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Worth the Pain (Royal Bastards MC Book 2)

Page 10

by J. L. Leslie

  “This is how it works, right?”

  She meets my gaze, and I swear she sucks in a breath. Her lips part, cheeks flush. I fight the temptation to go over to her and pull my infamous caveman move, but I still have stitches, and Skylar would have my nuts if I ripped them out.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” I warn, and she frowns.

  “Like what?”

  “You know exactly what I mean, Allie. If you don’t want to be fucked, don’t look at me like you’re begging me to do exactly that.”

  Her cheeks turn three shades darker. Satisfied with her reaction, I go get Wes’s car seat and put it in the truck, knowing it’ll be easier for me to carry without him in it. When I return, she’s holding Wes, stroking his back and kissing his cheek.

  “Time to go.”

  “You’re staying at the clubhouse?”

  “My place.”

  She frowns again. “I didn’t know you had your own place. Where is that?”

  “It’s near the clubhouse.”

  “Hunter, you have to tell me where you’re going to be when you have Wes. I have a right to know.”

  I rattle off the address, not caring that she knows it. “We good? It’s one fucking night, you know.”

  “And you won’t have anyone else around him? I mean, I don’t mind him being at the clubhouse if you decide to go there but not during any parties or gatherings. I know y’all do them over the weekends.”

  “Are you serious right now?” I ask. “When he’s with me, it’s my decision what we do and who’s around him. Why are you pulling this shit now?”

  “You don’t understand how hard this is for me,” she replies. “He’s always been with me.”

  “I’m sure Paul will keep you company,” I sneer.

  “He’s not going with you until you promise you won’t have him around any of that shit.”

  Allie is usually quiet, almost timid. But when it comes to Wes, she’s a fighter. This protective side of her emerges, and she’s fearless.

  Fuck. I like it. I like it a hell of a lot.

  “Tell you what, if I decide to get drunk or get my dick wet, I’ll ask Skylar to come stay with him.”

  “Maybe you can forget about doing either and spend time with your son tonight.”

  I ease him out of her arms and put him against my shoulder, my hand resting on his back. He does his best to twist and turn to see me.

  “What bothers you more, Allie? The thought of me getting drunk or getting my dick wet?”

  She can deny it all she wants but she’s turned on by this conversation. Her nipples are visible through the thin fabric of her T-shirt. Her thighs subtly clench together, trying to relieve the ache in her pussy.

  She breathes out a sigh when I walk off to get his bag. Her grip on the edge of the counter has her knuckles white. I pick up the bag and hook it over my shoulder, managing not to wince in pain. I’m almost to the door when it opens, and Paul walks inside.

  “Hey, Hunt, how’s it going?” he asks as if we’re old pals or some shit. His face is still bruised, but his eye is no longer swollen shut.


  “I’m sorry?”

  “It’s Hunter.”

  “Okay, got it.” He walks over to Allie, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “How are you? You doing all right with this?”

  He’s whispering to her, checking on her. He fucking gets her. He’s the one who’s been here. It’s why she wants to be with him. Why she wants this life.

  “Paul, you have any more trouble out of the Eagles?”

  He shakes his head. “Not at all. Thank God for that. And thank you, by the way. I don’t think I ever officially thanked you for what you did.”

  I shrug. “Wasn’t just me. Anyway, we do expect retaliation from them at some point. They won’t let this shit go. We can put a guy with you for protection if you want. To be on the safe side.”

  “That’s not necessary. I don’t think they’ll be back to bother us.”

  “Us? Well, they were only after you,” I say. “Anyway, have a good night. Allie, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I load Wes in the truck and head back to the clubhouse. I have some more investigating to do, and it looks like I have a little partner in crime.


  I slowly step inside Hunter’s apartment, looking around at his things. I’m a bit surprised at how nice his place is. I was expecting a full-blown bachelor pad, not a nice, cozy apartment with a black leather couch and matching recliner. Of course, he has a big-screen TV and entertainment center with all his game consoles and DVDs.

