Running Northwest

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Running Northwest Page 42

by Michael Melville

  Eventually the mountains gave way open farmland, the thick green trees became sparser and homes began to pop up sporadically. A river ran along the road next to her and she saw a young boy in fishing boat heading the same way as she was. Then she saw a sign on the side of the road that said Tillamook five miles ahead and smile came to her face.

  . . .

  Tom was sitting in corner a booth at The Whaleback, watching the football game and spinning the half-empty beer bottle. He had picked Daniel up and the boy apparently had a rough day at school. There was girl he liked and had for a while, Daniel and he talked about her before. It seemed Daniel got the courage to tell her that he liked her; the girl however shot him down and called him a nerd. Daniel was devastated and morose when Thomas picked him up, not sure why he was a “nerd”. They stopped for snack and talked about it. Thomas told his son the only thing that he could think of which was “You win some and you lose some buddy, regardless though I’m proud of you for telling her. That took courage, and courage is hard for even grown men to have, so it’s pretty cool you have courage like that at 8-years-old. He really wanted to say, “Tell the little witch to kiss your ass” but he did not. He knew what he did say was probably not the most fatherly or correct thing to say but it made Daniel smile and he gave his dad a hug and told him thanks.

  The rest he was sure Tracie would hear about, which in some ways made him nervous because it was Tracie. Nevertheless, she knew the right things to say to Daniel. About a week, after the breakup she went and talked to Daniel and explained it to him, but in a way he would understand. Regardless of Tracie’s occasional immaturity, she was always very good with Daniel and that is all that mattered to Thomas. She would no doubt help him get through this thing with the girl from school.

  Thomas’ own love life was nonexistent. Lately he wondered if it was better that way. Since finding out Stephanie had been on the coast his mind and emotions had been up and down. He thought about her often and still considered calling her in Michigan. However he never did, part of him thought since she did not come to see him while she was in here in Oregon that she must not have any interest in talking to him let alone seeing him. He loved her still but began putting her behind him once again. He had no reason to hold on, after all what did he have to hold on to other than what was in his own heart and that would never change. He knew though no matter how hard he tried Stephanie would never go away and neither would what he felt. It would just exist in his heart as it had for years. His gut however, was not letting it go and was telling him something big was about to happen…he tried to ignore it.

  Derrick emerged from the back office and sat down next to Thomas where he had been sitting until an issue came up. The Whaleback was slow earlier but once the game came on people began coming in.

  “No karaoke tonight?” Thomas asked looking around.

  “Umm no, it’s game night anyway but I have to find a new guy” Derrick said with an awkward look on his face.

  “Why, what happened to that guy? He was good,” Thomas asked

  “Caught him having sex in my office with a waitress,” he said with an annoyed look on his face.

  “No shit? Which one?” Thomas asked.

  “Krystal,” Derrick said and gave Thomas an obvious sort of look.

  “Oh yeah…isn’t that like the second time she did that, Bro?” Thomas asked as he sipped his beer.

  “Well it was the third time in the bar while she was working, second time in my office but thanks for reminding me Tom,” Derrick said as he rubbed his face.

  “Wow…I am never sitting on that couch again,” Thomas said.

  “It was my desk this time,” Derrick said.

  “Oh…I think you need to get a new desk,” Thomas said trying hard not to laugh.

  “I did and burned the old one out back last week. Erin said I shouldn’t have a desk that smelled like whore,” Derrick said then adding, “can we not talk about this anymore and watch the game. It’s reminding me how much bare man ass I saw that night and I don’t want to think about it”

  “Fair enough,” Thomas said. Just then, the Seahawks scored a touchdown and some people in the bar let out a roar of approval. It was the 4th quarter and Thomas would be leaving soon. The game was supposed to be a blow out but was now tied so he decided to stick around until the end.

  “Let’s go to the office and watch the rest so we can smoke” Derrick said.

  “Sounds good to me, let’s go,” Thomas answered and got up. On his way to the backroom, he went behind the bar and grabbed two more beers, one for each of them.


