Vetting the Cowboy

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Vetting the Cowboy Page 8

by J. P. Bowie

  “There you are.” Andy poked his head around the shed door. “What in hell…?”

  Parker explained what Seth had discovered after Gerardo had told him about the stalls.

  “You thinking Randy did this?” Andy asked.

  “Be my guess after our confab of yesterday. Kid’s got a lot of anger issues and he sure as hell isn’t a fan of mine.” Parker shrugged. “Okay, Bob, you start on cleaning this up some and get Gerardo to help you. Seth, I need you down at the pasture. I was goin’ to take one of the new guys on his first ride, but I need to talk to Royce. Don’t worry about fingerprints, Bob. I’m not calling the sheriff in on this.”

  Seth made his way down to the pasture and introduced himself to the newest guest, an older guy, maybe in his fifties, with salt-and-pepper hair and a bit of a paunch, but nice blue eyes and a steady smile.

  “Mr. Langton? I’m Seth, and I’ll be showing you the ropes this morning.”

  His handshake was firm. “Call me Tom, Seth. Pleased to meet you. Just so you know, I’m a total newbie at this. Never been on a horse before, but wanted to learn to ride before it was too late.”

  “Never too late, Tom, long as you can get in the saddle. Okay…” Seth noticed that Bonney was available. Perfect for a first-timer. “First, I’ll show you how to say hi to your horse. Real important that she gets to know you…”

  * * * *

  Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance when his cell rang and he recognized the number on the screen. Victor…

  “You want to get that?” Doctor Walker asked. They were traveling to the Double R ranch together in Mike’s newly leased vehicle, a silver Nissan Rogue that didn’t strain his budget.

  “Not really.” Nor did he want Victor leaving a message, no doubt filled with threats and innuendo. He cut the connection. No way did he want Doc. Walker hearing that crap.

  “What’s wrong, Mike? You really tensed up when that call came through. Not that it’s any of my business, of course, but if you need to talk about something that’s bothering you, it would go no further.”

  “I appreciate that, Doc, but it’s something I have to deal with on my own. I don’t want my friends…or my employer,” he added wryly, “involved in a mistake I made in the past.” His cell rang again and Mike sighed.

  “Doesn’t look like he’s taking no for an answer,” Doc. Walker remarked.

  “I’ll call him later,” Mike said through gritted teeth. “I don’t need the aggravation when we’re on our way to my first foaling. I want to be totally focused on what we’ll be doing.”

  “Good man.” The doctor patted Mike’s arm. “You’ll do well, Mike, I know you will…and don’t forget, if something’s troubling you, you can tell me. No judgment, Mike, ever.”

  “Thank you.” Mike fought back the tears that threatened to fill his eyes. Doc. Walker was proving to be more fatherly than his own father had even been. When he’d been going through hell in his relationship with Victor, Ben Henry was the last person Mike could have turned to. Cold and remote, Mike’s father had never shown any interest in his son’s life, his friends, his future. Mike’s mother had died after a long bout with cancer, and after the funeral, his dad had never contacted him again. He’d been living with Victor by then and that could have been the reason, but Mike had never found out.

  He’d been glad of Victor’s company then. He’d shown compassion after Mike’s mother passed, had listened to his sadness of his father’s distancing himself from his son, had seemed to share Mike’s grief. When had it soured? He couldn’t pinpoint a time. It had crept into his life insidiously. Then, without warning, everything had changed and Victor was no longer the man he could turn to if he was in need of comfort, or even someone he could talk to.

  Victor’s fascination with BDSM had changed him. His oldest friend, Alex Brand, had lured Victor into the life. For a time, Mike had thought that perhaps Victor was afraid to resist Alex. He was, after all, huge—an ex-marine turned private investigator and bodyguard. Mike had listened to Alex extol the wonders of BDSM and had known very quickly it wasn’t for him. Being someone’s submissive held no appeal for him, but Victor had been completely gung-ho on the idea, and that was when their relationship had started to fall apart. Mike’s protests had fallen on deaf ears and practically overnight, Victor had become almost a reflection of Mike’s father—aloof, cold and—what Mike hadn’t seen immediately—calculating.

