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Game For Love: Gridiron Heartbreaker (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Gridiron Bad Boys Book 2)

Page 7

by Melissa Blue

  The easy way tended to involve a lot of skin to skin contact. Her panties grew damp, and her body was more than ready to experience his way. What happened when he touched her was magnetic.

  She leaned forward, full and content. “What's wrong with the hard way?”

  “Takes too long,” he said in a serious tone.

  She bit the inside of her lip for a moment. “You can miss stuff if you go too fast.”

  “Then I won't.”

  Her head kept yelling at her to be cautious and she couldn't help but listen. “Why?”

  “Because...” He hit her with his smile. “I like you when you're being a five star restaurant and when you're a taco truck.”

  “You're such a romantic.” She laughed though.

  He rose from the couch and offered his hand. “I know what I want.”

  “You know what you want today, right now.”

  “I can make a fair guess, I'll feel this way tomorrow.”

  He kissed her, not giving her time to argue. She didn't mind the guerrilla tactics. Yes, she'd missed him. They had a nice dinner, but they both knew why he'd sent her a plane, and it wasn't to hold hands. She'd gotten on the jet for the same reason.

  At least with sex there was no point to question the chemistry. Not when her skin felt heated and tight. With a kiss. A caress of his fingers along her neck.

  A shiver ran through her when he scraped his nails over her nipples. She felt the zing through her shirt. Soon she'd be putty in his hands.

  So...she returned the favor. Starting at his collarbone, she lightly ran her fingernails down his chest. When she got to his shorts, she slid her fingers past the elastic band. She moaned. He'd gone commando.

  “You had high hopes for my visit,” she murmured.

  He nipped the corner of her mouth. “Always an optimist.”

  She kept her hand on his shorts and kicked off her shoes. The rasp of his pubic hair tickled her knuckles. He grabbed her hands then imprisoned them behind her back.

  “Not tonight,” he said. “It's about you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I wasn't as thorough as I could have been the last time we were together.” He bent down to her ear and whispered, “Get on the bed.”

  “Okay,” she said, wary but a spike of anticipation settled into her stomach as she climbed onto the bed.

  “Get undressed,” he ordered in a tone that made her brows go up.

  “Like that, huh?”

  He raised a brow instead of answering and she could see why and how he led his team on the field. Once again he was being bossy and she kind of liked it. So she watched him intently as he moved over to the dresser, and with care he pulled out a few interesting things.

  “So food is the only thing you waited to order?” she asked, a little breathless to see the small vibrator.

  “I wanted your trip to be worth it.” He threaded the silk black scarf between his fingers then came over to the bed. “You're not naked, Alyssa.”

  She scraped her teeth over her bottom lip. “Are you going to give me a spanking?” she asked playfully, but the way his eyes narrowed sent her heart into overdrive. “Are you?” she breathed.

  He stood utterly still when he asked, “Do you want me to?”

  “I-I don't know.”

  “I will only do things you consent to, but right now...Clothes. Off.”

  Her hands shook as she tugged off her clothes. He stood there beside the bed, patient and watchful. Her nipples were hard points of need by the time she'd tossed her underwear on the floor.

  Her breath hitched when he climbed on the bed and straddled her thighs. She was caged beneath him and the thrill of that made her wetter. She squirmed to ease the ache in her clit.

  “What now?” she asked.

  “You grab hold to the edge of the mattress.” He waited until she did. “Close your eyes and feel.”

  Trusting him, Alyssa closed her eyes. She jolted at the cool silk brushing along her abdomen.

  “Relax. I'm going to touch you this way. Heighten your senses.”

  Lightly he circled her belly button with the material. It wasn't better than his tongue but different and as arousing. He drew bigger and bigger circles on her stomach then dragged the silk across one nipple. She gasped at the shock of sensation.

  “You like that?” he asked.


