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Someday Soon (the Not Yet series Book 3)

Page 8

by Laura Ward

  The corner of his mouth lifted in amusement. “We’re in public, in broad daylight. Think that might be pushing it a bit?”

  “My birthday was four days ago. I’m worried I’m regressing without your tutelage.” I gave my best saucy smile, and he burst out laughing. I surprised myself with that line. Kissing Jon had given me a burst of courage to lose my ever-present filter and tease with him.

  “Tutelage? I do love the smart chicks.” He pulled me in close, his hips pushing against mine. “What did you have in mind, friend?”

  And the way he was playful, right with me, relaxed me even more. I shrugged, my lips pursed in question.

  Our mouths crashed into each other, teeth bumping, lips pulling. I heard his bag drop and felt his hands tangle in my hair, pulling just a bit.

  God help me that felt so good.

  My body flared, pulse raced. I wanted more than just his mouth. I wanted his hands and to feel his body. I ran my fingers under his shirt and up his chest. Jon’s muscles clenched under my touch and I squeezed my legs together.

  “Daisy,” Jon pulled back. “We have to stop, or I’m going to embarrass myself really soon.”

  “I’m sorry.” I pushed too hard. This wasn’t part of our deal, but it seemed nothing was enough around Jon.

  Jon walked me over to the passenger side door, lifting me up and sitting me down. “I’ll drive you home, sweet girl.” He kissed my lips gently. “And you never have to apologize to me.” He kissed me again. “For anything.”

  We held hands on the quick, two-minute drive to my home. Jon pulled into my driveway and cut the engine. The cool morning breeze wafted through the open windows. “Jon, I’m worried about you. Where are you going to go?”

  “What’s the problem, son?” My dad’s voice filled my ears, and I gasped, slipping my hand out from Jon’s. “Mornin’, Flower.” Dad kissed my cheek from where he stood on the other side of my door.

  I looked over the edge, seeing the newspaper in his hand. Oh no. Dad was in his morning routine. I looked down. No shirt on, and no robe, but at least he was wearing faded green boxers as opposed to his tighty whities. Still, he was a sight with his salt and pepper hair standing up every which way and slippers on his huge feet.

  Jon coughed and sounded like he was stifling a laugh. “Good morning, Mr. G. I saw Daisy out running and drove her the rest of the way home.”

  “Not what I asked, son. What’s going on to make my Flower worry?” Dad’s voice was stern.

  I looked into Jon’s eyes, and he shook his head. I turned to my dad. “Daddy, that’s Jon’s story to tell you.”

  “Son? Talk to me.” My Dad didn’t ask. He demanded to know. But both Jon and I knew there was genuine concern in his command.

  “I got into an argument with my mom. Slept in my truck last night because I was too cheap to pay for a motel room. I’ll work on lodging today, Mr. G. Nothin’ to worry about.”

  “Nonsense. Jon, you know you’re family. Stay in Dean’s room as long as you like. But,” he looked me up and down, I guessed confirming that I had indeed been out running. “Only in Dean’s room. My girls need their privacy. And no bringing dates home. My Flower and Delilah Belle are innocent. They don’t need to see anything nasty, you hear?”

  Dad stared Jon down until Jon jerked his head in affirmation. Then he opened the paper and scanned the front page. “Come on in and get comfortable. Flower, will you scramble us some eggs?” He pulled the paper down and looked at Jon. “She always adds some extra cheese to mine. Spoils me rotten, I tell you. Coffee’s on. Shower up and let’s eat. I want to talk to you about this trade the Bears are thinking about making.” He walked to the house, head buried in the paper, talking to himself. “Not sure if it’s good or bad for Dean.” He muttered as he entered the house through the kitchen door.

  I watched Dad walk inside, and then looked at Jon with rounded eyes. “Looks like we’re roomies, friend.” I bit back a smile. “Welcome home.”

  Jon’s face paled. “Daisy,” he swallowed noisily. “This isn’t a good idea. You and me… In the same house… Every day and night?” He rubbed the back of his head. “I mean with our little deal and all. That might be dangerous.”

