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Solar Dare [D.A.R.E. 6]

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by Viola Grace

  A radioactive dragoness and the Star Guard she is assigned to learn the fine art of self-control and bring a new meaning to solar flares.

  Solar is of the stellar set of dragon clones. With her body radioactive, her power rioting constantly and her clothing falling apart, she is not in the mood to entertain a flight of dragons when they accost her and her four sisters.

  To her shock, the dragons each grab one of the stellar set and take off to different worlds. She is separated from her sisters and only the calm instruction of the Star Guard, Denhar, keeps her flaring power under control.

  She follows his directions, but after a jaunt to send some humans back home ends in injury, her solitary freedom turns into a partnership that she was not expecting.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Solar D.A.R.E.

  Copyright © 2013 Tianna Xander and Viola Grace

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-507-0

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Solar D.A.R.E.

  D.A.R.E. Project Six


  Tianna Xander


  Viola Grace

  Chapter One

  The storm was coming.

  Solar watched the churning clouds through the window and waited for the impact of the winds. Her sisters were down below, using their newly honed skills to make dinner while Solar was on dragon watch.

  Five of her sisters had found matches in the dragon population, but the astronomical cluster was still together and single. Solar, Stellar, Celestial, Astral and Lunar were all gathered together on an abandoned world beset by wild weather.

  They took shifts sending their senses into the atmosphere and watching for encroaching humans or hunting dragons. Now that the dragons knew that the sisters were cut off from home, they had become more aggressive than ever as they sought out mates.

  Solar shook her head. What kind of evolutionary design was it when a species produced so few females

  that snatching them out of their homes was the only way to get a wife?

  The upper tower of their home was ideal for watching for the flying beasts. Whatever race had built this house and the abandoned town nearby had done a wonderful job creating a watchtower for the children of the dragon queen.

  The lightning strikes in the distance set her nerves into overdrive. Her body was drawing energy from the weather in a way that life underground on Earth had not prepared her for.

  The blasts charged her, and her body was screaming at her to do something, anything, but all she was on assignment for today was to watch, and so, she watched.

  The sky above was still open, and the stars stared down at her. Solar held her breath when one star separated from the dance above her. She closed her eyes for a moment and made a silent wish that they would get the humans back home and they could find a way to get on with their lives.

  You will find a way, Solar. You and your sisters were born for this.

  Thank you, Mother. How are you today?

  Same as always, watching my girls and feeling pride at your growing skills. Now, open your eyes and look at the sky. You are missing the show.

  Solar opened her eyes and watched four other stars join the one that hosted her wish. The wind pulled at her containment suit while she watched the five stars swirl in the sky and grow in size.

  “Ladies, we have incoming!” Solar screamed and ran down the stairs to join her sisters in the main hall.

  They all shifted to their assigned tasks, and while Solar got the crossbow, the others all grabbed their chosen weapons.

  Stellar grinned and took the rocket launcher from their weapons’ store. With nineteen human colonies sent back home, they had quite a few collections of weaponry at their disposal, and Solar’s eldest sister did so enjoy using the launcher.

  They walked into the wind and watched the approach of the bright, sparkling balls of light. The girls had dodged dragons in the past, but none of them gleamed like this.

  Solar watched her wishing dragon come closer and closer. “Easy, ladies. No sense burning out the last clothes we have.”

  Celestial smirked. “Like anyone would complain if we went naked.”

  Stellar settled her launcher on her shoulder and aimed toward the approaching dragons. “We also don’t want to cook off the ammunition. Calm down, sisters. If we have to, we will run. You know where to meet up.”

  Solar made a noise of agreement, but there was something in the air. “I am getting a funny feeling here. Mother told me to look up, but now, she isn’t answering.”

  Astral bit her lip. “Maybe she is busy?” Celestial snorted, “Don’t be stupid. From what she has hinted at, she is confined.” Lunar scowled. “Quiet, they are almost here and bickering isn’t going to help.” The glowing dragons came in on a roar of wind.

  Solar looked up at her wishing dragon, and he dropped to the ground in front of her in his bipedal form. Silvery-white hair, black-on-black eyes and deep bronze skin with tattoos similar to those of her set marked him as a dragon if the four companion fliers left any doubt. He wore a metal breastplate, leather trousers and matching boots, and there was a subtle glow to the clothing that drew the eye.

  “Ladies. I greet you on behalf of the Star Guard and ask you to come with us.” The man was cheerful and had a relaxed stance.

  Stellar cleared her throat. “Who are you?” Solar watched him decide how to answer. The column of his throat flexed and his left eye flicked lightly.

