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Running Northwest

Page 11

by Michael Melville

  He, for a moment started thinking about Tracie and how great she looked tonight in her dress. He was used to seeing her in the clothes she worked in and it had been a while since he had seen her look that beautiful. She looked incredibly sexy and he felt weird thinking that way about her. So he forced himself to get lost in thought thinking of something else…anything else.

  A few minutes later he felt a light tap on the back of his shoulder and he slowly spun around and saw Tracie standing there. She had a small throw blanket over her shoulders. And had two glasses of wine in her hands one of which she handed to Thomas.

  “Oh hey, thanks,” he said smiling at her.

  “I thought you’d like more wine,” she said smiling at Thomas.

  Tracie turned and looked out onto the ocean, the wind of the Pacific blowing her long slightly curly hair back. Thomas took a sip of the dark red wine and glanced at Tracie.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Ms. Adams?’ he said with a cheesy smile.

  “Tommy, I’ve drank with you and Derrick before, don’t forget that. You could drink God under the table,” she said causing Thomas to nearly spit his wine out.

  Thomas and she were standing next to each other in complete silence. Thomas turned his body slightly and kept glancing at Tracie. Seeing the way the light from the fire lit up her face, the wind blowing through her hair. Again, noticing how beautiful she was and he was trying not to be obvious about checking her out. He looked away and thought to himself “Tom what in the hell are you doing?”

  Suddenly Tracie turned her head and looked directly up at Thomas and into his eyes. “What are you thinking about right now Tommy?” she asked him quietly and smoothly, catching him off guard.

  Something about the way she said his name, the way it rolled off her tongue he found exciting but he didn’t know why.

  Thomas hesitated, knowing he had been caught and answered, “I was just looking at the fire.”

  “Hmm is that all? Because the fire is in front of us you know, and you weren’t looking at the fire,” she said raising a knowing eyebrow and smiling.

  He stammered again not knowing what to say.

  “No, I mean…” he started to say then let out a heavy, nervous breath not finishing what he was going to say.

  Tracie laughed a little, smiled then said, “Let’s go for a walk Tommy, it’s a nice night and the moon is full.”

  “Sounds good,” he said, trying not to convey the awkward nervousness he was feeling.

  Tracie walked over to Thomas and wrapped her arms around his, resting her hand on his bicep and held on to it as she guided him down the beach. They walked for a little while, slowly making their way down the shoreline, talking about all sorts of things, but nothing about work and business. They talked about Daniel, hopes and dreams, things they had done in their lives, memories of things they had done together. At some point Layla, Thomas’ mastiff had caught up to them down the beach and was walking a little bit in front of them. Harley the lab was in the bedroom with Daniel and Thomas wasn’t concerned about leaving the boy alone, they had not walked to far down the beach.

  After fifteen minutes or so they sat next to each other on a group of flat rocks that sat about 6 feet off the sand. Thomas leaned back on his hands slightly, and Tracie leaned against him and rested her head on his chest.

  “Fine, I’ll tell you what I was thinking back at the house,” Thomas said finally giving in to the prodding Tracie had been doing on and off since they had left the house.

  Tracie looked up at him and smiled and said, “Finally…about time, so out with it, stud.”

  “I was thinking that you looked really…well, beautiful and gorgeous tonight,” he said realizing he was nervous in a way that he had never been before with Tracie.

  “Why was that so hard for you to say?” she said.

  “Because you work for me and you’re one of my best friends, and…I don’t know,” he said and then continued, “I guess it freaked me out a little bit and now I’m embarrassed as hell.”

  “You shouldn’t be Tommy, not at all.”

  “And why not?” he said.

  “Well because for one, Tommy, I already suspected you were thinking that. I could tell by the way you were looking at me by the fire. Don’t forget, Mr. James, that I know you pretty damn well,” she said with a wink as she lightly jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. “And besides, I think you looked pretty handsome tonight also and I don’t feel bad about that; so neither should you, okay?”