  The need to reassure him was strong. I placed my hand on his knee. “Jon, we’ll be fine. Plus, you’re right. You need to save money for living expenses next year, or you will be riddled with student loan debt. This is the exact solution. It’ll just be Delilah and me at home. Everyone else is back at school.”

  Jon winced. “I don’t know.”

  The kitchen door flung open and Dad poked his wild head of hair outside. “Flower? The Big Kahuna needs his eggs. Jon, get in here and talk football with me.” He shut the door before we could argue.

  “You heard him. Decision made.” I hopped out of the car and waited for Jon to grab his bag.

  Jon slung an arm over my shoulder as he caught up with me. “This is going to be an exercise in temptation, you know.”

  I looked up and laughed. “Yup, just think of all the good food you’re going to get.”

  He bent down dragging his nose along the side of mine. “Not thinking about food, Sunshine.”

  Neither was I, but bad decision or not, the thought that my family could provide a home to my best friend warmed my heart.

  A warm heart, hot summer, and even hotter man… Jon was right. The temptation was right in front of me.

  How could I resist?


  “Do you have a man in your life?” Izzy asked me as she turned the salmon steaks over on the skillet.

  I learned right away that Izzy was a total flirt. “Well, Izzy, I have a male friend in my life. Is that what you mean?” I snapped the ends of green beans and tossed them into a strainer.

  “Not even close. I’m talking man candy, okay?” Izzy winked at me.

  Along with men, I’d learned Izzy loved ice cream, was not a fan of children, and worked in a crew that cleaned offices.

  “Well,” I hesitated. “My friend is cute,” I admitted to her with a small grin.

  Izzy transferred the salmon onto a platter, and I dumped the green beans into a pot of boiling water. “Do you like him? Like want to kiss him? I have a guy I want to kiss. His name is Tony. He’s an Italian Stallion, okay?” Izzy smirked and gave me a thumbs up.

  I burst out laughing. “Italian Stallion? I have to meet this Tony!”

  “He’ll be at bowling next week, okay? Want to come?” Izzy waggled her eyebrows at me.

  “For sure!” I turned the oven off, pulling the garlic bread out and placing it on a platter.

  Amy walked into the kitchen with a deep frown on her face. “Izzy, why is there a box of paper toilet seat covers on my bed?”

  Izzy’s face turned red, and she studied the counter. I decided to give her a minute to collect her thoughts. I gestured to Amy with one finger in the air to give Izzy a minute to gather her thoughts, and she nodded back her understanding.

  “Izzy, did you take those from your job?” I asked her gently.

  She nodded, her red face turning a deep crimson.

  Amy placed her hand on her roommate’s arm. “Why, Izz?”

  “I thought you would think it was funny, okay?” Izzy admitted, still not making eye contact with either of us.

  During my time working with one of the residential supervisors at Helping Hands, I learned that Izzy was diagnosed with Impulse Control Disorder. Limiting her instincts and desires was a challenge for her. It was part of why I was hired. Having an assistant in the home to help make healthy meals and teach Izzy to make choices that were good for her, kept her away from fast food and junk food.

  “You can’t steal, Izzy.” Amy reminded her. “You’ll lose your job.”

  She had already been fired from a restaurant after stealing sugar packets, straws, and finally cash from the register.

  “I know, okay?” Izzy’s eyes welled with tears, and my heart dropped.

  “Return them tomorrow and apologize t
o your supervisor.” I told her.

  Izzy nodded.

  I took Izzy’s hand in mine. “Sweetie, you don’t need to take things to make Amy or anyone else like you. You are a great person. Funny, and sweet, and you have awesome style.” Izzy giggled through her sniffles. “You’re better than that, and we all know it.”

  “That is true, Izzy. I like being your roommate just as you are. No toilet seat covers needed.” Amy giggled, and Izzy joined in. Their ability to forgive, let go, and move on was one I could learn from. Not to mention laughing at your mistakes. I really needed to adopt that one.

  After draining the green beans, I took the bowls and platters over to their table. “Ladies, your dinner is ready. I’m going to take off for the night and give you both some time to talk. Don’t forget to do the dishes.”

  Amy gave me a thumbs up. “It is my turn to do the dishes since Izzy helped cook. I am on it.”

