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Page 7

by S. J. Lewis

  “Eh?” the doctor looked up from between Felicia’s legs. “Oh, I haven’t gotten that far yet, lord, except to conclude that they were quite real and quite pretty.”

  “Are you done down there yet?” the sheik asked.

  “Yes, lord,” the doctor replied. He closed the speculum and slid it out of Felicia’s pussy.

  “Well, then, come and examine these. It will be a rewarding experience.”

  “Thank you, lord.” The doctor passed the speculum to his nurse and moved to the other side of the exam chair. His bony hands felt as cold and hard as the speculum had as he kneaded the soft flesh of Felicia’s breasts.

  “Oh, yes,” he smiled after a moment. “These are especially lovely: Nicely rounded and full and quite firm. How old is this female, lord? I would guess eighteen or nineteen, just from these.”

  “She is nineteen,” the sheik replied. “Tell me what you think of the rest of her body.”

  “Well,” the doctor looked Felicia up and down, slowly and thoroughly, but never raising his eyes to her face. “Obviously, she is quite desirable, lord.” His bony finger traced out Felicia’s fading tan lines. “I see that she spent some time in the sun. I would not recommend that she be allowed to continue that. Her skin is quite soft and dewy now, but too much sun will dry it out.” He palpated her stomach. “Very good,” he nodded before moving on to squeeze Felicia’s thighs with those awful bony fingers. By now, even with the drugs, his touch was enough to make her skin crawl. What was even creepier to her was having to lie there, all but immobile, while they spoke about her as if she were some prized horse.

  “Oh, excellent muscle tone, lord,” the doctor exulted over Felicia’s thighs. His fingers moved to the soft, silky flesh of her inner thighs, still striped red in places from the whip. “Oh, yes. Very, very nice indeed.” Felicia squirmed, hard enough for Selim to remind her of his presence by tightening his grip on the heavy chain around her neck. The doctor’s fingers crawled over her knees and began probing her calves.

  “Did she play sports, lord?” he asked. “Under this soft skin she has the legs of an athlete.”

  “Not so far as I know,” the sheik answered.

  “Yes, well,” the doctor seemed fascinated with Felicia’s calves and unwilling to stop fondling them. “Some women are fortunate enough to be born with such a physique, lord. A body such as this one is a rare prize.”

  “She was also most satisfyingly tight when I first took her,” the sheik chuckled, his hand straying back to Felicia’s breast. “I am looking forward to trying her other holes.”

  The doctor laughed. “I think she is certainly fit for that, lord,” he said. “I would like to try one or two of them myself.”

  Felicia strained against the straps and snarled at the men. Selim, out of sight behind her, did something to tighten the chain around her neck in warning, and she subsided. It seemed that the drugs were beginning to wear off already.

  “Let us discuss other matters now, doctor,” the sheik suggested. He pinched Felicia’s nipple, not too tightly. “Would these be suitable for piercing, and if so, how large a ring might be inserted?”

  “Ah!” The doctor’s smile was nasty. “Let us test, lord, and find out.” Her gestured to the nurse, who nodded, picked up a forceps, and plucked something out of a container with it. She came over to Felicia, who recognized that the ‘something’ was a piece of ice. In spite of the straps and the drugs and Selim’s efforts, she put up a valiant struggle to keep the nurse from applying it to her nipple.

  “Ah, look how those tits jiggle and bounce, lord!” the doctor observed. “If you teach her to dance, I would like to see at least one of her performances.”

  Felicia heard that and stopped fighting. She closed her eyes and tried to remain still as the ice was swirled around her nipple, making it swell. After a little while, the nurse repeated the process with her other nipple.

  “Oh, my,” she heard the doctor say from close alongside her. She knew that if she opened her eyes she would see him and the sheik bending over her from either side, taking pleasure in the shame she was feeling as well as the sight of her swollen nipples. She knew all too well how much they stood out when she was aroused. It was the sight of them straining at the thin fabric of her bikini top when she came out of a chilly after morning swim that had first drawn Marcello to her.