  Thomas squinted his eyes a bit and studied Tracie’s face. Then he looked at her smiling with an obvious nervousness and said, “Well…all right then.”

  Tracie reached over, grabbed his hand and pulled it over her shoulder, curling up against him. They sat there playing with each other’s hands silently for a bit longer and eventually continued the talk they were having on their walk down the beach. He liked the way her hand felt in his, he liked the way it sounded when she called him Tommy. And he liked the way she rubbed his palm with her thumb which she was doing now. He was realizing he liked a lot of things about Tracie as he sat there thinking about what was going on.

  The two sat curled in each other’s arms staring out at the dark black expanse of water in front of them, the blurry reflection of the stars and moon above on the water’s surface below. Tracie started telling Thomas about her family and how and where she grew up, places she had been. He was surprised to learn so much about a woman he thought he knew quite well. He sat and listened to everything she said watching her fingers play with his hand while she talked. After talking for a little while longer Tracie started yawning and sat up.

  “What time is it Tommy?” she asked.

  Thomas hadn’t even been paying attention to the time. He looked down at his cell phone.

  “It’s almost 11:30 hun,” he told her.

  Then he reached behind him to pet Layla who had joined them on the rock and curled up against them. Thomas hopped down off the rock onto the sand.

  “I should get going before I’m too tired to drive. Do you mind if we start walking back to the house now?” she asked as she grabbed his hand and entwined her fingers in his. She looked at Thomas and wondered what he was thinking.

  “Yeah, we probably should, I’m sorry, Hun, I didn’t realize it was so late,” he said slowly as he looked down at their hands.

  “No, it’s fine really. I don’t mind,” she said with a sweet smile and adding quietly, “This was really nice Tommy.”

  “Yeah it was…we should do it again soon,” he said nervously.

  Tracie looked at him studying his face and looking into his eyes and the way they moved. She could see the nervousness behind his gorgeous blue eyes.

  “I’d really like that,” she answered.

  She could see the smile forming on his mouth, but she also knew inside he was much more excited than what he showed. She was felt the same way.

  “All right, well let’s head back now. Let me help you down, Hun,” Thomas said as he stepped forward and put his hands on Tracie’s hips.

  She put her hands on his broad shoulders and looked at his eyes as he gently lifted her up and set her down on the soft sand. Their eyes never broke contact with each other. Tracie was surprised at how easily Thomas had lifted her off the rock, like it was the easiest thing in the world.

  “Thanks,” she replied nervously.

  Her hands gently glided off his shoulders as she slowly slid them down his large arms, stopping them just above his elbows. His hands were still on her hips. They stood there looking at each other for a moment, the same thought going through both their minds, the same urge going through both their hearts.

  Thomas took one hand off her hip, reached up and slowly and gently brushed her cheek with his fingers, running them up the side of her face, over her ear and through her hair, staring deeply into her eyes. Any amount of nervousness had suddenly and without reason left his mind. He felt one of her small, soft hands run up and over his sh
oulders lightly caressing his muscles as her hand crept up higher, finally resting it on the back of his neck. Tracie moved her face closer to Thomas’, slowly closing her eyes and lightly biting her bottom lip, her body tense and wanting. Thomas guided her closer to him and then slowly and gently their lips met. He lightly pulled Tracie tight against his own body running his fingers through her long black hair as they kissed deeply and passionately. Long pent up emotions and desires burning through their lips. He could feel her fingertips gently rubbing the short hair on the back of his head. For the two of them, here tonight on this dark moonlit beach time seemed to stop. The world around them ceased to exist and the only place they wanted to be was in each other’s arms.

  Eventually they stopped kissing and stood there quietly, just holding each other. Tracie rested her head on his chest, her eyes closed as he ran the tips of his fingers up and down her spine. She loved the way she felt wrapped up in his arms it made her feel safe and warm. The way he touched her skin and the way it felt when he ran his fingers through her hair made her feel more alive and wanted than she could ever remember feeling. After a minute or so Thomas backed up slightly and reached down for her hands and held them tightly. She looked up at him, confused and excited at the feelings that were rushing through her.