  “Good night, ladies. See you tomorrow morning.” I waved as I headed out. As had become my tradition, I lingered in the hallway outside of their apartment until I heard the door lock click in place. Only then did I feel comfortable leaving for the night.

  Amy and Izzy were already important to me. Teaching them to cook, driving them to work or to the store, and just being a confidant to them was helping me more than it was helping them. I was sure of that.

  Saying goodbye to them would be hard, but if I could convince my parents I was ready to move out next summer, I would leave a stronger person.

  And I’d have those two girls to thank for that.

  Chapter Ten


  DAISY SAT ON the front porch, her toned legs propped up on the railing, crossed at the ankles. Exhaustion seeped through my pores. I’d had a long ass day, but as tired as I was, just the sight of her kick-started my adrenaline.

  This morning, I was a first-class asshole for taking Mr. G up on his offer for a place to stay. The fact was, I wasn’t sure where to go. And Mr. G always made me feel welcome in his home. He was tough and strict, but he cared. All I had to do was respect his good nature and keep my dick in my pants around his sexy as hell daughter that I would now be sharing a bathroom with.

  Fuck me.

  “Hey there.” Daisy closed the book on her lap and swung her legs onto the floor. “How are you?”

  I plopped into the chair next to her, resting my head against the back and closed my eyes. “Beat. Worked overtime at the law firm, hit the gym, and then made it to my LSAT prep class with less than a minute to spare. We’re cramming like crazy since I take the test next week.”

  Daisy’s rocker creaked as she moved back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in a quiet rhythm that threatened to lull me into sleep. “You feel ready?”

  I chuckled. “As ready as I’ll ever be. My brain hurts. It’s stuffed so full of knowledge, I think it might explode.”

  Daisy’s chair creaked. “Now we can’t have that. Have you eaten tonight?”

  I was too sleepy to open my eyes. “No, but don’t worry about me, Sunshine.” Her lips brushed my cheek, and my eyes popped open.

  “Too late. I’m already worried about you. Let me get you food.” As she walked away, I focused on the short, pale pink sundress she wore. Jesus, she was a knock-out.

  I closed my eyes again, rocking in the chair and picturing Daisy in my lap, and then my bed, and finally, my life. Daisy made everything around her brighter. I wished that there was a chance for us. Maybe if we tried later, when we were older and finished with school? Someday we might be able to be together.

  “Here you go.”

  I opened my eyes at the sound of her voice.

  Daisy placed a tray on the end table next to my chair. “What did you do?” The sandwich and soup looked great. I grabbed the beer and took a long pull.

  She laughed. “I’m trying cuisine from different regions to get ready for school. Tonight, is delicacies from Spain. The soup is chilled. It’s called gazpacho. It’s a spicy tomato base with vegetables. Inside the dish is garlic shrimp. You take big hunks of that crusty bread and sop up the garlic sauce. It’s all pretty simple. Try it.”

  I speared a shrimp with my fork and then followed it with bread and garlic sauce. Mother of God. I swallowed the food and stared at her. “Holy hell. That is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” I spooned some of the cold soup into my mouth. Amazing. I would have never thought I’d liked chilled soup, which sounded frou-frou to me, but it was fantastic. Especially considering the heat wave that lingered into September.

  “Daisy, this all tastes ridiculously good.” I wiped my mouth with a napkin and took another sip of beer.

  “I’m a little disappointed it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted, though.” She stuck her lip out in a pout, and I groaned.

  “Stop,” I spoke gently to remind her. “Someone is going to hear us.” This was my first night staying as a guest without Dean present. I was not trying to get my ass-kicked by the Big Kahuna right away.

  She waved her hand in front of her. “I’m just teasing. Delilah’s asleep. Mom and Dad are in bed watching television. You eat, I’m going to read. French cuisine is up next!”

  She settled into her chair and opened the big book in her lap. Her tongue traced her lower lip and her finger ran up and down her neck. My body got hot and hard staring at her. She was luscious, her curves highlighted in the dress she was wearing. I finished my food and pushed the tray aside. I sat back, sipping the last of my beer, and drinking her in at the same time.

