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Tempting Grace: The Vaughn Series, Book 4

Page 10

by Anne Rainey

  “And I love you,” she said on a sigh as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Now, let’s go home. It’s my turn with the rope.”

  “Uh, baby, I thought we talked about that.”

  Grace let her hand travel down his back to cup his ass. “Chicken?”

  His grin lit her on fire. “Bring it on, pet.”

  About the Author

  To learn more about Anne Rainey, please visit Send an email to Anne at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as ! Anne’s Newsie

  Look for these titles by Anne Rainey

  Now Available:

  Haley’s Cabin

  Touching Lace

  Tasting Candy


  Turbulent Passions

  Taking Chloe

  The only way to keep what he has…is to surrender everything.

  Taking Chloe

  © 2009 Anne Rainey

  Vaughn Series, Book 3

  Merrick Vaughn couldn’t be happier with this life. His business is jumping and his marriage to the love of his life is about as good as it gets. At least, that’s what he thinks…until Chloe announces she wants to separate.

  Stunned doesn’t begin to cover it, but it quickly becomes clear that’s she’s dead serious. And if he doesn’t take action, as in now, he’s going to lose the only woman he’s over loved.

  The last thing Chloe wants is a divorce, but she can’t go on living with a virtual stranger who spends all his time—and hers—behind a desk. It’s tearing her apart, and taking a break to sort out her thoughts seems her only recourse.

  Then Merrick offers a wicked proposition: go to Hawaii with him for one week’s vacation. After that, if he hasn’t successfully changed her mind, he’ll let her go. No questions asked. There’s only one caveat. She must agree to give him complete control.

  Chloe’s intrigued and scared. One week in paradise might bring them closer—or be their ultimate undoing.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Taking Chloe:

  “Because I want to, damn it, that’s why.”

  Chloe rolled her eyes at Merrick’s reason for wanting to shower with her. “It would be faster if you’d just let me finish.”

  “I’m not leaving, so deal with it.”

  “We’re never going to get to dinner if you don’t leave, Merrick.”

  “Fuck dinner. I want to wash you, so scoot over. Besides, let’s not forget the deal. I’m in charge.”

  “Yes, you’re in charge…of our fun. This is a shower.”

  “And a shower can be mighty fun.”

  Chloe wasn’t sure why she continued to resist. As husband and wife they’d showered together hundreds of times. This time it seemed so different, as if it were the first time. A virgin on prom night would be less jumpy, for crying out loud!

  “Fine, but if we don’t make our reservations, don’t blame me.”

  His grin was one of pure male arrogance. “Duly noted.”

  Chloe tried not to drool when Merrick yanked his shirt off and tossed it to the bathroom floor. As he undid the fly of his jeans and slid them and his black boxers down his powerful thighs, she gave up on maintaining control all together. God, he was gorgeous. His muscled behind faced her, and if she leaned toward him a few inches, she could take a bite out of his delicious flesh. He straightened and turned toward her. His cock was huge. As she watched, it seemed to get even bigger. As her gaze snared his, he grinned. She lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “Those pretty eyes are devouring me right now, babe.”

  She pushed her wet hair behind her shoulder and tried not to let his sweet, hard body get to her…too much. “I can’t help if I like what I see.”

  “I like what I see, too. A lot,” he growled.

  He stepped into the tub with her. Chloe moved to the side to give him room. He was twice her size and he took up most of the tub. Not that she was complaining. She couldn’t remember the last time her husband had taken the time to shower with her. Too long. Much too long.

  “You’re so beautiful, Chloe. Inside and out.”

  His words and the sincerity behind them filled her heart with warmth. “You haven’t told me that for a very long time. It’s nice to hear compliments from you.”

  He slid the backs of his fingers down her wet arm, leaving little goose bumps in his wake. “You make me want to slay dragons and shower you with diamonds,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in work. I need to explain about that, but first I want to show you how much I’ve missed you. May I?”

  He’d melted her completely. She’d become a useless puddle of pudding at his feet.

