Serenity's Dark Beauty

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Serenity's Dark Beauty Page 4

by J. R. Mitchell

  "What do you mean by connection?"

  "You sensed my arrival. That is how you knew I was here.” It was a statement not a question. “It is a connection like that but stronger. A mated pair can sense each other no matter where or how far apart they are. They know each other's feelings. They are drawn to each other unable to bear being separated for any length of time. They are like one."

  "Interesting, but what has it got to do with me?” Serenity asked, impatient. She didn't like where this was heading.

  "Lilith and I were close. We almost mated."

  "Instead you helped destroy her. Some connection."

  "She had become irrational. She was killing dozens a night and not bothering to cover it up. She was causing us to become hunted. We had to make a decision. It was her or all of us. We..."

  "Who is we?” Serenity interrupted.

  "The other vampires and I decided it was best to kill her. We were not accustomed to disposing of one of our own so we sought the help of the hunters. A bargain was struck. They would help us and then tell the towns people that she was a witch. That everything was her doing. In exchange we would leave, and not hunt among them again."

  "So the experts got it wrong. Vampires will join with humans if only to save themselves from extinction."

  "Desperate needs ... you know the saying.” He shrugged with the unfinished thought.

  "So I've heard. But you still haven't answered my question.” she suspected the answer but wanted to hear it from his own mouth.

  "Another night. Right now I need to feed.” he turned as if to leave then stopped. “You are of course, welcome to join me."

  "No thanks, Maverick. I hunt alone. Besides I have other business to attend to."

  "As you wish but remember to be careful. There are so few of us left.” He was gone before Serenity had time to blink. He was so fast it was as if he had simply vanished.

  * * * *

  When Garret got home that morning he avoided his mother. He wasn't in the mood for a fight, he wanted to sleep. He managed to make it to the top of the stairs before Phillip caught him.

  "What's going on? Mom's pissed. She's been yelling all day."

  "How am I supposed to know? She is crazy, it could be anything!"

  "Garret what did you do to set her off like this? The only time I've ever seen her this mad is when she's fussing about Serenity...” he stopped, realization suddenly registering on his face. Garret tried to get by but Phillip grabbed hold of his arm before he could. “She found out about you and Serenity at the party didn't she?"

  "How do you know about that? You were passed out with Penny at the time."

  "Dan told me. He was worried about Serenity and the trouble it would cause her. He's right, you know. Serenity never did anything wrong but mom hates her anyway. I know you love her but you can't do this."

  "What?! I don't love her!” Even to his own ears it sounded unconvincing.

  "Come on Garret? You've been in love with her since the second grade!"

  "It's that obvious?” he asked dropping his shoulders in defeat.

  "Only to me. I know you better than most."

  "What am I going to do? I'm finally getting a chance with her. I can't give that up."

  "Mom makes Serenity's life a living hell. If you don't give up then she'll make it even worse on both of you."

  "I know. But I don't want to think about this right now. I'm tired, I'm going to bed.” Garret pushed past his brother before he could object further.

  "You better figure it out soon.” Phillip yelled through the door. Garret ignored him as he pulled off his shirt and shoes. He fell onto his bed and was asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  Garret woke to the feeling that someone was watching him. He could tell by the lack of light and the sound of crickets outside his open window that it was dark out. He started to go back to sleep when it suddenly hit him that he didn't leave his window open. Jumping out of bed he searched the moonlit room. There was a figure in the corner.

  "Who's there?” he asked. The figure moved closer till the moonlight gave away her identity. “Serenity!” he whispered in surprise. Her smile made his heart race. She did not answer him but continued moving toward him till her face was an inch from his.

  "Serenity what...” he was cut off by her lips on his. The passion of that kiss made his thoughts scatter. She moved into his arms as if she had known them before. He tried to get his wits back but the feel of her hands sliding down his chest was driving him crazy.

  As they fell onto the bed, he gave up trying to think and let his hands wander along the contours of her supply body.

  Flipping her onto her back, Garrett nestled between her legs, his erection straining against his clothing. When she pushed her groin closer to his, Garrett knew he had to have her. Licking along her jaw, Garrett slowly pushed her dress up to surround her waist leaving her exposed to him. He rocked back onto his knees and stared at her. He wanted to take his time, love her like she deserved to be loved. When Serenity reached up and cupped her own breasts Garrett lost the drive to be careful and quickly shucked his pants and boxer briefs in order to fulfill his most recent dream. Serenity cried out with pleasure when Garret entered her, and together they made sweet passionate love.

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  Chapter 6

  Serenity's thirst was gone. Usually the blood only fed her hunger but now she found she could not finish her meal. The thought of drinking all the life out of Garret made her feel sick. She could not kill him. He lay, passed out from blood loss, across his bed. Serenity dressed silently. She didn't want to wake anyone and she hoped their lovemaking hadn't already done that. She had not intended to sleep with him, only to get close enough to sink her fangs in his throat. But when she kissed him, she just couldn't stop.

  It didn't matter anyway, she thought as she climbed out his window, she had gotten the information she needed. She would be gone as soon as she was done putting that information to good use. After she left, she would never come back. She would never see Garret again.