  There’s a coffee table in front of the TV and a bassinet in the corner, but it’s not the same one from the club. He must’ve gotten a new one. I assume Wes is in it because I don’t see him. Hunter is sitting on the couch, a stack of papers and photos scattered over his coffee table.

  “I knocked, but I guess you didn’t hear me,” I say.

  “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  “You got a bassinet.”

  “Skylar gave me some things,” he mumbles, flipping through some of the photos.

  I walk over to Wes, anxious to hold him, then decide to let him sleep a few more minutes. He looks too peaceful not to. I walk back to the couch and look down at Hunter’s things, recognizing one of the women.

  “Why do you have a photo of Harriett Bilsby?”

  “Which one?”

  I point to the brunette I’m referring to, and he picks up her photo. I texted her, but she didn’t reply. Now I find Hunter with her photo.

  “Yeah, that’s Harriett. We were in rehab together. Why do you have a photo of her? Oh my God, that’s Karen Gish. Hunter, what’s going on?”

  “All these women are missing.”

  I ease myself down to sit beside him. “What are you talking about? They were discharged and probably went home or found somewhere else to go so they could stay clean.”

  “The club is looking into these women. That’s all I can say.”

  “All of them? Why?”

  “Did Paul work with these women?” he questions.

  “He’s a nurse, so he works with all the patients,” I reply. “And we’ve been over this. The club cleared him of any wrongdoing. He has nothing to do with whatever this is.”

  Hunter doesn’t say anything, just simply starts gathering the stuff up as if I can suddenly unsee it all, as if I can forget what he’s told me.

  “Why is the club looking into those women? Do y’all think they’re related to Skylar’s kidnapping?”

  “I’m not discussing it with you.”

  “And you seriously think Paul is somehow involved? Oh my God, Hunter. He was doing medical work for the Souls. That’s it.”

  I don’t understand why he won’t let this go. A lot of those women had already been in the center more than once. Who’s to say they aren’t checked in somewhere else? Not everyone stays clean.

  “What I know is his damn brother kidnapped Skylar and tried to sell her. He claimed he had more women. Maybe Paul can somehow help us figure out what his brother was doing, who he was working with.”

  “No,” I reply adamantly. “We are not getting involved. We’ve been through enough.”

  “Oh, that’s right. You can’t handle it.”

  I stand up, not engaging in this argument with him, and get Wes’s things before taking him from the bassinet.

  “Let me know when you want to see Wes again.”

  I walk out the door and take a deep breath. We cannot get sucked into this. Not me. Not Paul. His involvement with the MC is over. Whatever is happening now has nothing to do with him. It’s time for us to move on with our lives.


  I snuff my cigarette out in the ashtray and wait for Mason to start church. He’s supposed to be on bed rest, but we all knew that shit wasn’t going to happen. He’s lucky to be alive. He took two damn bullets to the chest. The fucking truck was riddled with bullet holes from him trying to block Bishop and me from
getting hit.

  “I’ll get straight to business because I’m tired and in pain,” Mason says. “Owen made contact. He’s holding off on retaliation so long as we return his ol’ lady unharmed.”

  “I’m assuming she’s the bitch we took who doesn’t know when to shut her damn mouth,” Bishop grumbles.

  “That would be her,” Mason confirms. “His men are injured, and so are we. At least we didn’t lose anyone. So, I’m open to that agreement if no one opposes.”

  We all give him our consent, not wanting a fight with the Eagles. It’s the Souls’ fault we had beef with them anyway.

  “I also want to propose an alliance with them,” Mason suggests, and the confusion is evident on pretty much everyone’s faces.

  “We stay in our territory, they stay in theirs. That’s always been our agreement. Why would we need an alliance with them?” Jake questions.

  “Because we have a common enemy,” Mason explains. “And I am sick and fucking tired of the bullshit the Souls keep pulling. I want to take them out.”