  “Captain Denhar of the Star Guard. Above us from left to right are Skdel, Myrgik, Cavon and Lerihk. We have come to help.”

  Solar took a step forward, and Stellar shifted her launcher to aim at Myrgik.

  Solar cleared her throat. “We are well armed and learning to cook. We do not need your help.” He inclined his head.

  “Excellent accomplishments indeed, but I was referring to the radiation that you are putting out. If you do not learn to control it, you will kill more than just your enemies. Your family here is leaking power like a burning star.”

  Solar stepped toward him again. His power was drawing her in. It was a vibration in the air that called to her.

  Stellar called out, “Solar, back away.” Lunar made a small noise, and in an instant, all hell broke loose.

  Solar watched Denhar’s body shift into his dragon shape, and the next moment, she was snatched in a claw. Bands of bone and sinew held her tight, and her breath was squeezed out of her as he launched into the air.

  She observed Stellar taking aim at a dragon and firing, but an exhalation by the incoming beast rendered the explosive useless. Lunar was using a bolt gun, Astral was watching the dragons come in and Celestial had already been snatched and was in the a

  Solar could feel her body heating in panic, and her containment suit flaked away as Denhar climbed higher and higher.

  The air grew thin, but Solar had no problem breathing, her skin glowed and she remained warm despite years of information from living with humans told her she should have frozen to death.

  How are you enjoying the view? It was Denhar’s voice in her mind.

  It is most peculiar. Now, why did you snatch us?

  I told you. You are dangerous. Three passive species that you and yours have come into contact with have suffered radiation sickness. We have done what we could, but your lack of control is threatening innocents.

  What? We never meant to hurt anyone.

  We are aware. Eiwyn has sent us to help her daughters learn control. We will turn you into Star Guards and give you the benefit of our knowledge and experience with this type of power.

  What will you expect in return?

  She could feel the smile in his voice when he said, That will be up to negotiation.

  Chapter Two

  Once Solar felt the thrill of weightlessness, the next sensation was equally peculiar. Denhar opened a rift and flew into it, his wings extended for a long glide and his skin aglow with power.

  The next thing Solar saw was a new world dotted with bright lights across the landscape.

  Where are we…wait…where are the others? She twisted in his grip and tried to spot her sisters and their transport.

  Each of the Star Guard occupies a different world to make it easier for dispatch purposes. We also give off passive radiation, so it is best not to get too close to each other. The worlds we occupy are mainly unoccupied for that reason.

  Mainly unoccupied?

  There are races that are resistant to our emissions.

  They act as caretakers in our homes.

  Wait, you have someone who cooks for you?

  His laughter rippled through her mind as he lowered them into the atmosphere. Denhar’s wings began to beat as air once again became a factor.

  Where are my sisters?

  They are safe with the Guards. We are sworn to the service of the queen. No harm will come to her daughters. Do you have the same toxic tracking devices as your other siblings?

  Um, I don’t believe so. They tried, but nothing could withstand our biochemistry. They settled for the suits, and I believe that just met an end. Do you have something I can wear when we land?

  If you insist.

  The huge, scaly head above hers sighed heavily, drawing a smile out of Solar. At present, she was only wearing his hand.

  Just as they neared the layer of atmosphere that protected the world from its suns’ solar rays, another portal opened in the sky. Solar watched helplessly as another portal opened a great distance away and another dragon disappeared through it with one of her sisters. She couldn’t make out which one, because it appeared that she, too, had lost her protective clothing.

  Where are you taking me? She peered through the portal but was unable to see much of the world beyond until he flew through to the other side.

  The world looked desolate from above. Desert covered the planet as far as the eye could see.

  Solar frowned down at the barren ground and wondered if he would hold her here against her will or if he would let her go once he taught her control.

  I have brought you to my world, where your lack of control will not harm anyone. The small population here is resistant to the type of radiation we both emit.

  Oh. That was something at least. We really didn’t know we had harmed anyone. Solar wasn’t sure why, but it seemed imperative that he believe her.

  We know this. So does your mother. She also knows that we are possibly the only dragons alive who can teach you to control your powers.

  Solar continued to look down at the ground as it grew closer and closer. The arid wind brushed her cheeks as they flew low over a craggy mountain. Heat radiated off the ground, almost making her glad that she now wore nothing but Denhar’s hand.

  After passing over the mountain, Solar spotted what appeared to be a large sand-coloured structure rising out of the ground. What is that ahead?

  It is my home. The people here carved the first set of rooms out of a sandstone mountain. They presented it to me in hopes that I would stay here. They believe that dragons are their protectors and in helping one, they have garnered the favour of their gods.

  Oh. I didn’t know there were still such backward people.

