Loving My Best Friend's Dad : An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Loving My Best Friend's Dad : An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 5

by Lila Younger

  “I’ll have to see. There’s a few developments coming out of Asia I have to keep an eye on.”

  “That’s fine,” she says. “Em and I have lots planned, don’t we?”

  “Yes, and I’ve got a lot of schoolwork I have to do,” she says, her eyes darting towards me. I give her an easy grin. I’m not sure if she’s telling me or herself she’ll be too busy.

  “Renee tells me you want to be a doctor. Have you thought about what you would specialize in?”

  She looks up, surprised that I know that about her, but I am genuinely curious. After all, she’s my daughter’s best friend. I would be a terrible father if I didn’t know what sorts she’s hanging out with.

  “Cardiology,” she says. “I haven’t decided whether I would be in surgery or not.”

  “Em’s grandma has a bad heart,” Renee explains. “The doctors said there’s nothing that can be done for her, but Em wants to change that.”

  She flushes.

  “It’s not that I think I can be cure her just by going to medical school,” she hurries to say. “But if I study hard enough, maybe I could come up with something that might help others not lose their grandmothers one day.”

  I’m surprised by the fact that she’s so young, and yet she has such noble aspirations. She’s mature beyond her years, and maybe that’s why I was drawn to her.

  “I think it’s a fantastic goal,” I tell her. “Maybe you can rub some of that off on Renee.”

  “No way dad,” she says with a laugh. “Have you seen my grades? I’m never getting into medical school.”

  Renee pours more white wine into her glass.

  “Doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference,” Emilia says solemnly. “I think you have a good heart, and you can make a difference with just that.”

  Renee turns pink, but I can see that her friend’s words have an impact. Maybe I’ve been too hard on my own daughter, saddling her with my low expectations and assumptions on what she does. Hard discipline worked for me, but it might not for my daughter. I’m surprised by such an epiphany, and it’s thanks to Emilia.

  “She’s right,” I tell my daughter. “I don’t see why you need straight A’s for everything. There’s plenty of people who go out there and succeed. It just takes determination and hard work.”

  The surprise and gratefulness on my daughter’s face tells me I’m on the right track.

  “Well, I think we’re going to have some fun this week before we crack open the books,” Renee says at last. “If it’s okay with you dad, I wanted to take Em down Fifth Avenue this afternoon.”

  “Of course,” I tell her. “What trip to New York City wouldn’t be complete without visiting one of the best shopping places on earth?”

  “Thanks dad,” she said with a grin.

  Renee starts chatting about other things in school, but I’m only half listening. The rest of me is focused on Emilia. Her hair’s straight today, softly feathering around her face, making her features look soft and open. In the bright light of day, I usually find that whatever intoxicating sensuality that brought me to a woman evaporates, but I’m even more attracted to Emilia than ever. The strength of my attraction to her overwhelms me, and I have to excuse myself from the dinner on the pretense of business.

  But if I had to be honest, the distance isn’t going to help me get over her. Not when I didn’t want to.


  We’re in a beautiful, expensive department store on Fifth Avenue. The inside is gorgeous, with a beautiful spring bloom motif. It looks like a hundred live trees have been brought in, coiling around the columns of the store and reaching high into the sky. Birds, flowers and fruit are weaved into the branches, all of it looking so real I’m surprised I don’t hear any chirping. As soon as we walked through, a personal shopper came to greet us, doing the whole European double kiss thing with Renee. She introduces herself as Laura, Renee’s personal shopper, and we head up to the private suites for tea and cookies. It’s amazing how Renee’s getting treated like a princess here. I’ve always known we’ve come from different backgrounds, but it’s not until now that I truly see the difference.

  I thought that we would browse the racks, pick out the clothes we like, but we do no such thing. Instead we head to the sleek Personal Shopping quarters of the store. It’s all jazzy piano music, soft lights, and plush chairs, and I can totally see why Renee loves coming here. We walk across the white floor, heels clicking in the airy space. There’s a large window letting in light, and a private room the size of our dorm where Renee can try on her dresses in comfort. Everything is already in her size I guess, because I don’t see any extras or anything. Laura’s also got a selection of purses and heels she’s pulled from the sales floor for Renee to inspect too. Talk about service!

