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Her Mountain Prince

Page 4

by Valerie Wilde

  “You’re going to have to tell me more about this danger that we’re in,” she said, following me into the cabin but stopping as soon as she stepped inside. There was a look of wonder on her face as she looked around the large main room. She looked so impressed with this cabin and it made me want to show her my home in Askovia. I wanted to show her the world and see that expression again and again. I wanted her on my arm and everyone that saw her knowing that she belonged to me.

  Finally, she looked back at me with an expectant expression, waiting for me to tell her more about what danger she was in. It would be easy to tell her the truth, but something stopped me.

  Being with Ruby was a unique opportunity to be with a woman who wanted me for myself.

  The way that she looked at me, the way her body pressed into me; all of that was simply because her body recognised that it belonged to me. She wasn’t someone who wanted to be fucked by the Prince of Askovia, who saw only my title and my family’s fortune. She wasn’t like EVERY woman I had ever met before, who always knew exactly who I was before they even spoke.

  Ruby’s desire was innate, her body simply reacting to me. It was intoxicating to feel that connection, that spark of desire, knowing that she wanted me to take her, to dominate her and claim her. And all of that was because of the pure physical bond between us, visceral, deep seated and utterly animal.

  “There are men hunting me -” I started, getting no further because she let out a high-pitched gasp, her hands clasping together as if she couldn’t bare the thought of me being in danger. I caught her clasped hands in mine, using my thumb to stroke the delicate skin of her knuckles and backs of her hands. “They are ruthless and bloodthirsty and would stop at nothing to get to me and to kill me.”

  “That’s terrible! Who are they? Why would they do that?” she looked up at me imploringly, her fingers grasping hold of my hand. Her questions were so innocent and naive. She did not understand how bloodthirsty the world could be and I was glad of it. I didn’t want her to ever find out how cruel men can be and I vowed to myself that I would do whatever it took to preserve that precious goodness.

  “Why,” she continued, holding on to my hand like a lifeline, “Can’t you go to the police?’

  I laughed. What I was doing was far beyond the scope of the police, both the police in Askovia and the police here in the USA!

  There was a look of understanding on her face and I reached out, cupping her cheek in the palm of my hand. She tilted her head, resting in to my hand. She was delectable like this, acknowledging that she was mine and I wanted to show her how she deserved to be looked after and cared for. I wanted to give her the pleasure that she deserved.

  My arm wrapped around her waist, almost of its own volition. I couldn’t stand another moment of not kissing her. Dipping my head I pressed my lips to her mouth. As much as I wanted this first kiss to be gentle and romantic, but there was simply no holding back my animal desire for her.

  She melted into me, submitting to the force of my kisses with a needy little moan that told me that she was craving more. Her mouth fell open as she welcomed my kiss, welcomed my tongue as it invaded her mouth.

  Chapter Six


  I had put myself in his firm, strong hands. He had turned my life upside down, but he was protecting me at every turn.

  A mobster wouldn’t hand me his bike helmet. He wouldn’t make sure that it was safely fastened. I barely know him, but he’d already shown that he can be trusted to protect me.

  Speeding through the evening on the back of his motorbike, I gripped onto him, holding on tight as the engine roared. We were going so fast! The wind picked up my hair as it streamed out from under the helmet and I could feel it billowing out. I’d never been on a motorbike before and I was beginning to understand why people liked them. It was freeing to ride like this, but there was also a big dollop of danger.

  Riding a bike was just like being with Gabriel. The same sense of wild excitement mixed with danger. But his brand of danger, his unspoken criminal ties, didn’t scare me. It just made me more fascinated by him.

  As we rode towards the setting sun, I started to feel the cold and I hugged closer to Gabriel. I’m really not the type of woman who goes around grabbing at men I barely know. But it was getting cold, and he’d wanted me to hold on to him, so really I was just doing it to stay warm.