  “Double R’s just ahead on the right.”

  Doc. Walker’s voice dragged Mike back to the present and he glanced into the rearview mirror, seeing the sign for the Seven Plus Ranch fade from view. Thoughts of Seth invaded his mind. Their time together, Seth so sweet, despite his oh-so-manly appearance and demeanor. How giving he was in bed. I really should let him turn the tables on me and be top for a change. I’m being selfish. And the last thing I want to be is like Victor Torrens with his insistence on always being in control. And besides, the idea of the big cowboy plowing his ass was not at all gross―far from it. The thought of it made his toes curl…

  “And we’re here,” Doc. Walker was saying. “You can park to the right of the house. I’ll call Aaron to let him know we’ve arrived.”

  They got out of the car and Mike looked around. This was his first visit to the Double R. He’d met Aaron Chandler, Royce’s dad, and the owner of the Double R at the barbecue, along with Jed, the foreman and his husband, Charles, Royce’s business partner. Nice, friendly, rational people, he’d thought at the time, so different from what he’d left behind in Seattle. It hadn’t only been Victor that had made his life miserable. Okay, but let’s not go there right now…

  The tall, handsome cowboy approaching them he recognized as Jed Miller. From his white Stetson to his black boots and back up to his narrow hips and dazzling hazel eyes, Jed was just about every gay guy’s idea of a hot cowboy…apart from Seth, of course, Mike quickly reminded himself.

  “Hi, Doc, Mike.” He gave them both a firm handshake. “Aaron’s in the barn with Bess. Looks like she’s getting ready. Last time was easy, so we’re hoping this one’ll be too.”

  “No reason it shouldn’t,” Doc said while they walked quickly toward the barn. “Bess is good and healthy and well looked after.”

  “I think I’m more anxious than anyone,” Mike said, then wished he hadn’t.

  Jed grinned at him. “Why is that?”

  “I haven’t seen a foal being born before. I’m still getting used to dealing with horses. Cats and dogs and kids’ bunnies were more my style until I came here.”

  Jed chuckled and Mike winced. “Sounds lame to you, I guess.”

  “Not at all,” the tall cowboy said. “Parker said you handled Bonney just fine.”

  They entered the barn and Aaron looked up as they approached. “Glad you’re here,” he said. “Looks like she’s about to give birth.”

  Bess, the mare, was lying on a bed of straw, moving restlessly, her flanks heaving. She whinnied softly and it seemed to Mike that she’d sought him out, her eyes fixing on him. Maybe she’s guessed I’ve never been in on this before…

  “Is she all right?” Mike whispered to Doc.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “She was restless earlier,” Aaron said, stroking Bess’s muzzle, “but she’s calmed down a lot. Seems content to just lie there now.”

  “Let’s take a look, Mike.” Doc. Walker knelt behind Bess and Mike joined him. “See there, Aaron has tied her tail up, saves getting it messy when the amniotic sac breaks.” He palpated Bess’s pelvis, making small satisfied sounds as he did so.

  Mike had read about the procedure, of course, and watched a video, but the real thing was still amazing. Bess was a big mare and the doc had told him she’d had several births before, so she would be calm, unlike a first foaling when the mare could get panicky and impatient. He watched fascinated as Bess’s vulva expanded and fluid poured from her.

  “Okay,” Doc muttered. “Here we go.”

  Mike gasped when a few minutes late
r, a foreleg appeared, followed by another, then a nose. “Oh my God,” he breathed. Bess nickered softly and raised her head to look behind her.

  “Easy girl,” Aaron said, stroking the mare’s neck. “You’ll see your little one in a few minutes.”

  “Mike…” Doc. Walker wiped at the foal’s muzzle with a soft cloth. “Take the legs and pull real slow. You’re just helping, not tugging. Okay?”

  Mike nodded and took the tiny legs in a gentle grip. This was beyond amazing. His heart swelled on seeing the foal’s head appear. Its forelegs and head slipped all the way out, almost falling into Mike’s hands. He looked up at Jed, who was grinning from ear to ear, and at Aaron, who had tears in his eyes.