  Damn. Mason is usually about keeping the peace — preserving our guys’ lives and keeping us out of trouble, especially since Wesley was killed under his leadership.

  “Those assholes have something to do with the missing women. They were behind Skylar’s kidnapping, and I guarantee they have Owen’s niece too.”

  “I confirmed at least three women who are missing without a trace,” Seth says, placing photos on the table. “I’m checking into the rest. These women checked out of Southern Hospitality Rehab but never reported to the address they have listed on file. There are no bank records, no credit card statements, nothing that indicates they went back to their lives after completing the program.”

  “Any reason to think Allie’s guy is involved?” Jake asks.

  Mason shrugs. “He was beaten pretty badly and didn’t give up any intel on Owen’s niece. I don’t take him as the type who can withstand a beating like that and not sing like a fucking bird.”

  “He said his association with the Souls was for medical help and that he’s out,” I comment.

  “I won’t put up with the shit the Souls are pulling in my city. It’s as simple as that. We make an alliance with the Eagles and take the Souls down — put a stop to the drugs and trafficking.”

  “As long as they hold up their end of the bargain and don’t retaliate for the shit that went down, I’m good with it,” I say. “I’m sure the Harlots won’t mind having their babysitting job called off. We get the woman and take her back where she belongs.”

  “Anyone oppose?” Mason asks, and the vote carries. “It’ll take some time to set this up. I want everyone healed one hundred percent before we make a move.”

  That’ll be a few weeks at least, maybe more, but I’d rather be ready than go in half-assed. I want a piece of those fuckers — especially Dean.

  Fuck the favor I owe.

  Let’s go to war.


  I grab two plates and carry them to the table. Paul is grilling steaks tonight, and they should be ready any minute. I check on the mashed potatoes and green beans before I walk outside, frowning when I find Paul pacing the backyard and the steaks still on the grill. Wes is in his playpen, happily chewing on his toes.

  “I’m not doing that,” Paul says. “I already told you that.”

  I get the grilling fork and take the steaks off, so they don’t burn. Paul keeps pacing, keeps telling whoever he’s talking to he’s not going to do what they want. Finally, he disconnects and shoves the phone into his pocket.

  “Who was that?”

  “Dean,” he answers. “He wants me to come back to work for them. I told him that’s not going to happen.”

  “Do you think he’s taking no for an answer?”

  “He’ll have to. I’m done with them. I never should’ve agreed to work with them in the first place.”

  He carries the steaks inside while I get Wes. I change his diaper and settle him into his bouncer so we can eat. Paul has already fixed my plate for me, so I get us some sweet tea to drink.

  “I think we should consider moving away from here,” Paul says. “Get a fresh start. Put these horrible memories behind us.”

  “It’s only been a couple weeks. Do you really want to move?”

  “Yes, I do. We can try to put the incident behind us, but it haunts me. And I know it haunts you too. You won’t even let me touch you.”

  That has caused a serious strain on our relationship. But each time I consider it, my mind goes to Hunter. What happened between us. And I can’t bring myself to have sex with Paul. Not when I wish it was with another man.

  “What about your job?”

  “I can be a nurse anywhere, Jane.”

  “Allie,” I correct.

  “Allie. Christ, I can’t get used to that,” he mutters. Then says, “I can be a nurse anywhere. There’s nothing holding us here.”

  That’s not true. “Well, Wes’s dad is here.”

  His jaw clenches. “I am Wes’s dad. I’m the only dad he’s ever known.”

  “I know that.” I take his hand, giving it a squeeze. “His biological father is here. I wouldn’t be able to just up and leave without working something out with him. Besides, I love Alabama. Love being here.”

  And I know Hunter won’t allow me to leave with Wes. He’s made it clear he wants to be in his life. I also know I won’t get over Hunter as long as I’m here. As long as I’m near him.

