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Certified Disaster (Beautiful Mess Book 2)

Page 2

by Preston, Jennifer

  Sighing, she slipped her cover up back over her head. “This bikini is nothing but trouble. I should go home and burn it.”

  “Don’t you dare,” he warned her. “On that glorious day when I finally get that little instrument of torture off of you, I’m going to have it framed, hang it on my wall, and set up a shrine around it. I’m claiming it right now. It’s mine.”

  “Well, you can have it,” she grinned, “but I think it’ll always look better on me.”

  He gave a short laugh, before sobering. He ran his fingers through her hair longingly.

  “Seriously though, how much longer are you going to make me wait. Even you have to admit this whole taking things slowly deal has run its course.”

  “I know,” she shook her head, averting her eyes. “And I’m sorry for being so difficult and lame... but I’m not ready. It’s a big step, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m a little scared.”

  “Scared of me?” He swore his heart stopped.

  “No!” Her eyes met his firmly. “Not at all. I love you. I trust you. I’m just scared of what it means for us, how it’ll change things between us. It’s not something you can just come back from, you know. I just want it to be right.”

  He ran his fingers along her jaw. “You aren’t difficult, or lame. I don’t want you to doubt anything, or worse, regret anything. I can wait until you’re ready.” She smiled up at him, and he couldn’t resist leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her lips. “But, just to be safe, you may want to retire that bikini until you are ready. Because it does all kinds of naughty things to me.”

  She giggled. “Well, I could cover up more, if that would help.”

  “Baby, you could dress like a nun and you’d still be the sexiest damn thing out there. I can’t wait until I can have all of that sexiness.”

  “I know,” she said softly.

  “Well, I better let you go so you can get your paper done.” He leaned in for one last kiss. “You are worth waiting for,” he whispered against her lips, meaning every word. He felt her shiver, and smiled to himself. He loved that he had as much of an effect on her as she did on him. Well, almost. “Love you.” He pulled back and climbed out of the car.

  Bri waved at him before driving away, and he watched her until her car was out of sight. Yep, she was definitely worth waiting for, and he could be patient... for now.

  Who knew that patience would become his greatest virtue?

  The irony of it caused him to laugh as he walked inside.

  Chapter 2

  Bri sat at her favorite on-campus eatery, taking in the beautiful fall foliage around her. The weather was still pretty warm, so she’d chosen one of the outdoor tables to eat lunch at, and as she waited for Cole to join her, she couldn’t help but marvel at the scenery. She knew what fall looked like, but she wasn’t at all used to it on such a grand scale. The whole city was ablaze with reds, oranges, and yellows, with each tree trying to outshine the next.

  She let out a content sigh. It was one of those days when the world seemed so full of beauty and promise, and she was just glad to be a part of it. Smiling, she realized that she seemed to be having a lot of those days lately.

  Bri was still getting used to this whole being in love thing. It did weird things to her. Her caution and defensiveness were gone, and she felt like singing and dancing everywhere she went. Sometimes she couldn’t quite squash that urge, and she actually did sing and dance, drawing some strange looks from people passing by. And since Cole occupied every spare thought in her brain, she walked around campus with a permanent grin from her face. She was so happy, she couldn’t seem to contain it.

  She had been so determined not to turn into one of those sappy girls in love from the cheesy chick flicks her roommates loved to watch; but unfortunately, she was failing miserably. It was so bad, in fact, it was like she’d stepped right out of a Disney princess movie; all smiling and singing, and so in love it just poured out of her. She may as well go prancing off into the woods right now and start singing with the forest creatures. Groaning, she dropped her head onto her arms, humiliated and horrified that she had fallen so far.

  “Asleep on me already? I’m not that late.” The cause of her Disney princess demise slid into the seat next to her and set his down his lunch. Looking up, she channeled all of the inner snarkiness she could find, which wasn’t much these days, and gave Cole a very un-princess like glare. “Wow. Okay, I promise never to be late for lunch again,” he grinned, taking a huge bite out of his cheeseburger.