  I never expected to find the hard ridges and furrows of muscles that he had hidden underneath his clothes. Closing my eyes, I moved my fingertips slowly, trying to get a mental picture of my muscled bad boy. He was so thick and solid, holding onto his body was like holding onto the bike itself. The vibrations from the road and the engine pounded through him and into me.

  The motorbike was powerful, clearly. The massive engine roared between his legs, responding to his commands. The whole bike vibrated, it felt good in a vague background kind of way. Yet, as I felt those strong and powerful muscles, I became more aware of the position I was in.

  The vibrations of the bike began to affect me more as I touched him. My crotch was pressed into the seat of the bike, and I could feel each metallic reverberation as his huge machine pulsated between my legs. I pressed against the hard muscles of the bad boy in front of me, holding on to his tight abs.

  I didn’t care about the cold wind anymore, because I was getting hot.

  I squirmed and as I moved I could feel how wet I was. God, even my panties felt wet. If I carried on like this then I would soak through the thick denim of my jeans and Gabriel would be able to feel me, damp and sticky, as I pressed against him.

  Really, I needed to calm down and control myself. I needed to stop, I wasn’t the type of woman who did this sort of thing! No matter the circumstances, I’m a respectable woman. But it felt so good, how could I resist? There was just something about Gabriel that drove me wild, that made me into this carefree creature that just followed her own passions, without worrying about all the rules.

  The bike slowed down, getting slower and slower as I let out a groan of frustration! I didn’t want to slow down! I wanted to keep riding hard and fast!

  The bike stopped, that wonderfully vibrating engine cutting off, and I opened my eyes, giving Gabriel’s hard abs one last caress before I had to let go of him. There wasn’t any excuse to keep touching him any longer. Hopefully I could think of another one soon.

  We were deep in the woods and I was totally lost. I had lost track of time as I’d enjoyed riding the bike too much, and I had no idea how far from Beauville we had come.

  “Where are we?” I asked, looking up at the luxurious home that was nestled among the trees. This wasn’t an ordinary cabin; it was much, much larger, with large windows and a grand balcony.

  When he said that this was his home, it confirmed every one of my suspicions. Gabriel clearly had money, and who else would build a place like this, in such a remote location, except a criminal that was hiding from the law!

  I knew that however dangerous he was, it just made him more attractive. He was the bad boy that every woman secretly dreams of.

  He ushered me indoors, flirting with me as he did so and reassuring me that he was single. That was good to hear, because I felt like I had already lost part of myself to him.

  The inside of the cabin was even more expensive looking that the outside. There was a massive stone fireplace, it was so big that I could have stood in it! I stared around at the expensive fixtures as he explained to me that there were men hunting him, which was why we had been in so much danger in Beauville.

  The new information, combined with seeing his obvious wealth, made me absolutely sure of my suspicions, removing any last doubts I had: this hunk had to be a criminal.

  Just for confirmation, I asked him why he couldn’t go to the police. His answering laughter was all the confirmation I needed!

  There was something so powerful about the way that he looked at me. I felt like I would do anything he wanted, if he just kept looking at me with those compelling e
yes of his. I wondered what his crimes had been. What had he used that dark energy of his to achieve?

  Surely, everyone that who met Gabriel felt that same pull - the pull of his dominance that had just a hint of menace, the thrill of darkness that clung to him, no matter what he was doing.

  I didn’t know what crimes he had committed and I wasn’t sure what he wanted from me, but I knew whatever happened, it would be exactly what he wanted. Gabriel was perfectly in control, of himself and of every situation.

  He reached out to me, with a sure and confident hand, cupping my cheek in his large hand.

  He was right to be so self-assured. I leaned into his hand, resting the weight of my head on his palm. I wanted to be close to him, I was already lost to his dark charisma and I felt an irrefutable pull towards his charming smile.

  He came closer now, drawing me to him with a force that was as strong as gravity and just as absolute and undeniable. His head dipped down as he encircled me in his powerful arms. I was overwhelmed by him, barely able to breathe as his lips brushed against mine, sending devastating sparks of electricity shimmering across my entire body. There wasn’t one single part of me that wasn’t his, that wasn’t made his by the raw power of his kiss.

