Loving My Best Friend's Dad : An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Loving My Best Friend's Dad : An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 4

by Lila Younger

  I know that on the outside, nothing’s changed, but inside is a whole different story. I feel like something’s unlocked inside of me, I’ve finally crossed a threshold or something. The fact that my panties are all slippery and slick with Nate’s cum doesn’t help. With every step I feel a little trickle, a not so subtle reminder of how he took me completely, transformed me, and released me. Different, yes, but not a bad different. I just feel alive almost, ready to explore more, experience more, have some fun and revel in this new feeling. And for that I have to thank Nate.

  “Maybe Renee was onto something after all,” I murmur, a smile on my lips.

  Renee! I completely forgot about her. I open up my clutch and pull out my phone again, in case I somehow missed her messages. I texted her when I left, and she replied, but there’s been nothing since then. I hope she’s okay. Maybe I shouldn’t have left her like that. But there’s a second message from her, saying that she’ll meet me back at the hotel, she had a great night and she can’t wait to tell me. Just our usual weekend routine. Most of the time it’s over brunch, her with a hangover from hell, while I’ve got dark circles from another late night of studying. Well, I might have quite the story for her too this time. That’s going to be an interesting change of pace for sure.

  I finally catch sight of the hotel, and I slip through, the doorman silently opening the door with a perfectly neutral face. I think he must have been trained for that, because I’m sure most people would be raising their eyes at me. Or maybe I’m just naive and far too innocent still? I rush towards the elevators and thankfully there’s nobody there. It’s very early after all, and most guests are probably enjoying sleeping in, like I probably would be if I hadn’t met Nick last night. A little part of me wonders if I go back to that club, Atlantica, would I see Nate again? But I push that thought from my head. It’s better this way. It was an amazing evening, and I’ll never forget it, but there wasn’t any future there, and imagining there was is silly. I mean, Nate might not even be his real name! I certainly didn’t give him mine, although Leah at least comes from the last part of my name.

  The first thing I do when I get back to our suite is call out Renee’s name, but she’s not there. That’s fine by me. I could use some time to unwind a little bit myself. I order up some breakfast ($30 for waffles?! Is it made from gold dust or something??), take kick off my heels, and pull off my dress and panties. I hold the little thong in my hand, and then I bring it to my nose and pause. I probably shouldn’t do it, but then I can’t help it. I just want a little more of Nate, so I lick up the pearly, salty cum. The taste unlocks a surge of desire in me, my pussy tightening with lust.

  It’s too bad that I couldn’t have stayed just a little longer. But even though I’m inexperienced, I’ve listened to Renee more than once about how hookups work, and it’s just so much easier if I slip away at night. Because that’s all it was. It was a hookup. There wasn’t going to be breakfast waiting the next morning, and cuddles or whatever else. I think it’s a bit silly, but I don’t make the rules. So I slipped back into my clothes and out of that beautiful apartment and made my way back. The thought of turning back to the old me, the goody-goody student, suddenly held a lot less appeal though. No, that was definitely the last thing that I wanted. But what did I want? That I’m not so sure about.

  I walk into the gorgeous glass shower that we’ve got, turn it to hot, and step in. It’s got some serious water pressure, which feels fantastic between my shoulders. And it’s instantly hot too, the steam quickly fogging up the mirrors. Talk about luxury. Back in our dorms we were lucky if we got something that could even be called warm since there were so many students who showered in the morning. Not to mention the fact that I had to cart all my stuff into a tiny little stall three feet by three feet and wear flipflops at all times. Definitely not half as wonderfully relaxing as here.

  After about twenty minutes, far longer than I’ve ever spent in a shower, I turn off the spigot and step out. They have soft, fluffy bathrobes and I wrap myself in one. It’s like a white cloud.