  “Oh, these are quite suitable for piercing, lord,” the doctor said. Felicia felt him fingering one of her nipples gently and she shuddered. “They would look very appealing with rings through them. You could use quite large rings as well, suitable for…um…special applications. Would you want them pierced now? We have all that is necessary here.”

  “Thank you, no,” the sheik replied. Felicia’s sigh of relief was premature. “I want to give this female something to look forward to. I saw earlier that her ears were pierced, but she does not appear to have pierced anything else, not even her navel.”

  Felicia felt bony fingers prodding her belly and knew that they had to be the doctor’s.

  “You are right, lord,” she heard the doctor agree after a moment. “Quite untouched here.”

  “Give her a belly ring before you release her,” the sheik said. “Something simple, to get her started.”

  “Of course, lord,” the doctor agreed. “It will be something simple, and temporary.”

  Felicia couldn’t help making a moan of despair. She had avoided piercings, except for her ears, because she was too proud of how her body looked in its natural state. Now it was going to be… well, the only word she could think of was ‘defiled’ in order to satisfy this sadistic sheik who seemed to think that he owned her.

  “Are you considering any further piercings, lord?” the doctor asked.

  “Yes,” the sheik answered. “What do you think of piercing her nose?” Felicia heard, and whimpered.

  “It could be done, lord. It will be painful for her, I think, but it can be done.”

  “And one last place,” the sheik continued.

  “Yes, lord?”

  “Down here,” Felicia heard the sheik say, and her eyes flew open. The two men stood between her raised and parted legs. She saw and felt the sheik pry open her pussy. No. No, he couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he meant!

  “See here,” the sheik said to the doctor. “Her outer labia are quite well-formed, pink and plump. A little too plump, I think, to be properly fitted with rings. But see the inner labia?” Felicia felt him fingering her there. She moaned despairingly and shut her eyes again.

  “Yes, lord?” the doctor responded.

  “I think these could quite easily be fitted with rings, just here, do you see?”

  “Yes, lord, but why there?”

  “If you put the rings there, it will be possible to connect them by means of a third ring, if desired, or possibly a tiny padlock.” The sheik said.

  “Um… yes, but if you do that, lord, a man will not be able to use her. Not that way, in any case.”

  “That is true, which is why I have suggested it,” the sheik said. “If there is a tiny padlock there, I will have a key that I can bestow on one of my men as a reward.”

  “Ah, I see!” the doctor responded. Felicia moaned again. It was bad enough being spread out and strapped down naked like this without having to listen to these two men discuss what they were going to do to her. And there wasn’t one damned thing she could do about it. She felt the sheik tickling at her pussy, and wondered if he was trying to get her wet. If so, it wasn’t going to work, or at least she hoped it wasn’t. She had endured enough degradation on this exam chair already. If they could get her aroused, on top of everything else… she just didn’t want to think about that. She didn’t want to think about that at all.

  “And perhaps a ring here as well,” the sheik continued. Felicia felt his finger brush her clit. Her eyes flew open and she screamed. For a long moment, she struggled wildly and ineffectively at the straps holding her down. Then the nurse rushed over with anothe
r hypodermic, this time Felicia tried to keep her from using it. In the end, it took Selim’s strength to hold her still long enough for the nurse to give her the injection. It took this shot a bit longer to take effect than the first one had, but before too long Felicia was reduced to twitching and whimpering and trying to plead for mercy with a mouth and tongue that weren’t completely under her control.

  “They almost always do that,” the doctor commented. “Don’t they realize how much pleasure a properly placed ring can give them?”

  “I believe they are thinking of nothing beyond the immediate discomfort, doctor,” the sheik chuckled. He watched Felicia’s eyelids flutter as the second dose of drugs began to take hold. It would be pleasant to have her fully aware for the next part, but not absolutely necessary. She would be conscious enough to feel what was happening to her and remember it all later, and that would be enough.

  “So, doctor,” he said. “Today you will pierce her navel and install a ring. On your next visit, you will pierce her nipples and install rings in those as well. Later, we can put rings through her inner labia, in the manner I suggested. We can discuss when to install further piercings at a later time.”

  “Of course, lord,” the doctor agreed.