  My lips fell open, surrendering to him and inviting him into me, yearning to be explored. His tongue pushed forward, brash and unapologetic as he plundered my mouth.

  I felt myself moan into his mouth, the noise muted by our kiss. I wanted this kiss to go on forever. Except I wanted him to claim every part of me like this, I wanted him to own every square inch of me.

  Chapter Seven


  Her mouth was the sweetest nectar. I could feel her melting in my arms, ripe and ready for me. However sweet her mouth was, I knew where she would be even sweeter - her juicy little pussy.

  I pulled back from the kiss. The thought of all the things I wanted to do to my angel made my cock harden in my jeans. What I wanted wasn’t some gentle kiss, no, I wanted her in my bed, naked and desperate for me.

  I had fallen for her the first second I’d seen her. It had been immediate and primal.

  I was sure that the same thing had happened to her too. She had to feel the same way - she had to be just as affected as I was. I needed her to be.

  “Let me make you mine,” I asked her, seeing the burn of desire in her eyes and knowing what her answer would be. I knew that she felt the same flames of passion that I did.

  She nodded enthusiastically, tilting her head for another kiss, but I wouldn’t give it to her. The time for gentleness was over.

  “I’m going to claim you! You’re mine now!” I growled, as I forced her hips to press against mine, holding her tight so that she couldn’t move.

  “Yes! Do it! Make me yours!” she begged me.

  I carried her into the bedroom, she was light in my arms and she wrapped one arm around my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck. I could feel her biting softly at my skin, small and timid little love bites that I was going to repay tenfold soon enough.

  My cock was rock hard. I needed to get out of my jeans and into her now.

  I held her up, preparing to throw her down onto the bed and ravish her as she continued to kiss my neck, not noticing that I had paused. Because I had realized something.

  I had to tell her the truth - she knew my name, but she had no idea who I was. I couldn’t let this continue. How could I truly claim her, if she didn’t know who I was?

  She bit down on the hard tendon of my neck, encouraging me to hurry up.

  I would tell her everything, I decided. But not right now.

  This first time, let her choose me as a normal civilian, not because she knew that I was a prince. She wasn’t blinded by my title, she knew me simply as a man and I was going to claim her as a man claiming a women. This was more primal than that. This was beyond all the niceties of the civilized world. Forgetting all social status, let our bodies simply express our fundamental urges.

  I dropped her down onto the bed, watching the way her soft curves bounced and jiggled. She let out a soft, feminine sound of surprise. Following her down on to the bed, I kneeled above her, caging her smaller body underneath mine.

  She looked up me, her bright green eyes were expectant, waiting for me to make my move.

  I needed to see her, I wanted to see every part of her, without anything between us. Her t-shirt had rucked up slightly when I’d thrown her onto the bed, now I pulled it up further. My hand moved slowly, making her wait as I took my time, pushing the t-shirt up past her stomach and then up past her chest, revealing her bra - soft and lacy but hiding her tits from me.

  She lifted her arms, helping me to pull off her t-shirt, but I grabbed her bra as well, yanking it straight up, so that, all at once, she was completely bare chested.

  “Oh!” she pouted in surprise, both of us looking down at her suddenly bare tits. Her nipples peaked up at me, ready and waiting for me. Waiting for my hands, and my mouth.

  I smiled down at her eager body. She was going to learn that I liked to take my time. I crawled down her body, watching her face as I undid her jeans and slowly started pulling them down, leaving her panties firmly in place. When the jeans were down to her knees, I stood up, leaving her shivering. I pulled off her shoes and socks, freeing the way to pull her jeans completely off.

  She was beautiful, lying there in just her cute panties. Her skin just starting to flush as I watched her and, yes, just as I had suspected, that light pink flush did go all the way down her chest.

