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The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I would never do that.” She burst out laughing seeing the smile on her dad’s face. “What is it?”

  “You look happy and seeing you like this makes me happy. I know Maxim gets a lot of stick for being a recluse, and they like to nickname him caveman, but I’ve got a feeling he’s a real standup guy. I’m happy for you, honey. Even though, and this is my only complaint, I wish the guy you fell in love with was more your own age.”

  She chuckled. “You can’t help what your heart wants.”

  “So, is marriage in the cards?”

  She rolled her eyes. This is what she loved about her father. It didn’t matter what she did or said, he always had a way of making her feel happy. When she was fifteen, she had done really bad on a math test. He didn’t yell at her. They went to the local library, borrowed all the books he could find on math, and for an entire month they’d studied together. The next test she took, she aced it.

  The memory made her feel like crap.

  He’d always been there for her, and this one time she’d kept her relationship a secret from him.

  “Would you like to come to dinner one night with me and Maxim?” she asked. She’d love for them to get to know each other outside of work.

  “Honey, he’s my boss.”

  “Please, for me. I’ll cook, or he can cook. He’s really good with food and stuff. You’ll see then that I’m not kidding. That I’m there because I want to be.”

  “If it’ll make you happy, count me in. I’m still going to do the hard dad routine. I need to make sure he’s a good fit for my girl.”


  “Fuck.” Maxim cursed and shook his hand. He stared down at his finger, the skin already starting to blister from when he’d been too stupid to grab a potholder for the cast-iron griddle.

  Truth was, he was nervous as fuck, what with Shauna’s father coming to dinner tonight. He felt like he was meeting her dad for the first time and wanting permission to date Shauna. Shit, Maxim was his boss, but this was so out of his element he felt like a damn teenager looking for approval.

  “You okay?” Shauna hollered out from the bathroom.

  The shower had cut off twenty minutes prior, so of course she’d heard him burn his hand and swear like a sailor. He ran his fingers through his hair and cursed. He hated being so on edge.

  A second later the bathroom door opened and the scent of vanilla invaded his nose. He turned and faced Shauna, seeing her already dressed, her hair dried and put in a messy bun, and the fact that she was so fucking gorgeous had his cock harder than sin.

  Hell, he needed to get his shit together seeing as her father would be here any moment.

  “What?” he asked when Shauna gave him this strange look. She smirked and he glowered.

  “You’re nervous,” she finally said and walked toward him.

  “I’m not,” he lied.

  She full-out grinned.

  “You are, but that’s what I love about you. You act all tough on the outside, but deep down the thought of seeing my father has you all … scared.”

  He narrowed his eyes just as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body close to his.

  He pulled her in close and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

  “For being this big, broody caveman, you sure are a softy at heart.”

  He chuckled. “Only for you, baby.”

  Just then there was the sound of an approaching car. She pulled back and rose on her toes, kissing him on the lips before letting go of him and making her way to the front door. Maxim stared at her ass as she walked away, his cock still hard. He needed to get the fucker under control before her father came in.

  Hell, that would have been awkward.

  A few moments later Shauna was holding the door open for her father. Maxim could tell he was a little uncomfortable.

  He knew the feeling.

  “Maxim,” he said and came over to shake his hand. Things were formal, and he hated that. He wished things could be easygoing like they were on the jobsites.

  The silence stretched on and it grew even more uncomfortable as the seconds ticked by.

  Maxim ran a hand over his hair and breathed out. “How about we relax with a beer?”

  Frank grinned and nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

  Once they had beers and were sitting in front of the fire, the silence stretched on again.

  “Food should be ready soon. Just waiting on the biscuits to finish in the oven.”

  “Didn’t know my daughter snagged herself a chef,” Frank said, but it was genuine, not him being a smartass.

  “Well, being out here by myself meant I had to learn to cook or I’d be relying on processed shit.” He chuckled.

  “Fair enough,” her father said and Maxim glanced over at Shauna. She looked uncomfortable and he hated that.

  More silence.

  Frank cleared his throat. “How about we just get to it?”

  Maxim sat up and nodded.

  “I know you’re my boss and I respect the hell out of you, Maxim. You’re a good man, hardworking, and I know my daughter is in good hands.”

  Shauna closed her eyes and groaned softly.

  “She is in very good hands,” Maxim responded.

  “You treat my daughter well, Maxim,” Shauna’s father said. “She’s my little girl, the only thing I have left in this world, and if you hurt her, boss or not, I’ll kick your ass.”

  Shauna gasped. “Dad,” she hissed out and looked at Maxim, her eyes wide, an apology in her expression.

  “No, it’s fine, Shauna. I want your dad to do this.” Her eyes widened. He looked at Shauna’s father once more. “Sir, I love your daughter, and I’d rather cut out my own heart than hurt her.” Maxim reached across to where Shauna sat and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Besides, having the father of the girl you love warn you he’s going to kick your ass has to be a rite of passage, surely.”

  And then her father chuckled.