  With an even lighter touch, he used the scarf like it was his tongue, flicking, caressing the hardened nub. Then the other. She fisted her hands into the bed when he closed his mouth around one tip, but continued to use the silk to tease her other nipple.

  It was maddening. She squeezed her thighs together, but it wasn't enough friction or pressure for her clit. Not even close. Alyssa moaned.


  “Are you ready for the vibrator?”

  “I was five minutes ago.”

  His chuckle brought gooseflesh to her skin. “Open your eyes.”

  She did, only to see him put the vibrator between his lips then down between her slit. Her hips jerked up. She was so hungry for direct contact.

  “Patience,” he admonished. With a flick of his thumb, he turned the vibrator on. “Our little toy is not wet enough to do the job right.”

  He pressed the plastic deeper and she had to close her eyes at the buzz teasing her entrance.

  “There,” he murmured. “You're so wet. I want you to hold this between your legs. You'll let me know when I have the toy in the right position.”

  He trailed the vibrator up and she moaned when it rested right on her clit. “Hold it, babe. Right there. Squeeze your thighs together as tight as you can.”

  If she could have formed words, hell, scare up some thoughts, she might have replied, but all her focused shifted to holding the buzz between her legs. Then his hands gliding up her torso, over her breasts and finally on her hands.

  For a moment, he didn't do anything, just watched her face. “Can I tie you up, Alyssa?”

  Her legs trembled as she tried to be still and not move the vibrator one inch. “Yes. Yes.”

  He rained kisses on her palms then the tips of her fingers as he wound the scarf between her wrists. “Too tight?”

  No, but her insides were as she edged closer to an orgasm.

  “I need to hear you say it, Alyssa.”

  “No. God. No. I...”

  He leaned back, bringing his attention to the vibrator. He slipped his finger behind it and so subtly increased the pressure. That small adjustment was all that she needed. Her mind blanked of all else but the way her body curled into the orgasm. Her throat felt raw as she moaned loud and long.

  Then the vibrator was gone and his mouth was on hers as he murmured soothing platitudes. She didn't know what he needed to make up for, but she half-hoped he had a lot more guilt left.

  He shifted so his legs were between hers. “Do you know what I love?”

  “Turning me speechless?”

  He bent to kiss her inner thigh. “I was going to say something. And now...”

  Another kiss, closer to her inner lips. “You don't have to talk.”

  He didn't laugh, didn't need to—he'd busied his mouth. Blaine closed his lips over hers and sucked slowly. She was so sensitive after the climax, she tried to sit up and move from the direct contact. Her arms refused to budge past her middle. Alyssa glanced up past her hands and saw even though the scarf had plenty of give, he'd tied the end to a low metal rung on the headboard.

  He moved his mouth and looked into her eyes. “Tell me if you want me to stop or you want me to untie you.”

  “You were doing something important before you started to worry about my ability to tell you no.”

  It was mesmerizing to watch him move back and forth between the folds of her pussy. Breathtaking to watch the flash of pink as he licked her slowly. She wasn't going to have a brain by the time he was done.

  Did she need to think?

  Should she?

y not when he used his tongue and the vibrator in tandem. That was the last real thought she had for the next ten minutes.

  When she could pay attention and see straight, Blaine had already climbed out of his basketball shorts, his face flushed a deep red as he rolled a condom down his shaft. He was as effected by the foreplay. Why that was comforting, she would never know, but she arched her hips up to help him along.

  The sound he made deep in his chest made her shiver. “Turn over,” he said.

  She could only moved her arms to her torso. “I need help.”

  He flipped her, none too gentle and she had to was a little hot. He was manhandling her in the strictest sense, but his complete domination of her mind and body left her breathless. She stretched forward and gripped both the scarf and the edge of the mattress, her arms beneath her.

  “What now?” she asked, her voice husky.

  He lightly brought his hand down on her butt. “You learn to ask me every question you have.”

  She glanced behind her. There wasn't a smile. He had his third and tenth expression. This was important, vital. For a man who only got serious when it came to football and not women, she should have been worried. Excitement shouldn't have played over her nerves, but it did.

