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Running Northwest

Page 17

by Michael Melville

  Due to various things in Thomas’s past, it could have been a multitude of people from various places and lifestyles. He had, for the most part, walked away from a completely different life years ago. A few years before he even met Sarah and Daniel. Thomas was aware of, however, that sometimes things from the past have an interesting way of coming back to haunt someone.

  “He told Mrs. Baker that his name was Brian and didn’t give a last name, but she told me that she didn’t believe him. She said he stuttered when she asked him his name, Derrick said.

  Derrick reached around behind him, pulled out a folder, and handed it to Thomas who opened it up fast and went through.

  “So this is the guy, huh?” Thomas said quietly.

  His eyes narrowed as he looked at four pictures from various security cameras and two others taken with some sort of handheld camera. To Derrick, Thomas looked like a hunter studying his prey. It made Derrick nervous. The man in the pictures was Hispanic and appeared to be in his early to mid-30’s. He was thin, looked to be around 5’10”, had a thin goatee and wore eyeglasses. He was dressed well – in khaki pants, brown sport coat, white dress shirt and no tie. There was a camera that looked professional strapped around his neck.

  “Who took this one?” Thomas asked, holding up a picture of the unknown man opening his car door.

  Derrick laughed when Thomas held the picture up and said, “Mrs. Baker took that one as soon as he walked out of the restaurant. She seems she stepped out the door with her digital camera and took a picture, the cunning old woman. But yes, that’s him Tom.”

  Thomas studied the picture for a minute, in the back of his mind the guy in the picture seemed familiar to him for some reason but he wasn’t sure why or how.

  “Well we have a nice shot of the plate on his car, assuming it’s not a rental car. Have you tried running it and seeing what we can find?” Thomas asked, already knowing the answer and wondering why he even bothered asking.

  “Already working on it Bro – it seems we chose to back the correct man for sheriff in the last election. I sent it to John in an email this morning and asked him to run the plate as a favor to you and me and to get back to me on as soon as possible with what he finds. I only gave him a brief explanation of what was going on…kind of had to. He’s a cop after all and would have heard about it from someone,” Derrick said.

  “Yeah, he is a smart man; I guess we did back the right guy. But he is a good man and very honest. He drinks his coffee black with no sugar like my dad does,” Thomas laughed, saying, “This guy looks like a reporter to me Derrick, what do you think?”

  “Well he doesn’t look like a cop or some sort of Fed; too bookish if you get my drift. And from the types of questions he was asking he does sound like a reporter type…or maybe a P.I?” Derrick said as he poked his finger at one of the pictures then said, continuing, “The big ass camera is a giveaway.”

  “I agree on the P.I. part; but if he was a decent P.I. he would have never let his car be seen and would have been smarter in town with people. When I get home tonight I will look at my security cameras from around the house and from the coffee shop to see if he managed to get that far. Assuming he is one of those things, he must have at least made it to the shop…unless he sucks at his job, like I said. He would have a hard time finding where I live,” Thomas said.

  “Good point. Have a look and let me know what you find, if anything, okay? Then when I hear back from John I’ll come see you at the shop,” Derrick said.

  “Sounds good to me; after that we can decide what to do, if anything at all. It could be something simple,” Thomas said.

  The two friends and business partners then moved on to other simpler subjects such as work and things going on around town. They had another drink, and talked about the upcoming Seattle trip and sports. After another 45 minutes or so Thomas shook Derrick’s hand put his coat on, walked out the back door got in his truck and headed back towards Tracie’s house. The entire drive there his mind was exploding with “what if scenarios” and trying to figure out where how he knew the stranger that had been in town. It had been a long day and he was tired, and for as much as he wanted to hang around Tracie’s for a while when he got there he was just far too tired.