  Maxim felt the tension fill the room, the seriousness of her dad breaking it down for him.

  “Thatta boy,” Frank said and they all started laughing.

  And just like that, Maxim felt like he was part of a family.


  Shauna was inside doing the dishes while Maxim saw her father out. Frank had wanted a word with him, and he couldn’t help but wonder if this was going to be the talk where he said he didn’t think he was a good enough match for his daughter.

  Whatever Frank had said inside when Shauna was present might not stand now. He hadn’t gotten this far in life without realizing people could say one thing but mean another. Frank was a good guy. He admired him. His work staff respected him, and he was known for getting the job done.

  “I don’t like that you’re dating my daughter, to be honest, Maxim. I know you’re a good guy and all, but she deserves someone her own age,” Frank said.

  The smile he’d been wearing for dinner was now gone.

  “I’m going to take care of her. I can promise you that.”

  “Shauna’s special. She’s a woman that believes in happily ever afters and fairy tales. I don’t know if you can give that to her,” Frank said, rubbing the back of his head.

  “What makes you think I can’t give this to her?”

  “Look where you live. Look at what you have. You’re rich beyond your wildest dreams and yet you live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere.”

  Staring at Frank, he smiled. “I love your daughter, Frank. If she wants to move to the biggest mansion in the state, she can have it. If you’re worried I’m going to squash her dreams, I’m not. I love her. I’m going to take care of her, because that is what I want to do.”

  “I don’t appreciate you telling me one thing and coming out here to tell Maxim another,” Shauna said.

  Maxim turned to see Shauna drying her hands on a towel as she came down the porch steps.

  One look at Frank and he saw the guilt written all over his face.

“I only want what is best for you, sweetheart.”

  Maxim’s heart fucking soared as she snuggled against his side.

  “Then you should know that I love Maxim, as well. He makes me happy, and I don’t care about the age gap and neither should you. He’s sweet, kind, loving, and I don’t like that you lied to me.” Shauna sighed. “I hope one day you can be happy for us but until then, I think it is best you leave.”


  “Shauna, you don’t have to worry.”

  “Maxim, you invited him here in your home and I thought you two hit it off. I don’t like lies. It’s the one thing I cannot stand. You know that, Dad.” She didn’t even see her father leave. She turned on her heel and walked back into the house after giving Maxim a quick kiss on the lips.

  “You better go,” Maxim said, watching her.

  “You really do love her?”

  “I do, and I hope in time you can see just how much. I expect your ass at work Monday.”

  “I still have a job?” Frank asked.

  “Hell, yeah. I’m not going to let this interfere with one of my best workers. I hope you can put your feelings aside and with time, like I said, know I’m not using your daughter.” In fact, he intended to marry her, to put his ring on her finger, and to make her his.

  He nodded at Frank, and as he watched his future father-in-law leave, he headed back into the cabin.

  “I cannot believe he would do that. Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

  Maxim heard Shauna talking to herself, which he found the cutest thing. Heading toward the kitchen, he saw that she was putting the last of the dishes away.

  “You okay in here, sweetheart?”

  “No, I’m not. Can you believe that? I mean, he lied. He said he was so happy and it was all a lie. I wouldn’t have invited him up here if I’d known. Ugh!”

  “How did you know he wasn’t happy?”

  “I saw his face. The porch light was shining on you and I could see everything from the kitchen window. I could hear you as well. Neither of you were exactly quiet. I just can’t believe he’d do and say something like that.”

  “You’re his daughter. He’s looking out for you.” Maxim walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and breathing her in. He closed his eyes as her scent surrounded him.

  Even though he’d just faced off with her father, his cock went instantly hard at her soft body pressed against his own. He wanted her.

  It was always the case.

  “Did you mean what you said?”

  “About loving you?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “I love you more than anything in the world, Shauna, and even if your dad never approves, that’s not going to stop you from being mine or belonging to me.” He kissed her neck, sucking over her pulse. “This body belongs to me. You’re all mine and I want to taste that sweet pussy on my lips.” He ran his hand down her body, cupping her pussy. The jeans she wore were not a match to his need. He had them open and midway down her thighs within a matter of seconds.

  Sliding his fingers between her legs, he slipped one deep into her core, touching her. Pressing a thumb against her clit, he heard her throat catch and her pussy tightened around his fingers.

  “You’re wet for me, Shauna. You’ve been thinking about me.”

  “You know I have. I can’t go a moment without wanting you.” She cried out as he added a second finger, stretching out her cunt.

  He rubbed his cock against her ass. “You feel that? I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re not going to be able to walk straight. I’m going to fill your tight pussy with so much cum, it’s going to be leaking out of you for days.” He nibbled her ear.

  The memory of her father disappeared and he replaced it with the pleasure of his hands on her body, driving her wild with need.

  With his free hand, he cupped her tits, and he knew he was close to losing control. He’d been keeping his feelings for her carefully contained. He loved her, wanted to own her, to take her, and to show her a possession unlike anything she’d ever imagined. Nibbling her shoulder, he pinched her nipple, relishing her cries as he played with her body.