  Nearly two weeks later on Saturday, Shadow was still investigating her new home, running around smelling every nook and cranny she could find. Stephanie kept the slider open so her dog could go in and out. Very soon after arriving in Cannon Beach, Stephanie realized the husky was very content with sitting on the deck. She would watch the flocks of seagulls and other birds fly overhead and up and down the beach. She gazed longingly at the other dogs as they walked and ran around on the beach below and occasionally let out a small whimper as her tail began wagging fast.

  Ann, Beth and the rest of them set up the house as perfectly as they could before she arrived; it was a sort of housewarming gift. The cupboards were stocked with groceries and so was the refrigerator so she would not have to shop for quite some time. Even Pockets left her a gift basket of dog treats and other snacks from the specialty dog store down on Hemlock Street.

  On the stove sat a large pot of half-eaten clam chowder. Beth and her husband had made for Stephanie as her first home cooked meal in her new home. The house swirled with the delicious scent of the chowder and her stomach was full from eating it. She was just finishing unpacking a few things that were left. Ann said she would be over about noon with her dogs Frank and Ava, who Shadow had taken an immediate and surprising liking too. Shadow was sometimes iffy around other unfamiliar dogs so Stephanie had to be careful. Stephanie looked at her watch and saw it was close to noon now.

  They had planned to go on another adventure hoping to get Shadow familiar with the beach and ocean. On their last walk Shadow tried drinking water from the ocean and threw up very quickly afterwards. She was not sure what was wrong with the water and looked horrified at the whole experience. As she was folding some new towels there was a knock on the door and Ann came in.

  “Are ya decent honey?” Ann said before she came too far in the door but that was stopping Ava and Frank from charging inside and looking for Shadow.

  “Yeah I’m not naked Ann, at least right now,” Stephanie said laughing as she came out from the bedroom.

  “Are you ready to go dear,” Ann asked as her dog ran up to Shadow and sniffed her.

  “Yeah just about” she said as she grabbed her coat, gloves and Shadow’s leash. She whistled quietly as she bent down to pet Ann’s dog whose butt was moving excitedly back and forth. Shadow came running in and began smelling the cocker spaniel as her own tail smacked against the refrigerator door. Stephanie went and shut the slider door and soon after, the four of them were out the door and walking down the small cement drive toward the beach. Since arriving, Ann had kept Stephanie busy and introduced her to more people in town than what she could remember. Ann also showed her around Tillamook area a bit more and then Seaside to the north, showing her what stores and places that in her words were “worth a damn.”

  They walked down the beach slowly, chatting as they went along slowly and in no rush at all. The waves rolled onto the sand after breaking, occasionally leaving shells or other interesting things. Shadow, Frank and Ava walked side by side in front of the two women occasionally stopping to investigate something they smelled and dig their paws into the sand gently.

  “You know Ann it still seems crazy to me,” Stephanie said as she looked around and watched the dogs.

  “What’s that Sweetie” Ann replied.

  “That I’m here I guess and that I actually up and left Michigan and moved here
. The old me would have never done that. She would have never sold her house and a large portion of her things and moved like that,” Stephanie said.

  “Well people do stranger things than what you did Sweetie. What you did was brave; some people are never that brave, they don’t have the ability. It wasn’t weird, but maybe crazy in a way…but a good sort of crazy I think,” Ann said then adding “for what it’s worth I’m proud of you”.

  Stephanie smiled “thanks Ann, I could never have done it without you and the others support, I would have freaked out. I woke up twice this week and went for my suitcase to pack it. I still have not gotten used to the fact I don’t ever have to leave,” she said with a smile and gazed out over the surf.

  “I Love it here so much,” Stephanie said quietly with a small smile after a moment of saying nothing.

  Ann smiled then out of nowhere and having nothing to do with their current conversation Ann turned to Stephanie and asked “Okay so you been here over a week now” She began and stopping.

  “Yeah I guess so, it feels like longer though” Stephanie replied.