  Once he got to Tracie’s he went inside to get his son. He talked to Tracie very briefly and told her he was tired and would talk to her at the shop in the morning and fill her in on what happened. He gave her a kiss goodbye once Daniel was in the truck and out of sight. A few minutes later, they were on their heading back to their small beach house. By the time they had gotten there, Daniel was fast asleep in the passenger seat and Thomas had to carry him into the house and put him into bed. It had been a long day for both of them. It would be a while before Thomas would be able to go to sleep; he had some work to do now.

  . . .

  Back at The Whaleback Derrick was sitting in his office and getting ready to leave also. Thomas had left well over an hour ago and Derrick did not need to be there anymore, he would let the others close up the bar. As he was getting ready, he looked down at his blackberry and saw he had a voicemail. When he was meeting with Thomas he had the volume turned down and did not notice the phone call. He picked up his phone, called his voice mail and waited for it to start. As he listened to the message, his whole body tensed up.

  “Hey, Derrick this is Stephanie…I know we haven’t talked for a while…just wanted to call and see how things are going for you out there…umm… call back sometime when you get some free time. It would be great…there are some things I need to talk to you about…uh…bye I guess.”

  “What the…good God. Dammit all, Stephanie,” Derrick said aloud as he wiped his face in frustration and hanging up the phone.

  The timing of her phone call could not have been worse considering what was going on. He decided he would call tomorrow and see what she wanted. He then slipped the phone into his coat pocket and went home.


  The next day was busier than what Thomas had planned on it being, most of it he spent on the phone. After bringing Daniel to school and helping him carry his things for his science project in he headed to the coffee shop. Tracie opened the coffee shop this morning and was in pleasant mood once Thomas walked in the door. There were a few customers in the shop this morning so the new couple kept their relationship in front of customers purely professional. They snuck a few occasional kisses from each other in the back room where the customers could not see them but that was the extent of it. He gave her a quick rundown of the meeting with Derrick but left out a few of the major details, the stranger in town being one of them.

  Thomas spent over an hour in the office pouring through security camera videos from the week before. When Tracie asked what he was doing, the only answer he gave was “I’m looking for someone”. He had the look on his face that he got when he was concentrating hard on something so she left him alone to his work. The shop phone was ringing more than normal for a Monday and every call Thomas took himself. The coffee delivery came in earlier than normal so Tracie took care of that so Thomas could finish with what he was doing. It was near sixty degrees outside and sunny for a change so Tracie decided to open up the windows of the shop and let some fresh air blow into the shop. Thomas came out every once in a while to refill his coffee and talk to Tracie and get some fresh air out the back door and have a cigarette. At about 12:34 while Thomas was back in the office and Tracie looked out the front door and saw Derrick pull up on his motorcycle. A moment later he walked into the shop with a back pack over one shoulder.

  “Hey Darlin, how are you doing today?” Derrick said with a big smile as he walked towards the counter and leaned over it to give his friend a hug.

  “I’m great! Wow, look at you all decked out in your riding gear,” Tracie answered.

  “Hell yes, it’s a great day for riding; and I bet you’re great because…well, you know why. I heard you and Erin had a very long conversation last night,” Derrick said giving her
a knowing smile.

  “Bah, it was just simple girl talk, you know about shoes and shopping and stuff like that,” she said.

  “Two hours for simple girl stuff huh?” Derrick said.

  “Mmm hmm,” she answered smiling.

  “Okay well I’ll let it go, but for what it’s worth I’m happy for you and Tom, just be careful. I told Thomas the same thing,” Derrick said.

  “What are you my damn brother?” she asked pretending to give attitude.

  “Pretty much, best you ever had,” Derrick said.

  “Fine, fine, whatever,” she said smiling and then asking, “What can I get you to drink Derrick?”

  “Umm…cold brew sounds good today Sweetheart, for here. Where’s the old man at” he asked.

  “Oh he’s in the office; he’s been busy all day. I’m assuming he’s expecting you so just go ahead and go back there” she said as she handed him his drink.

