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Longing For Her Soldier (Curves For Her Brother's Best Friend BBW Erotic Romance)

Page 4

by Raines, Harmony

  She knew what he meant, but she didn't care. Before they left she would strip the bed and take the sheets home to wash. She did, however, want to wash her hands.

  “I don’t care; I like the fact that you enjoyed it as much as I did.”

  “Maybe even more,” he said, kissing her gently. “You sure know how to do magic with those hands.”

  She smiled at him, not caring if he was joking. “I’ll be back in a minute,” she said, wrapping a sheet around herself and getting off the bed. One of these doors had to lead to the bathroom.

  As she moved away from the bed she felt a tugging on the sheet. Turning she saw Max holding on to it. Looking at him questioningly he laughed.

  “Covering yourself up is not allowed.”

  “Max, please.”

  “No,” he said shaking his head. “I want to see you, all of you. I love the way your body moves, and I can lie here while you're gone thinking up new ways to make you come.”

  She blushed at his words, sex had always been something almost forbidden to talk about. She was quite a prude if she thought about it, perhaps because she had decided to save herself for Max.

  Now he was introducing her to something new, and she would learn to talk openly with him. Whether she would ever be brave enough to actually ask him to do certain things to her remained to be seen. Yet she had to start somewhere, so she released the sheet and it fell away from her.

  She honestly tried to walk away with dignity, but she didn't manage to. It didn’t help that the bathroom was not behind the first door she tried, it was a closet. When she found the en suite behind the second door she couldn’t help diving into it quickly.

  The sight of herself in the mirror didn’t do much for her new confidence; she still looked blotchy from crying. Thankfully her make up hadn't run too much, and after washing her hands she used some tissue to wipe off what she could.

  Realising she didn’t have an overnight bag she looked through the bathroom cupboards to find anything useful. There were unused toothbrushes, toothpaste and lots of soft fluffy towels. At least she would be able to freshen up before she went home.

  Charlotte wondered when that would be. Max hadn't said if they were staying here the whole night, or if he planned on taking her home soon. The thought of going back to her apartment on her own made her feel a sudden loss. Even if they did see each other while he was here, soon enough he would be going back to his base, and there might not be any room in his army life for her.

  “Come on, Charlotte. Stop worrying about the future,” she told herself. “Live for the moment, make some good memories with Max, and pick up the pieces after.”

  Splashing water on her face to stop herself from crying again she went back to her soldier.

  Max was lying down under the covers, he lifted them up for her and she snuggled in next to him. He was warm and comforting, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

  “Do you mind if I get some sleep? It’s been a long few days,” Max asked.

  Charlotte could hear his weariness in his voice. “Of course not, so long as you’re not going to disappear in the night.”

  He kissed her head and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere. In the morning there are a few different positions I think I should teach you.”

  His voice trailed off and Charlotte knew he was asleep by the deep sound of his breathing. However his words caused her body to stir in such a delicious way that it was a good while later when she fell asleep, her mind full of all the ways Max would make love to her.


  The sun was creeping up into the sky Charlotte woke; she was still firmly wrapped in his arms as though he didn’t want to ever let her go.

  “Morning,” he said once he saw she was awake.

  “Good morning,” she said, wondering how long he had been watching her, and hoping she hadn't been drooling or anything.

  She had never woken up with a man, and the thought of morning breath and all the usual things you never think about when you live on your own hit her. A shower and teeth cleaning seemed like an excellent plan. Yet his embrace was something she didn’t want to escape, not even for fresher smelling breath.

  Max must have been having similar ideas. “Want a shower?”

  “Yes, do you mind? I won’t be long.”

  “Don’t worry, take all the time you need.” She looked at him oddly, wondering why he wanted her to take a long shower. He simply shrugged. “It’s Joe's utility bill.”

  Charlotte still didn’t get his meaning until she got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom.

  “Hey, slowdown, we've got plenty of time.”


  Max began to laugh, and Charlotte blushed furiously, she felt so naive. He intended for them to shower together, a long shower. That could only mean only one thing; he intended to do more than wash her back.

  He grabbed hold of her and drew her into his arms. “I’m sorry; I thought you'd like us showering together, all that warm water, and slippery soap. But if you'd rather not, I’ll understand.”

  “No, not at all. It’s only...I’ve never done this before. Woken up with someone, so forgive me if I make a mess of things.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her, his lips warm and inviting. Charlotte kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck her hands stroking his hair. Her sex still ached from their lovemaking, but the ache began to change to a need to feel him inside of her.

  His hands slid down her back and over her bottom, he pressed himself against her and she could feel the hardness of his arousal. Wordlessly they went into the bathroom

  Chapter Four

  Soon the two of them were standing under the shower, warm water cascading down their bodies. Max had to go back out to find some soap, he returned with a small shampoo bottle, some shower gel and soap.

  In no time at all he had made a wonderful lather in his hands and began to wash her breasts in a very thorough way. His fingers lingering to circle her nipples, which became hard sensitive peaks. When the water washed over them, taking the soap with it, he repeated the process.