  “I should get myself one of these for home,” I think aloud. I comb out my hair, tie it into a loose braid, and hurry to the door. The breakfast I ordered earlier is here, and it smells delicious. The waiter unveils it with a flourish and backs out of the room, and I sit on the couch to enjoy my food. It tastes divine, although not thirty dollars a plate divine, but it is piled high with this luxuriously indulgent vanilla cream that I really want the recipe for. Sex must make me ravenous, because I demolish my plate in just a few minutes. I’m mopping up the last bit of berry and cream with my waffle when Renee bursts in through the door.

  “Em!” she says breathlessly. “I have amazing news!”

  She plops down on the couch and pours herself a cup of coffee. I figured she’d want some of that when she comes back.

  “I met someone!”

  “Well I figured that much,” I tell her. “What’s his name?”

  “Sebastian,” she says dreamily. “Isn’t that just such a cool name?”

  “It is. So you met him last night? Was that who you were dancing with when I left?”

  Renee dumps in heaping spoonfuls of sugar in her coffee as she answers.

  “No, that was some other guy. He was okay, but he was too short. I like my guys tall, you know, at least a few inches when I’m in heels. Sebastian came later. I was almost about to fall into the pool when he rescued me. He has the most spectacular biceps!” She takes a sip of her coffee and sighs happily. “He works out a lot I think.”

  “That’s fantastic Renee!” I pour a cup of coffee or myself too, curling up on the sofa and getting comfortable.

  “Isn’t it? And it’s not only his biceps that are huge, if you know what I mean. The guy’s hung, and he knows just how to use it. I mean, really use it. Ugh, I’ve forgotten what it’s like to get laid good.”

  Renee prattles on more about her new guy, showing me pictures on her phone, and she’s so happy that I don’t want to interrupt. After a while though, she pauses.

  “Oh my god,” she says, eyes widening. “I’ve completely forgotten to ask you about your news! Tell me what happened after you left!”

  “I met someone too,” I tell her shyly. She shrieks and claps. “He’s… well, he was pretty amazing too.”

  I slowly tell her the details, but for some reason I feel like I should leave out the fact that he’s way, way older than me. I think Renee wouldn’t approve, and I don’t want her to put a damper on how I feel.

  “Did he…?”

  “He did,” I say with a blush. “I’m no longer a virgin!”

  “That’s fantastic! Oh I’m so glad to hear that it was with someone amazing,” she says. “The first time should be special you know? You should remember back on it fondly, even if the guy you pick isn’t one you marry or whatever.”

  “Believe me, I will,” I tell her.

  “Are you going to see him again?” she asks. “I mean, it seems like there were some sparks.”

  “I… don’t think so.” She frowns, and I hurry to explain. “Don’t worry, it’s not like he said no or anything. But I figure it’s never going to work. We’re only here for a week, and we’re… we don’t have a lot of things in common. I think we want different things in life.”

  Renee looks completely perplexed.

  “I don’t get it. I thought you said you guys basically locked lips and bodies and that’s about it. Don’t tell me you were talking about your plans and future goals and such on a hookup?”

  “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “I definitely didn’t. I’m not that intense. It’s just… I could tell from his place.”

  And that was sort of true. I mean, the guy was a bachelor for sure. There wasn’t a single sign of a woman in his bathroom (yes I checked), nor the rest of his house from what I could tell. It was all wood and manly leather and dark tones. And then there was the baby picture in the silver frame beside his bed. The little girl was adorable, with blue eyes l
ike her daddy. I double checked, and there’s no ring, which meant divorce. And that’s when I realized that it couldn’t be more than just a one night stand. I love kids and babies, but I’m a student. From the looks of things, Nate’s a highly successful businessman at least a decade older than I am with his own family. Even if we were physically compatible, we wouldn’t be emotionally.

  Nope, it’s best to just leave things on a high note: a fantastic, amazing one night stand that’s opened my eyes to a new way of living. End of story.

  “Oh Em,” Renee says. “Don’t give up so quickly! I mean, I just met Sebastian, and I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I have a feeling it could be amazing. So I’m just going to see where it leads. Maybe you should do the same.”

  “We’ll see. I didn’t give him my number or anything, so it’s not like I’d be able to find him again.”

