’ll follow you in my vehicle.” Chief Martin went to his own car.

  Suzanne waved from the door.

  Layla peeked out and waved.

  Maria’s eyes filled with tears. Would they ever be able to have a normal life? Or had Raymond stolen that from them forever? She answered her own question, knowing God promised beauty for ashes. Somewhere out of the ashes, a better life waited for her and for Layla.

  “Ready to go?” Conrad asked as she buckled her belt.

  She nodded.

  He put the car in reverse and backed out.

  She was terrified. But Conrad was with her. He’d promised to keep her safe.

  And she believed him.


  Conrad’s gaze swept from side to side, and then back to the rearview mirror. Someone was out there watching for Maria and he was determined to keep her safe.

  Her dark, sultry eyes touched him. It was hard to imagine all she’d been through the past year. And yet she was still sweet, kind, and funny.

  Her smile made him believe love was possible for him once again. A sad longing filled him that it wouldn’t be with Maria. She would have to disappear as soon as the FBI released her. Still, she’d awakened emotions that had been dormant since his wife’s death. Love and a full life were possible again. God might still have a few surprises for him.

  “So once we get to the hotel the FBI will question you, and when they’re done the U.S. Marshals will escort you back to Zink’s to pick up Layla.”

  “I’m so tired of moving.”

  A spark of hope ignited, but he immediately extinguished it. “I’m sure you are, but they can keep you safe. That’s the important thing.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “But I want you to know that no matter where you end up, if you need me, all you have to do is call and I’ll come running.”

  “Aren’t those the words to a song?”

  “Close enough.” He chuckled. “In fact, go ahead and put my cell phone number into your phone. Right now. That way you’ll always have a way to get hold of me.”

  “They won’t let me keep in touch. It’s too easy these days to do an electronic trace.”

  “Memorize my number and call from a pay phone, then.”

  She nodded, but remained silent.

  They arrived at the hotel without incident. He drove to the back entrance. A man and a woman stood by the door.

  “That’s Morgan Reed, my liaison with the Marshals.”

  “I’ll drop you off, and then park. See you in a minute.” He reached over and squeezed her hand.

  Maria rewarded him with a smile and stepped out of the car.


  Maria stood there as Conrad drove off to park the car.

  Morgan hurried to her side. With gun drawn, she escorted Maria into the hotel.

  Two FBI agents stood on either side of the door.

  Maria was hustled into the room where two more blue-jacketed men stood. Her throat constricted. They didn’t look very friendly. Convincing them of her innocence might be harder than she thought.

  Her stomach clenched. She was getting a funny feeling. One she didn’t like.

  “Where’s Layla?” Morgan asked. “You were supposed to bring her with you.”

  “She’s at a friend’s.”

  The woman actually gritted her teeth as she spoke. “That wasn’t the way it was supposed to happen. Where is she?”

  “Why do you need to know?” Maria’s instincts were screaming and it took everything she had not to panic.

  “Because she needs to be moved to a new location.”

  She? Not they? Maria’s pulse sped up. “Don’t you mean we need to be moved to a new location?”

  Morgan wouldn’t look at her.

  Maria touched Morg
an’s arm. “What’s the problem? What’s going on? I want to know. I have a right to know.”

  One of the agents stepped forward. He was large and imposing. “I’m Nat Daniels, special-agent-in-charge.”

  Maria nodded.

  Nat Daniels turned to Morgan. “We don’t have time for this, Reed. We’ve got a job to do. You said the girl would be with her. She’s not and that’s not our problem. You can deal with that later.”

  Maria backed away. Something bad was happening here and she needed to leave. Needed to get to Conrad.

  A second man stepped forward. “Maria Hammond, you’re under arrest for the murder of Julianna Vance. Put your hands behind your back.” He put a hand on her arm.

  “Who is Julianna Vance?” She jerked away from him. “I didn’t kill any—”

  Two of the other FBI agents forced her to the floor. They twisted her arms behind her back.

  “Do not resist arrest.” Someone’s voice droned in her ear.

  Her face was smashed against the carpet and she couldn’t breathe. Cold metal cuffs were snapped around her wrists. She was pulled up from the floor by her arms.

  She stared at them. This couldn’t be happening. She’d thought they were on her side. They were supposed to listen to her, not arrest her. They were supposed to be concerned about Raymond or whoever was calling her. How could they believe she killed someone?

  Someone knocked on the door. The agents looked at each other, and then at Morgan Reed. She shrugged.

  “Conrad Travis. Sunberry Police Department.”

  “Who invited him to the party?” Nat Daniels glared at the door and then at Morgan.

  “Not me,” Morgan said. “I thought he was dropping her off. That was the plan.”

  Conrad knocked again, louder and more forceful.

  Nat Daniels grimaced. “You apparently didn’t have your plans straight. We can’t have him drawing attention to himself or us. Let him in.”

  Maria struggled to keep tears from falling.

  Conrad must have known what they were going to do, and he hadn’t even warned her what was about to happen. Maybe she’d been wrong about him.

  The fourth agent opened the door.

  Conrad’s gaze took in the room full of agents, and then found her. His eyes widened. “What is going on here?”

  Morgan Reed stepped in between them. “We all need to stay calm. She’s under arrest.”


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