  Yes, this was an emotional moment for everyone and Mike couldn’t help but be glad he’d played a part in it. His first foaling, and he couldn’t wait to attend another. He gazed at the tiny animal struggling to stand. He wanted to help but knew better, and he marveled at the foal’s tenacity as it stood precariously on trembling legs. It stared at Mike through big brown eyes and for a moment Mike wondered if, like a lot of animals, it was looking at him thinking he was its mother. What a dope you are…

  “Beautiful,” he murmured.

  “Got yourself another filly, Aaron,” Doc said, smiling. “Okay, Mike, check her heart and lungs for any problems.”

  Mike opened his bag and grabbed his stethoscope, passing it over the foal’s body, listening for any abnormalities. There were none and the heart sounded strong and regular. Bess nudged him out of the way and started to lick her offspring. Mike watched Doc. Walker collecting samples of the fetal fluid and a blood sample from the foal’s umbilical cord for analysis.

  “Don’t expect any problems, but just to make sure, always good to check,” he told Mike.

  Jed walked them back to Mike’s car and thanked them. “Feel better now about being a vet for horses?” he asked Mike.

  “You bet. That was an amazing experience.” They shook hands, then Mike drove the doctor back home. He realized he’d turned his cell off after Victor’s call so he turned it back on and checked for messages. Sure enough, there were three more from Victor, each one getting angrier and angrier. God, but I so do not miss this crap. There was also a text from Seth and he smiled at that.

  Hey, wanna cme ovr & share a pizza w/me? Be home abt 6

  He texted back that he’d like nothing better and would see him at six. Seth was definitely a superior alternative to dealing with vicious Victor.

  Chapter Nine

  Victor Torrens stared at the big man seated on the other side of his desk. “You’re sure about this, Alex?”

  “Yeah. He’s dating some cowpoke from a dude ranch in Denton.”

  “Where the hell’s Denton?”

  “Just outside Sacramento. Bunch of ranches and farms in the area. Pretty prosperous, from what I’ve seen.”

  Unable to get away to find Mike himself, Victor had sent Alex Brand, the man he called his ‘fixer’, to investigate. Victor scowled. “And this guy he’s dating…what’s he like?”

  Alex shrugged. “Big guy, blond, kinda handsome, actually. I tracked them from the ranch where Michael picked him up and they went into Sacramento to catch a movie. I have to tell you that your call to Michael the other day must have put him on full alert mode. He was watching everything and everyone like a hawk. I had to do some hasty manoeuvring to stay out of sight.”

  “That’s what I pay you for, right?” Victor sneered. “So, the cowboy, could you take him?”

  “Dumb question. Of course I could take him.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “Too many people around. You know what it’s like these days. Everyone’s got a damned cell phone ready to film what’s going on around them. Not the kind of thing you want going viral on the net, now is it?”

  “Then go back there, find the cowboy and beat the crap out of him. Let it be a warning to Michael that he better come home or more of his friends, if he has any, will suffer for his infidelity.”

  “His infidelity? That’s rich, Victor. Why don’t I just tell him you want him back in Seattle, or better still, come with me and tell him yourself?”

  “I’m not begging him to come back!” Victor stood suddenly and paced to the window, looking out. “He should never have left.”

  “Victor…” Alex stood and joined Victor at the window. He put a hand on Victor’s shoulder. “I’ve known you for a long time. I know Michael also. He didn’t leave you on a whim. He left because you were cheating on him, and because—”

  Victor shrugged away from Alex’s hand. “Don’t take his side against me.” He glared at Alex. “I have paid you damn good money over the years to take care of things for me, so don’t start preaching at me. Michael owes me. I’m the one who funded his college fees.”

  “With the millions your parents left you,” Alex reminded him. “Don’t pull the innocent act with me. Michael’s a nice guy and you were not good to him. You let your Dom side become the worst part of you. Beating him, Victor? That was low…and unnecessary. I think he really loved you in the beginning. With careful training, he could’ve been a wonderful sub.”

  “Goddam it, Alex! That’s enough. Either take on what I want you to do, or get out. I’ll find someone else to work for me and you can go to hell.”

  Alex smirked. “If I actually believed in its existence, I’d say you’re a much better candidate for it than I am.”