  Fucking Hunter is the equivalent of a relapse. I fell off the wagon and need to get right the hell back on. That’s how relapse works. You screw up, but you don’t keep screwing up. In my case, all I can think about is my next fix. When I can have him inside me again. Damn, just to hear his voice again is enough for me. Maybe some distance will put a stop to that.

  “I understand that, but you’ve never been anywhere else. You can fall in love with another place. Promise me you’ll think about it.”

  I ease my hand away. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

  We continue eating, making small talk about him being back at work. I’m tempted to ask about the missing women, see if he might know something, but that would be dragging us back into it, and I told Hunter I want out.

  “Why don’t you give little man his bath, and I’ll clean up?” Paul suggests.

  I nod and get Wes’s baby bath ready. Paul turns on some music and starts clearing the supper dishes. I hum along to the songs while I wash Wes and get his pajamas on. He’s already halfway asleep when I put him in the bassinet. A bath always wears him out.

  “You know, the two of you mean everything to me,” Paul says, coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  He spins me around to face him, and we start dancing, my body firmly against his. His erection presses into my stomach, and my body starts to respond. This is how I move on. Get back to normal. Leave the club to its own business.

  I unbutton Paul’s shirt and push it over his shoulders, bending down to kiss his chest. Hunter creeps into my mind, but I push him away. I can’t be with him. Can’t choose him. Like Skylar and Peppermint said, I’m a chicken shit.

  “I was wondering when you’d come back to me,” he says, then picks me up.

  I giggle when he stumbles over one of Wes’s toys on his way to our bedroom. He takes his time stripping me of my clothes, and I do the same with him, each of kissing the exposed skin. I lie back on the bed, and he crawls over me, settling between my legs. Reaching up, he tweaks one of my nipples between his fingers, his tongue flicking out to lick it.

  I love Paul. My own words echo in my head. And your pussy loves me.

  I try to squeeze my legs together, my attempt to stop Paul. I can’t go through with it. We shouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t be here with him. This is wrong.

  “It’s okay, Jane,” he murmurs and pushes my legs farther apart before thrusting inside me. I cry out at the unwanted intrusion, but he doesn�
�t stop. The actions are so unlike him, unlike the man I know.

  He grunts with his movements and says, “I forgive you. I forgive you for fucking that piece of shit.”


  I lay on the floor beside Wes while he does his damnedest to keep his head up and on a swivel. This kid is interested in every fucking thing. Little nosy fucker.

  “I almost missed out on you,” I say. “Fate had other plans though, huh? You would’ve grown up thinking Paul was your dad. Thank God for fate because I’ll tell you this, your dad is a badass and you’re going to be exactly like me.”

  He cracks a smile and tries to reach for me. I scoot over, and he touches my nose, softly cooing.

  “Those eyes, man, they’re going to drive the girls crazy. You can have a bit of fun for a while, don’t settle down too quickly, but me and your mom will not be raising kids for you, so always use protection. Jesus, I’m having the sex talk with you early, aren’t I?”

  Drool dribbles from his mouth, and he shoves his fingers in, getting them soaking wet before slathering my face.

  “Your mom is going to have a time with you. You’re going to be such a hellion. Always in trouble. I’ll have your back, though. As long as you aren’t being too much of a hellion. I will promise you this, I will always, and I mean fucking always protect you. Your mom too.”

  “Aw, there’s my sweet nephew,” Skylar says, walking over to us. She sits down on the floor and picks Wes up, snuggling him to her.

  “Just cut right in on my father-son bonding time,” I joke.

  “I need aunt-nephew bonding time,” she teases. “You can have uncle-niece bonding time.”

  I get up and go get Maisy out of her carrier. She shrieks in delight as I kiss her cheek, letting my five o’clock shadow rub against her.

  “You ready to get your stitches out?”

  “Hell yes,” I say, laying Maisy down on the blanket.

  Skylar puts Wes beside her and pulls a suture removal kit from her pocket. We walk over to the bar, and I hoist myself up, wincing.


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