  Smiling she said, “I was wondering if you were going to kiss me.”

  Thomas laughed a little and said, “So did I…still can’t believe I did,” he said and let out a slight sigh then added, “I’m not so good at stuff like that; you know, making the first move and everything.”

  Tracie smiled as she looked into Thomas face, she saw a nervousness there she had never seen before. He was normally so strong and bold and exuded confidence but not in an arrogant way, something she always thought was sexy. But the look on his face, the unspoken words he said with his eyes was beyond sweet she thought to herself.

  “Well I’m glad you did Tommy; really glad. You did it really well too,” she answered, biting her bottom lip again out of nervousness.

  In her own mind she was thinking that it was probably the best first kiss she’s ever had. They stood there kind of smiling and staring at each other not sure what they should do next. They turned and headed back to the house holding hands as they walked. Layla jumped down off the rock, stretched and followed them down the beach.

  A few minutes later they got back to the house and walked inside. Together they walked down the hallway and opened the door to Daniel room and peaked in to check on him. He was sound asleep curled up next to Harley. They walked out into the living room trying to be as quiet as possible. Thomas looked over at the clock on the wall and noticed the time; it was nearly midnight. He looked at Tracie who was getting her purse off the kitchen table and looking for her coat. A big smile came across his face just from looking at her and how beautiful she was.

  “Hey Tracie?” he said as he walked over to where she was standing by the table. “I have an idea.”

  “What’s that, handsome?” she said as she put one hand on his chest and lightly rubbed her fingers on it.

  “I was thinking maybe you should stay here tonight. It’s already late as hell and you’re tired. I’m a little worried about you driving home now. Besides, I bet Daniel wouldn’t mind at all having you here for breakfast in the morning,” he said slowly and nervously.

  Tracie smiled and looked down at the floor. Inside she was thrilled with the idea but also scared about what it would mean.

  “I don’t know Tommy; I want to. I like you so much I can’t even begin to explain. I just don’t want to jump into things too fast with you and screw this up before we even figure this out. Do you know what I’m saying, handsome?” she asked as she looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to be studying her face.

  Thomas grabbed her other hand and held it tightly and sighed a little, slightly amused.

  “Tracie, I like you a lot too and I care about you more than I can explain right now. I want you here; you saw how nervous I was just to kiss you and I’m still scared as hell. So the last thing I’m ready to do is try to make love to you. I’m not even thinking that far yet. So don’t worry too much, okay?” Thomas said with a nervous laugh.

  “Stay here tonight with us, Tracie. You can sleep in my room; the door locks and you’ll have your own bathroom. I’ll crash out here on the couch. You can have breakfast with me and Daniel then we can drive into town at the same time, sound good?”

  Tracie thought about it for a minute as she looked at Thomas and studied his face, silently considering what he had said. She had known Thomas for a long time and had always known he was a great guy. Most guys would be trying to do anything they could get her into bed after what just happened on the beach. But then again she knew that Thomas was not like any other man she had ever known or met.

  Tracie smiled and said, “I’d love to stay Tommy, thank you. I can’t believe how sweet you are, I don’t get how it’s possible for a guy to be this wonderful.”

  Thomas seemed to blush a little and managed a shy smile as he rubbed the back of his head since he wasn’t sure what to do; finally he said, “Great…so… yeah, I’m gunna go change a minute. Sit tight and I’ll be back in a few, all right?”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Tracie answered back matching his smile along with a little wink.

  Thomas turned and walked toward his bedroom. Tracie stood alone in the kitchen and walked over to the refrigerator, she looked at all the pictures on it. She noticed one of her, Thomas and Daniel from the boy’s last birthday. It made her smile as she thought back on that day and how fun it was. Tracie sat down in one of the chairs at the table and crossed her legs, a few minutes later Thomas came out wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt.

  “Now what girl wouldn’t think that was sexy?” she said smiling.