  “Okay thanks Tracie,” Derrick said as he took his coffee and left a three dollar tip in her tip jar.

  As he walked around the counter and past Tracie, she lightly grabbed his arm and said, “Derrick is everything okay with Tommy? There’s something going on and I’m worried about him”

  “Everything is going be fine, Sweetheart. Try not to worry, some things just came up that’s all. Thomas will tell you if, and when he is ready. But I promise everything is gunna be okay” he said as he gently patted the top of her hand.

  “Okay thanks Derrick,” she said.

  Derrick walked into the back room and into Thomas’ office, shutting the door behind him. He sat down in a leather chair, pulled out a folder from his backpack, and set it on the desk. Thomas was on the phone with what sounded like his sister at the moment so Derrick waited patiently and texted a message to Erin on his phone. A few minutes later Thomas hung up the phone.

  “Sorry about that man, the sister called and wanted to chit chat about their vacation to come out here and see us,” Thomas said.

  “No worries man, about time they came out here to see you and Daniel. It’s been a while, so when are they getting here?” Derrick said, then asking, “Did you get a chance to look at the cameras?”

  “Yeah, it has been a while but I’m just glad they’re going to come out; Daniel misses his grandpa and his cousin. It seems they’re coming out a month from now, or at least that is the plan. They are going to be a here for a week. It looks like it’s going to be my old man, Amanda, and my niece Ariel this time around; my brother-in-law Sam has to work. I did look at the videos, it took forever though,” Thomas said.

  “Sounds like fun,” Derrick said trying not to laugh knowing full well Thomas and his sister did not get along sometimes.

  Derrick was silent for a moment and then finally asked, “So was the guy here?”

  “Yeah, he was here, he came in on Wednesday. It seems he came here just after he left The Whaleback since they’re so close. Alexis was working, Tracie had the day off and I wasn’t in the shop at the time. He ordered tea.” Thomas said as he gave a Derrick a look.

  Derrick snorted. “How long was he in the shop for?”

  “Not too long, here’s the video; I have him from a few different angles,” Thomas said as he turned his laptop so Derrick could watch it.

  The video showed the same man they had pictures of come into the shop. They could see him stand outside the door and look through the windows for a few minutes before he came in. When he finally did walk in, he nodded politely at a few of the customers that were sitting down. He looked at the menu for a little bit and kept turning his head and scanning the shop, at one point he arched his neck to look towards the back of the shop. He eventually ordered his tea and made no attempt at sitting down.

  “That’s kind of weird; it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anybody be that obvious…and stupid. He reminds me of a minor trying to sneak into the bar,” Derrick said slightly amused at what he just saw.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m going to talk to Alexis when she gets here today. She had the music up so damn loud it obscured the audio on the tape; I couldn’t hear a damn thing he was saying to her. I want to know if he said anything to her or asked anything that may have come off as weird…if she can remember him that is” Thomas said.

  “I don’t know, man; she’s not exactly the smartest thing out there,” Derrick said with a laugh.

  Alexis had rubbed Derrick the wrong way the last time she was in Oregon visiting and he had never really let it go. Since then he never thought to highly of Tracie’s cousin, but it was an opinion he only shared with Thomas.

  “Tell me about it man, so did you hear from our favorite sheriff today?” Thomas asked.

  “Yeah but just briefly though, he had a busy day and said he would get back to me tomorrow. He said he would send anything he finds in an email” Derrick answered.

  “Okay sounds good, besides from all appearances I don’t think he’s a huge threat so there’s no rush. At least that is the impression that I get so far. I am more curious as to why the sudden interest in me and my life, and yours also…just don’t make sense really.” Thomas said

  “Yeah I’m wondered the same thing man, so we’ll just wait and see what news we get tomorrow I guess” Derrick answered

  “So it’s the big day man where you gunna do it at”? He asked.

