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Conquering Lyssa

Page 11

by Jaden Sinclair

  Another deep growl left Daxis just as he seemed to attack her pussy. He licked, sucked hard and pushed his tongue deep inside her.

  Breathing seemed to feel like a hard task to accomplish. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs or keep up with each raw sensation that he sent through her body. Reaching down she fisted her fingers into his hair and pulled. That got another growl from him that vibrated through her, pooling right at her clit.

  Fingers replaced the tongue and then lips closed over her clit. He sucked hard, fucked her with two fingers and drove her to screaming out her release. The orgasm washed through her system, stealing her breath, leaving her limp and at his mercy.

  Working to catch her breath, Daxis stopped and rose up over her. She looked up at him and waited for him to come over her, but he didn’t. Instead, his hands grabbed her hips and he flipped her over and then brought her up to her hands and knees.

  With no time to brace herself, one hard thrust and Daxis entered her body to the hilt. Once more, he stole her breath and didn’t give her the time to adjust to a damn thing. He moved fast behind her, moving in and out with such power that she knew there would be more bruises come morning.

  Fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her back to meet his thrusts. Bodies slapped brutally against each other and hard breathing seemed to echo off the walls of the room. Once more, that familiar sensation of climax was fast approaching.

  Lyssa bit her lip and tried to push it back just a bit longer but it was useless to even try. The hard manner in which Daxis took her just seemed to bring her own pleasure to surface quickly.

  Unable to hold it back it hit and hit hard. Lyssa screamed with the punch of pleasure to her gut that raced down between her legs and felt like it was just building in strength with each hard thrust he gave her. She ended up dropping down to the floor, but he kept her hips up still and didn’t seem to miss a beat. He pounded into her, which seemed to just drag out the orgasm.

  She was about to yell at him to stop when he lowered down on top of her, still moving, and bit her hard on the shoulder. Once more, she screamed and one orgasm just turned into another. She shook under him, reached back and wrapped one arm as best as she could around his neck. He growled again and gave one more hard thrust, then stilled. Lyssa felt him swell inside, felt his own climax pour from him and hoped like hell with it his heat would finally leave him.

  Just like she did, Daxis fell to the floor behind her. She worked to catch her breath and managed to turn to face him. His eyes were closed and his chest rose and fell quickly. Looking his body over she saw that he was still hard and wondered if he might still be in need.

  “Still there?” she asked, rolling to her side toward him. He didn’t answer, only nodded.

  Getting up, Lyssa walked to the bathroom, turned the light on and slightly shut the door. A bath sounded good, but a shower might be better right now. Turning the water on, she waited until it got hot and then stepped in and waited.

  She smiled when she didn’t have to wait too long.

  Daxis pushed the door open and stood in the doorway staring at her as she stood under the water. His eyes were still red, but not as red as what they were when she’d first entered his room.

  They had a short stare off before Daxis walked into the bathroom, stepped into the shower and stood behind her. Lyssa just looked over her shoulder at him, saying nothing. She could hear the low rumbling in his chest and it woke her own inner animal. The raw, unbridled features of his body as well as the control he showed did something to her. Her clit started to once more throb for attention.

  Turning her body around so they were face to face, she touched his chest. Daxis said and did nothing until she scraped her nails down his chest. He hissed then and that rumbling turned into a low, warning growl.

  All the way down she scraped her nails until she reached his stiff erection. Closing her hand as much around the thick base as she could, Lyssa slowly stroked the flesh, watching his face the whole time.

  His eyes became darker, more intense and his jaw tightened. Slowly she moved her hand up and down, rubbing the head with her thumb. His nostrils flared and that’s when he made his move. He slapped her hand away from his cock, picked her up under her arms and pushed her against the wall of the shower. Instantly, Lyssa wrapped her legs around his waist and accepted the heated, deep kiss he gave her.

  His cock bumped against her own sex causing the clit to throb even more. The need to have him inside her once more rose, and no matter how much she tried to get him closer by using her legs, Daxis seemed to hold her off. He held her, kissed her deep, and then those hands of his went down her backside to land on her ass. A squeeze as well as a moan from him and then she felt him reaching between their bodies. He rubbed just the head of his cock up and down the slit of her pussy, teasing her. Each time he touched her clit she gasped into the kiss and squirmed as much as she could being held between the wall and his body.

  Breaking the kiss, she pulled his hair until his head went back. Giving his throat a lick earned her another growl from him. When she bit him on the collarbone was when Daxis gave her what she wanted.

  A hard plunge into her and she climaxed. Lyssa held him tight against her, mouth open as she tried to catch her breath. Pleasure rippled through her, stealing that breath she was desperately trying to catch. As she held him tight, waiting for the first climax to ease away Daxis licked and sucked at the mark on her shoulder. That gave her the chills once more.

  “Perfect,” Daxis rumbled against her shoulder.

  Then he moved.

  He withdrew slowly, then thrust back inside her body. Another slow retreat, another hard push. Each hard thrust hit her clit just right, sending shards of raw pleasure racing down her spine. With each thrust, he’d rotate his hips, grinding against the clit even more. It drove her nuts and had her wanting more at the same time.