  He rubbed his hand over where his palm had landed. “There shouldn't be any doubts between us.”

  The next smack was harder but a sharp thrill tightened her insides.

  What had he done to her? A wanton fever nipped at her from a spanking. She was considering keeping in any deep doubts and worries so she could experience the full brunt of his hand on her ass as he fucked her.

  Fear, finally, edged its way in. She pulled forward two minutes later. The heat of his body edged away from hers. For a second she thought he was done. He'd end their naughty play.

  He placed his mouth on her tailbone. She couldn't hear the words he murmured, but his hot breath brushed the small of her back. Eventually, he pressed his hips against her ass and his mouth was at her lobe.

  “I'm asking you to trust me and believe I won't hurt you,” he said. “I'm with you right now, as nervous and uncertain as you are. I want us closer than skin to skin.”

  “Spanking me will do that?”


  She closed her eyes, her heart racing. “Okay.”

  He trailed his mouth back down, but his hand already cupped one ass cheek. She tensed.

  “Relax,” he murmured. “I'll wait.”

  One by one, she relaxed each taut muscle. The sting of the slap stole her breath. If she had a complaint about the pain, he soothed it away, his palm rubbing at the heated skin. She tensed, waiting for the next hit, but Blaine's cock teased at her entrance.

  Only three weeks since they were together, and she was so wet after everything he'd done—still she felt herself stretching having to accommodate his girth. The sting of another slap to her cheek made the world whirl. She could come like that. Her pussy clenched at the realization.

  A deep thrust followed the sharp blow. The way he caressed her so lovingly after such a stark display of arousal turned her on the most.

  He stroked into her more, slow and fast, hard and soft then a blow that sharpened her senses. It was enough, more than enough, but then she felt the sensuous buzz of the vibrator against her anus.

  Her world dimmed around the edges and if he'd meant to have a conversation, there wasn't going to be any hope of it. She was riding a titillating overload to the brink of sanity, imprisoned by pleasure and pain and him.

  From his raspy groans with every thrust, Alyssa could guess he was right there with her. Every time she moaned or quaked or fucked him back, he seemed as lost to the raw lovemaking.

  But he wasn't buckling like she was. Her walls were tumbling down, letting him in. Yes, it was sex but how could she face him with an impassive facade when he'd made her swallow a scream? When her every limb shook from the ferocity of the oncoming orgasm?

  He landed a blow that shook her from head to toe. Her skin was so damn sensitive, the sex so fucking earth-shattering she came. Hard. Shuddering. The scream made its way out. She clutched the silk tie and tried to breathe as her body wracked. Finally he fucked her with a steady, hard rhythm until he seemed to lose control—his hips convulsed as he shouted. He pressed his mouth to her the center of her spine. She melted into the mattress and he followed, sprawling himself against her.

  A throbbing pain radiated from her wrists as she realized she'd pulled against the restraints until her fingers had gone numb. “Blaine, untie me. Hurts.”

  He grunted his understanding. Within moments she was free but she still couldn't feel anything. He'd rendered her body mute.

  After a few minutes, he pulled out. “Any questions?”

  She laughed softly. Did she need to know how he felt about her? Yes, she wanted to hear the words. They still mattered. She hadn't been out of the dating world long enough to let go of that kind of need.

  But did she believe he was as caught up in their whirlwind affair as she was? Yes. She finally did. A part of her relaxed as their sweat-soaked skin clung to each other.

  “How much longer do we have?” she asked, falling into the mattress.

  He crooked his face into her neck. “Can't see the clock. I don't know. But the plane will be ready whenever you are.”


  She couldn't help but worry about that even as sated and content she felt.


  Propped on his side with one elbow, Blaine used the other to caress Alyssa. He couldn't seem to stop touching her. She cuddled closer, shifting her shoulder a smidgen so the journey his finger was making went down her spine instead. But her eyes were closed as she rested her head inches from his chest.