  She falls back on the couch, but there’s a smile tugging her lips.

  “Well, I guess we’ll have to leave it up to fate huh?” she says. “If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. I’m sure of it.”

  “I guess we will,” I tell her. “Anyways, let’s not worry about this right now. It’s already eleven and we have to checkout soon.”

  “Good point,” she says, hopping off the sofa. “I better get in the shower quick. Can’t be looking like this to see my dad.”

  I get up too. I definitely want to blow dry my hair at least, and tidy up a little. I’ve gone to sleepovers when I was little, but this is the first time I’ve really stayed at someone’s place for any length of time. And according to Renee, her father’s side of the family is wealthy and upper class. I definitely want to make a good impression.

  Once I’m back in my room, I shake out my dark curls. I dry my hair, and it’s got a soft wave to it from my braid, just enough to keep myself from looking plain. I pull on a dark green sweater, one that brings out the flecks of gold in my own eyes, and slip on a pair of dark pants. It looks nice to me, and I hope it’ll be good enough. Because of my curves, I have to work extra hard to look put together instead of provocative and clothes have a tendency to tighten around my breasts and butt. Finally, I fold up the robe, pack up all my stuff into my bag again, and check out with Renee.

  She tells me that her dad’s place isn’t that far away, and we start driving down the streets. There’s a bit of traffic, but that doesn’t matter. I’m really enjoying people watching. It’s surprising, actually, how much I’m drawn to the city. It feels so vibrant, just like I’m feeling this morning. I even wonder if maybe I should come here for med school. I had always thought that New York City would be intimidating, an idea that comes from my parents, both of whom have never left our small town. Now, I’m not so sure.

  My eyes catch on a bright flash of green and I sit up and crane my head back. Was that the dinosaur I saw earlier? It totally was. And then suddenly, there’s the sign from earlier for that robot store. My heart beats faster, my body suddenly on high alert. We were heading back towards Nate, I realize. I pull out my phone and check. Yep, it’s definitely the way. I’m irrationally pleased at the thought. If Renee lives close, then maybe I’d bump into him grabbing coffee in the morning? My mind plays over the scenario, thinking about how we’d go from the cafe to the bed. Would I want it? The burning heat from my core tells me yes! Yes I would!

  “Here we are,” Renee says as she steers around the corner and Nate’s building comes into sight. “The garage entrance is just over here.”

  My heart is beating double time now.

  “Wait. Here?” I ask.

  “Yeah,” she replies. “Why?”

  “Nothing,” I say quickly. “I just thought it’d take longer.”

  “Me too. It usually does. I don’t know why it’s not all backed up today.” She shrugs as she drives to her spot in the underground parking. “Lucky us though huh?”

  “Lucky us,” I say faintly.

  Suddenly my fantasy of bumping into Nate jumped from impossible to likely, and while my body’s cheering over that fact, my brain’s a bit more hesitant. I have no clue what I’m going to do if I do see him. What if we don’t have that same chemistry again? What if Renee sees us and disapproves? More importantly, how am I going to finesse another night with the man when I’ve flirted maybe a handful of times in my life? I’d probably just make things incredibly awkward. Suddenly, studying in my room became a lot more appealing.

  We pull out our stuff, and I have to help Renee with one of her suitcases. The parking garage has two elevators, and she goes straight to the one on the left.

  “This is for the penthouse,” she explains.

  Did she say penthouses? I head is spinning. I mean, it can’t be right? It can’t be. Surely there’s more than one of those in a building. I try and think back, and I definitely remember going straight down to the lobby when I left.

  “How many penthouses are there?” I ask, still not willing to believe it.

  “One,” Renee says, completely oblivious to my panic. “Why?”

  “No reason,” I say faintly.

  Could it be? Could Nate be… Renee’s father? I try to think back to our entire relationship. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her father before, though there was that time he picked her up from school. I think I was sick in bed that day, and I couldn’t remember anything past burrowing into my blankets. Her father must have stayed just beyond sight. Fear seizes me. What if Renee finds out? She’s my best friend, and I don’t want to lose her. Please, please, please don’t let Nate be her father, I think furiously as we ascend to the top floor. Please let it be anyone else! Please!