  “And now,” the sheik continued, “you can see how much of her body this slut exposed to the eyes of men. I was told that when she was taken she was having adulterous sex with a man. So it seems clear to me that that is something she enjoys. I would like to see how much she enjoys it. Is your nurse still as skilled as ever?”

  “Most certainly, lord,” the doctor answered.

  Felicia wondered hazily what the Hell they were talking about. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound good, but she was feeling too weak and dizzy to try to say or do anything.

  “Good,” the sheik continued. “I want to see this slut come, as many times as your nurse can induce her to.”

  “It will be done, lord,” the doctor quickly agreed.

  Still groggy, Felicia was barely aware of yet another strap going around her waist and being cinched or buckled snugly. She could hear everything perfectly well, even that faint buzzing noise that had just started up, but her eyes just wouldn’t focus. She felt someone fingering her exposed pussy again and was barely able to determine that it was the nurse, since the doctor and the sheik were still standing to either side of her. The buzzing grew a little louder, and then something, vibrating madly, was pressed up between her pussy lips and straight onto her clitoris. She yelped weakly and twitched in the stirrups. The vibrating thing moved back down, sliding slowly, sending horrible stimulating waves all through her. She realized that the nurse was using some kind of sex toy on her. She dimly realized that whatever it was wasn’t very large, but it was surprisingly powerful. The nurse moved it gently up and down for a moment before zeroing back in on her clit.

  Felicia managed a weak squeal and felt hands on her breasts. She screwed her eyes shut tight, unable to do anything about this unwelcome use of her body and unwilling to watch it. Nobody seemed to care. The small vibrator swirled around and around her clit. In spite of everything, it was having an effect. Felicia tried to fight it, but whatever drug they had given her seemed to have sapped her will as well as her strength. She couldn’t even find a way to retreat inside of her mind and pretend that this was all happening in some awful dream.

  The first orgasm hit her without any warning. Weak as she felt and strapped down as she was, all she could do was shudder and moan as the waves of pleasure washed through her. The vibrator was thrust up into her pussy until the spasms had passed, and then it was back at the most sensitive part of her body again, buzzing, buzzing…

  The second orgasm hit harder and faster than the first. She bucked weakly against her bonds, her head tossing slowly from one side to the other as her moan climbed in pitch and volume to a gargling cry. When it passed, she felt limp and weak. Her breath came rapid and shallow around the gag. And then the nurse started in again with that damned little vibrator. Now it was so intense that it actually began to hurt. She wasn’t moaning any more, only panting and gasping and grunting in pain. What followed might have looked like an orgasm to the watching men, but it felt like agonizing torture. Dimly, she heard the doctor say: “I think that’s enough.”

  “It seems that she has a limit, lord,” the doctor observed.

  “It is no matter,” the sheik shrugged. “Her life now is to give men pleasure, not to receive it. I have seen what I needed to see here. I will leave her in your hands. If you wish to take pleasure from her body, doctor, you have my permission, but only so long as she remains as she is.”

  “My thanks, lord,” the doctor smiled. “I am an old man. I do not get many such opportunities.”

  “Well, make good use of this one. When you are done with her, Selim will take her away. She will need to be well-rested for her next round of training.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Move, slut. Move!” Selim gave the leash attached to Felicia’s collar a nasty yank, and she moved. It was that or be strangled when the powerful eunuch took the next step and simply lifted her by that collar. She could have avoided being strangled by standing up, but that would only induce Selim to use the short whip on her. He always had that whip tucked into his belt or sash, and he seemed to take great pleasure in using it on bare female flesh.

  Felicia crawled along, naked, following after Selim like an obedient dog at heel. She hated it, but she feared the punishment that would come if she resisted even more. She did not know how long she had been kept as a slave here, but each day brought some new insult, or indignity, or humiliation. Right now, she was being paraded around in front of an audience of men who all seemed to be equal in rank to the sheik who owned her. All of them were dressed in flowing robes and headgear. One of them had brought his own prized slave, another young blonde woman who even now was crouched next to her owner’s chair, head down and ass up. The other men seemed content for now to merely sit and watch and make comments to each other.

