Book Read Free

Running Northwest

Page 34

by Michael Melville

  Stephanie was white as ghost; she had no idea what to say. She looked at Ann for help. “Derrick, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” was all she got out before her old “friend” began yelling again cursing even more and at one point slamming his hand on the table and knocking over a glass of wine. All three old men around the table were on their feet, two other men were coming over and Ryan the bartender bounded over the bar top to help.

  Suddenly out of nowhere, Pockets came up behind Derrick wrapping one arm around Derrick’s throat while shoving something into the small of his back that made Derrick stop what he was doing and stop speaking altogether. Pockets whispered something into his ear and a moment later, they were going through the kitchen door and out the back of the restaurant followed by Jack and Ben and Ryan. Pockets did not let Derrick go the entire time until they were outside. The band had stopped playing during the last part of Derricks cursing tirade and the Riptide was silent; all eyes were on the groups table. It all happened so quickly Stephanie had no idea what do to or say and began crying hysterically. She grabbed her purse and jacket and ran out the front door as fast as she could. Ann left her own purse and ran out after the young girl. Eventually the she caught up to her a little ways down the street.

  “Are you okay Sweetie?” Ann said as she reached for Stephanie to hug her and calm her down.

  “No, no Ann I’m not, maybe Derrick’s right I should have never come. I don’t even know what just happened in there. I should have never come to this place; I should have just let my mistakes stay in the past. This was stupid of me to come here. I’m sorry if I caused any trouble” Stephanie said wiping her tears.

  “Oh you hush up, now you’re a good girl with a good heart. Do not let that loud mouth get to you I do not care how long you have known him. I know him well, and he is a hot-tempered son of a bitch. He has no idea who you are now, or what’s in that heart of yours anymore, all his frustration is from ages ago,” Ann said holding Stephanie’s shoulder, as she cried but not as hard.

  Stephanie looked up towards the direction of the bar and thought about what was going on. “I hope the Pockets, Ben and Jack are okay, and I hope Derrick didn’t hurt them. I will feel horrible if something happened to them,” She said.

  “Oh don’t worry about those old men; any one of them can take Derrick…well except Ben he’s is a bit frail now. However, I am willing to bet Pockets has something pointed at Derrick that goes faster than Derrick could ever move.

  Stephanie’s eyes got wide “oh my God Ann he won’t shoot Derrick will he,” she said.

  “Oh lord no, the gun is empty, Pockets always carries it out at night…for protection. But Derrick doesn’t know it’s empty and Derrick is a little scared of Pockets for reasons that we are not quite sure of. He will be fine trust me,” Ann said smiling.

  Stephanie thought about it and in all realty Ann knew Derrick and all of them better than she did now. Therefore, she trusted what the old woman had told her and sighed. “I should go Ann, I can’t go back in there now” she said. The thought of anyone scaring Derrick she found a little funny, he had always been a guy that doesn’t scare easy.

  Ann nodded her head in agreement. “I understand Sweetie. Have a nice walk on the beach and be careful okay? I will take care of everything here do not worry about it. Expect me to come and check on you when we get back,” Ann said.

  “Okay,” Stephanie answered quietly and adding, “I’m so sorry still, I was having a nice time with you all”

  “It’s not a big deal and it will all get squared away. Go get some air Sweetheart and I will see you later,” Ann said. Stephanie smiled faintly, turned the corner, and headed for the ocean her head down and lost in thought. Ann growled aloud and began making her way back to the Riptide, she walked around the backside to the alleyway to where her husband, Pockets and Jack had Derrick sitting on some wooden crates and surrounding him. Beth was inside the restaurant and hopefully having a nice chat with Erin.

  “Well Derrick have you calmed down some you brooding moron” Ann yelled asking as she pointed a wrinkly finger at Derrick. “You know I’m not thrilled with the way you talk to women Mr. tough guy, do you yell at Erin like that when you can’t control your damn temper?” she added.