  He loved her soft curls.

  “Give yourself to me, Shauna. Tell me you trust me and that you’ll let me do whatever the hell I want.”

  She whimpered as he rubbed her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. “I trust you. Of course I trust you. Do whatever you want with me, Maxim. Just don’t let me go.”

  He was going to possess her, heart, mind, body, and soul.


  They found themselves in the bedroom, the heat intensified, the air thick. Shauna couldn’t breathe. She anticipated what was about to happen, what Maxim wanted to do to her.

  “We do this my way, Shauna. Can you handle that?”

  She nodded and licked her lips.

  “Up until now I’ve waited to take you in the way I crave, need. You do what I say, when I say it, baby.”

  God, she couldn’t breathe.

  “You obeying me makes me so fucking hard, makes me nearly come before I can get deep in your pussy.”

  She could see how hard he was behind his jeans, the thick outline that had her mouth watering and her heart racing.

  “You like looking at my big cock, baby?” he said, his voice a deep, guttural sound that had goosebumps popping out along her flesh.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  She waited for him to give her the commands, to make her submit in the ways he wanted.

  “I want to give you pain until you come, until you’re begging me for more because you didn’t realize how good it feels.”

  She couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said with dominance, with command in his voice.

  She felt her heart beat harder. Sweat lined her palms, but she kept her focus on him as she started taking off the rest of her clothes. Then she stood there in nothing at all, her body on display for him, nothing held back.

  “Turn around for me, baby.”

  She turned around and curled her hands into tight fists, trying to stay calm, or at least appear so. She closed her eyes and felt her body hum with arousal.

  “You’re so fucking hot. Present yourself to me.”

  She did as he said without hesitation.

  “Pull your ass apart and let me see your pussy. Bend over and show me what’s mine.”

  She did exactly what he said, not even hesitating. With her ass and pussy now on display, she forced herself not to shiver.

  “I could jerk off to the sight of you.”

  She shivered again.

  “I want my cock in your cunt.”

  God, she wanted that, too.

  Shauna tried to catch her breath.

  “I take what I want.” His voice was hard and unyielding. “I love that I fucking want you in my ruthless ways, and you accept that, crave it even.” He moved closer to her, reaching out and brushing a stray strand of hair from her cheek. He cupped her chin, tilted her head back, and she looked up into his face, seeing the dominance in his expression.

  “I want you, Maxim.”

  He moved back a few feet. “Fucking you, making you submit, bend to me, is so fucking hot.”

  Shauna was so aroused right now, her pussy cream slipping down her inner thighs. All she could think about was the way he watched her with hooded eyes. He had his hand on his cock, stroking himself.

  “Come here, baby girl.”

  When she was right in front of him, Shauna looked at his face.

  He started undoing his belt, pulling it out slowly through the loops until the leather was free. He set it on the bed and started undoing the button and zipper of his pants. He grabbed his cock out of the fly of his jeans, his gaze on her, his expression hard.

  He started stroking himself up and down slowly, from root to tip, his chest rising and falling. Her mouth dried, her pussy clenched and became wetter, and her clit throbbed in time with her pulse.<
br />
  “You like this, baby?” he asked without any emotion in his voice.

  “Yes.” She breathed that lone word out.

  “You’re mine, baby. All mine.”

  He was behind her a second later, his hands on her hips for a moment. His fingertips dug into her waist. Then he was rubbing his cock along her cleft and brushing her clit with every upstroke.

  “Damn, you are soaked for me, baby, so primed for my dick.” The scent of his cologne filled her head. Right now nothing else mattered but having Maxim fuck her.

  He had her straightened and turned around a moment later. They held each other’s gazes for several long seconds, and then he pressed his mouth to hers.

  Images of them together, skin wet with sweat, muscles taut from all the straining, filled her head and had her shifting, trying to get closer.

  “Easy, baby. We do this on my terms.”

  Hearing him say that had her moaning.

  Without thinking, because at this point all she wanted was him shoved so deep inside of her nothing else mattered, Shauna wedged her hand between their bodies and grabbed his cock.

  Squeezing him for a second had a distorted sound leaving him. Shauna shifted again, but Maxim had other thoughts. He had his hands on her hips, lifted her easily, then had her back on the bed. The tip of his dick pressed right at her entrance and a gasp left her.

  For a moment time seemed to stand still as they looked at each other, as they held their breath.

  He leaned forward an inch. “Once my cock is in your tight little pussy, this dominance consuming me, all bets are off. I’ll be the one owning you.”


  For so long now he’d held himself back but with her hands around his dick, Maxim knew he couldn’t contain his need. He’d never hurt her, never dream of it. She was so fucking beautiful and she belonged to him.

  With his cock poised at her entrance, he stared into her eyes and slammed in deep. She cried out but he didn’t pull out, refusing to give her a chance to get accustomed to his length.

  He made sure she took all of him, holding her hips, keeping her so close. Her pussy tightened around his length, squeezing him.


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