  Selim barked an order at her. She had no idea what the words were, but she knew precisely what they meant. She immediately got up on her knees, facing towards the assembled men. She spread her knees wide, put her hands behind her head, and arched her back, displaying her breasts. Golden rings through her nipples caught the light. The men all seemed to appreciate her pose. Selim barked another order, and once again Felicia obeyed. Still on her knees, she put her arms out in front of her and bent forward until her nose was just touching the carpet. Once more, she arched her back, this time putting her ass on display. She heard appreciative murmurs from the audience. She wondered if she was going to be given to one of those men for the night.

  “Your slave is quite lovely, Ismail,” sheik Abou said. “Lovelier even than mine.” He casually stroked the bare back of the blonde girl crouched beside his chair.

  “You are too kind, Abou,” Ismail smiled. “And, lovely as she may be, mine is still not fully trained She is barely trained at all, in fact. She speaks only English, and does not understand much of what she is told at first.”

  “Ah, but mine speaks only German.” Abou laughed. “But there are ways to let women know what is expected of them anyway. Yours has already learned to obey some commands.”

  “Selim is a patient and determined teacher,” Ismail said. “A girl will learn quickly under his tutelage. Sometimes, she must also learn painfully.”

  Back on the floor, Felicia heard Selim give another command. She wasn’t certain what that one meant, and she hesitated. That earned her another yank on her leash. Selim repeated the order. Half guessing as to what she was supposed to do, Felicia rose up gracefully, her arms above her head now, and slowly bent over backwards until her hands touched the floor. Striking this pose properly meant touching the back of her head to the floor as well, but she just wasn’t limber enough to do that yet. She hoped that she had obeyed the right command, and that Selim would be merciful to her. She was terribly exposed and vulnerable this
way. She knew that the men could all see her pussy as clearly as they had seen her breasts just a little while ago, and she felt her cheeks burning with shame. She hated having to do this, and she hated herself for doing it anyway, even if she had a perfectly good reason for obeying. She just couldn’t stand another whipping like the one Selim had given her shortly after her arrival here. So, she obeyed the commands, and the men watched, and she loathed every moment of it.

  She saw Selim take the whip out of his belt and whimpered. She didn’t dare to do anything else, except perhaps steel herself for the pain that was sure to follow. But instead of whipping her, the eunuch merely trailed the end of the whip across her torso, up and down, slowly, and tauntingly. He tapped the end of the handle lightly against the ring through her navel. Felicia shut her eyes and whimpered again.

  “It is clear that she fears the whip,” Abou nodded approvingly.

  “As they all should, my friend,” Ismail agreed. “Fear of the whip makes them eager to please, and pleasing men is what they are meant for, after all.”

  “What you say is true,” Abou said. “Does that lovely young slut please you, sayyid?”

  “She is little more than adequate as yet,” Ismail replied. “She is lovely, as you say, but still raw and untrained. It will be some time before she is fit for my harem.”

  “A pity,” Abou said, shaking his head. “But I am sure that she will learn quickly.”

  Felicia was back on her hands and knees, crawling along behind Selim at the end of a leash again. He was making her move more quickly now, clearly trying to show off her youth and vitality to all those watching men. She would not look at them, but she knew how avidly they were watching her, and it made her skin crawl. She hated being treated like an animal, but that was exactly how they treated her. Perversely, that was the second reason she was trying so hard to please them, aside from the fear of another whipping.

  Usually she was kept in a cell, a dark, dingy cell with only a thin pallet to lie on. But from time to time she was taken into the harem and allowed to stay there for a little while in relative ease and comfort. Among the women there she was clearly unpopular. Most of the women confined there had skin ranging from chocolate milk to bittersweet chocolate, and they all seemed to hate her. Neha was different. Small, slender and dusky-skinned, Neha was the closest thing that Felicia had for a friend here, and she could speak English, albeit with a clipped British accent. Neha would come and stay with Felicia while she was in the harem and explain some of the finer points of being an inmate there. She patiently taught Felicia the names of the other women, and warned her which ones to avoid if she could. But there was a lot that she would not tell Felicia, no matter how many times Felicia asked. Usually, all she would say when Felicia asked her what to expect was that she would find out for herself quite soon enough, and since it was inevitable there was no point in worrying about any of it ahead of time. It was not reassuring.


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