  “And this, and this, not this, and this…”

  Renee picks up a bright fuchsia dress and holds it up to herself in the mirror.

  “What do you think?”

  “Sure,” I tell her. “Give it a go.”

  She nods and Laura’s assistant places it on a rolling rack, wheeling it into the changing room.

  “So what brings you to us today?” Laura asks as she bustles around. Her assistants have been sent to fetch us more tea and pick up a few date dresses that Renee’s in the mood to buy today as well.

  “Oh, I’m just visiting. I’m Renee’s roommate and best friend at college,” I tell her. “It’s my first time in New York.”

  “And how are you liking it here?” she asks. “Is it what you expected it to be?”

  Not at all, I think to myself. I definitely didn’t intend to sleep with my best friend’s father!

  “I’m definitely getting lots of new experiences,” I say at last, which is true at least. “I think it’s going to be a very interesting week.”

  Renee steps out, and we both turn our focus on her. She’s in a gorgeous, ruffled, color blocked dress that shows off her mile long legs. She turns in front of the mirror, head tilted to the side.

  “What do you think?” she asks.

  “I think you look amazing,” I tell her.

  Laura holds up a pair of heels with black studs and a red sole.

  “These would go perfectly with them,” she says. “Adds an edge to the ruffles.”

  “Ooooo,” Renee says, her eyes lighting up. “I love them!”

  She steps off to try on another dress, but her phone buzzes and she stops to look at her phone. A moment later she looks up.

  “Hey,” she says hesitantly. “I know we were going to go to the Statue of Liberty tomorrow, but Sebastian says he’d like to see me again. Would that be okay?”

  “Of course,” I tell her quickly. “I need to catch up on some readings anyways.”

  “Okay,” she says with relief. She quickly texts him, and seeing how excited she is, I know I made the right decision. I mean, it’s not like anything’s going to happen, right? Her dad’s going to be working all day, so it’s not like I’d be seeing him or anything. Right?

  The next hour goes by in a blur as Renee tries on more and more things. Dresses, jackets, jeans, shirts, everything I could imagine. No wonder Renee comes back with a completely new wardrobe every time she goes to New York. Laura’s very good at her job, suggesting just the right accessories to go with the outfits, never pushing too hard, but always saying the right stuff. I’m really impressed actually by how well she does her job. By the time she’s finished, I think Renee’s spent over $10,000 dollars, all of which gets whisked away to the valet so we don’t have to deal with things like holding onto bags. Once we say goodbye to Laura, we head up to the store’s cafe to sit down and relax with a cup of coffee.

  “So tell me, have you any more thoughts about your mystery guy? Anything you might remember about him so we can figure him out?” Renee asks.

  I think she’s feeling guilty still about leaving for Sebastian, but honestly I don’t mind. I’m just happy that at least one of us is seeing something come out of it. I would
never begrudge my best friend some happiness. And I jealous? A little, but that’s not Renee’s fault.

  “No,” I tell her, hating the fact that I have to lie. “He was just a sexy man in a suit. Loads of them in New York.”

  “You’re right,” Renee says. “But I still wish that you’d left your number or something. I mean, it sounded like you two caught on like a house on fire. It just seems sort of a shame that it’s all over before you guys could really begin.”

  Her words hit home, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore in case I’d be tempted to spill the beans. I know that it wouldn’t solve anything if I did, just complicate things further, and the temporary relief of telling my best friend the truth would be overtaken by the lost friendship. Not to mention the fact that Renee might never forgive her dad. I would be devastated if I ruined that relationship somehow too. In the short time we were at the apartment, I could tell he loves her for sure.

  “Sometimes that’s just how it is,” I say as lightly as I can. “I mean, that’s sort of the definition of a hook up. I think you and Sebastian are the exception here.”

  Renee lights up again at the mention of Sebastian and she starts to tell me about where they’re going on there date, our conversation steering back into safer waters. Hopefully this will be the last she mentions about her dad, because I don’t think I can take much more. I’ve always been a terrible liar, and Renee’s so good at seeing through me. The only reason she hasn’t is because she’s so wrapped up in her new guy. I wish I could be too.