  Derrick glanced up at her and looked down shaking his head in mild defeat. He was not sure what to say and was not happy about the gun the man known as “Pockets” was holding at his side, a finger on the trigger. He knew Pockets very well and knew he was not the kind of person you want to piss off, the man had a serious past and connections bigger than Derrick and Thomas could ever dream of having. In addition, Pockets had some leverage over Derrick that the others did not know about when it came to his business, his partner and best friend Thomas had no idea about it either. So he sat and listen to Ann, a woman he had known for quite a while talk.

  “What was the point of that entire thing Derrick, I mean really is you’re hatred for that poor girl that deep and hard,” Ann asked.

  “I don’t hate her Ann, but you have no idea what she did to Thomas,” He said.

  “The hell I don’t Derrick, I sat and talked Thomas through so much of what he went through with that girl when he first rented our old place. He told me things he never told you or could ever tell you. Do not forget Tom was here for nearly six months by himself before you got here. You were not around for the worst; I sat for hours on that deck at the cottage, listened to him, and just sat with him. Hell I had to make sure he ate half the time. So don’t you dare get all high and mighty with me you ass” Ann said red faced and angry.

  “I know I kind of went off the handle in there, I was just protecting my best friend Ann, you have to try and understand that. I was caught off guard, walking in here and seeing Stephanie was the last thing I expected,” Derrick said. He was not entirely truthful and was not about to admit his suspicions about Stephanie being here. He began slowly to stand until Pockets pointed the gun at him and motioned for him to sit and the tattooed Ryan stepped closer. Derrick sat back down, lit a cigarette, and breathed the smoke in he was frustrated.

  “And how are you protecting him Derrick. How do you think Thomas would feel if he heard and saw what you just did to the woman who loves him and that he may still love? You know how much she will always matter to him unless you are an idiot, and I do not suspect you are. We both know he would be pissed as hell and beat your ass,” Ann said.

  Derrick thought about this, he knew Ann was probably right and Tom would be furious as hell. He knew Thomas himself had forgiven Stephanie long ago for all the things he just yelled at her for. “I should at least say something to her and try to apologize, Ann,” Derrick said.

  “No you will do nothing of the sort; I don’t want you near her right now Derrick. That entire bar in there thinks you are a complete nut job right now. I know where she is staying and there is no way I’m telling you. You scared the hell out of her and she’s leaving tomorrow. She came here for many of the same reason Thomas did, and she met people Derrick, people that care about her. You should know that whatever and whoever she was before, she is not the same person now, she different and she’s better,” Ann said.

  “So what do you want me to do Ann, what am I supposed to do?” Derrick asked

  “You’re going to forget this night ever happened, you and Erin both. You are going to forget you ever saw Stephanie here. She did not go see Thomas for a reason Derrick. It was dumb luck they almost ran into each other here in town a few days ago. She does not want to hurt him that is why she is leaving, but I suspect she will be back eventually when she is ready. Do not speak a word of tonight ever to anyone especially Thomas, I love him like a son and I will not have you upsetting him. I’ll be seeing him and Daniel soon enough and I’ll know if you told him,” Ann said. The old woman walked closer and leaned over until she was face to face with Derrick and said, “Do you understand me, if you don’t I am sure Pockets will make you understand in his own way,”

  Derrick was silent
and glanced over at Pockets who was looking at Derrick like he was corpse he had killed himself. He looked back at Ann and nodded a silent agreement.

  “Wonderful Derrick, you know I do like you, I really do. Your temper pisses me off and concerns me though. Erin should be out front waiting for you now. I don’t want to see you around here for a while I think,” Ann said with an evil smile as she walked through the back door followed by her husband Ben, Jack and Ryan.

  Derrick stood up and began walking down the alley but stopped when he heard the gun Pockets was holding click. He froze in place as the older man with gun walked around him the barrel pointed at Derrick’s chest as he moved.

  “Ann meant what she was saying Derrick, don’t doubt that. We like that girl an awful lot and Thomas also. It would be wise to do exactly what Ann said otherwise you will be getting a visit from some friends of mine. I think you know what I mean by that,” Pockets said.