  Laughing, she shook her head. She paused, stunned, as he devoured his burger in five bites, and then picked up another one. It never ceased to amaze her how much that boy could eat.

  “Do you even taste any of that, or do you just swallow it all whole?” she teased, earning herself a fry tossed at her head. “Hey!” she laughed indignantly, brushing the fry off her lap. “So,” she leaned forward excitedly. “Big day on Friday. Is there anything you want to do for your birthday?”

  His birthday was October 10th, just a few days away, and she couldn’t wait. She hadn’t told Cole she’d planned anything special, wanting it to be a surprise. She’d been agonizing over every detail for weeks, wanting this night to be perfect. She’d missed Cole’s birthday last year, and she was going all out this year to make up for it.

  She’d gotten them reservations at a nice restaurant in Durham, and then she planned to take him out to Falls Lake, their favorite getaway spot, for dessert. Which may or may not include giving Cole the one thing he wanted most for his birthday: her.

  They’d been back together now for two and a half months, and while taking things slowly had been the right decision, moving things to the next level had become a silent weight looming over them. Not that he was pressuring her in any way, it was her own hormones that were battling her brain for dominance. And slowly but surely, her brain was losing. Cole’s birthday seemed like a perfect time to take that step. Sure, it would probably overshadow the awesome Casio G-Shock watch she’d gotten him, but that’s okay. Her body and soul should mean more than a present. If she was ready to give them. Sometimes she had no doubt that she was, and other times she didn’t think she’d ever be ready.

  “I don’t know. Why, do you have something in mind?” he eyed her.

  “Maybe,” she shrugged coyly. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Ahh, I knew you’d had that scheming look lately.” A huge grin spread across his face. “Well, I can’t wait to see what that devious brain of yours comes up with.”

  “I can guarantee you won’t be disappointed,” she smiled. “Now, you’d better finish the rest of your lunch before you starve to death.” She watched in awe as he finished his mass of food. In his defense, it took a lot to maintain all that muscle. She eyed his arms and chest appreciatively. Cole had been lifting weights for basketball, and she couldn’t help but admire the results.

  On Thursday night, Bri was trying to decide which dress to wear the next night when her phone rang. Smiling, she answered.

  “Hey sexy! How was practice?”

  “It was good. I’m freaking exhausted, but it was good. Hey, I don’t know what all you have planned for tomorrow, but the guys on the team found out it was my birthday and they are throwing me a little party.”

  “Oh,” she stiffened.

  “Is there any way we could go? We could still do everything you wanted, and then stop by after?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Um, yeah, I guess. It’s your birthday, you should do whatever you want.” Disappointment coursed through her as Bri saw all her carefully made plans crumble. “I’d just planned dinner, and then a trip out to the lake, but we can go to the party instead, if that’s what you want.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t sound too happy.”

  “It’s fine,” she replied stiffly, trying not to feel betrayed and hurt that her plans were less important than some party.

  “Bri… If it’s a big deal to you, we don’t have to
go,” Cole sighed wearily.

  A big deal? Why would her weeks of planning be a big deal? Why would losing her virginity be a big deal? She tried to reign in her escalating anger.

  “No, Cole, it’s fine. We can go to the party. It’s good.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure?” He didn’t sound convinced.

  “Yep,” she replied curtly. “Okay, I’m gonna let you go. I have to finish up some homework. I’ll see you at the game tomorrow.”

  “Okay, I guess. Bye, Bri.”

  “Yeah, bye.”

  Bri hung up the phone, trying not to feel upset and disappointed. Well, that took the whole sex dilemma out of her hands. She wouldn’t be turning in her V-card this weekend after all. But she couldn’t help but feel a little passed over, like Cole’s teammates and their plans were more important than her. Trying to distract herself, she pulled out her books to study, but she couldn’t shake her frustration.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Startled, she opened it and found Cole standing there.