  I’m tossing and turning, but it’s not because of the bed. No, the bed is perfect, with lots of poufy pillows and the silkiest sheets ever. The reason I can’t sleep is because all I can think about is Nate probably in the next room, the room where he took my virginity. My memory is doing a good job of reminding me, the image of him over me, powerful, rugged, and sexy, the feel of our bodies coming together, the scent of us mingled in the air as I gasp for breath.

  God, why had this been allowed to happen? It was all supposed to be just a one night stand. Tons of people have them every year, and go their own merry way. Why couldn’t it have been that way for me too? Instead, not only do I run into Nate again, but I’m here with him for a whole week. I don’t know how I’m supposed to last a night after the pleasures he gave me last time, let alone a night. I could feel myself spinning out of control, and I didn’t like it. I was used to being predictable, to knowing just how I feel and what to do. This need for him is driving me crazy. How Renee didn’t catch on that there was something going on at lunch is beyond me.

  “It’s no use,” I say, my eyes snapping open. I throw off the covers. “I’m never going to be able to sleep at this rate.”

  I’m warm all over, every cell in my body aware of Nate probably only a few feet away from me. Ugh. I can’t believe I’m so hung up on this one night stand, even if he is devastatingly handsome.

  “He’s also your best friend’s dad,” I mutter as I get out of bed. “That should mean something to you.”

  Unfortunately, instead of getting disgusted, the forbidden nature of it was kind of making me want him more. What kind of friend am I?! I try and clear my thoughts. Maybe what I needed was a cool glass of water. I open the door and pad out into the apartment. It’s late, almost midnight, and Renee had gone to sleep already. I figure that her dad has too, but when I step out of the hallway, I see him on the couch, reading something on his iPad.

  “Oh, hi,” I say awkwardly.

  “Emilia,” he says. “You’re up late.”

  He’s changed into a t-shirt, one that showed off his tanned arms, and plaid pj pants that do nothing to hide the outline of his cock against his thigh. My cheeks burn, and I look away, but not before seeing his amused grin. I hurry to the kitchen. Normally I’d be admiring the stainless steel appliances and beautiful backsplash, but right now I’m not taking in any of it. I can’t believe he caught me checking him out. I’m going to beat a hasty retreat, but I didn’t account for not knowing where anything is.

  “What are you looking for?” Nate’s sexy voice asks, and I jump out of my skin.

  “Just a glass,” I tell him, trying to feign casualness.

  Oh who am I kidding? There’s no way he doesn’t know I have the hots for him. My nipples are already hard beneath my t-shirt, begging to be sucked.

  He leans over me and opens a cabinet, and there they are. He grabs one and hands it to me. For a moment our hands touch, and then I pull away, skin almost burning from contact.

  “Thanks,” I manage to say.

  “Having trouble sleeping?” he asks, leaning against the granite island.

  “Just a little. The lights,” I explain lamely.

  “We have blackout shutters,” he says. “There should be a remote in the basket.”

  “Oh. Right. Thanks,” I say.

  I should go, head back to my room like a good girl and forget about Nate. Instead, I linger, drinking my water. This is a bad call, I think to myself. But for once I’m not listening. My eyes kept flicking over, stealing furtive glances at him, that tall virile frame, those muscles, a body like an athlete even though he’s as old as my father. It’s amazing really, and no wonder I completely fell for him even though he’s way older than me. The only tell was a bit of wrinkle around the eye, but I just chalked it up to laugh lines. Jeez, even I couldn’t keep up with him. I can feel my cheeks burning as I think back to how many times we went at it, trying to make some sense of it all. I shouldn’t be involved with him, shouldn’t want him, and yet, the tingling in my pussy is undeniable. The way my body, my eyes are drawn to Nate by magnetic force is impossible to stop.

  I put down my glass in the sink. I should go. I summon my strength, but when I turn around, I’m backed against the counter.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something I’ve been thinking about all day,” he says, tilting my chin up toward him.