  “Well I can’t sleep in what I normally do since I’m sleeping on the couch tonight,” he answered.

  “And what’s that?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

  “Umm…you know,” he said coyly.

  “Oh…well yeah, I guess you can’t,” she said laughing and adding, “Speaking of which, I don’t have anything to sleep in. Do you have a t-shirt or something I can borrow?”

  “Sure, come on and I’ll see what I can find you,” he said.

  Tracie followed Thomas towards and into his bedroom thinking how surreal this was. She set her purse down on the nightstand as he went through his dresser looking for something for her to wear to bed.

  After a minute or two of digging through the drawers he asked, “Umm…does a hoodie work Hun? I’m low on clean t-shirts. Sorry, but its gunna be a pretty big on you.”

  “No, that’s perfect Tommy. Thank you,” she said as Thomas laid the hooded sweatshirt on his bed.

  “Okay well, I’ll let you change and go to sleep. If you want to take a shower before you go to sleep there’s clean towels hanging in the bathroom,” he said.

  “Thanks, I may if you don’t mind; I have sand all over me,” she said

  “Whatever you need, it’s yours; just make yourself comfortable,” he said smiling as he walked towards the bedroom door, turning to add, “And if you need anything else just let me know.”

  “I will. Thanks, Tommy,” she said as she thought how sweet it was that he was doting on her, trying to make her more comfortable.

  “All right, well…goodnight then,” he said with a smile.

  “Goodnight Tommy,” she replied, smiling as he closed the door behind him.

  Tracie sat on the edge of the bed and looked out through the slider. She could faintly see the ocean surf in the distance, the moonlight reflecting off the surface. She reached over and grabbed the hooded sweatshirt and set it on her lap, running her fingers across the lettering on the front. It was from a college she had never heard of back in Thomas’ hometown in Michigan. She had never been to Michigan and wondered what it was like there. She wondered also what Thomas and his life were like there; Derrick’s life too for t
hat matter since they had been friends when they lived there. She didn’t know much about his life in Michigan other than that he would never go back. And when he did it was only to visit his family. It was a subject that had been off limits to talk about with both Thomas and Derrick for as long as she had known them. Thomas was never willing to talk about his past relationships, or the women he dated prior to moving to Oregon. She knew that Thomas and Derrick had been best friends for a long time and they, for reasons she never could fully understand, were very protective with each other’s lives and pasts.

  Tracie quietly sat on the bed thinking about the night, every little detail and feeling running thru her mind. She stood up and turned the ceiling light off and then turned a lamp on that was next to her purse on the nightstand. She had been in his room before and noticed something was missing off the nightstand but couldn’t recall exactly what. She slowly walked towards the bathroom and reached around to her back and unzipped her dress then letting it and everything else fall to the floor in a pile. She felt momentarily awkward that she was completely naked in her boss’ house and hurried into the bathroom, then feeling completely insane for it. A few minutes later she was in the Thomas’ huge walk in shower, the hot water running over her face and down her body, the steam relaxing her nerves. She smiled to herself, realizing how happy she was…and nervous as hell, but in a good way.

  On the other side of house in the living room, Thomas was laying on his couch trying to get comfortable. It had been a long time since he had slept on it and the thing wasn’t exactly built for a guy his size. He could faintly hear the shower in his bedroom turn on through the wall. Since he had gotten settled onto the couch, he could not stop thinking about what had happened. And being the type of man he was he thought about what could happen, the things he was scared of happening. And even more how completely confused he was and it was a change for him because normally he was a fairly calm and in control guy. He was rarely surprised and wasn’t the type to let his emotions show except on rare occasions. He didn’t often let things happen unless he thought them through and wanted them to happen. But tonight with Tracie, he was completely caught off guard and totally unprepared. But as he laid there thinking about her and everything else he realized for some reason, some way…he was happy and comfortable with what had gone on. He put his arm behind his head and closed his eyes listening to the waves from the ocean as he waited for sleep to come.


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