  “Yes,” she capitulated, “I think I’d like that very much.”

  He placed two fingers against her lips. “Shh, it’s okay, baby. We’re going to take our time, go real slow. I have a need to experience my wife to the fullest tonight.”

  She removed his fingers and asked, “What about dinner?” She didn’t really care about food, but she should at least ask, for his sake.

  “Screw dinner,” he muttered.

  As his mouth came crashing down on hers, Chloe fell against him, relishing the sensation of her nipples against the solid wall of his chest. At once he was everywhere, his arms sturdy and protective around her. He cupped her ass in his palms, lifted and pulled her tighter against his lethal strength. His hands squeezed, and she laughed. “Merrick, that tickles!”

  “I know. Thought I’d forgotten, huh?”

  Chloe feared he’d forgotten a lot of things about her, but she didn’t want to reveal so much of her inner turmoil. “Well, you must admit it’s not your typical ticklish spot.”

  “There’s not a damn thing typical about your ass, Chloe. It’s sexy as hell.” He squeezed her flesh again, and she let loose a string of giggles. “When you giggle like that it turns me on like you wouldn’t believe.”

  She liked the thought of Merrick turned on because of her. “What else turns you on?” she prompted.

  “The cleft in your chin,” he easily answered. His tongue came out and touched the little indentation. Her body flooded with liquid heat.

  “Is that all?” she managed between pants.

  “The length of your neck. You have a regal bearing, and your neck just begs to be kissed and nibbled.”

  He proceeded to prove his point by angling his head and teasing the side of her neck with his lips. He slid her wet hair out of the way and skimmed his tongue up and down her flesh, directly over her vein. He bit down and her pussy pulsed and swelled with need. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, fingernails biting into flesh and muscle. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the moment. His mouth drifted lower, sliding over the tops of her breasts. When he kissed each nipple with tender affection, her legs shook with anticipation.

  “The bellhop eyed your sweet tits like a mocha latte. Pissed me off,” he gritted out. “But I have to admit, the kid has a good eye. You do look delicious, baby.”

  He cupped her left breast, brought it to his lips and sucked as much flesh as he could into his warm mouth. His tongue teased, his teeth grazed. She arched against him, mashing her other sensitive peak against his stubbled cheek. He cupped her right breast, flicked his thumb over the hard bud. Arrows of pleasure shot clear to her core. She hungered to make love to him. To feel him sinking deep inside her heat where she needed him so badly. The ache built and built until she whimpered and begged, shameless in her desire.

  Merrick released her breast and pulled back. He stared up at her with such intensity her body vibrated as if stroked.

  “Soon, baby, real soon, I promise. First, I need a taste. I’ve lived too long without your honey sliding over my tongue. I need to suck that tempting little pussy of mine.”

  She was beyond denying either of them. “Oh, God, yes.”

  Merrick’s hungry grin had her nerve endings rioting out of control. He slid sl
owly to his knees, his gaze holding her immobile. The hot spray from the shower pelted them both. Merrick’s body glistened, his muscles even more pronounced than before, his dark hair slicked back away from the harsh planes of his face.

  Her husband. Her lover. Her everything.

  Chloe became aware of the glaring truth in that moment. No matter what happened, her body would always be his to command, her heart his to hold.

  He nudged her legs wider and clutched onto her thighs. Chloe sucked in a breath, knowing the pleasure only he could coax forth.

  As his gaze snagged hers and held, she rested her palms on his shoulders and waited for that first delicious touch. He prolonged the moment and time seemed to stand still. Even in such a submissive position, Merrick still held power like none other. As he leaned forward and kissed her clit, they both groaned.

  “No one will ever take you from me.”

  She wanted to protest, to let him know she had a mind of her own and would do what she had to do to keep her sanity, but his lips rubbing back and forth over her labia stopped her assertions. She couldn’t think, couldn’t grab onto a single skittering thought. She stopped trying to think and concentrated on feeling.