  “Wait,” I stammer, licking my dry lips.

  He pauses.

  “We-we shouldn’t,” I say, sounding a lot feebler than I should have.

  “Are you dating?” he inquires.

  The question catches me off guard.


  “Neither am I. And I can tell,” he says, his eyes taking me in, “that you want this as much as I do.”

  I swallow hard, my body betraying me. I’m reacting to his dominance, and he can tell.

  “But this isn’t…”

  Why was I saying no anyways? I mean, clearly I want the man. I’d demonstrated it plenty of times last night, when I let him take me over and over. I’m still wanting him, my body heating up in his presence, my pussy dampening, my nipples like pebbles beneath the flimsy shirt I wore to bed. He was so huge, so fulfilling, and able to make me come a million times. What’s wrong with us satisfying ourselves a few more times before we parted ways? We’re going to be here in the same home for a week, so it was inevitable.

  “It has to be a secret,” I whisper, the last of my defenses falling to his presence. He pushes me harder against the counter, his erection pressing against me. I hear a soft groan, telling me just how badly he wants this too. Good, I think with whatever’s left of my brain. At least we’re even there.

  “Just for this week,” he says, his voice hoarse.

  Something clicks into place as Nate kisses me, our lips parting for each other. I should be fending him off, I should be saying no, but I find I can’t. It just feels so right to be in his arms, to be touching him again. I taste him again, my tongue grazing his lip before our tongues come together. His body is hard and strong, my hands roaming all over, desperate to feel him against me again. I’m trembling in his arms, I want him so much.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothing,” I whisper. “Nothing’s wrong now.”

  He kisses me again, his lips stirring those feelings of arousal to life in my core again. I want to feel him, all of him, against me. His cock grinds in
to my belly, practically pushing us apart it’s so hard.

  “Come on,” he says. “Not here.”

  We hurry past Renee’s door and down the hallway to his bedroom. He closes the door carefully, then his hands are running through my hair, over my shoulders, my breasts, claiming me again for himself, making it clear that all of me is his. My pussy quivers, gushing with cream in anticipation of having Nate again. I could feel the heat coming off his body, his lust for me. I’m pushed back onto the bed and he dives after me, pinning me down onto his soft mattress. There’s new sheets, I notice.

  “I’ve been dreaming about this all day,” he says, his voice breaking with arousal.

  “Me too,” I tell him.

  Nate throws off his t-shirt, revealing tanned muscles that I can’t help but run my hands over. He tugs off my shirt, and then my shorts too, and I’m completely naked in his bed again. His tongue circles my nipples, drawing them into hard points. I moan softly, pushing my breasts up to his mouth. His hand tugs at my other nipple, sending pleasure crisscrossing over me. His mouth is magical. It has to be, I think as he switches over. My breasts feel full and heavy, my aching peaks tingling under his touch. My cunt tightens with need, sending cream splashing onto the bed again. I’m so far gone, so wrapped up in bliss that I don’t even care.

  “I have to taste you again baby,” he growls. “Good as I want you to feel, I have to taste you again.”

  “Yes,” I tell him, my hands curling in the comforter. “Yes.”

  Nate’s mouth moves down, his tongue leaving patterns across my hot skin. My pussy is pink and swollen, the shade deepening as my folds are spread apart with his broad fingers. He leans down, tongue sweeping up and down, sucking gently on my clit, the tiny ball of nerves practically pulsating with need. His hot mouth is like velvet against my cunt, and I’m panting as he traces over every inch of me, slow and fast, hard and soft. I close my eyes, the fiery heat rising inside of me, that delicious feeling of bliss triggered by Nate’s mouth.

  I let him take control, reveling in the wonderful feeling of letting Nate do whatever he wants to me. My body screams for release, his fingers sliding in deep inside of me, preparing me for him. Faster and faster, my desire building up like a spiral until finally it explodes from inside of me in every direction, flooding me with ecstasy. My pussy clenches around his digits, my hips bucking into his face as I release a torrent of my cream. I can feel his tongue scooping it out of my pussy, grazing my clit and sending shudders through me.


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