  “So have you called or gone to see Thomas yet. I saw you stare at his shop the other day when we were down in Tillamook and drove by, I know you want to,” Ann said.

  “I do, but no I haven’t yet,” Stephanie replied.

  “Scared” Ann said. Stephanie was not sure, if Ann was asking a question or stating a fact.

  “Maybe I guess, more nervous and unsure what to say. What am I supposed to do Ann call him and be like, hey lover I live in Cannon Beach now let’s have coffee sometimes and make out for old times’ sake?” Stephanie said as she talked with her hands.

  “Well there is that route, which could be an option I guess. However, I was thinking of something more subtle like asking if he wants to go for a walk or something. You do have a dog, he has dogs, guys like ladies with dogs” Ann said.

  Stephanie laughed hard and smiled then said, “I guess I’m just nervous, and still worried he’s gunna think I’m a crazy stalker moving out here where he came to get away from me”

  “I don’t think he’s gunna have that reaction, in fact I’m quite sure about it,” Ann said.

  Stephanie thought about it and said, “Yeah…maybe, one can hope I guess.”

  “This is a place for new beginnings Steph, a place to rewrite endings you thought you couldn’t,” Ann said then adding, “It’s why you came here, for a new beginning right?”

  Stephanie stopped and looked at Ann and smiled then gave her older friend a hug.

  “Yeah you’re right, I guess I want it to be just right but I know something’s don’t happen just right,” Stephanie said.

  “Well then stop being a chicken and do something already. He’s a sexy guy, sexy guys only stay single for so long Sweetie,” Ann said.

  Stephanie laughed; the two of them continued south down the beach. Ann kept giving Stephanie lots of helpful hints about the town as far as things to do, things that go on the tourists did not know about. Stephanie had not thought about finding a job yet but she knew she would eventually have too. She had made quite a bit of money from selling her house and was all right money wise for now. She had been working the same job for a few years and knew she would probably have to change her career path in some way. It was something she would focus on later; right now, she just wanted to keep herself busy and active.

  Eventually they turned back around and headed back to the house. Ann and Ben were going to an early dinner with Ben’s sister who was visiting from New York. Ann was not happy about it since she felt the woman was an obnoxious witch. Stephanie told Ann if she needed a break to come over and say hello. After saying their goodbyes and dragging Shadow away from Frank and Ava, Stephanie went inside. After finishing with the left over unpacking, she sat and turned on the TV and watched the news for a bit. She wanted to run up north to Seaside and stop at a few stores up there and eventually got herself ready to go.

  After a few days being in her new home, she made the mistake of leaving Shadow home alone for an hour. An hour was all it took for Shadow to tear apart her bag of food, some boxes and pull down the blinds in two windows. As Stephanie was getting ready to leave and putting on her coat, she looked down at the large kennel that Shadow sat inside of. The dog had a dejected look on her face, since she had not had to be in a cage since she was puppy.

  “I’m sorry Sweetie,” Stephanie said in her kindness mommy voice then adding. “I won’t be gone long, and if I let you stay out of your cage you might chew stuff up, it’s just until you get used to the new home I promise”.

  Stephanie grabbed her keys and before she left she slipped a dog treat thru the kennel door then she was off. She first drove through down town Cannon Beach just to see what was going on. It was late fall and some shops were already closed but many were still open for the fall travelers. Christmas was right around the corner and Ann said the town “really did it up” for Christmas. Quickly she made her way out of the town, out to the Coast Highway then heading north towards Seaside. She drove with window down despite the light drizzle, the air smelled pure and clean and occasionally she got a whiff of campfires.

  After seeing the weather report earlier, she decided she would have a fire on the beach later that evening about sunset, just her and Shadow. She saw this done on her first trip but never did it herself. Back in Michigan, campfires on the beaches were generally forbidden. However, in Oregon most beaches and communities apparently allowed them, some even encouraged it; Stephanie loved it. Ann told her that some hotels directly on the beach in town even made fires for guests when requested. She was hoping she could remember how to get to the places in Seaside she wanted to go to, but if not sometimes getting lost was an adventure all of its own. She sent Ann a text to let her know her plans.