  “I do Pockets, I understand Ann completely,” Derrick said.

  “Good, and don’t forget who owns your booze license Kiddo, they are hard to get around here. It would be a shame to have The Whaleback close down, I like that place. And I am well aware that Thomas has no idea about the arrangement between you and me,” Pockets said then adding, “hopefully next time we meet it will be on better terms”. Then the old man nodded for Derrick to walk and Derrick did just that. Pockets put his gun in the holster under his coat and went back inside the bar through the same door Ann used.

  Derrick walked to the front of the bar. Erin was waiting for him by his motorcycle. He smiled when he saw her but it was not returned. “So, feel better about yourself honey. You made a complete ass out of yourself,” She said.

  “I’m sorry baby, I just couldn’t control myself I was so furious that she was here,” Derrick said grabbing her hand lightly but she pulled it away.

  “It was none of your damn business Derrick. Just take me home, I’m pissed and embarrassed and I don’t want to talk to you right now because that was bullshit. You did not even give her a damn chance to speak you just started screaming like a jerk. Let’s just go home maybe I’ll talk to you in a few days,” Erin said as she got on the back of the motorcycle and put on her helmet.

  The drive back south to Tillamook was silent and awkward and Derrick could not help but think about how horrible his decision was and what Ann had said to him. As they drove they passed the dirt road that led to Thomas’ cottage, he thought about stopping but Erin was not in the mood and he didn’t bother asking.

  . . .

  It was getting close to midnight and Daniel had been in bed for a while already. Thomas as promised had read the book of ghost stories and his son seemed to enjoy them, the night could bring a different reaction though. Now Thomas was sitting on a wooden bench next to a dying fire. The stars and moon were coming out from the behind the clouds and it was looking to be a peaceful night compared to the last few. He sipped the beer in his hands as he watched the light reflect off the ocean. He had a feeling something was up, his gut was telling him that but he didn’t know what it was. His thoughts wandered onto Stephanie ever now and then the whole night. At first, he fought it, but now he just let them come. Harley, his oldest dog was sitting in the sand near his feet, her head resting on his leg. He rubbed her ears and head and she closed her eyes enjoying the attention. Thomas smiled and looked down at her and a thought came to his mind.

  “Do you even remember Stephanie old girl, that was a long time ago but you have a pretty good memory even though you’re old. I wonder if you do. I wish you could talk I’d really love your opinion in this. After all who knows me better than you do huh?” Thomas said to his dog.

  Harley wagged her tail over the sand in a response of no particular meaning. She knew what she was saying but Thomas could not understand. If she could speak, she would have said something like, “yes I do, I saw her just the other day dude, she petted me, I like her nails.”

  Thomas smiled and patted the old dog’s head and she crouched down in the sand and stretched out on her side. Thomas looked out over the ocean and glanced down the beach, he saw a raccoon savaging the beach about 40 yards away. Between Daniels mom Sarah and Stephanie no other women managed to hold his heart they way those two did. The only one that was close was Jade and that was over before they had a chance to even see where it was going, but that was long before Stephanie came along when he was in his mid-20’s. Stephanie’s face came to his mind again and he smiled a little.

  “Where are you I wonder, what are you doing right now Stephanie. Do you ever think of me anymore?” Thomas said out loud to himself.

  Behind him he heard a cough and sniffles and turned around to see Daniel standing at the slider door.

  “Who’s Stephanie, Dad?” the boy asked.

  “Oh, she’s just an old friend that Dad thinks about once in a while. What are you doing up, buddy?” Thomas asked as he stood and poured water on the fire’s few remaining embers.

  “I had a bad dream Dad, I’m sorry” he said meekly.

  Thomas smiled and chuckled a little and said, “Don’t be sorry buddy. Do you want to hang out in my room and watch TV for a bit?”

  “Is that okay?” the boy asked.