  “Hey, what’s up?” she asked flatly.

  Cole immediately pulled her into his arms. “You know you are the only one I want to spend my birthday with, right? And knowing you, you’ve probably put a lot of thought and effort into whatever it is you’re planning. You probably have spread sheets and flow charts and every last detail accounted for,” he joked, and Bri laughed, relaxing against him. “We don’t have to go to the party. I want to do what you want to do tomorrow night. I am all yours.”

  Touched by his concern and his sweetness, Bri’s frustration dissipated, and she realized she was being a bit unfair. She squeezed him tight before pulling back to look at him.

  “It’s okay, really. We can go to the party. They’re your team and your friends, and it’s great that they care about you enough to do something like this for you. It’s important that you go and spend some time with them, too.” She smiled up at him earnestly.

  “Are you sure? Because you are the most important thing in my life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. You know that, right?” His eyes, green tonight thanks to his old Mt. Dew t-shirt, bore into hers.

  Suddenly teary-eyed, she nodded. When Cole said things like that, she couldn’t help but fall a little more in love with him. “I’m sure,” she replied before pulling his lips down to hers. After a few minutes, she finally released him. “I’ll pick you up for dinner after the game tomorrow. Wear something sexy.”

  “You, too,” he laughed. “Goodnight, Bri. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she smiled, and closed the door.

  After over two months, she still wasn’t used to saying those words, or hearing them in return. Every time she did, a little thrill shot through her. It was the best feeling in the world. Enter the prancing, singing, animal laden Disney musical number. Oh, man, when had she become this person?

  Beaming, and feeling one hundred times better, she gave up on her homework and danced off to bed.

  Cheering at football games was not one of Bri’s favorite things to do. In fact, it ranked highly on her list of most despised activities. She did it because she was required to, but she lacked that natural peppiness that most cheerleaders seemed to possess, a peppiness she found difficult to fake. And at times like this, when the Blue Devils were losing by seventeen points with five minutes left and no hope of a victory, she absolutely loathed cheering. It was practically impossible for her to feign hope and excitement as she tried to urge the team and the fans on. No, she much preferred dancing, which didn’t require nearly as much pep or faking.

  Unable to help herself, she glanced up at Cole, who was sitting in the front row and watching her more than the game. His roommate, Matt, sat next to him. Matt was a sophomore on the basketball team, and he and Cole had become easy friends. Sometimes she thought they got along a little too well. Like today, as they both kept making faces at her while she cheered. It made it difficult to focus on what she was supposed to be doing when they were trying to make her laugh the whole time.

  Finally the game ended, and Bri walked up to Cole in the stands, her hands on her hips.

  “You two need to cut it out, or I’ll make sure your ticket buddy, Melanie, puts you up in the nose bleed section next time.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Cole replied innocently, while Matt grinned at her.

  “Whatever,” she shook her head. “I’m going to run home and change, and then I’ll be by to pick you up. See you in a bit.” She waved before running off to pick up her things from the locker room.

  Running a little behind, she hurried up the steps to Cole’s room, which was no easy feat in her stilettos, and knocked. Excitement and anticipation swirled through her as she waited. Cole answered the door, looking especially fabulous. He wore his charcoal gray sport coat over a white pin-striped button up, and Bri’s favorite butt accentuating jeans. His black hair was styled in that sexy, messy way she loved, and she was suddenly very disappointed that they wouldn’t be going to the lake tonight.

  “Wow,” he smiled as he took in her in. “I like your dress.”

  “Thank you,” she beamed, smoothing her lace dress. It was a cream, sleeveless, A-line dress, with a black belt that accentuated her waist. “You look amazing, too. Now,” she grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her. “We have to hurry or we’ll miss our reservation.”

  “Reservation, huh? But with you looking that beautiful, maybe we should skip dinner and stay in tonight.”