  Denhar chuckled. They aren’t any more backward than your humans who still believe in an all-powerful god who decides their fate and judges them at the end of their lives. He gave a mental shrug that she could actually feel. Who are we to judge what they believe?

  Beneath their beliefs, they are good people for the most part, just as I would believe your humans are good people.

  Most of the humans were good people. There were just a few who needed what some of the handlers had always called an attitude adjustment. Solar pressed her lips together as she remembered one of them getting such an adjustment from one of her sisters long ago when he tried to touch her inappropriately.

  They neared Denhar’s home, and Solar’s eyes widened as she saw the golden sandstone glistening in the sun. The large home sparkled as though covered with a thin coat of diamonds.

  Nothing could have prepared her for such beauty as Denhar circled the large fortress. The rainbow of sparkling beauty almost hurt her eyes it was so exquisite.

  Your home is beautiful, Denhar. May I call you Denhar?

  Gently, the dragon set her on a stone balcony and shifted back into his humanoid form. “It’s a bit late to ask that since you have already taken the liberty, isn’t it?”

  Solar might have been angry at his remark had he not said it with a smile. However, she knew he was just teasing her. The sensation she felt in her stomach was strange though. No one had ever teased her or her sisters before. Everyone on Earth always feared the dragon sets, even those who didn’t emit radiation.

  “I think we’re even since you have taken the liberty to stand leering at my nakedness.” She fought the urge to try to cover herself. Why should she act modest? She had nothing to be ashamed of.

  She knew from experience that males enjoyed looking at physically fit females. Why should this dragon male be an exception?

  “You said I could have clothing.” Raising her chin in the air, Solar crossed her arms over her breasts and moved to walk into the structure. She might not mind him looking so much, but she refused to stand on display for anyone else walking around his world.

  “And you shall.” He dipped his head in some sort of regal-looking motion and extended his arm toward a doorway large enough to accommodate him in his dragon form. He removed his tunic and draped it over her shoulders as she passed.

  “You shouldn’t have bothered.” Solar started to take it off. “My body chemistry will only destroy it.”

  Denhar shook his head with a chuckle. “No, it won’t. It is designed to resist all forms of radiation.” He leaned close, his nose almost touching hers. “You and your sisters are not the only dragons with a radiation problem, you know.”

  Solar supposed she should have realized Denhar had similar issues when he said that he and his brethren could train the sisters to control the radiation that leaked free of their bodies on a regular basis. That alone was why they had holed themselves up on that planet that was nothing but one storm after another. Without the strong solar radiation from a planet’s sun, at least their bodies weren’t supplied more of what they found difficult to control.

  “Who taught you and the other males to control your radiation?” She followed him through the large doorway and stood gaping at the huge room in which they stood. “You said the people of this planet carved out the first few rooms. Who carved out the rest?”

  Somehow, Solar knew what the answer was going to be before he said it.

  “I did, of course.” He waved his hand toward the ceiling. “No one e
lse would have been able to carve anything so high.”

  The walls shone like polished glass, and he smiled at her expression as her eyes widened. “I used heat to help carve it. As you may not know, the sandstone here is made up of densely compressed sand. When one heats sand to extremely high temperatures, it turns to glass.” Solar continued to stare at the walls. “So, your walls are made of glass.”

  “You could say that.” He grinned and led her through the large room to another, smaller, one that looked as though he’d made it more for his humanoid self, since it was smaller and more compact. He walked to a door, opened it and waved her inside. “This is your closet. I have dreamed of having a lady such as you stay here, even if for only a short time. I have filled it with clothing made by the people of this world. It is resistant to radiation, just as they are.”

  Chapter Three

  Solar stepped around him to peer into the closet.

  She felt her mouth fall open as she stared into the large room that was bigger than the cell she’d lived in at the Earth compound. To her, a closet was a small room where one kept their meagre belongings. This was nothing short of a storeroom filled to the brim with such colourful clothing as she had never seen before.

  Of course, she and her sisters had worn different colours, but usually, the humans gave them the same colours all of the time, because it was easier to tell them apart that way. For a moment, she stood speechless as she looked at the veritable rainbow in the closet Denhar had said was hers.

  “I can’t possibly accept this.” Of course she couldn’t. Such a large array of colours and styles could only have been meant for his mate.

  “Of course you can. My people made these clothes for me to give to—”

  “Your mate.” Solar finished for him. “I obviously can’t accept them.” At least not all of them. “Since I am not anyone’s mate.” She moved into the closet and picked out a bright red tunic that fell to her knees when she held it up to herself. “If you’ll excuse me. I would like to put this on.”


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