  It was too much for Charlotte, her sex felt like it was on fire. She needed to feel him inside her, and so she did something she had never thought she would be brave enough to do, she asked him to touch her.

  “Please, Max,” she said, holding his hand and guiding it towards her thighs.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked, resisting her actions.

  “Max!” He obviously knew exactly what she wanted.

  “Tell me,” he whispered sensuously.

  She swallowed nervously. “I want you to touch me.”


  “Here,” she said, and he allowed her to guide his hand to cover her mound.

  “And will you touch me here?” He mirrored her words and actions, placing her hand on his swollen cock.

  She nodded. He used the soap to make a rich lather and then passed it to her so she could do the same. Then they placed their soapy hands where the other wanted.

  Max’s hand glided over her clit and along her slit, she bent her leg slightly to allow him to stroke the whole length of her. He repeated the same action over and over, each time increasing the pressure he used on her clit.

  Charlotte cupped his cock between her two soapy hands, and slid them up and down simultaneously. She soaped his balls too, and the sensitive skin behind them. His breathing became hard, and his fingers plunged into her sex, the soap now washed off.

  “Oh, that's good. You have the most amazing hands Charlotte, but I want to come inside you.”

  He stood back, breaking the contact between them. He lifted her so her back was pressed against the wall of the shower, and he guided his cock into her.

  This time he took her harder, his thrusts quick and powerful. Charlotte found herself swept away with him, the warm water making her body tingle where it hit her skin.

  She held onto him as though her life depended on it.
He withdrew almost completely before thrusting steadily back inside her. His hips circled, stretching her more, and he brushed her clit as he impaled her again and again.

  Her cries filled the shower when she came, her nails digging into his back as she lost control.

  Max held himself together, making sure he had completely satisfied her before he came. She was in the last throes of her climax when she felt his warm seed spurting inside her. He jerked into her, short thrusts, penetrating her as deep as he could, his body tense.

  Her mouth sought his, and she kissed him, he responded pushing his tongue into her mouth and moving it in the same rhythm of his thrusts. Charlotte was carried along with his invasion of her senses, and her climax peaked again, leaving her amazed that he had made her come again so quickly.

  As the water washed over their bodies, Max carefully lowered Charlotte to the floor, making sure she was standing squarely before releasing her. Then he returned to soaping her body, taking care to cover every inch of her, although this time he did not attempt to arouse her. He simply appeared to enjoy touching her, and she followed his lead, rubbing the suds all over him.

  He washed her hair; his strong fingers massaging her scalp were incredible. She offered to do the same for him, but she couldn’t reach, and then her stomach growled and he quickly washed his own hair.

  “You must be starving, it’s past eight, and I don’t know if there's anything else to eat here. Do you want me to take you home?”

  “Not really,” she said, “But I’m starving, so I guess it would be best.”

  She also wanted to change her clothes and check for messages. There was a big client in the middle of a new campaign, and she was supposed to be on call all day. Her cell phone was probably flat, so she wanted to double check no one needed her.

  He was drying her hair with one of the towels, having already rubbed her body until she was dry. Charlotte had done the same to him, taking her time to admire his muscles, whilst trying to ignore how her own body jiggled so much under his touch.

  “Do you want to have breakfast with me?” It was the most tactful way of asking if they would be seeing each other when they left Joe's house. Charlotte was still unsure what foundation their relationship was on, or whether they in fact had any kind of a relationship at all. Maybe this was a one night stand, the thought made her appetite vanish.

  “No, I can’t, I have a meeting to get to at ten.”

  “Oh, OK.” She wondered what kind of a meeting he had set up since he had only been back in town for a day. Then she realised he was probably making it up as a way to let her down gently.

  He saw her crestfallen expression. “Really. I have a meeting with Joe; he wanted to discuss something with me.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “And then I will come and find you, so we can carry on where we left off.”

  He ran his fingers over her body, lingering on her breast; she arched her back and pressed herself against him. Her attraction to him like some invisible force. Charlotte stroked his chest, and kissed his skin, wanting more than anything to simply stay here with him. Once they left this lovely house they would be back in the real world, pulled by the forces of their individual lives.

  “Come on,” Max said, “If we don’t get dressed now we’ll end up back in bed.”

  “Would that be such a bad thing?” she asked, kissing his hard nipples lightly

  “No,” he groaned, and then reluctantly broke away from her. “But I owe it to your brother to meet with him. It sounded like business, not personal. He’s big enough to look after himself these days, but still...and anyway, I have to return his car.”

  Charlotte understood the bond between the two men; it was stronger than her bond with Max. She also wanted to make sure everything was OK with Joe, he might be very wealthy, but he could still get himself in trouble. With the type of powerful people Joe did business with it could mean big trouble if things went wrong.

  She hunted down her clothes, and dressed quickly, while Max did the same. After dressing they both tidied the room and Charlotte stripped the sheets from the bed and bundled them up. She would return them to Joe tomorrow, and thank him for what he had done.