  Merrick used his mouth with an expert’s skill. His tongue dipped inside her heat, swirled around and came back out again.

  “Fucking delicious,” he murmured.

  He sat back and removed his hands from her thighs, then used his thumbs to open her. His eyes on her there always made her hyper-aware of her femininity. Merrick always seemed to take such pleasure in looking at her intimate flesh before he took a taste, as if enthralled by the shape and texture of her body.

  “Why do you do that?”

  He licked his lips and smiled. “Do what?”

  Chloe’s cheeks filled with heat. She hadn’t meant to ask. “You always look at me there,” she explained. “It makes me nervous.”

  “Because you’re beautiful,” he admitted, his tone rough with arousal. “Every inch is beauty to me. God is surely an artist because you, my pretty wife, are a work of art.”

  Chloe’s heart swelled. His words made perfect sense because she felt the same about him.

  As his head descended on her, she clutched more tightly onto his wide shoulders. She knew what to expect and she craved it. His hot breath touched her first. She moaned aloud, and he blew a draft of air over her clitoris. She widened her stance, which gave him better access. She thought she might’ve pleaded a little, but she couldn’t be certain. His tongue touched, ignited a fire inside that had burned white-hot for months.

  He flicked over her swollen nether lips several times then sucked her clit into his mouth. She went wild, bucking against his face, aching so badly for his touch, his burning touch. He doubled his assault on her body and slid his middle finger deep inside her tight sheath. Her inner muscles squeezed him tight, as if loath to let him go. He growled. The deep timbre of his voice traveled over her clit and went straight to her womb. He lifted away, slid a second finger inside her pussy and pushed her to the very limit of control.

  “Come for me. Let me feel you go up in flames, Chloe.”

  She’ll make him finish what he started—if they live through the night.

  Alaskan Heat

  © 2009 Pam Champagne

  Framed and on the run, FBI agent Joe “Hawk” Hawkins has only one chance to clear his name: hit the road for Eagle, Alaska. Things can’t get much worse, until a woman from his past steps into his path. Sophie’s a brilliant statistician, pissed off about their disastrous one night stand—and offering him a deal.

  This is Sophie’s first field assignment, and the fact that it involves Hawk doesn’t make it any easier. She’s never forgotten or forgiven the night Hawk found his way to her bed and left her wanting more. Now she’s on a double mission to make Hawk finish what he started, and get them both to Eagle alive.

  The long Alaska Highway stretches before them, and long nights of sexual fireworks that rival the Northern Lights. Caution turns to trust, and then to a love neither of them bargained for.

  With two rogue agents in hot pursuit, though, the end of the road may be closer than they think…

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Alaskan Heat:

  Sophie forced a casual smile even though her body thrummed with the need to leap on Hawk. She didn’t want foreplay. Already the insides of her thighs were wet and sticky. She cleared her throat and reached for the robe hanging on the outside hook of the bathroom door. “Sounds tempting. As soon as I get back.”

  The man of her dreams sat up and bumped his skull again. “Damn it,” he muttered. “Where are you going?”

  Two steps brought her to the door. “To put Rueger in the cab for the night. Be right back.”

  Once outside, Sophie breathed in the nippy air. More than likely there’d be a frost tomorrow morning. Unlocking the truck, she fished around the seat until her hand curled around her cell. The hard, packed gravel hid the sound of her footsteps as she sprinted toward the woods. As soon as she’d run far enough for privacy, she punched five on the speed dial.

  “Clements here.”

  “It’s Sophie.”

  “Sophie, why haven’t you called? I told you—”

  “Be quiet and listen. I only have a minute. Hawk’s with me. Call off your hounds.”

  “What hounds?” Stan’s confusion sent a shard of fear through her.

  She gripped the slim cell hard enough to break it. “Some feds stayed on our tail for several miles. I turned into a picnic area and they sped by.”

  “Damn it. Has to be Blair and Reed. I had to put them on administrative leave, but I can’t restrict their movements. They’re on to us.”