  “Sure. Come on, let’s get inside. It’s pretty cool out here,” Thomas said as he, Harley, and Daniel went inside the house and settled in for the rest of the night. He took one last look out at the water and smiled.

  . . .

  At the same time a few miles north Stephanie sat on a log on the beach not too far away from her cottage. Haystack rock stood just in front of her and she could hear the waves crashing lightly on the far side of the rock. She looked up at the stars, which were beginning to appear from behind the clouds that covered the skies for the last few days. The walk down the beach after she left Riptide had helped however; an occasional tear went down her cheek. She was worried; worried that Derrick was this very moment talking to Thomas and letting him know she was here on the coast. She hoped that somehow that would not happen. It would ruin everything if he did.

  She was furious with Derrick for how he treated her in front of all those people and mad about how he spoke to her. However, she knew Derrick always had a temper that he usually kept in check…usually. Stephanie wondered if this was all her fault by doing things the she had done while out on the coast. Maybe she should have just went and seen Derrick first as soon as she got out here, maybe that would have helped she wondered. She would never know now with what just happened. She thought about her friends as she saw the lights from a ship out on the horizon heading north. She was worried about the old men, Ann and Beth and how things went with Derrick.

  She set her elbows on her knees and rested her head on her hand, rubbing her head with the tips of her finger. She missed her dog Shadow right now. Usually when she was upset rubbing her dog's belly made her feel better. Shadow always knew when Stephanie was sad and was always there for her. She turned her head and looked south down the beach. Somewhere that direction was Thomas she thought about him all the time now and could not stop herself. She knew the feelings for him were real now and they were not something she could control. His bearded face, squinty green eyes and big smile entered her imagination and heart.

  “I wonder what you’re up to right now Mr. James, are you with your girlfriend or is it just you, your son and your dogs. Why do I get the feeling you’re walking on your beach right now?” she said aloud with nothing to hear her but wind and lightly rolling waves. “This would be a whole lot easier if I knew you still loved me, or missed me at all. I just wish I knew something about what you were feeling Thomas, I’m scared as hell right now.” She also said talking into the nature around her. Another tear rolled down her cheek, which she wiped away. At one point in time, she would have felt ridiculous talking to someone who was not there. For some reason though she didn’t care and didn’t mind, the stars and sand heard her questions and thoughts.

  Stephanie stood up and walked further down th
e beach and eventually came to the cement drive that led up a small hill. On the top of that hill was her rented cottage. She looked at it from down on the beach and realized she left the lights on inside. She loved that cottage, despite the stress and conflicting feelings since she had been in Cannon Beach the cottage felt like home to her now, with the exception of her dog not being here however.

  After a few minutes, she made her way back to the cottage and went inside. On the couch, her suitcase and bags were sitting and ready to leave the next day. When she was walking up, she noticed the lights in Ann and Ben’s home were off. Ben’s car was not in its parking spot, which told her they were not home yet. She opened the fridge and realized she had not eaten yet that day. She had planned to order food at the Riptide but never got the chance. She grabbed an open bottle of wine, some cheese and crackers and walked out onto the deck. Not even bothering with a glass she pulled the cork out and took a sip from the bottle. She figured Ann and Ben would be home shortly, she knew Ann would stick to her word and check on her so she sat and waited, enjoying her last night with this view.


  Around twelve thirty or so, Stephanie saw the headlights of Bens car turn into the drive. Barely two minutes after that Ann walked into Stephanie’s cottage and came out onto the deck, knowing that is where Stephanie would be. Ann looked down at the remains of the cheese and crackers and noticed the empty bottle of wine.

  “You feeling okay?” Ann asked as she sat down in the Adirondack chair next to Stephanie.

  “Oh yeah I’m fine…you know outside of being berated and screamed at in public by someone I thought was one my oldest friends but yeah I’m good…the wine helped a lot I think” Stephanie said giving a slick grin and a wink.

  Ann studied Stephanie’s face, searching for what she was really feeling and thinking.

  “So how did it go after I left with Derrick and the boys?” Stephanie asked her speech slightly slurred from the wine.


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