  It still all seemed a little surreal, but the soreness between her thighs reminded her it had all really happened, she was no longer a virgin. What would become of her relationship with Max she couldn’t guess, and decided not to dwell on it. She would speak to him later, or tomorrow, she didn’t want to appear too pushy. The last thing she wanted to do was drive him away.

  Max went around the house and checked everything was as they had found it before they went out to the car. He carefully locked the front door, and Charlotte stood back admiring the beautiful house in the daylight. It truly was a family home, and she couldn’t work out why Joe had bought it, as far as she knew he had no plans to ever settle down.

  He hadn't even had a steady girlfriend, ever. The longest he had ever dated the same woman for was two months, and he was working on a big deal that kept him in the office for most of that time. As soon as he wrapped it up and had more free time he'd dumped her, and moved on.

  Charlotte had no idea why he had such commitment issues. They were such opposites in that respect; she had committed herself to Max for years, even though it had seemed so hopeless. She watched him come down the stairs two at a time and sighed. Now she needed to know if Max planned to commit to her in any way.

  “Ready to go?” Max asked, coming around and opening the door for her.

  “Yes, and no. It’s been wonderful having you to myself, now we have to go back to the real world. This house made it feel like a fairytale.”

  He laughed, “I’m not exactly a prince though, am I?”

  “I never said I was looking for one. I’d settle for my one true love.”

  He held her close and his voice was tinged with sadness when he said, “Oh, Charlotte, maybe this was a mistake after all; I don’t have anything to offer you other than my love.”

  “That’s all I need from you,” she whispered.

  His lips found hers and they kissed. This was soft and sensitive, so different from the passion that had fuelled their love making. It made her body tingle, and an ache grew inside her that was not from a need for him to make love to her, it was a need that had lived buried inside her for years. The need to know he was hers and always would be no matter the distance between them.

  They drove to her apartment, only making small talk, neither of them wanted to bring up all the questions that would have to be answered. Max dropped her off outside and watched her go in safely, and then he drove off to return Joe's car, promising to come back as soon as he could.

  Charlotte let herself in and instead of checking her messages went straight to her bedroom and flopped down on the bed, exhausted. Her emotional turmoil was draining her, and she knew she couldn’t carry on like this, when Max came back she would have to find the courage to ask him what he wanted from this relationship. It would be better to live with the hurt of a brief fling than with the doubt that consumed her.

  With that set in her mind she got up off the bed and changed into some fresh clothes. Then she went to check her messages. The deal was going well, but she decided to phone for an update, it gave her something to do while she waited for Max to return.

  Two hours later she got a text, she grabbed her phone, thinking it was probably from Max. When she saw it was from Joe she was a little disappointed, until she realised Max didn’t have her number anyway.

  She opened the message and read what her brother had to say. When she finished reading it, she reread it again. Cryptic messages were not her thing, and this one surely held a meaning she was supposed to work out.

  “Hi, Charlotte. Max is on his way. Have done my best. Rest is up to you. Hope you like the house.”

  She decided to call Joe and ask him what he meant. However he didn’t answer his phone, and after three attempts she gave up. Max would be here soon, and then he might be able to shed some l
ight on the whole thing. She only hoped that Joe doing his best didn’t mean he had put pressure on Max in any way. If he wanted to be with Charlotte it had to be because he wanted it, not out of some obligation to his best friend.

  To keep herself busy she put on a pot of coffee and cleaned her kitchen, so absorbed in her work she jumped when the doorbell rang. Nervously she dried her hands and went to answer it, her heart banging in her chest so loud she thought Max would be able to hear it when she let him in.

  Opening the door she still couldn’t believe it when her handsome soldier was standing there. She hoped the neighbours would see him, and know that he was hers, at least for now. It helped when he leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hi, you look good enough to eat,” he said, admiring the dress she'd put on.

  “Thank you,” she said, blushing and not really knowing how to respond.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her apartment, happy that he still wanted her.

  “I made coffee.” She walked towards the kitchen.

  “Will it wait? I would really like to see your apartment first, particularly the bedroom.”

  Charlotte was taken back by his words. “Well, I guess I could give you a short tour.”

  “Very short, I hope.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her fiercely, his need for her was a completely new experience for Charlotte. Her body responded, and somehow between his kisses and roving hands she guided them towards the bedroom.

  He practically tore her clothes from her body, and once she was naked, set her down on the bed before standing up to remove his clothes. Charlotte lay watching, admiring the muscles of his chest as he undid his shirt, hating the scars on his shoulder for causing him pain, but most of all waiting hungrily for him to remove his pants.

  As they slid to the floor and his stiff length was uncovered Charlotte moved to the edge of the bed and covered him with her hand. His breath hissed through his teeth when she bent her head and took his thick cock in her mouth.

  Feeling brave she sucked on him, taking more of him into her mouth until she thought she would gag. Her hand cupped his balls and she began to bob her head up and down, her lips sliding along his cock from root to tip.


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