  Standing tall, I started to take off my own clothes. Ruby’s eyes followed my movements, watching my hands as I pulled off my shirt, her pupil’s widening as she finally saw the muscles that she’d been fondling on the ride out to Arrowhead Mountain. I flexed, watching in amusement as she unconsciously licked her lips.

  Finally, I freed my cock from the confine of my clothes. It bounced free, pointing straight at Ruby.

  Slowly, carefully, like a hunter stalking his skittish prey, I lowered myself back onto the bed and over her delicate body. Keeping myself on all fours, so that we weren’t quite touching, I dipped my head, kissing her again.

  I moved away from the soft press of her lips and the sweetness of her mouth. Her kisses tasted like innocence and I wanted to corrupt her. I wanted to drive her wild until I knew that she felt just as passionate as I did. She had stepped into my life, with her genuineness and her realness, and she had made me want her. Now, I wanted to make sure that she was just as effected.

  I took her mouth roughly, overpowering her with kisses, my tongue was probing and demanding. She yielded to me utterly, arching her back as she begged me for more.

  I captured both her wrists in one hand, and pinned them to the bed just above her head, keeping her in place as I stopped kissing her.

  Instead, I moved away from her mouth and laid soft love bites in a trail down her neck, reddening her skin as I went, proclaiming exactly where I had touched her and marked her as mine. My kisses became rougher, as I couldn't hold back the strength of my desire; my teeth scraping and nibbling at her. She gasped as I grazed her neck and I smirked as I realized I had found a sensitive spot.

  I knew that she could feel the shape of my lips against her, that she could feel my smirk.

  My other hand reached down, following the sinuous curves of her body along the swell of her breasts, in at the bend of her waist and then out at the curve of her hips. My hand stopped, my way impeded, as I touched the waistband of her panties. I roughly grabbed hold of them, prying them out of my way.

  There was a loud ripping sound as the material came apart in my hand and the shredded remains of her panties fell away. Her breath caught in a sharp little gasp but I was quick to distract her.

  My hand looked enormous, moving over her smaller body, as I released her wrists. To my pleasure, her hands stayed in place. Her arms still firmly above her head, leaving her body exposed to me.

  My attention turned to the nipples that had been risi
ng up at me since we first met, now revealed to me in glorious detail. I plucked at those tight little buds and she let out a soft little yelp, pushing her chest up and right into my hand. I laughed at her eagerness. But I wasn’t completely cruel - I didn’t make her wait for more.

  I lowered my mouth, hovering just above her nipples as they hardened more, desperate for me to touch them. With a flicked of my tongue, I tasted one of those hard nubs, giving it little darting caresses, designed to infuriate her and drive her wild for more. Once again, she arched her back, trying to get me to touch her more, but I carried on teasing her.

  She groaned in aroused frustration and put a hand on the back of my head, trying to force me down - to get my mouth on her nipples. I wouldn’t let her tell me what to do - I make the rules, not her. She might have been pulling me downwards with all her strength, but it was like holding back a kitten as I playfully gave her nipple one last flick with my tongue.

  After that soft lick, I gave it a sharp quick pinch, I wanted her to focus on exactly what I was doing to her as I moved down between her legs to get my first good look at this, her most intimate place. Her perfect little pussy, pink, cute and enticingly wet.

  “Hurry up,” she moaned, starting to move her hips. With one hand I stilled her hips, keeping her in place as I shook my head. I was going to take my time with her. She was my delicacy to enjoy and I wouldn't speed up, not even for her.

  She’d never been worshipped, slowly, methodically, by a lover who wanted to feel every intimate part of her. I would have to show her what that felt like.

  With a slow lick to her inner thigh, my tongue traced a line on her skin. Turning my head to her other thigh, I used my tongue to swirl a pattern along her skin, inching ever closer to that pretty little cunt of hers, but not quite touching it. My mouth was hungry for her, but I wanted to draw this out as long as possible, wring every last drop of pleasure from her.


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