  A million different words fought to come out and he swallowed them all down.

  Why did you let me spank you?

  What makes you trust me?

  Will you stay with me for the next two days?

  He didn't know which question to launch first or if he should ask any of them. He only knew he wouldn't stop touching her until she left him. Fear skipped over his pulse at the need, but weeks away from her had actually felt like a lifetime.

  She notched her head to the left. “I can feel you looking at me. What is it?”

  What have you done to me? “I'm hungry again.”

  Alyssa opened one eye then chuckled. “That's not what you wanted to say.”

  The truth. Since it was, he leaned into her then pressed his mouth to her neck. “You let me spank you.”

  A shiver ran through her and she looked at him. The coily curls were sex-mussed and her lips were swollen into a perpetual attractive pout. “I wasn't supposed to trust you?”

  He'd never truly asked for it. He assumed a woman wouldn't, couldn't, not with his profession and his endless choices. Sometimes trust wasn't necessary to push the envelope in bed—at least not for him. Blaine gazed into her eyes and his chest constricted.

  “You're beautiful.”

  She tilted her chin up. He kissed her without any more direction. The gentle kiss heated and he pushed her onto her back then pushed her legs open with his own. His cock sprang to life at the hint of sex. He ignored the primitive urge and pulled away from her mouth.

  She moaned. “I thought you were hungry.”

  His mouth tugged into a smile. “I'll eat.”

  She laughed and put her hand over his lips. “Have you ever met an innuendo you haven't liked?”

  He kissed her palm before turning his head so his cheek could rest in her hand. “Your eyes light up when I say something ridiculous.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “And you like it when my eyes light up?”

  He blanked his face of any emotion. “I've come to learn, you are the happiest when you get to mock me relentlessly. I can't deprive you of such joy.”

  She did her best to smooth away her reaction on her face, but her mouth kept twitching from a restrained smile. “Blaine, you know me so well.�

  He brushed his mouth along hers. “I do.”


  “You want a threesome. You, me, my leather seats.”

  Finally she broke and the laugh spilled out. He kissed her. That's what she did to him. He tried to find the fear. A single thought that was a complaint. Blaine couldn't find either. Six months from that moment he knew he wouldn't be tired of her laugh, the way she sighed softly when he put his mouth on her.

  He forced himself to break the kiss. “I have another trust building exercise.”

  She pressed her tongue to her bottom lip as she narrowed her eyes on him. “And what does this one involve?” She shook her head. “Why?”

  “Always with the why,” he murmured.

  “And the answer?”

  He drew back to rest on his haunches. Her nipples had peaked again—two hard aching nubs waiting for his hands or mouth. A quick peek and her clit was still swollen and glistening. He grasped her thighs.

  He could say something filled with innuendo. He could go for over-the-top. Alyssa had jumped on a plane to be with him, in whatever way she could. The minutes he'd waited for confirmation from the driver that he'd picked up the passenger had his stomach in knots.

  After his concussion, he'd turned on his phone and there were three missed calls from her and a text. His heart had ached and lifted at the same time. Every time his phone buzzed with a new text from her he'd smiled. Hell, he'd smiled at a notification from her so often the past few weeks his teammates had started to tease him.

  Alyssa splayed a hand on his chest. “Why, Blaine?”

  “It's past midnight so it's tomorrow. I still feel the same. We...” I need you to stay. “...should do everything we can before you go home.”

  “We both have to work.”

  “Yeah,” he said and sighed.

  Work. His included fame and a crazy life that tested any person, especially a significant other. Her life was sedate though not quiet. He knew any kitchen was—cliché intended—a pressure cooker, but she could walk down the street unmolested by fans or the paparazzi. She could have a normal life.

  And he needed to know if she could fit into his. He leaned over and took her mouth. Sooner or later the truth would edge its way into their affair. He wasn't going to waste a single moment with indecision.


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