  Derrick laughed as he drank more of his cold brew coffee and lit a cigarette then said, “Well I’m waiting for her to get out of work which is in about ten minutes. I told her I was going to stop by and talk to you then I am going to pick her up at home and we’re going to ride down to Newport and stay there for the night. I haven’t decided exactly where I am going to do it for sure, but it will be some time tonight. So be ready for a phone call from us and tell Tracie the same” Derrick explained

  “Well I’ll look forward to a very high-pitched female screaming on the phone to me,” Thomas said with a laugh.

  “No doubt; she’s going to be screaming her ass off,” Derrick said.

  “All right well get the hell out of here man, it’s a nice day to get engaged” Thomas said

  “Fine, I will” Derrick said laughing as he got up to leave.

  “In all seriousness though, good for you. I know you have been looking forward to this for a long time. I’m really happy for you,” Thomas said.

  “Thanks Bro, I don’t think I’ve been this excited and nervous in a long time,” Derrick said with a big smile.

  “Good luck man, have fun and be careful okay,” Thomas said.

  “Will do” Thomas’s friend answered and a moment later he was out the door and on his bike, another minute later he was gone.

  Thomas leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face. He had not shaved in two days and his stubble was already getting quite long. He felt tired and worn out. A lot had gone on in the last few days and he was still trying to catch up mentally. He reached for his cup of coffee and as he did, he heard Alexis’s voice outside the office door. He looked at his watch, she wasn’t due in for nearly two hours. “What the hell is she doing here so early?” he said to himself and a moment later, she popped her head in the door and said hello.

  “Hey Thomas, how are you today?” she asked.

  “I’m great kid how are you, what the hell are you doing here so early?” Thomas asked.

  “Well Tracie has an appointment at one thirty so she asked me if I would come in a few hours early for her” the young women explained.

  “Okay sounds good to me I guess, however you two work it out is fine with me,” Thomas said and then adding “Alexis do you have a second, I need to talk to you about something”.

  “Yeah sure, should I shut the door?” she asked.

  “No, you’re fine. Leave it open. I just need to have you look at a video and ask you about a customer who came in last week,” he said.

  “Okay sure” she said in a cheery voice

  Thomas turned the laptop and showed her the same video he had shown Derrick a few minutes before, ex
cept he had him watch it twice.

  “Yeah I sort of remember him, why what’s up”? She asked.

  “Did he say anything to you that seemed out of place or weird, any weird questions or anything” he asked as he watched her face as she studied the video.

  “Hmm no not especially I don’t think, he tipped good on his tea though, like three bucks. I thought he was dressed kind of odd for around here” she said and then adding “actually he did ask if the owner was in though. I told him no and he did not press the issue. Then he just made small talk about the weather. I think I caught him looking at my ass once but that is about it. Why what’s going on”?

  “Oh nothing just some issues with him maybe that’s it. But if that’s all he said then that’s all I need from you Darlin. But if you think of anything else let me know okay” Thomas said.

  “Okay cool then, well I’m going to go let Tracie leave then” Alexis said

  “Oh and Alexis before you go I have one more thing to ask you” Thomas said.

  “Yeah what’s up,” she said half out the door already and leaning on one foot.

  “Do me and the customers a favor and keep the music down okay. I do not care what you play, just nothing raunchy, keep it clean and keep it down okay,” Thomas said firmly giving her a knowing look.

  Alexis face turned bright red and then she quietly said okay, and then apologized for the music being up so loud. A minute later, she was gone and starting to work. Thomas decided to leave for the day since he had some running around to do before he picked up Daniel. He quickly packed up his things and left his office, locking the door behind him. Tracie was on the way out also so he walked her to her car and kissed her goodbye and promised to call her later. It was sunny and warm and would be a good day to take the dogs for a walk on the beach by the house. Maybe it would be a good time to talk to his son about Tracie and his dad dating each other. Thomas got in his truck, left, and went to the post office and to do his other running around.


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