  Daisy looked over at my empty plate and closed her book. She stood up and walked to my chair, placing her hands on each armrest, her face so close to mine that her sweet sugar smell surrounded me.

  “I have to get to bed. Goodnight, Jon,” she murmured low.

  Her lips were parted, and her breathing sped up. I stayed still, clenching my hands on my knees so that I wouldn’t touch her. Her eyes fluttered closed, waiting for my lips to find hers.

  I held my breath. I couldn’t do it. In her home, under her parent’s roof, when they’d taken me in and warned me off any girls. That would be wrong. Like I was taking advantage of all of them.

  “Sunshine, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” My voice came out like a strangled whisper, the restraint needed to hold back almost killing me.

  She leaped backward, bumping into her chair. “Oh, of course. I’m so sorry. No, it’s not.” She spoke quickly, stumbling sideways and out of my reach.

  “Wait. Let me explain.” I jumped up, but she held her pointer finger up.

  “No. Good night, Jon.” Daisy’s lips pressed into a flat line. She turned and ran inside, and I sat back down, head in my hands.

  Fuck. I was an epic asshole. “The right thing to do” and I never had much luck before. Why I thought I could start now was beyond any comprehension.


  This bed sucked. The reason I was still wide fucking awake at one in the morning had to be the mattress. Right? I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Dead tired and I couldn’t sleep. I flipped onto my side, reaching around and bunching the pillow.


  I sat up and swung my legs out onto the floor. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I cursed and admitted defeat. Might as well get up and get something to drink. Read a little until my mind calmed.

  The house was silent and dark. Each floorboard creaked as I made my way across the house. Luckily, I had been sneaking into this kitchen for late night snacks with Dean since I was a kid. I could make my way with my eyes shut.

  As I turned the corner, a light shined in the kitchen. Shit. Please, don’t let it be Delilah. I’d scare the crap out of her, standing in the kitchen wearing only mesh shorts.

  The refrigerator was open, but all I could focus on was her fantastic, round ass bent over. Daisy wore short shorts that had risen to a criminally high length. My eyes traveled down her legs, and I rubbed the back of my neck. How had I managed to push her away tonight?

  Daisy turned ar
ound, a glass of water in one hand and a lemon in the other. She jumped, the water flying out of the glass and into her face. I stepped to her, but stopped when a hard lemon bounced off my nose.

  “Ouch. Jesus.” I rubbed my nose and scowled at the sexy girl with a solid right arm.

  “My God, you scared me.” Daisy placed the glass on the counter and mopped her face with a paper towel.

  “Well, you scared me this morning at my truck, and I didn’t throw anything at you.” My lips curved up as I teased her.

  “My weapon of choice is always citrus.” She teased me right back, picking the lemon up off the floor and tossing it into the air.

  Thank God she wasn’t still pissed or hurt. I couldn’t stand thinking I was keeping her up at night. “Most people drink warm milk when they can’t sleep. You drink water with lemon?”

  Daisy placed the lemon on a cutting board and sliced it into quarters. She refilled her water and added a lemon wedge. “Try some. It’s so refreshing.” She handed me her glass, and I drank.

  The cool water with a hint of lemon tasted good, but all I could think about was tasting her again. Handing her glass back, I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away.

  Moments later, her small hands were on my back. “Jon,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to bug you. I’ll control myself. I promise. I’m happy you’re here, with us. People who care about you.”

  I turned to face her, resting my hands on her hips. “Why is that, Sunshine? Why do you care about me? Most people think I’m a jerk.”

  She grinned. “Back in high school, you were kind of a jerk. I’ve heard the stories. Oh, and you totally were an ass to Grace.” She giggled at my scowl. “Now you aren’t. You just try and make people think that. You push them away. Everyone but me. You never pushed me away until now. The kisses ruined it. Now you’ll think of me like any other girl.”

  I stiffened, moving my hands up to cup her jaw. God, if she could only read my mind. She would know that she’s broken barriers I didn’t know existed for me. “No fucking way. You aren’t like any other chick.” My thumbs rubbed her soft cheeks. She was killing me. I wanted her so badly. She wasn’t alone in that feeling. “I’m only pushing you away to be respectful to your parents. This is their home and—”


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