  Taking one last look at his unconscious form, she flew from his window, across the street, to Erika's shop. There she would take her revenge on his mother. Seducing Garret had been too easy, he had given her everything. All the security codes, locations of key panels and cameras. Even the code to the safe. His birthday, how sweet. Everyone knew Garret was Erika's favorite. Killing him would have added to Serenity's revenge but she couldn't even think of it now. She had to hurry. She had spent too much time with Garret and the night was now more than half over. She considered waiting till tomorrow night then dismissed that idea. By then Garret would have been found and Erika would know something was going on. Besides Serenity did not want to have to deal with hearing about what happened to him. She knew it would be all over town a just a few short hours after he was discovered.

  The first defense was the chain length fence. The top was lined with spiraling rows of barbed wire. Serenity had heard rumors that Erika wanted an electric fence but that the county wouldn't allow it in a neighborhood with so many children. Even if it were electric it would still prove no problem for her to get past. She jumped over it and landed lightly on her feet in front of the garage. Before she could take a step closer to the door she heard the sound of growls. Swinging around, she found four pit bulls, all with teeth bared. The sight of these furious animals giving warning of attack would turn any human white. Serenity was not afraid.

  "Hello boys.” Her eyes glowed golden as she spoke then gave a brilliant smile that showed off her own fangs. The dogs sniffed the air. When they caught her scent all four ran whining with their tails tucked between their legs. “Good doggies."

  Reaching the door, she punched in the code on the key pad. The light at the bottom turned green and the security system shut down.

  "This is too simple” she whispered as she snapped off the padlock and pulled open the door. Inside was total darkness. No problem for
a vampire whose sight was better in the dark then the light anyway. Glancing around the shop she didn't spot anyone. So far so good. Now she just had to get to the safe. Garret said it was on the top floor so she headed for the stairs.

  "How'd you get in here?” came a snarl from behind her. “What are you doing here?” Serenity turned to find Frank standing in the doorway. She had been so preoccupied with making sure no one was in the garage that she hadn't noticed when he approached.

  "Frank.” her voice was low and dangerous. “I didn't expect you here for another couple of hours.” With each word she took a step closer to him.

  "Your not suppose to be here. I'm calling the cops.” He began backing out the door. He was acting like the dogs. As if he could sense the danger she presented.

  "You can try.” Serenity's smile revealed her fangs, which glittered in the moonlight shinning through the open doorway. Frank ran for it. Serenity chased him. Despite his age, he was very quick on his feet. But Serenity was quicker. She caught him just as he reached the key pad outside the door. Grabbing him by the arm, she swung him around. Then holding him against the wall, she sank her teeth into his throat. Struggling against her grasp, he flung his arm out and just barely was able to hit the alarm. Serenity finished her meal then slung his lifeless body onto the ground. She hadn't thought to get the code to turn off the alarm. She tried the same code to deactivate the security system but it didn't work.

  "I guess I better hurry.” her voice was irritated as she disappeared back into the dark building.

  * * * *

  Erika didn't like fighting with Garret. She knew he had come home early that morning but she hadn't seen him. He was her son; she should be able to reason with him. Her anger had cooled since the other afternoon and now she just wanted to make peace. She had no intention of apologizing since it was he who broke the rules but maybe she could talk him out of his stubborn anger. It was nearly dawn she saw no reason to wait till day light. This was important. Climbing the stairs rapidly, she reached his door and stopped. Perhaps it would be best to knock this time. She rapped gently on his door. There was no answer. He was probably still asleep. She knocked again, louder this time. Still no answer. Now she was starting to loose her temper again. She was offering peace and he couldn't even find it in himself to answer the door.

  "Garret!” she yelled as she banged her fist against the door. This time when he didn't answer she grabbed the knob, jerked the door open, and barged in. His room was covered in darkness except for moonlight shinning through his open window. Erika flicked on the lights. He was lying in bed, the covers pulled up to his waist, his clothes in a pile on the floor. He looked as if he had been so tired that he just stripped and fell into bed. Garret had not stirred even though she had turned on the lights. Now she was starting to get worried. She crossed the room to stand beside him.

  "Garret, wake up.” She shook him but it seemed to have no effect. He didn't look as though he was breathing. Checking for a pulse she horridly put her fingers to his neck. There she found a wound. It was two puncture marks, like he had been bitten. Dried blood encrusted the wound. His pulse was weak. His skin was cold to the touch and very pale. Something was definitely wrong. Grabbing the phone on his bedside table, she dialed the number for an ambulance, and then ran to wake up Phillip and Robert. The town was small, the hospital only a few blocks away so it didn't take long for the paramedics to arrive.

  "What's wrong with him?” she yelled as they loaded him onto a stretcher.

  "It's hard to tell."

  "Then guess!” she was loosing it. She hadn't even gotten a chance to make peace with him. She was furious and worried at the same time.

  "It looks as if he has been drained of blood. We won't know for sure till we get him to the hospital."

  "Will he be alright?” asked Phillip who was still shaken from being wakened by his mother's screams.

  "He should be. Whoever did this, stopped just in time to keep him from dying. I don't think they were trying to kill him."