  . . .

  Down the coast, Thomas was sitting in his coffee shop drinking some coffee. His son was sitting across from him reading his history book for school and making some notes. Sometimes Thomas just liked to sit and watch his son do homework, the looks the boy made when he was thinking about something made him laugh once in a while. When Daniel was into a subject, he did not like being bothered and Thomas learned to let him be if he was on a roll. Thomas was the same way when he was doing paperwork or concocting a new drink for the shop.

  “Do you want anything buddy” Thomas asked as he got up to refill his coffee.

  “Just some orange juice Dad, thank you,” Daniel answered.

  At another table and old woman was sitting reading her paper, smiled and said, “My, your son is well mannered. Who taught you such good manners young man?” looking at Thomas then the boy.

  Still looking down at his book Daniel answered, “My mom taught me to be polite, before she died”

  The older woman’s’ face went white and immediately began apologizing profusely. Thomas assured her it was no big deal and it was not recent, and then refilled her coffee while he was up. Daniel did not miss a beat and kept on with his work. He wondered how often he talked about his mom to people other than him. Thomas felt bad for his son who seemed to be getting used the fact his mother had died, he was not sure how he felt about that. Suddenly his phone went off; he looked at it and was receiving a text message from Ann, which said:

  Thomas, you and Daniel should come up to Cannon Beach tonight by 6. I have something to share with you.

  Thomas was confused and sent a message back that was just a question mark. A few minutes later, he received a reply.

  Just trust me Thomas, be up here no later than 6.

  His reply was just a quick okay. He looked over at his son who was still reading. He wondered what was going on up there, and what Ann wanted. It was rare she demanded he and Daniel go up there, he hoped everything was all right.

  “Hey buddy it looks like we are going up to Cannon Beach tonight for a while,” Thomas said.

  Daniel sat up, looked at his dad, and said “Why? I didn’t know we were going there tonight.”
r />   “Well me either guy, but Grandma Ann just texted me and said you and me should come up there no later than 6.” Thomas said.

  “That’s sounds weird I think Dad, I wonder what’s going on?” Daniel asked.

  “Me to buddy, but I guess we will find out when we get there,” Thomas said.

  “I guess so…hey can we bring the girls with us?” Daniel asked.

  Thomas thought about it and said, “Sure I don’t see any reason why not. It’s about 2 now so when you’re done we will take off and go home and get ready, maybe we will get there a little early and walk around town for a bit. You can finish your homework tomorrow I guess.

  After a little bit longer Daniel began packing up his backpack and putting his book inside. Thomas went and said a few things to Jackson who was working behind the counter. The boy had picked up well on things and Thomas was impressed so far, hoping he worked out. He even seemed to get on the good side of Tracie doing all he could to impress her. Thomas wondered if he had a crush on the “older” girl and thought it was funny. After grabbing his computer bag and some paperwork from the back office they went out the door, got in the truck and headed north around the bay towards home.

  There was a light drizzle but no hard wind for a change and the news said the drizzle would stop around 4 pm. Thomas thought it should be a nice evening up in Cannon Beach even though it was cool 55 degrees. The bay was on their left as they came around and passed through Garibaldi, a few small boats were moving around the bay. He could see old men with fishing poles; they sat on the shore waiting for the next big catch. Things like that are what made Thomas glad he lived here; glad he was raising his son here. As he drove he wondered what the big deal was that Ann needed him and Daniel there at that exact time, he wondered what the old woman was up to.

  . . .

  Stephanie had found what she was looking for up in seaside. Part of her new life here on the coast meant having a home that looked like it belonged on the coast or the Pacific Northwest. She always liked the water, the ocean; boats and things like that so she picked up a few things that were handmade for her home to help reflect that. One thing she also bought was a new large pillow for her Shadow, hoping it would make the dog feel more at home and less nervous in the new house.


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