  Victor’s shoulders slumped. “Are you going to take this on or not?” he hissed.

  “Seems I’d better. God knows what kind of mindless idiot you might hire if I don’t. Remember, the reason nothing has ever been traced back to you is because I am good at what I do.”

  “And you love reminding me of it. Usual fee, then?”

  “No, I think I’ll need double the usual this time, Victor. It might prove to be difficult to persuade Michael to return to your less than warm bosom.”

  “Bastard,” Victor muttered.

  Alex smiled viciously. “Back at ya.”

  “Just make sure you come back with Michael in tow, or don’t come back at all,” Victor rasped. He walked over to a wall safe secreted behind a row of books. After spinning the combination numbers, he wrenched open the door and withdrew a stack of one-hundred-dollar bills. “Here’s five…you’ll get the rest when you show up with Michael by your side. Don’t fuck up, Alex.”

  “As if,” Alex muttered, snatching the money from Victor’s grasp. “I’d like to say it’s always a pleasure doing business with you, Victor, but recently, not so much.”

  Alex left Victor’s office with a blinding headache and the realization that he was beginning to hate Victor Torrens’ lousy attitude. Little wonder that Michael had taken off.

  From love to hate. Years ago, he wouldn’t have believed it possible. They’d had a brief and torrid affair but had remained friends when it was over. He knew Victor had been surprised when Alex had joined the marines and again, after he was back in civilian life, that he’d become a private investigator and sometime bodyguard for celebrities. It was then he’d confided to Victor that he often had to deal with celebrity stalkers or blackmailers and the bonuses he would earn for taking on such extracurricular duties. It was obvious that Victor had been extremely interested in that side of Alex’s job.

  Watching Victor toy with people’s emotions had been amusing at first. Let’s face it, he’d mused, some guys just ask for it. So willing to do anything Victor demanded of them, regardless of the pain he would inflict. After all, the world of BDSM demanded a certain amount of pain and humiliation. It only became a problem if it was overdone. Not something he could be accused of. As a Dom, he was careful with his subs, paying a stiff membership fee to a club where young men were willing slaves for a few hours.

  He’d never wanted a lasting relationship. After seeing some of his friends’ messy break-ups, he’d decided the single life was for him. And he’d tried to persuade Victor to follow his example. Then
he’d met Michael and the fool had fallen in love, or at least Victor’s version of love. Easy to understand. Michael was a wonderful man, and very easy on the eye—he’d had the hots for him himself, but Michael had always given Alex a wide berth. It was as if he recognized Alex for what he was without Victor having to tell him, and wanted no part of him.

  In a way, that had stung, but he’d have desired Michael in the same way Victor did. Michael was no sub and never would be, and Victor just couldn’t get that into his fat head. He’d had no clue how to wean Michael into the life, just thought he could bully him into being what he wanted him to be. But Michael, small and slim Michael had a backbone, and hadn’t wanted to stick around and endure a relationship that was rapidly going south. If Victor thought Michael would willingly go back to him, he was hallucinating.

  Yet Alex had to deliver, or forfeit his fee, and money talked. Alex wanted money. Victor wanted Michael, and he would have to ‘fix’ it, just as he had time and again over the years. Victor called him his ‘fixer’, getting rid of blackmailers or whiny guys who couldn’t understand the words ‘get lost’ when Victor had tired of them.

  Alex was a great persuader. His height and breadth of shoulder were intimidating, to say the least. Using the skills he had learned in the marines, he knew he looked like a force to be reckoned with, and that alone gave him the confidence needed to browbeat practically anyone. One glare from his dark eyes could send a chill through any man’s blood. He had yet to fail in his missions. A little pain was a big motivator and Alex knew just how to inflict sufficient without leaving tell-tale marks. Not like Victor, who was anything but subtle.

  Okay, so maybe threatening the boyfriend was the way to persuade Michael. He didn’t like it—could already see the hurt and anger in Michael’s eyes once he found out what was going on. But if Michael went back to Victor to save the cowboy from a thrashing, then he’d done his job. Another mission accomplished and money in the bank. If only I could get rid of these headaches. When this job was done, he really needed to see his doctor.


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