  "Because it would have been easier to let him die. It would have been hard to stop all that blood just in time. Besides this way, he could possibly identify them.” answered the paramedic as he rolled Garret out of the room.

  "How did they even get in?” wondered Phillip.

  "Probably the window. Garret always leaves it open.” as she spoke Erika walked over to the window and looked out. She could see the garage across the street. She was about to follow the others out of the room when she spotted Frank lying in the yard.

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  Chapter 7

  The door to the garage was standing wide open. Suddenly it struck her. Garret knew the codes to the security system. If someone where after her savings, then they might use him to find out the codes.

  Without another thought, Erika bolted from the room and ran down the stairs. The paramedics had just reached the bottom as she ran pass them and out the front door. The ambulance blocked her view of the garage. Its red flashing lights blinding her till she reached the fence. Unlocking it quickly, she dashed over to where Frank lay. He had the same strange marks on his neck. There was only one difference between him and Garret. Frank was dead. Checking the security system, she found that the red light on the key pad was flashing which meant the silent alarm had been triggered and the cops would arrive soon.

  Erika didn't want to wait. Whoever it was that killed Frank and nearly killed Garret could still be in there. She wasn't going to give them the chance of escape. Entering the garage, she flipped on the lights and searched the ground floor. It was empty. Carefully she took the stairs two at a time till she reached the top floor. The safe was behind a trap door in the far corner of the room. She could not see it from the angle of the stairs because a shelf of spare parts blocked her view. Tip toeing over to a nearby counter she pulled a flash light out of the top drawer. She had not turned on the lights to this floor so the only thing she had to see by was the glow of the moon through the windows. Quietly, she made her way across the room. She hadn't turned on the flash light yet because she did not want to alert the intruder to her presence. As she got closer, she could hear the faint clicking of the safe's dial being turned. Peeking around the shelf all she could see was a dark shaped crouched next to the safe.

  There was a gun in the cabinet by the wall but it was a few feet closer to the robber. Holding her breath, Erika slowly made her way over to it. Her heart was ready to beat out of her chest from lack of oxygen but she didn't want her breathing to give her away. Reaching the cabinet she silently thanked God that she had kept all the hinges well oiled on all the cabinets and none of them squeaked. Cautiously she slid her hand in till she felt the gun. The sound of sirens outside nearly made her jump; they didn't seem to bother the robber who made no notice of them. Erika knew she had to hurry or the cops would scare the intruder off, or worse. She brought the gun up to eye level pointing at the dark shape that had just opened the safe. Timing it precisely, she cocked the gun and turned on the flash light.

  "Hold it right there.” Her voice had a slight shake to it but the hand holding the gun was steady. She was angrier then she was afraid. How dare this person attack her son, kill her assistant and then try to rob her of her life savings. Slowly the intruder stood up and turned around. Erika's anger was replaced by shock as she recognized Serenity. Erika hated Serenity and knew the girl felt likewise but she never thought Serenity had the guts to do something like this. Serenity took a step toward Erika as if there were no gun in between them.

  "Erika.” The name slid across her tongue like silk. “I would say it was nice to see you but given the circumstances and the fact that we don't like each other I guess there's no use pretending anymore.” Her smile was dark and sinister. There was something obviously different about Serenity. Although physically she looked the same, she acted like some one else altogether. It took Erika a moment before she noticed the fangs that gave Serenity's smile the sinister fee
l. Fangs! Erika gasped in shock, the gun dropping an inch. The puncture marks on Frank and Garret's necks could have been made by fangs.

  "You killed Frank.” Erika whispered still in shock. She didn't have proof but she could feel that she was right.

  "He was in my way. You should have taught your assistant better manners if you wanted to keep him around longer.” Serenity's voice was low, calm. She didn't seem at all upset that she was talking about having killed a man. What was going on?

  "And Garret?” Erika's voice took on a hard edge. Serenity had gone crazy. That was the only explanation she could think of.

  "He gave me what I needed so I did him the favor of sparing his life."

  "Spared his life!” Erika yelled “He would have died had I not found him!” Her anger only made Serenity's smile broaden.

  "That would be your loss not mine.” She idly paced as she spoke. “Maybe I should have killed him. After all, it would only be fare to inflict upon you some of the misery you have inflicted upon me!” Her voice rose as she said this, taking on a dangerous tone. Erika didn't understand why but she was suddenly afraid. They could hear noises from below as the cops entered the garage. Serenity's eyes flicked toward the stairs. Before Erika even realized what happened, Serenity was running up the back stairway to the roof. Immediately she pursued. She knew there was no way Serenity could escape. There was no other exit off that roof except the two story drop. Reaching the top, she found Serenity perched on the side facing the back of the building.

  "You've got nowhere to run!” she yelled as she aimed the gun again. This time where she thought Serenity's heart was. “Give up!"

  "No.” she smirked “Besides why run when I can fly.” As she finished speaking Serenity leaped off the roof. Erika couldn't believe it. Had she gone so mad that she really thought she could fly? Running to the edge she peered over, but there was no body at the bottom. In fact there was no body anywhere. Serenity was gone.

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