  Daxis didn’t keep with the pace he set. Only a few more motions of slow and easy and then he picked up the pace. His thrust became more powerful, more urgent and just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, he gave one last shove. His head went back and he shouted out in pleasure.

  It took a few minutes before they could part and when they did, Daxis started washing her back. She felt drained but when he turned around she returned the favor, then he shut off the water, handed her a towel and they stood outside the shower drying off. Still Daxis didn’t say a word, and Lyssa couldn’t find the words to say to him.

  With the towel wrapped around her body, she left the bathroom first for the bed. With a tired sigh, Lyssa slipped under the cool sheets, naked. Daxis came out of the bathroom not too long after and got in with her. Instantly she slid up to his side, resting her head on his chest and putting one leg up over his own. He in turn, put his arm around her shoulders and his other hand over hers when she put it on his belly.

  “I’m sorry,” she finally said when the silence became too much for her.

  “Me too,” he sighed.

  Lyssa rose up to look him in the face. “I—I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “What happened?”

  She lowered her eyes, then her head returned to his chest. She just couldn’t look him in the eye and spill her fears. “I don’t know. Guess I freaked out and got scared some.”

  “About what?”

  “About all of this.” she murmured.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Closing her eyes, she blurted it out. “I woke up bruised and it scared me, alright? I thought that when your heat came then you were really going to hurt me if I was bruised just by what I needed.”

  The tension in the room began to get thick and she braced herself for his anger. Tenderness wasn’t what she was expecting.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked the question low and very slowly.

  “No,” she breathed out softly.

  “Look Lyssa, all of this is new for me also. I don’t know that much about your time or how I’m going to be with mine now that
I’m mated with you. But what I do know is that during our time, the animal in us comes out and we are bound by it to take what we need. If we get rough with each other then we do. Hell, my back is still burning like hell from you. Even my damn ass.”

  “What?” She sat up again, eyes wide open staring down at him.

  “You heard me. You scratched the hell out of me that night. Drew blood even.”

  “Oh, God,” she groaned, covering her face with a hand.

  Daxis chuckled and said, “Hey, I’m wearing those battle scares with pride, baby.” He pulled her back down to his chest and held her tight. Even kissed the top of her head. “Look, how about we just call it a truce. In the morning we start fresh and put everything bad that’s happened behind us.”

  “Sounds like a great idea to me.”

  She started to drift off to sleep when he spoke again. So low, she didn’t know for sure if she heard him right or not. “I love you, Lyssa.”

  Lyssa opened her eyes, stilled for a moment and again rose up to look him in the eye. Daxis was still awake and one single tear slipped from his eye and rolled down the side of his face. She reached up, wiped it away then leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

  “For some strange reason I think I fell in love with you also in this mess of a relationship we’ve started. I’m not going to run away again, Daxis. I promise you.”

  “And I swear upon my life, I’ll never ever hurt you like I did when I claimed you.”

  Back down on his chest again, a grin tugged her lips. “Good. Because if you do, then I’m going to have to get one of my cousins to come here and kick your ass.”

  Daxis laughed, “What not your father?”

  “Naw, I think he likes you too damn much.”

  Chapter Ten

  Hayden Jackson cut a perfect circle in a basement window, popped it out and stuck his arm into the hole, reached up and turned the lock. Carefully he pushed the window open, looked around to make sure no one was around. Then he crawled inside the house that he had been hired to break into over a year ago. A place that he told his new boss he needed time to stake out and get all the information on before breaching it.

  A silent thump to the ground and he hunched down, and removed a pair of night vision goggles from the bag he carried. Using a flashlight was never a good idea when one was breaking into a home. Neighbors would see the light and call the cops.

  Staying hunched down, he looked around the place and waited to see if anyone might’ve heard him. For over six months he’d been scoping the place out, trying to get a fix on who lived here and what the routine might be. In that six months no one had walked in or out of those doors, confirming what he was told about the house being abandoned.

  When he felt a bit more comfortable, he decided to walk the grounds and peek inside. What he saw sent chills down his spine. A house fully stocked with no one around—that was until the groundskeeper shooed him away. A bit more research to learn that only one old man tended the grounds. The house itself had been sitting for now over twenty years, provoking more questions than answers, as if he ever got any answers to questions. Each job for which he was hired never came with answers to questions, only large amounts of cash.

  Hayden had been in other older houses somewhat like this. People just up and leave and most of the time leave something worth a few dollars. Those houses kept the bills paid, but didn’t get him ahead of the game enough for him to back down each time he was given a big job like this one.

  Hearing nothing, he stood up and began walking around, looking. It was strange, the layout of the basement, almost as if it was a lab or torture chamber of some kind.

  Finding the stairs, Hayden got out of the basement as quickly as he could without making any sound. On the main floor, he walked into room after room, which had him thinking of a damn tomb. He also couldn’t shake off this strange feeling at the back of his neck about the house. Something just wasn’t right.