  Bri paused and considered it for a moment.

  “Nope, we’re going to dinner.” Shaking her head, she led him towards the stairs. Something she’d planned was going to work out tonight. “Now run!”

  They arrived just in time for their reservation at the fancy steak house she’d found. After they were seated and their orders taken, Bri pulled out Cole’s present.

  “Happy Birthday,” she smiled.

  “You got me a present?” He took it eagerly and began unwrapping it.

  “Of course! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t get my man a birthday present?”

  “The starving-college-student kind. Really, Bri, I wasn’t expecting anything.” He smiled as he opened up his watch. “You remembered!” He had been eyeing that watch for a while now. He leaned over and kissed her. “But really, this is too much. It’s way too expensive.”

  “I wanted to get you something nice,” she shrugged. “Plus, you’re worth it.”

  “Thank you. I don’t deserve you.” The love shining in his eyes made her catch her breath.

  “Yes, you do,” she smiled back.

  After finishing up their delicious meal, they headed back to campus and to Cole’s birthday party. One of Cole’s teammates belonged to a fraternity, and persuaded them to let them have the party there. Like frat boys need much persuading to have a party.

  As Cole walked in, a huge cheer spread throughout the house, and Jordan, the other freshman on the basketball team, came walking up with a huge grin.

  “Cole! Happy birthday, man!”

  “Thanks, J. And thanks for the party. This is great.”

  “No worries. We newbies have to stick together, right? And who is this?” Jordan turned his eyes to Bri.

  “Jordan, this is Bri. Bri, this is Jordan. He’s the only freshman starter this year.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jordan,” Bri smiled.

  “Likewise,” Jordan looked her over. “Well,” he turned back to Cole, “I’ll let you go enjoy yourself. If you need anything, let me know.” And with a slap on Cole’s back, Jordan sauntered away.

  “Well, I’d better go make the rounds.” Cole held out his hand to her. “Are you ready?”

  “Always.” She took his hand, and followed him through the crowd.

  Sometime later, Bri was perched on a barstool in the kitchen, while Cole chatted with a couple of guys she didn’t know. She was always amazed at how easily he could talk to anybody, even complete strangers. As
she tried to feign interest in the conversation, she felt someone slide up next to her.

  “Hey, Bri Baby. Having a good time?” Matt smiled down at her, his light blue eyes sparkling.

  “Matt, I swear if you don’t stop calling me that, I’m going to punch you in the nose.” She eyed him warningly.

  “But it’s the surest way to get a rise out of you. Why would I want to stop?” he winked.

  Choosing to ignore that comment, she changed the subject. “So, where’s your girl of the week? What was her name again? Patty, Pippi…?”

  “Poppy. Her name is Poppy. Don’t ask,” he held up his hands, “her parents have to be hippies. Anyway, last I saw, Poppy was sitting on some soccer player’s lap, with her tongue half-way down his throat.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry,” Bri grimaced.

  “No worries. I was already over her anyway. Way too granola for me. Do you know she tried to get me to go Vegan? Ugh,” he visibly shuddered, making Bri laugh. “Besides, who wants to be tied down when there are so many beautiful women out there?”

  Typical Matt. On to the next girl like nothing had happened. Of course, nothing could really affect Matt when he had the emotional capacity of a thirteen year old.

  “Well, you certainly are working your way through that pool awfully fast. Just be careful you don’t exhaust it all your first semester,” she taunted.

  “Yes, well not all of us are as lucky as your boy, Cole, over there. We have yet to find that special someone who makes our heart sing. The rest of us poor schmucks have a lot of wading to do.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing you’re an expert wader,” she smiled. She liked Matt, despite the fact that he was a shameless man-whore. Though, she couldn’t blame the girls on campus for flocking to him. With dark, curly hair, and light blue eyes, Matt was definitely a looker.

  “Who’s an expert wader?” Cole sidled up to Bri, wrapping an arm around her.


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