  “Isn’t this what you wanted?”

  “Not this far from Eagle.”

  Sophie whirled. The camper rocked. “Got to go.” She disconnected and slipped the phone in her robe pocket, making sure to shut if off in case Stan decided to call back. She whistled for Rueger and jogged back to the truck. “Up.” Once he jumped inside, she slammed and locked the door. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to face Hawk’s inquisition.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he demanded the moment she stepped inside. He stood buck naked at the side of the bed.

  More moisture lubed her thighs.

  “Who’d you call?” He held up his hand. “No lies. I heard you talking.”

  Christ. The man must have the ears of a wild animal. “Stan. Those weren’t his men following us.”

  “Damn! Blair and Reed then.”

  “Isn’t this what you wanted? A confrontation?”

  Her lower belly cramped at Hawk’s face tight with lust.

  “Sure is,” he purred. “But at a place and time of my choosing. There’s not much they’ll try tonight so close to the highway. You and I have unfinished business. I always pay my debts.”

  Sophie trembled, imagining the pleasure she’d discover in Hawk’s bed tonight. Ever since she’d met Hawk, she’d waited for this moment. She wanted everything to be perfect. As she wiggled out of her robe, the fleece material slipped off her shoulders to pool at her feet. If only she owned a sexy, silk negligee.

  Several moments passed before she realized Hawk wouldn’t make the first move. At least he’d given her the opportunity to change her mind. As if that would happen. She closed the short distance and stepped into his open arms. “This is only the first installment, you know. I’ll let you know when I’m totally satisfied.”

  “You do that.” Callused fingers trailing across her nipples sent a jolt of desire to her core. Her stomach clenched when those same fingers dipped into her bellybutton only to slide lower. One finger, then two slid between her swollen folds. Reality was hotter than her imagination. She hadn’t burned with such need last Christmas. Now she had to keep her emotions under wraps. Hawk wanted hot sex, not love. She slumped and clung to his shoulders to keep from falling. Her groan came out of nowhere. “I’m on fire.” Was that her voice, hoarse with need?
  “I can feel it.” Warm breath touched her skin while his tongue played with the lobe of her ear. His fingers pumped in and out of her sheath while his busy thumb made circular motions on her clit, nearly throwing her into climax.

  She loved his playing, but right now she wanted release. No, she needed release. “Enough teasing. Fuck me.”

  “Such language from the lips of a lady. I thought you wanted satisfaction? Let me do my job. Be patient. You won’t be sorry.”

  Sophie squeezed her legs together, clenching her vaginal muscles on his fingers. The huge cock poking her belly didn’t lie. He, too, was fast losing control.

  “Do you play with yourself, Sophie?”

  The question intruded on her pleasure. “What?”

  “Nights when you can’t sleep. Do you make yourself come? How do you do it? With your fingers? A vibrator?” The whispered words made her clit throb.

  Unable to stand the torture, she pumped her hips on his fingers.

  “Is that a yes?” He nibbled her lips, his tongue licking her mouth before pushing inside. She sucked hard.

  His free hand curled around her hip, encouraging her to fuck his fingers faster and harder. “I’m going to—” He withdrew his hand, and the building climax waned. “Damn you, Hawk! Not again. I won’t let you leave me wanting more.”

  “Got no intention of it.” He grasped her waist and lifted her onto the small table, pulling her butt to the very edge. “Put your hands behind you. Brace yourself,” he growled.

  Hawk spread her thighs, stretching her wide. Muscle discomfort fled at the touch of his cock rubbing her clit. “I’m through playing, Sophie. I’m going to fuck you. How do you want it? Hard and fast? Slow and easy? A little at a time or all at once?”

  Hawk scrutinized Sophie spread-eagled on the hard surface. She had a gorgeous body. One he’d thought about more times than he cared to remember. With her head back and her mouth slightly parted, she invited him to take what he wanted. Her body sent out rippling waves of heat. He pushed the head of his cock inside her wet opening.


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