  Everything was left as if the owner got up, walked out of the house and never came back. Which was exactly what had happened. Josh Stan left his home and completely disappeared. No one knew what happened to him. And why his home was left untouched remained a mystery, one that Hayden really didn’t give a shit about. He was only here to break into a safe, take information, and he’d been told he could keep anything else he found.

  He’s spent six months of staking out the house as well as getting floor plans and any other information he could find on the place. It hadn’t been easy. The hardest thing he had to get his hands on was the layout and where or what might be hidden. Strangely enough, that was a well-kept secret, but like all other secrets, Hayden always figured them out. And the big secret he wanted to know now was the location of the safe.

  He made his way to the back of the house, up to the second floor and into a small study, supposedly where the safe had been hidden. The man was a genius in a way when he designed his home and this study. Just looking around one would never suspect that the desk slid open to a hidden compartment with a safe in the floor.

  Kneeling down, feeling around the bottom of the desk for the switch, Hayden heard the faint click and smiled. The desk slid to the side and up from the floor came the safe.

  Cracking safes was something he was very good at. Opening his bag, he brought out the tools he needed and went to work.

  Touch and sound. That was all he needed, as well as some time—time which he had a lot of. After close to an hour he finally heard the final faint click of the combination. He had unlocked it. Turning the knob and then pressing a button, the safe’s door slid upward and the prize came into view.

  He whistled low at the sight of several bundles of stacked up cash, and raw gems and jewelry. Quickly he grabbed it all, stuffing it into his bag. Taking a small guess, he’d say he had thousands worth of jewelry, gems and even more with the cash.

  At the very back of the safe were books. Grabbing them also, he brought them out and opened them to see what kind of information they contained. What he saw had Hayden falling back on his ass. There were six black books and each one had numbers of accounts with even more money. Maybe millions. The last book he looked into had names with lines through them. That had Hayden very curious. Deciding on a whim to not give all of these books to his new boss, he shoved a couple to the back of the bag where they wouldn’t be found, then put the rest on top of the cash. After the job, he was going to have to show what he found.

  Thinking he had everything, he paused when something caught his eye. A thick folder that had been pushed so far back he almost missed it. Reaching far into the safe and grabbing it as well as another he frowned when his eyes landed on one written thing on the folder. New Breed. He grabbed it and opened it only to get yet another shock, one that had him question just what kind of job he’d taken.

  There were pictures of a naked man being tortured and a young girl watching, hunched in a corner. Another photo showed him kneeling behind a naked woman, as if he was having sex with her. Other photos showed different stages of the man as a child.

  Hayden kept reading what he had and started to feel this gut drop in his stomach. Information on an experiment was what he held—an experiment involving something called Shifters.

  “What the fuck is this?” Hayden mumbled to himself

  Dropping the file, he picked up another one and started reading it. What he read had him instantly wanting to throw up.

  Documentation on a child and things that were taken from it in order to create what he saw in the first file. There were more photos of a young boy being experimented on as well as a bit of information, but it seemed as if some of the file was missing.

  Shaking his head as he started to close the file a photo caught his eye. Hayden quickly opened it back up, pulled the picture out and everything around him stilled.

  “I know that mark,” he said again to himself.

  In his hand, he held a photo that someone took of a mark on a shoulder—a bite mark that also represented
half of a moon. Under it someone wrote,

  ‘This is the mark the animal puts on its mate. An infection!’

  “Son of a bitch!” Anger filled Hayden suddenly. He knew that mark. Had seen that mark. His damn sister had the fucking thing on her mother fucking shoulder!

  He shoved everything in the safe into his bag, all the information, all the money, everything. He closed the safe, moved the desk back into positon. Then he left the room the same way he came in and crawled out of the house through the basement window.

  Glancing over his shoulder every so often, Hayden walked quickly towards his car parked about a mile down the road. And with each step he took his anger boiled over. By the time he reached his car he was ready to kill something or someone.

  Jerking the driver door open he tossed the bag in the back, got in and slammed the door so hard the whole car rocked. He sat in the seat, staring at the night, gripping the steering wheel so tight his hands hurt.

  After sitting there for an hour, Hayden reached into his jacket pocket and brought out his cell phone. He dialed the number given to him once the job was complete. Calling it, he waited for the other end to pick up. He did, but no one spoke.

  “I have the package,” Hayden said with a detached voice.

  “You know where the drop off point is.”

  “I want in.”

  The line went silent. Hayden scowled. Had his new boss hung up on him? But he didn’t, he realized, when the boss said, “Do you know what you’re asking?”

  “I’ve seen the files. Are they real?”


  “I think one has tried to infect my sister then. I want in. I don’t want her to turn into one of them.”

  “They don’t turn them, they breed from them.” Again Hayden’s gut dropped. “If this is what you want then come to me personally with the information, but I must warn you. You see my work and decide you don’t want to be a part of it, you will die. So think carefully about what you ask. I’ll give you only twenty-four hours. You may drop off the package, or see me. That choice is yours.” The line went dead.


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