  The doors slowly open, and my heart stops.


  There’s no doubt about it. Despite the fact that Leah/Emilia? Is covered up, and she’s taken off the clubbing makeup for something understated and fresh, it’s the same woman. Those same kissable lips, that taste sweeter than honey. Those same voluptuous curves I explored all night. I shake my head, pushing those thoughts away. I can’t have Renee figuring this out. I push down my surprise, keep my face completely neutral as my daughter runs forward for a hug.

  “Hi dad!” she says happily to me. “That smells delicious!”

  “It’s your favorite, shrimp scampi,” I tell her, my eyes not leaving Leah/Emilia’s. She’s blushing hard, her eyes looking every which way but at me.

  I’m thinking back on our conversation, or honestly, lack thereof. She was in a club, so at least she’s 21, but that didn’t make things much better. I was too damn turned on by the fact that I was with a virgin to care. But a bigger problem than age, and there’s a pretty big difference in ours, is the fact that she’s my daughter’s best friend. I don’t even want to think about what Renee would do if she found out about us. So even though she looks like an angel on my doorstep and my wish for another romp could come true, I know that we can’t be doing a thing.

  “Oh yum,” Renee says as she runs into the kitchen, leaving the two of us together. “I’m starving.”

  Thank god my daughter is too self-centered to notice anything more. I look at Leah, and I’m glad to see that she’s as affected as I am by our sudden re-acquaintance. It’s much easier to read the emotions on her face though. I can tell that she’s trying to pull it together, but the cute flush across her face tells me that she’s not doing a good job of it. I step closer towards her, almost brushing up against her as I breathe in her scent.

  “Let me help you with your bags,” I tell her.

  “Thanks,” she says, lips parted sexily. I turn and grab Renee’s as well and head towards the bedrooms. The rooms are laid out such that Renee’s is first off the hallway, while the master bedroom and the room Leah will be staying is at the end. I drop off Renee’s heavy luggage and keep walking.

  “You’re in this one,” I tell her, opening the door opposite to my room. “Renee said you liked to study, so I figured you might want a desk in your room.”

  I can see her swallow, her body heating up in my presenc
e. I’m fucking tempted to take a step closer, to cover those lips with mine, but even though my daughter wouldn’t see, I can’t trust myself not to boil over. To want to take more. There’s already so much sexual tension, so much heat between us I’m surprised our clothes aren’t burning off. As if reading my mind, Leah’s eyes flicker over to the double doors.

  “That’s my room,” I say, my voice deeper than usual.

  “Oh,” she says softly.

  I’m trying to remind myself why I shouldn’t be touching her skin, the softest thing I’d ever touched. I honestly can’t remember.

  “So your name isn’t Leah, is it?” I ask her.

  “It’s a nickname. I-I wasn’t sure if I should use my name.”

  “You trusted me enough to come home with me, but not enough to tell me your name?” I ask wryly.

  She gives an embarrassed smile.

  “Kind of silly huh?” she says. “I’m sorry. You should probably call me Emilia.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I tell her. “I didn’t expect to run into you again either. I’d like to talk more, but we better head back before Renee comes to find us.”

  I walk towards the kitchen again, using all of my willpower to keep my composure. Renee’s already dished everything out for us, and opened a bottle of white wine too. I sit down at the head of the table. Renee takes the right, and Emilia sits down next to her, as if putting some distance between us.

  “Oh right,” Renee says, smacking her head. “Dad, this is Emilia from school. Em, this is my dad.”

  “Call me Nate,” I say evenly, my eyes on Emilia as I take a drink. “And I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  “So am I,” she says faintly.

  Renee digs into the pasta, oblivious to the sparks arcing between us. Because there are sparks. Just seeing her again has brought it all to the forefront again, and it’s a good thing there’s a table hiding the erection I have for Emilia.

  “So are you going to be really busy again this time dad?” she asks.


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